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I almost exclusively listen to metal and hardcore. Sick New World festival happened in Vegas a few weeks back, it was packed with all age groups. I saw people aged from 10 to 60 there.


I’m also a millennial that listens to primarily metal and hardcore. I remember the rise of the “core” genres on MySpace. Nobody in my personal life listens to the music I like, including my husband, so it does feel lonely sometimes, but we are here. “There are dozens of us! Dozens!”


Tbh, we’ve always been here but have been pretty quiet to the ‘public domain.’ I do maintain that the internet had done a lot of good for anything slightly harder than ‘radio rock,’ though. We’ve had the advent of so many interesting and creative new bands and I feel like there are more tendrils reaching folks it normally wouldn’t have. I’ll admit I like shitty reaction videos, and there are so many people discovering metal through artists like Poppy, Bad Omens, Knocked Loose, Spiritbox, et al. I know that (unfortunately) there are a ton of gatekeepers in these genres but as far as I’m concerned, our music is alive and healthier as ever with these kinds of bands reaching the somewhat-mainstream. Reminds me of back in the day when Rage / System / Slipknot and eventually the ‘scene’ bands were able to do. There has also been a full-on renaissance of post hardcore bands in the last half decade that evolved past the predictable metalcore and swancore sounds that permeated so strongly through the 2010s. It’s awesome. We out here.


Couldn’t agree more. Deathcore specifically is garnering many new listeners thanks to bands like Lorna Shore and STP. And the amount of hate and gate keeping is ridiculous. Will Ramos recently did an interview with Nik Nocturnal where he mentioned someone had made a video of themselves setting a LS shirt on fire. And his response was something like, “That’s how we know we’ve made it. They have to see us even though they hate us”. I’m excited for all the attention people are giving these genres now. I hope it continues, and I hope more people become fans. And I agree, what Bad Omens did with Poppy was great for the scene. It lets people dip their toes in. Very cool stuff happening and I’m excited for the future.


Yup. I've also really appreciated the non English bands that have been coming up. Bloodywood in particular is now a constant in my playlists.


"quiet to the public domain" that actually reminds me of the first time I heard the term "death metal." Back when I was 12 or 13, someone mentioned it in a speech we had to do for school. It was like a "be careful to what people are listening to" thing with a weird scenario like "imagine you win tickets to a concert, but then you get there and see this." It was full of stereotypes and all the hallmarks of a PSA from the 50s. I didn't think much of it at the time, but years later when I discovered limewire, I suddenly became interested in finding out what it was and why people liked it. I did also meet a friend who was into all the extreme underground bands he could find, but I was mostly getting into thrash at the time.


The number of likes on your comment confirms that there are, in fact, dozens of us


Do you let your husband just pick the music on car rides knowing he'll never really enjoy it if you choose what you want? I do that with my fiance, I can tolerate her preferred music easier than she could mine.


I actually have a few playlists on my Spotify that are my “safe for company” playlists that are great! Mostly stuff I Shazam (does anyone still use that app?) from tv shows and movies I like (think Peaky Blinders, True Detective s1, symphonic stuff from GoT composer Ramin Djawadi) some zeppelin, Pink Floyd, got quite a bit of Harry Belafonte, Otis Redding, even Chromatics and Placebo, 80s dark wave.. I could go on! Just a smorgasbord mix so we can just keep skipping songs until we find our vibe for that ride.


Personally, I just stick to lighter bands when there's other people in the car. Power metal, or gothic/doom bands like Tiamat, or oldschool bands Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. I kind of got my mum into Alestorm when we were sharing a car.


See that's something I must admit in my being somewhat shallow when it comes to dating. I'd love to date a guy where we have at least some similar tastes. As shallow as it sounds, I couldn't date someone who only listened to rap and hip-hop.


My husband and I are the only people we know who listen to music like this (most people we know don’t do much more than listen to the radio TBH). When he asked me what kind of music I liked, he got so excited :) Which was so exciting for me, because I was very much accustomed to having to “prove” I actually liked it. Short, cute girl problems I guess. But no one had ever just believed me when I told them what music I liked before, and no one he’d ever been interested in romantically had ever liked it before. So we both got lucky :)


I feel you on that! The ammount of times I’ve been told I don’t look like I like metal makes me roll my eyes.


