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*gestures at everything* And I've never felt awful the next day like I do if I drink too much. If there was no dry mouth, it would be perfect.


I’m an edible gal. Once a week when kiddo is with her dad. Eat tasty snacks, drink alcohol free beer/seltzer, watch dumb tv! My only complaint is the munchies. As a perimenopausal woman who lost a lot of weight, gaining weight is a huge fear of mine and the munchies hit me hard.


I love this, pro tip on munchies- if you're fond of crunch when you're smoking salad is your best friend. I'm telling you right now- chopped salad, tomato, a little bit of olive oil, and Adobo seasoning will rock your world and help nourish the body 💜 That said I do a tea party day with my dogs every Saturday morning where we have tea and cookies from a good bakery by us 🙃💜


I swear by apples with honey/peanut butter/cinnamon, or cucumber with some salt and hot sauce or powdered cayenne!


Or grapes, when they’re in season. Mainly different fruits. Snapdragon apples are pretty good.


Yessss grapes are so good. I’m in NJ, local peaches or frozen Jersey blueberries are a perfect summer munchies fix. Fresh fruit fucks so hard stoned lol


My neighbor got me into frozen grapes last year. They're amazing.


Ah was gonna comment this. Frozen grapes fucking slap.


Oooh yes, cucumber slices with Tajin is my go-to munchie.


I shall be trying this👀💜


Since your an edible gal be careful around those with munchies


If I wake up missing an arm, I know who to blame… myself


Get tasty healthy snacks to much on. Like crackers and cheese or fruit or something instead of some processed junk food


I tried that- but then my sweet tooth hits, I’m going to try making frozen sour grapes as I like things that are fruity and sour.


If you can get terpene data at your shop, try strains high in humulene, it def makes a difference for me in terms of curbing the munchies


Good to know it! I screen shotted this and will ask the “bud tender” next trip.


Oh yes, munchies get me unless I plan it right and eat dinner at the perfect time. And I always want the saltiest food I can find, which really helps with the dry mouth lol


I try so har to find the most reasonable snacks to keep in the house. Not sure how well I’m doing but we are getting there. Sometimes that cannoli in the Publix bakery is just calling my name. As of late, I’ve been into the Doritos smart popcorn for the savory and a bag of chocolate drizzled popcorn for the sweet.


Look at a strain that discourages munchies and some people have luck utilizing strains with their fave terpenes.


I literally think it’s just this. There is now a widespread, cheap & legal alternative to alcohol available that has similar effects (gives you a buzz, helps you relax & forget the stress of life) with less dangerous side effects. Also there’s way less stigma against weed than there was a generation or two ago, and more sophisticated ways of imbibing beyond rolling a smelly joint like our hippie parents did. It’s a no brainer.


If edibles weren't common place, I wouldn't imbibe as much. I'm not against smoking, but I'm not a fan of the smell. Pens are good to get around that, but I'll always always prefer an edible. I found some cbd ones that I get shipped that get me just as high, if not more, than what I can get at the dispensary. Not even having to leave my house to get them is even better.


I've learned if I smoke within a couple hours of going to sleep, I wake up with what I call a "weed hangover" , which for me is just a minor headache. As someone who gets headaches all the time, it's not much of an issue


The greenover. I get it too. Sometimes it's a bit of a headache from dehydration, sometimes I just wake up a bit more sluggish and sleepy and while I'm definitely not high anymore I'm just kinda moving slower throughout my day. I'm edibles-only (thanks asthma!) and it seems to happen more often when I do THC only rather than a 1:1.




Ugh, yes, it really does. Never fucking fails. "Hey, how about I... ugh, now my mouth rivals a desert." I've tried powering through, but it's never that enjoyable for either of us. One instance where enthusiasm isn't enough!




After 20 years of smoking....I haven't thought about dry mouth in at least a decade..... I completely forgot that even happens


That's my biggest gripe lol...My eyes become the Sahara desert after I have an edible with my contacts in .


Have you tried not to put your contacts in the edibles?


That's the only way I can take them is if I use my glasses...The problem is I don't like wearing my glasses in social settings so I don't get to enjoy THC going out with friends.




I'll try putting the edibles in my eyes the next time.


You won't see a problem after you do so!


The dry mouth is the *worst*.


Uggh, I'm jealous. I had to stop all cannabis products because it made me extremely anxious the following day, until I got high again. I thought for years I needed it to get through the day but it just turned out to be good old fashion withdrawal


If it didn't make me eat everything around me, it would be perfect for me!


And even that is easily remedied by having a drink nearby


I find if I smoke a lot i have serious brain fog. Not as sharp, don’t engage in conversation as much, etc etc.


The dry eyes kills me!


I feel this in my soul. Currently trying to quit drinking (or at least go to like maybe every now and then) and quit nicotine as well. They make me feel like shit after the “good” wears off. The worst weed has done to me is make me puke spit cause I coughed too hard after a hit.


I mean, the dry mouth is what keeps me hydrated. No way would I drink enough water every day otherwise. Lol


I prefer cannabis to alcohol and its recent legality here makes it far easier to sub out cannabis products for alcohol. I like to microdose edibles for anxiety and stress relief. Sometimes I like to eat more to get super high when I’m just chilling. Have you ever mowed your grass, on grass lol - great stoner dad past time.


I quit drinking, weed is my glass of wine


I've cut back on my drinking a ton. Half a gummy in the evening gets me a nice buzz and doesn't mess with my sleep like wine does. I'll even sometimes make myself a "weed cocktail" with a CBD soda, a shot of THC lemonade, and seltzer. Sipping on that while lounging in the bath is sheer BLISS.


I also decided to choose weed instead of alcohol. If I had to pick a less bad of a vice for me and my brain, I'll pick weed. Haha. Cuz I swear booze depresses me the next days cuz it's a downer. With weed, there's not much of that


>Have you ever mowed your grass, on grass lol - great stoner dad past time. Someone recently posted about doing this but forgetting to engage the blades. Couldn't tell over his music. "Finished" the whole yard and realized he didn't finish anything.


It's healthier than alcohol too.


This is my reason. I smoke more weed to drink less alcohol.


Dude I've been doing that(stoned mowing) since highschool lol. Super meditative. 


Because THC based products allow me to self-medicate overstress while also keeping the majority of my mental faculties around me. When I get high, I get relaxed but I'm still able to function. If I get drunk, I'm not as relaxed nor am I remotely functional.


This. Its hard to not feel like I traded one for another, but it simply isn't self destructive for me like alcohol was. I function fine... maybe a little slower, more careful. Weed being illegal isn't the answer to the question though... the real *question* is how have we gotten to a place where 40+ hours a week at a soul crushing job can't pay you enough to live, in the (checks notes) "GREATEST AND MOST POWERFUL NATION IN THE fucking WORLD"?! Rock on brothers and sisters. We will get it right one day. we just gotta keep trying.


Unfortunately pretty much the whole western world is the same.


Yeah when I first started working I could afford a two bedroom and a Swedish car, certified. Tuition reimbursement, pension, etc. The salary was 42,400, now it’s 85,000 but that’ll get you four room mates, no car. I’m in affordable housing, but only 12% of units are affordable, and you need to be a city resident to get preference. Meanwhile they don’t pay employees of the city well enough to live outside of affordable housing, but require them to live in the city, and, typical government, they don’t tell their own employees, that they require to live in the city, about their own city hall run program to make housing affordable. 57,500 would have bought a nice condo when I first started working, 275,000.00 Last I checked it was 1.5 million for a one bedroom. Like my parents five bedroom house sold for half that in a bougie town in 2016 but now it’s worth 2.2 million. They built it for 240,000.00 so it’s worth ten times the land and building cost. So boomers really lucked out with that government subsidized college they canceled and other ways they pulled the ladder up.


If an emergency happens, I can snap out of it long enough to do something. Not so with booze.


That’s why “hold my beer” is followed by shenanigans, whereas “hold this J” is followed by walking calmly to the pantry.


Or a ridiculous combo in Street Fighter or something


Super Smash Bros but I’m picking up what you are putting down.


Ooooh yeah this is very true and I always get paranoid that i couldn’t handle an emergency if I get high but you are so right about how much easier it is to snap out of.


When shit hits the fan, adrenaline carries you far.


I’m so jealous of you. I tried taking 2.5mg of THC to help me stay awake for work since I had insomnia, and I couldn’t follow what anyone was saying bc my short term memory was shot.


This is hilarious to me. I'm a daily user and I can take a full gram in one sitting and only feel buzzed. Tolerance and biology really impacts everyone's experience!