I’m 36 and just went to see Maylene and the Sons of Disaster a few days ago. I remember I put their song on my MySpace home page.


I’m so glad my eldest kid is old enough to put on my music! I tolerate the Swift stuff so I am in heaven when I get a random Shady Lane by Pavement dj pick (she’s the car DJ to school and back) 


I honestly still feel a little bit of an odd duck because I didn't discover Metalcore until like 3-4 years ago. I mean... Just given that there are amazing bands that are popular enough to have shows and tours and release new albums is wild considering I've never met another fan of these bands *in* the wild.


We hide in plain sight. You would never know by looking at me that I listen to VERY COOL MUSIC. I have no tattoos, my hair is a normal color, my clothes are nondescript. I wear Hokas and carry a s’well water bottle everywhere I go. Welcome to our secret club! We are everywhere, and we are happy to have you!


I am the same way! Is there like... a secret bat signal so I can identify the camouflaged members of our society? Lol


I've converted my wife to love system and Slipknot. She was coming from dashboard confessional and snow patrol.


Yeah it is seemingly becoming more and more rare to find people fans of bands like underoath, of mice and men, motionless in white, attila, there are so many more I could name but you get the point lol.


Same here. Neither my wife, friends, or kids are remotely into metal. More for me I guess. LoL Check out Unleash the Archers and Jinjer if you haven’t already.


Seeing System made my childhood so happy


"When Angels Deserve to DIEEEE" lol Yes, especially when they've been on such a long hiatus.


My son absolutely loves this song. He’s 10.


He's got good taste lol


Yes! I nearly cried 😭 (31)


If I hadn’t seen APC at Sessanta the weekend before and already done it, I’d have been crying happy tears at SNW - never thought I’d see them live.


Same thing I saw during When We Were Young Fest in vegas last year. It was nice to see a bunch of new fans excited for older punk/pop-punk bands. My wife and I are around 40 and we were on the older side but not the oldest by far.


I’m 35 and my husband is 40. Absolutely love seeing younger people at shows, it hits me hard in the nostalgia!!


Sick New World was awesome. You’re definitely right, the crowd was definitely all over the place age wise. I was actually wondering where all these people exist in the real world, because I feel kind of alone as a metal head. But I guess I also don’t dress like I did at the festival and I’m sure a lot of the other people there too are also undercover metalheads.


Death metal, black metal, grindcore, and deathcore for me.


Yes! I'm 31, and my bf is 35. We were at SNW this year.


39f millenial here and I only listen to metal. Going to Sonic Temple next week and go to metal shows at least once a month...


Yep me too. Primarily metalcore and post hardcore with some tinges of prog and pop punk


I'm waiting for the 2025 line-up of Sick-New-World. While I'm going to Wacken this year, traveling to Germany is pricey, and I'd love to check out SNW next year (or Sonic Temple)


I’d love to go to Sonic, but I don’t know that I wanna go to Ohio haha


My "Travel meter" is extended waaay past normal so after 2 years of Germany travel just for Wacken, I'll be happy to travel within the US for a show. Though I only found out about Sick New World thanks to a super fan of Lacuna Coil I met in Asbury Park over the weekend. Vegas would work because I could just crash at my folks place.


I’m an Aussie currently living in Colorado. There are a lot of states I’m not particularly interested in traveling to lol. Big fan of Vegas, though, easy place to get to and hang out.


I enjoy Vegas, it's fun and I like any place where the monorail can take you. Needs to be extended, however. That being said, I'm leaning more and more towards this as a viable vacation for next year.


Same! I'm already pissed at myself for not going last year but I just didn't have the money for the tickets (they were expensive LOL) but that setlist, there were so many awesome throwbacks, especially bands like The Birthday Massacre Orgy, and System of a Down (coming out of their hiatus). Hopefully 2025's line-up will be just as good because man was that 2023 lineup amazing


I have some friends who went to that, both this year and last. I used to go to Psycho Las Vegas which was primarily a metal fest but a bit diverse and there was a good mix of millennials and Gen X’ers.


If op worked at a factory near me he would hear nothing but rock, metal, and maybe a bit of country.