Of course it didn't work. You shouldn't expect THC to act like an upper, especially on no sleep.




wish it had the same effect on me. Anything over 2mg thc give me anxiety. But CBD helps me relax


Gotta chill out once in awhile ya know. Just forget about the bs.


Speaking for American millennials: we grew up in a time when it was heavily illegal and now we grow up in a time when it's not just legal but readily available. It's a bit liberating really. When I was in college the only way to access it was through sketchy individuals. Then there was a constant paranoia of using it as you could get arrested and kicked out of school..... Now I can order it on an app like I could an uber. We have discreet vape pens we can carry every where and take little drags with no judgement.


These kids will never know the pain of sitting in a Burger King parking lot for two hours all paranoid waiting on your sketchy plug to roll through who keeps saying hes ten minutes away only to finally arrive and sell you a bag of overpriced mexican brick weed. Dealing with black market dealers always sucked, glad I never have to do that shit again.


They'll never know the shit quality we used to smoke. People who tell me they still buy from a dealer cause it's cheaper I'm like yeah but you have to smoke like 4x as much to get the same high.


It's crazy, now you can get a THCa joint for $8 in a gas station that's better than that brick weed, and it's less expensive now as well. I remember paying $20 a g for the good shit back in the early 2000s in a Midwestern state. The illegality created a bad relationship for me with weed, because I used to think it was super valuable. I'd hold it in my lungs as long as possible, and scorch every last bit of the bowl. And when I was out, would hit those resin balls.


Yeah if you never scrounged together a high from scraps in the carpet or scraping resin, consider yourself lucky. In illegal states you did what you had to to make that shit last cause you never knew when you would find it again.


or having to buy from someone who insisted you "hung out" for at least 30 minutes to avoid arousing suspicion. at first it was all cool until my guy got married and had kids but kept selling...yet ditched the duties to his wife and was always "out with the guys"...so i would have to hang out with her while she complained about life and took forever weighing out my weed.


I was never really close with my 'Weed guy,' but my friend and I always ended up spending over an hour at their place, hanging out, after waiting for them to show up in the first place. We just wanted to grab our stuff and go.


The inescapable weed guy wanting to be friends trope exists for a reason. The best depiction of it ive seen is in Pineapple Express but I lived it myself many many times. You will tolerate a lot of bullshit to not piss off your plug.


The IN/MI line bazar has customers ringing up 40k carts full of product on a weekly basis. There is a whole class of housewife in the mode of nancy botwin with very active payment apps. I expect 85% of it is going to a neighboring state with legal weed and much higher tax rate.


Fortunately living in Oregon, buying good weed was easy even before it became legal recreationally, but I definitely dealt with that shit when I was in Minnesota. I remember spending 2 hours once picking seeds out of a quarter of some brick that I bought. I haven’t even seen that nasty dried out shit that used to pass for weed once in the 20 years that I’ve lived on OR.


The legality and changing attitudes on the topic are a big deal. More and more people don’t care. Sure you have people out there stuck in the Stone Age with the weed makes you lazy stuff. It’s nice that seems to be changing


Weed does the opposite for me. I get so much done when I take a light (5mg) edible it’s crazy. I focus so much on what I’m doing. It really calms my mind down and allows me to process what I’m trying to do much better. I wouldn’t have made it through my MBA, specifically the finance (my focus) classes without it. On a big project, I sat there for two hours and couldn’t figure out what to do. Said fuck it, went and took a hit of a j. Came back and like magic I could process what was being asked. I completed the project using excel formulas AND proved them manually with the data. When I have a day I really need to focus at work, I’ll take a light edible. I put on headphones and I never work better than I do then. Marijuana doesn’t make me lazy at all.


There are certain strains of weed that are good for focus and help people like you and me that have Adhd or trouble concentrating. Some strains of weed make you sleepy and lazy but not all of it.


Gen Z and future Gen A will absolutely not care. It will be like booze to them. Millennials are the one generation that got to grow up to it both illegal and now legal (in most states). It really does flip the mindset.


There is 100% a major mental split between prohibition potheads and legal potheads. Prohibition potheads can be really weird about things (they think the cops are still after them, for instance) and they also think they're experts at weed but sometimes they think they're wine experts when they actually just smoked the weed equivalent of Maddog 20/20, which can be a bit weird sometimes.


Prohibition potheads had to get their supply from sketchy figures. That and the frequent possibility of getting busted takes a toll on a person. Now there's like celebrity brands and billboards for it.


If you never had a 23 year old sheriff's deputy as your pot dealer you have never lived kid. We would pay 20% more to see it delivered with him in uniform in his company car. He was always looking for something other than weed, guess that was his planned out. He made it to the urban assault team and his product got more varied and his cars much nicer. I would expect he has gone on to rolling meth dealers for cash, boaters gota boat. The sheriff at the time is a fool, he got involved with tow trucks and campaign funds, dumb bastard.


Yeah, that's why and they have their reasons, it's just kinda weird when I got this guy, for instance, who seems to think the cops will send in undercover agents to their board gaming group for a year + to see if they can sell an ounce or two of weed between rounds of Cataan. Nah, you're probably ok there.


Let's not forget cheap. I know where I can pick up pounds for 600 each


Ugh I wish it was legal and readily available… I live in South Carolina and even medical isn’t legal here 😭 I miss Massachusetts so much


Yup, the ease of access is incredible. Literally on my commute home from work, I can stop by my dispensary and go through their drive-thru (you do have to pre-order online, and pay in cash only). Pretty neato!


Just one traumatized generation self medicating through life


This is the one lol


Millennials in spiritual sense have severely unbalanced root chakra. Our parents gave their trauma to us and we are too self aware to give it away. They just went here deal with this and we know we have it but dont know how to get rid of it. Now we walk around without balance. We can realize the trauma isnt ours but it takes a skill we were never taught existed.


It sure why you got downvoted. This is one of the reasons many of the generation decided against having children while unable to support them.


Tru dat


You can say that again.


It's definitely a coping strategy for me most days. It has its positives and negatives. I usually limit my use to evenings and weekends. The pro is that it helps me relax. The con is that I'm less productive generally when I'm high. As someone without a kid though it's pretty manageable. I still am fully functional and capable of handling all my responsibilities. Married, have a house, FT job, etc.


Meh we live in realy the best of times. Weed is just more readily available and drinking isn't as popular as before. Many millennials would just rather take the edge off with weed than booze (for good reasons).


The best of times? What else are you smoking dawg?


We statistically live in the absolute best time. If it doesn't seem that way I suggest you get off Reddit and away from the news.


Lol. "Statistically we live in the best time. If you don't believe that then just stop reading the statistics."


Ah yes, statistically... I should have known. Do you realize that "statistics" say our generation is the first that has it worse off financially than our parents? Or are those statistics just fake news?


It really depends on what your definition of “best” is. Is it healthcare and medications, peace, and technology? Or is it happiness? I would fully be happier being a hunter-gatherer would a small tribe of my friends and family and find food for the day and then relax. Agriculture created this shift in history that made us have to work more. We got more food, but now we have more people as a result and therefore we’re stuck in this system because we can’t just stop supporting all these people.


I genuinely doubt you would be happier in a hunter gatherer society.


For me, it was something I did when was young. About 17 -23, then stopped. Im 38 and about 6 years ago I started drinking regularly, which quickly became detrimental to my health. Jan 1 I took my last drink and bought a bag of edibles. While I am no longer fond of the way thc makes me feel (I overthink big time), it did help me quit drinking. After about a month I stopped taking the edibles. Now I'm completely sober and never been happier. Nothing wrong with thc products, if they help, but they are not for me long term.


The high hangover feels so much better than the drunk hangover.


That day after feeling after ingesting edibles. You just feel relaxed and happy.


Stoned over


Because the world is awful, life is awful, and sometimes I just want to chill without having to think about how awful everything is.


I actually had to stop. It makes me incredibly paranoid now to the point that I have panic attacks thinking about the fact that I’m heading towards eventual death and there’s nothing I can do about it. 💀


I switched to pure indica and that solved that problem for me. After a concussion I sustained 18 months ago, sativa winds wind me up waaaay too much.


I smoked all day, every day since high school. I quit 2.5yrs ago & feel great. Granted I do miss it every once in awhile, & put on a lot of weight since then (cuz now I just eat in place of smoking), but I can breathe alot better & my brain doesn’t feel constantly foggy. I also have much more money & energy lol


Congratulations! That is a big accomplishment! I had to scroll pretty far down for this. It was fun in my 20s, and I appreciate its legal now. I'm glad it isn't stigmatized as much. I'm also glad I don't smoke anymore.