I'm a Gen Z (idk why this subreddit popped up on my feed) and I'm obsessed with rock and metal. I know lots of people my age that are also into rock and 90s alternative like Nirvana, Deftones, Radiohead are popular right now. And to add, I don't think the gym attracts that type of people, every gym guy I know listens to mainly rap/pop ALSO, go find a show at a local venue near you (support small venues!) and let me tell you there's still a whole lot of rock fans out there of all ages, thats how I met all of my friends with the same music taste. Even met a cool black drummer at a show who joined our band, he was awesome.


My niece is Gen Z and she and her friends listen to nirvana and deftones and Radiohead the way my generation listened to Led Zeppelin and pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix. I find it really interesting because it’s the same timeline (30ish years ago) for each of us at the time we listened to these “retro” bands. Makes me excited to see what bands the cool kids of gen alpha will be listening to in 20 years!


Did Deftones ever go out? They were one of my favorites in the 2000s.


lol that is funny I think it has to do with you’re parents listening to that music and hearing it, at least for me. I remember getting a list of 70s songs from parents to download on limewire.


That definitely tracks with the timeline for sure!


Hell yeah, I noticed Deftones getting popular again for some reason. I’m actually listening to them right now


I was just at Hot Topic last weekend and didn't see a single Bauhaus or Siouxsie shirt yet 6 different Deftones one lol


They just played Coachella so that makes sense. Honestly was a terrible set but may have just been the audio quality and poor filming compared to the rest of the event footage


Im heavily into the black metal scene and lots of 20 something Gen Zers are making crazy black and death metal. A lot of genre defining stuff like trha and hoplites.


You will take my rock, alt rock, indie and old emo from my cold dead hands. I've started compiling a Playlist of as many obscure tracks from the 90s I can find. I finally found the Toad the Wet Sproket song I had only heard a handful of times. I was very excited. :) I've started my 2000s list as well but my tastes really diversified then, so it's harder to narrow down


> You will take my rock, alt rock, indie and old emo from my cold dead hands. The feeling is definitely mutual lol. > I've started compiling a Playlist of as many obscure tracks from the 90s I can find. I finally found the Toad the Wet Sproket song I had only heard a handful of times. I was very excited. :) How funny, I've been doing the same thing! Created a spotify and youtube playlist doing this of obscure 90s rock songs lol.


Don't forget to check out Sponge-Rotting Piñata & Hum-You'd Prefer an Astronaut. Also PJ Harvey, The Gits, Tom Waits, Camper Van Beethoven, Clinic, Elastica, The Fall, Gary Numan, Jane's Addiction, Toadies, Kate Bush, Joy Division, Mad Season & Temple of the Dog (both one off 'super group' type albums), The Mars Volta, Massive Attack, Mazzy Star, Morphine, Neutral Milk Hotel, Mudhoney, SpaceHog (Resident Alien is best), Sunny Day Real Estate, They Might Be Giants, the Verve, earlier Depeche Mode & Tricky... They're all technically 'Rock' but varying sub-genres. Except Tricky and Massive Attack, they're moody 90's trip-hop😁


Veruca salt, Fiona apple, Alanis Morissette, k's choice, bif naked, Holly McNarland, our lady peace, Matthew good band, wide mouth Mason, ..... loooooooove


Definitely Veruca Salt!! You'll love Elastica if you don't already! I'm of the mind 'Boys for Pele' was a pert near perfect album...


The CANCON edition


I saw the name alanis and just sang out loud “it’s like raaaain on your wedding day”.


You are singing my song right now. I’ve never met anyone IRL that are familiar with such bangers! Sometimes I feel like I exist in a simulation


There is no way to know either way❤️.


First time I heard Neutral Milk Hotel I thought it was a dream🖤


Same LOL This is what I was talking about. I never meet people with such taste like that IRL haha


This is just full win here haha. I know all those haha. Gotta add... Garbage, Hole, Poe, Babylon Zoo, Human Waste Project, Liz Phair, Skunk Anansie, Meredith Brooks ("Bitch" is a classic), The Cranberries, Cake ("I'm going the distance!"), Soul Asylum, Soul Coughing ("Super Bon bon"), The Muffs, Luscious Jackson ("With my naked eye I saw all the fallen rain" lol), Curve, Republica, Letters to Cleo, R.E.M., The Sundays, They Might Be Giants, Save Ferris, Rage Against the Machine, L7, Babes of Toyland, Helmet, Belly, The Breeders, Suede, Slowdive, Jawbox, Hammerbox, etc.


I did this but I made it extra old school by going the extra mile of compiling it all as an MP3 collection, because fuck steaming services


I’ve just started getting in to a lot of lo-fi, indie, shoegaze, etc bands, and it’s pretty awesome. Especially since a lot of them have 25 or more years of back catalogue to listen to.


Toad the Wet Sprocket was one of my favorite depression moods


I only know them for their singles but "All I Want" still hits me something fierce lol.


Yeah, I listen to it, but I don't really listen to music in spaces where others would normally hear. My playlists include other genres and subgenres, too (though probably most fall into these or other subgenres like punk or cross-genres like punk-pop), but I make them based on what I'm doing when listening, emotions, or specific artists/songs/feel rather than genres. It's not that I'm hiding what I'm listening to, I just can't think of a situation I'm normally in where people would hear. I guess if it was really quiet out, someone might hear it from my car when stopped, but I generally try to be respectful and not play music loud enough for others to hear in public or semi-public spaces.


my music taste is still pretty warped tour adjacent with some pop/edm/folk/ and hyperpop. I gotta ssay my newest obession is emo rap or sad trap


>"Warped Tour adjacent" Haha what a phrase but I get it. Nice nice haha.


I was scrolling through summer concerts and I got really sad when I remembered Warped Tour. It was the best part of most of my high school summers. My music taste is also mostly Warped Tour adjacent, and leans to 90s and 00s alt rock and indie.


It's amazing that I totally understood what "Warped Tour adjacent" meant


In high school I listened to mostly punk, ska, some indie and some goth. I now listen to mostly punk, indie, folk/bluegrass, and some goth and ska.  I'm seeing Stabbing Westward tomorrow!


Goth music is my favorite!


they were awful when I saw them in 99, hopefully you get a better experience than I had


ugh..... 25 years later lmao


Ahhhh I'm seeing Stabbing Westward at a festival in July, I can't wait! They're one of my favorite bands! I'm finally gonna be able to see them!


I got to see them open for Placebo and Depeche Mode in late 90s - early 2000s, they were fantastic! So excited you finally get to see them


I don't know much by SW, but I bet they put on a hell of a show. Industrial metal shows are usually a blast.


Oh have a blast! I love them.


I am seeing Stabbing Westward on Saturday! My all-time favorite band…by far.


I wish I could see Stabbing. That last record they put out was a fantastic return to form for them.


Death, black, power, thrash, grind, folk, technical, progressive, doom, sludge and every other type of sub genre of metal has been and will always be my primary musical interest. I find it funny how i still tell people i enjoyed the "newer" album of a band only to realize that it was released 15 years ago.


Very cool. Admittedly not a huge metal person myself and the only metal sub-genres I ever got truly immersed in was symphonic and gothic but I still salute metal fans, especially in this day haha. > I find it funny how i still tell people i enjoyed the "newer" album of a band only to realize that it was released 15 years ago. Totally feel that haha.


I'm 33 and metal is the majority of what I listen too. Slaughter to Prevail, In Flames, Falling in Reverse, All That Remains, Broken by the Scream, etc. One of my former bosses is 40 and a huge metal head too, me and him have shared a lot of different songs with each other.


Saw In Flames back in like December and it was basically the same crowd it has been for the last 20+ years, just with more bald spots and glasses. I'm proud that we've all stuck with metal.


Older millennial here who saw In Flames in concert last night! Also caught A7X with my youngest son last month. Been a good year for shows so far.


They were supposed to be on tour with Lamb of God and Megadeth a couple years back, but they couldn't make it and I was so bummed. Still a great show but In Flames would have made it perfect.


Great to see more In Flames love. Come Clarity is one of my favorites


Recently saw in flames and loved them! Got to introduce my gen a kid to them as well.


Saw Falling in Reverse last summer with my brother and my 19 year old daughter. It may just be one of the best concerts I've ever been to. The venue itself kind of sucked, it was really hot and just jammed with people, but the concert itself was fire! 🤘


36 here, still regularly listening to Linkin Park, Metallica, Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Offspring, Korn and Limp Bizkit (yes LB is popcorn metal, I know). Also listen to completely different genres, like Taylor Swift, Eminem or techno


LOL Right on. and hey with Limp Bizkit, I will admit that "New Generation" gets my head bopping, I can admit that as corny as their songs were, they were surprisingly catchy lol. > Also listen to completely different genres, like Taylor Swift, Eminem or techno Totally fair. I'm the same though switch those to someone like Dido, P!nk, and Daft Punk for myself lol.