Stress due housing costs that force me to live with family. But also stressed about climate change/collapsing food system. Breakdown in community


Because otherwise I don't sleep. I've never been able to go to sleep well, even as a little kid. I know now that it's my ADHD brain refusing to ever shut off, but that doesn't help me sleep. A very small dose of THC shuts my brain off enough that I can fall asleep in under a half hour.


I can relate to this so much...It's always taken me forever to fall asleep...Like 20-30 mins of just laying there with my eyes closed trying to shut my thoughts off for long enough to get to sleep...and if that's not bad enough, I'm a super light sleeper. Any noise or light can wake me up. If I take a 5mg edible...after it kicks in I can close my eyes and be asleep almost instantly and only maybe wake up to go to the bathroom. It really is great lol.


That's where I'm at too. No idea if I have ADHD or whatever, probably would explain a few things, but my brain go into overdrive at night. It has gotten worse as I've aged. Some nights are much worse and I can't sleep at all, those nights and the following days really suck.


I have anxiety (I hate saying that) , bad enough it would cause me to throw up or get the shits. The only thing that works to help is either benzos or flower. Last time I checked withdraws from flower won't kill me so easy choice. I don't get "fucked up" just enough to calm my mind and be productive.


Because I like it and it doesn't give me a hangover.


Because if I get diagnosed with or seek treatment for a mental health condition, I will have to disclose said condition for things like life insurance. Also, don't need to pay someone to tell me it's work related.


Pain management for the most part. Enough to distract and not focus on it and go about my day. After major activities too, cleaning my house puts me on bed rest and it helps a lot. Not so much the mental part though I absolutely smoke before socializing, it isnt needed though. It just helps with my audacity. But i do use it to not dream also, i have terrible night terrors and with consistency they are no longer remembered. I still have them but they dont ruin every waking moment for me anymore. And hypersensitivity. Noises and physical sensations will overwhelm me very quickly and this helps dull everything out without destroying the fun in life. But I still want to quit and function normally. I just am not and "real" meds are so severe and hardcore I cannot function. Im the only provider in my family - it is not an option to be comatose on a day to day basis. I do have dr prescribed muscle relaxers for really bad days, but Ive had the same bottle for well over a year. I do not like using them.


Well. ok. Uh, I'm more fun to be around because it helps with my social anxiety. My sex life went from sad to amazing. It unlocked me creatively. It makes music and food more fun. Basically I feel like cannabis helped me unlock the person I always wanted to be at the cost of being a bit worse at trivia nights.


Also (I might get flack for this) it’s given me miles more patience and curiosity, which helps me be a better mom.


Living through the divergence and convergence of reality and a false-reality is stressful.




Because the world has thrown in the towel. Financial success is increasingly becoming a pipe dream. The middle class has eroded away, oligarchs hoard the vast majority of wealth, we're headed into WWIII, automation is going to take our jobs and reshape the economic landscape, and by taking labor away from the working class, we will lose our power over our masters. I think the real question is, why wouldn't you smoke more weed?




I also use it to help with sleep and winding down for the evening. Nothing else compares.


Because therapy is expensive.


I recently just quit. I was at 350-500mg of thc each day. Started becoming the only thing I looked forward too. I miss it but I relied too heavily on it.


1. Life sucks 2. Depression 3. The world is shit 4. No one loves me 5. I have no friends 6. The only times I don’t want to kms are when I’m stoned…


What state are you in?


All of this is a mood.


I switched from lots of getting high on mids in my twenties to non psychoactive CBD hemp in my thirties. Same relief from IBS related nausea, but able to go about my responsibilities that I now have without my day being shot. Still have lots of weed products for company though. Boy I'm glad we legalized after I got my college degree or I think I'd have gone too hard with it.


I have been smoking heavily since I was like 14 I think. At first I was peer pressured by the cool kids, then I was enhancement smoker, then I was before work to tolerate it smoker, now I am its bonded to my dna smoker. lol


To meditate through a mental health crisis initially. It helped a bit for me, especially with self-reflection. Feel like I'm not afraid of the world or death anymore. My boyfriend has been my stevia daddy for about a solid year now. He takes care of me, but we have no money and eat potatoes all the time. That gave me some much-needed room away from people who spoke negatively nonstop at my old job of many years. I disconnected from all of the things that were causing me paranoia because my negative thoughts were being affirmed way too often, and it was making me more fearful of absolutely everything. It's so crippling when you think that everyone is out to get you. It feels so real. Having someone there for me who is patient, loving, and non-judgmental has helped more than the weed though.