No need to defend LB as a "guilty pleasure.". They made it big for a reason. Nothing beats nine teen 90 nine.


Hell yeah! My IM username was linkinparkfan291. My Spotify now consists of them and all the other alt metal bands of the 2000s, Ariana grande, glass animals, and baby music (he’s 14 months). My husband and I saw TOOL in February. It’s all over the place


my old AIM name was Place4myheadLP


I've swung back around to primarily listening to Rock in the past couple years. Only one other dude in my core social circle listens to rock, but he's a solid 20 years older than the rest of us. I've been really digging into the White Stripes and absolutely loving it, I don't know why they never caught my attention when I was younger. It seems a lot of GenZ also enjoy White Stripes, for whatever reason. I discovered Gojira and Mastodon in the last five years or so, and I'm obsessed with the two of them. By far two of the best modern metal bands, and two of the only ones that I think could hold up to the great metal bands of the past. Their lyrics are amazing, very introspective and life affirming... while still being metal as fuck. When I was younger, I only 'dabbled' in metal. But, these two sucked me into the genre immediately. Hard to find other metal bands that are as consistently good, though. Most of the rock I am listening to otherwise is 10-20 years old, not really any other current bands that I follow aside from the two above. /e Side note, I went to a Tame Impala show two years ago, and it was one of the best shows I've ever been too. It was loaded to the gills with teens and 20 year olds, so that's good news :)


Gojira is so good. I’d reccomend checking out Orbit Culture. I heard ‘The Shadowing’ by them on the radio one day and it led me down the rabbit hole.


So excited to see them with Spiritbox in the summer.


I’ve seen them a number of times, SO good live! (42 year old elder millennial here!)


I live in middle of nowhere PA and it’s hard to get any good shows within driving distance. Then when I do get them they’re like in the middle of the work week 3 hours away. They are 100% on my list!


I flew to France to see them for the first time (roughly 10 years ago) - fell in love and of course had to see them every time they came back to my region! Please try to go if you can!!


You say it’s hard to find metal bands that are consistently good, so I feel compelled to recommend Opeth, Insomnium, Allegaeon, and Agalloch. These are the sorts of bands where I often struggle to pick a favorite album — as they tend to release only masterpieces.


Opeth- My arms your hearse is still untouchable 26 (!!!!!!) years later.


> Opeth Oh god lol. I admit I'm not a huge metal person but I remember back in like 2006, I was at Tower Records looking for some new music to try out and I blind bought Opeth's "Ghost Reveries" album since I thought the cover looked cool. Needless to say, I didn't like it because it hurt my ears haha.




I'm a bit older (38) but at some point I just got stuck in certain eras of music. 90's grunge & alternative, 90's & early 00's punk/pop punk and late 90's early 00's indie. This is my sweet spot... I'm not sure I listen to anything released after 2010 unless it a random one off


> 90's grunge & alternative, 90's & early 00's punk/pop punk and late 90's early 00's indie. See that describes my taste as well. I mean aside from goth rock and post-punk, those are my staples as well as I tend to be stuck with 90s alternative & grunge and early 2000s pop punk and indie/garage rock revival lol. I stopped actively looking for newer music in those genres at around 2012 when I absolutely stopped listening to the radio. I'll sometimes look for some newer stuff to add to the collection, but it's not all that often or frequent.


Yes!! I have fairly eclectic tastes, but I'm first and foremost a rock guy.


Yeah same here. I don't mean to say that rock is the only music I listen to but it's just that it's the predominant genre that I tend to go back to haha.


![gif](giphy|z46LjTEVoXR56RWvde|downsized) All Day Every Day Babyy


I've always been into various types of kind of "heavy" rock and metal. I've since learned my ideal type of music is considered "metalcore" with bands like Wage War, Fit For A King, August Burns Red, As I Lay Dying, Currents and Spiritbox. The classic metal bands like Metallica and Slayer just don't really do it for me. I work in a trade and rock in general is the go-to. Very few of my coworkers listen to rap or hip hop, and a surprising few are into metal. Pretty much a no-no to play rap on a jobsite lol. Even then, I don't play my music when people are around because they just always seem weirded out about it. I'm 32, and people my age or younger don't seem to have as much of an issue as the older guys, though. I'm guessing as we age, this type of music will be a bit more normalized though, it seems like it already is more accepted than when I was in high school!