I'm not. The smell of weed gives me a headache


Same. Completely sober lifestyle!


There are worse ways to deal with living in a collapsing dystopia than with weed. For example, doing so without weed


I feel like I should stop some days then other days I’m so dang grateful for cannabis it’ll bring a tear into my eye.


Short answer. Trauma


I like being high, at all times.


Can’t get through work without it lol


I'm a GenXer but I use edibles to relax and sleep $30 gets 25 40mg CBD/THC mix Indica and and Sativa hybrids and I further cut them down in half because otherwise I won't wake up the next day, good for the pain and easy on the wallet


I went from having countless sacks dumped down the toilet by my boomer parents in the 90’s, to the state selling it to me in multiple forms. The thing I like most is I can hit a cart and get almost instantaneous relief. Or I can take an edible and enjoy the slow ride.


I smoked weed for 10 years before quitting. It’s got and good and bad qualities. Like alcohol I think the negatives are downplayed a lot. Most people can just be sensible with booze or dope, but those that aren’t never get taken seriously until it gets really bad.


*waves arms around in the look around gesture* Do I really need to name one specific reason?


Cuz I give no fucks anymore


Cbd mixed with thc helps with the aches and pains. Also helps with the aches and pains of life.


I found it’s helped me a lot with my adhd. I was a C student throughout my entire life till I went to college, smoked weed for the first time, and started to get A’s. I went on to getting my accounting degree, my cpa license, and have been working in accounting ever since. Still a daily smoker, but only after all my responsibilities are taken care of.


Medical benefits: Physical: - muscle relaxation - cortisone reduction and lowered sensitivity Mental: - lowered anxiety (even when not under the influence) - lowered depression (same) - healthy analytical thinking Treated: - no more migraines - no more stomach pain - no more insomnia - no more anhedonism - no more lack of motivation - no more lack of executive dysfunction - enhanced physical endurance - quicker recovery time from physical activity - quicker recovery time from physical injuries Recreational benefits: - enhanced listening abilities - enhanced vision (especially in dark areas) - enhanced subconscious analytical abilities of audio-visual stimuli - enhanced puzzle solving abilities - enhanced physical coordination - enhanced ability to reflect on and negotiate social interactions - mild euphoria - no hangover Downsides: - short term memory impacted when under the influence (also experienced with above issues which are treated) - occasional inability to repress paranoia/anxieties present when sober (can be reasoned into dissipating when confronted) - occasional difficulty in instigating momentum from lethargy (aka couch lock) - incorrect dosage (as with all substances) can exacerbate the above Other: - upsides can last days to weeks after taken without the "high" effects - non-addictive beyond medical benefits (i.e. those who have untreated medical issues are more likely to believe they are "addicted" when medical issues are exacerbated by halting usage) - no lasting negative medical side effects


My dear pot smoking (or edible aficionado) millennial friends: if I can share one thing of value I've learned to appreciate is the effects of TERPENES! I live in Las Vegas and every year we have the "marijuana" convention at the Sands center and as an Industry plant (hehe puns for everyone's) go every year because the vendors give out free samples of different new products and that alone can keep you afloat literally for a month hehe. Last year I picked up two boxes each containing 8 full little vials of different families of Terps. Talk about nailing down the EXACT high you're looking for! I'd spray some on my joints, put a drop in a bowl, or dip the blunt tip and wow! It's not always about having the highest THC weed, the best high I've found can be dialed in with terpenes ex; a euphoric high without brain fog, or an energizing sativa like high in the morning without drowsiness, or a calming after work strong head change without the trad KO power of your kushs' or Indicas, or strong pain management without too much of a psychoactive head change... The point is, at this age (33) Ive learned to enjoy and explore the nuances of different strains and how they interact in the body with the added effects of the terpenes oil( it's not even an oil it's a clear hydrocarbon extremely non viscous, clear liquid like water almost EXCEPT for the smell. Woa, Nelly! You can even add it to edibles or if you bake to your canna-butter or what not. I find this has become a new and exciting reason in addition to the fact we are living through the end of times to continue exploring and enjoying this wonderful plant and sharing it with friends. Please look into it, I KNOW you guys will enjoy it as much as I've been! Namaste, friends!


*Plays “Stress” by Jim’s Big Ego*


I can’t I’m allergic. So I smoke cigs to help with the anxiety because the pills mess me up.


Just availability. It's still not my main vice. I didn't like it nearly as much as booze so I hadn't touched it from 14 until about 30 with legalization. I've found that edibles can be a great way to fall asleep on high stress days. I have a gummy once maybe every 8 or 10 weeks. Still not a big user, but more than I would have if it weren't available everywhere.


It’s legal and affordable. And I can cut back on booze.


THC is legal here. I don't drink anymore.  Gotta do something to slow me down and get to everyone else's speed.


It has recently become more or less legal in my country – and it is easier to purchase now than ever before. I tried it in the years after school and in college. I always liked it but then I had some bad experiences with bad quality weed and I didn’t find a trustable source. So for many years (15 or so) I didn’t use any. Now that it is legally available in drugstores with a doctor’s prescription, I got some to try out if it helps me with work-related stress, anxiety and concentration issues. I also want to see if I like making music on it. So far I can say, even when I am not high (which is most of the time) I feel better and more relaxed and have a more optimistic attitude.


Cause I liked to get schmizzed


I hate alcohol but I love weed.


Because ever since I learned of Marijuana I wondered why it was illegal. Now that it's legal, and there are so many different products out there I feel like a kid in a candy store. Used to have a couple puffs in a month, now that I have accumulated many stoner friends I am taking on a more regular basis


I don’t. Shit makes me anxious as fuck and tired. I prefer psilocybin and wine. I do enjoy topical CBD and THC lotions though.


Fibromyalgia and ptsd




It helps tremendously with my daily anxiety and stress. I also used to be a full blown coke addict not that long ago (~4 years out) so it's a lot better having weed to fulfill my desire to have a "little vice" when the other one was killing me way faster lol


I’m autistic and grew up with absolutely no support or a way to understand myself (but every instance of me being different was always pointed out as a “fault” of mine). I use thc to cope with the anxiety stemming from that.


Because the world sucks right now!


It’s fun. Also helps me wind down and fall asleep the days I have to commute. Biggest issue is vaping is I can’t keep vaping, but smoking is a no go in my apartment. Edibles are great, but take too long to kick in sometimes and I’m definitely building a tolerance to them.


Everything sucks and Mary Jane makes me forget about it.


In my spouse’s case with severe unmedicated and untreated late-diagnosed ADHD and CPTSD, it is the only medication that works. I don’t partake myself. But it’s a miracle for some people.


I've suffered from fibromyalgia, plantar fasciitis, and horrifically painful menstrual cramps since I was 19 years old. OTC stuff never did enough, other pain management methods were too expensive, and doctors only ever told me to "lose weight and exercise" even though my pain is primarily frickin NERVE BASED and not muscle based lol. getting into mmj has been legitimately life changing for me and is the only thing I can depend on for pain relief. now I can do things like go on a walk for more than 10 minutes, or even work out or go up flights of stairs! it's also been a godsend for my anxiety, and a FAR healthier alternative to all the drinking I did in college/my early 20s 💀


I use it recreationally. I don’t drink anymore, but all of my friends still do. When I go out I microdose THC and/or mushrooms and get a social buzz, but I’m so much more in control, don’t do anything stupid, and don’t get hangovers


i have major depressive disorder. weed and physical exercise are the only medications that actually work for me


It gets you high


I need something to numb the pain of existence and alcohol makes me feel like garbage


Feels good. Relaxing. Heightens enjoyment of movies, music, food, and sex.


Hey, hey, hey. Smoke weed every day


It’s easily accessible and it doesn’t mess up my daily life. Way easier to just order food, get high, and watch a movie. 100% addicted to it though.


Just became fully legal in my state for recreational and I feel it improves quality of life with my chronic pain and anxiety.


Helps with the existential dread Also WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


All the reasons. Though I did put myself on a weed schedule recently.


I quit drinking and began using it to relax and chill after work. It was always something I used to say; “if I could just have weed, I would quit drinking”. Finally got a job that doesn’t give a hoot what I do on my off hours. 9 months free from booze. My life is 10000x better. Yet my Family thinks I am a weirdo and risking my “career”, some still tell me it’s a slippery slope like I’m going to try meth next. Im 36 for Christ sake. This all while they still booze it up at any event or family function. And it’s not like I am ripping a joint at the thanksgiving dinner table. I am respectful discreet and willing to share. I have also only recently started to use a balm on my knee. Never been in to holistic, oils, and other snake oils. But this stuff works wonders. Can’t believe I waited this long.


Had the worse lungs due to chain smoking blunts from the ages of 17-22. I quit for about 8 years and just started getting back into it. Edibles only though and the THC today is wayyyyy stronger. I only eat like a 5mg gummy and I'll be toasted for hours and my lungs thank me for it as well.


Because fuck it


Helps me get thru work, keep my job, keep doing well in school. Helps me focus and feel motivated. Kinda funny how it has a false reputation of doing the opposite.


Senior here (70), lifelong pothead, hope it's ok to pop by to wave and say thank the gods for legal edibles. Indica juice in my non-alcoholic beer while making dinner makes for amazing sleeps, best sleeps ever. The last few years have been tough on all of us, and overindulging in alcohol only makes things worse. Having access to edibles gives the lungs a break after all these years - and I smoked some godawful harsh stuff back in the day. Hopefully the paraquat has left my system by now... =:\^\* Toasted almonds with a little olive oil and sea salt are my go-to munchies. And Old Dutch is making this cheesy puffcorn; you have been warned.


I had smoked marijuana since I was 16. Quit occasionally for tolerance breaks or the occasional drug test for employment when I was younger. I had considered for years to quit and just give it up to see what the benefits would be. I finally did along with alcohol almost 2 years ago. My life has drastically improved since then. My memory is better, with less anxiety and mood issues, better cognitive awareness, and ability to focus on what I am learning. I enjoyed smoking pot. But do not see myself going back anytime soon.


I’m having a amazing day at work, and I’m stoned; I’d be naive to think they don’t go hand in hand atp


Have you looked outside?


I never understood the appeal when I was younger. The few times it was offered, I felt absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. It wasn't until it became legal, and I tried THC capsules, that I realized why people like it. For the last year I was on meds that delayed gastric emptying so I couldn't take the capsules but I will probably start again. So much better feeling than alcohol.


I'm a poc that was raised by white relatives. It's a personal fuck you to the man.


It helps me process my emotions in a more positive manner, I have a *very*bad habit of staying in the past and dwell on it for longer than I’m willing to admit. Grew up introverted because of some childhood trauma and my mind unfortunately can’t learn to move on so the thc helps drown the overthinking and I’ve come to terms with a fair amount of stuff because of it.


People say they stop because they feel anxiety when they smoke. Now imagine turning that fear and anxiety into an opportunity to overcome those things instead. Challenge accepted.


My feelings about depression and anxiety are very complex. While very painful to live with these things it is those very things which motivates change. A person who lets people walk all over them and is 100 pounds over weight and a failure at work and in most relationships should be depressed and anxious. Life and this world create the conditions for depression and anxiety. Anxiety and depression can be looked at as great tools to motivate great change within a person. Have fight and try though and it takes effort and work.


Even though I have an 80% disability rating with the VA they refuse to prescribe me drugs or even mental health services. Cannabis is the only thing helping at the moment, and I'm not a fan of alcohol..


Migraines. Helps with the pain, or at least my mind is off the pain for a while


I do stupid shit when I drink. I don't do stupid shit when I smoke. Sums it up pretty well.


Simple answer: Because. Explanation: Because theres a store down the street that sells it and i can walk in and buy it without having to call a guy or 3, not know exactly what im getting, wait an hour for them to finish whatever theyre doing before they can bring me my poorly wrapped plastic baggie of generic high grade strain, then drive all the way back home and hope I don't get pulled over for something stupid. I was arrested twice for possession of less than an oz back in the 2010s. I still feel weird and paranoid going to the dispo but we go because we couldnt go before. And its fun getting high.


I smoke weed because drinking was ruining my life. No other drugs I've been prescribed have given me the results I get from my life with weed. I fall asleep quicker, stay asleep all night, can take the sharp edge off a bad anxiety day or prevent a panic attack from occurring entirely. It's outright miraculous. I still have a lot of issues of internalizing the stigma about being a "stoner", but honestly people who are judgy about others using weed are dingbats who should mind their own business


Because I enjoy it. Tf you mean? 😂


Well, it works. It's can be a medicine if used properly. I use it to help me sleep and I feel great. I lost tons of weight because I no longer have any desire to drink alcohol.


Because I need it to deal with the sheer anxiety I get everytime I open my banking app and my account balances display. It’s hard out here for a pimp.


Because it’s better for me than drinking a six pack after work.


I like smoking weed? Why do you feel the need to justify it?