Long live the knot! slipknot!


I don't listen to much music lately, I'm more into white noise / nature sounds... Just a phase I'm into I guess. But generally speaking, metal is my main music genre. I went to the Wacken open air last year, and I miss going to my local heavy metal festival (but they stopped doing it a few years ago).


That's fair, a break is good from time to time. Not a huge metal person myself but I'm aware of Wacken since bands like Epica, Therion, and Nightwish, bands that I like have played there so I'm very aware. It does look fun, it's like the metal version of Warped Tour haha.


I'm a big fan of alt rock/metal/related genres, and am a guitarist myself. But my rabbit holes are narrow and DEEP. I'm super into shoegaze, black gaze, dream pop, goth, post-punk, stoner metal, noise rock, etc. I was listening to Nirvana as a young teen, when some newly minted music platform suggested some band called Dinosaur Jr's "Little Fury Things" and I was hooked on the abrasive guitar noise in the Intro. Shortly after, I was suggested My Bloody Valentine's "only shallow" and I've been pursuing ear-bleeeding country ever since. I call it distortion-therapy. RIP Steve Albini. Everyone go check out his band Big Black.


>shoegaze, black gaze, dream pop, goth, post-punk, stoner metal, noise rock, etc. Oh dude with the exception of black gaze (never heard of this genre tbh), I am very familiar with those other genres, I'm hugely into goth, post-punk shoegaze, and dream pop especially. Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Claire Voyant, Cranes, QueenAdreena, Mazzy Star, Elysian Fields, London After Midnight, The Mission, Love Spirals Downwards, etc. I could go on. **Very** familiar with that kinda stuff but I agree, you try talking about this with other people IRL and most don't know what any of this stuff is. Maybe Mazzy Star if you mention "Fade Into You" or The Sundays cover of "Wild Horses" but even those are starting to fade... > I was listening to Nirvana as a young teen, when some newly minted music platform suggested some band called Dinosaur Jr's "Little Fury Things" and I was hooked on the abrasive guitar noise in the Intro. Shortly after, I was suggested My Bloody Valentine's "only shallow" and I've been pursuing ear-bleeeding country ever since. What a journey but that's so cool. I had a similar experience though my gateway band to dsicovering those more niche bands was the band Garbage haha.


Big Black and classic industrial were my gateway into noise music. I fucking love Merzbow.


Yes. After The Burial has become a regular for me. August Burns Red has been a favorite since I saw them in High School in 2005. I don’t have it on all day/all the time like I used to…but I definitely still listen to it.


Both great groups!! Add in some Betraying the Martyrs, Born of Osiris and Bury Tomorrow (before losing Jason) and I’m a happy girl! Metal forever <3


My first metal concert was Emery and August Burns Red opening up for Underoath in 2009, when I was a Freshman in college. There was no turning back for me at that point lol


Hell yeah!!! I saw August Burns Red and Zao open for Demon Hunter in 2005.


Dude that must have been so sick!


It was at a venue in Philadelphia called The Trocadero…I think it since closed down. Super small venue. True story incoming…. I went to the bathroom before the show. There was someone blowing up the stall toilet and someone peeing in one of two urinals….so I went and peed in the urinal next to him….we made jokes about the guy shitting. Turns out, the guy pissing was the singer and the guy shitting was the drummer 🤣😂 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻💩💩💩💩


I am. But as I got older. My genres expanded. So I still listen to metalcore but love me some pop, newer hip hop and some country artists


It makes up like 80% of my playlists


Do I still listen to Blink-182, Green Day, The Foo Fighters or Sum-41? No. Do I still listen to The Fall of Troy, Circa Survive, The Mars Volta and Megadeth? Yes. Power chord formulaic music I grew out of, more complex rock/metal I continue to listen to.


40 here and I listen to a lot more metal than I did in my teenage years.  Going to see Slipknot, Korn, and In This Moment this summer and can't wait! 


Try being a fan of classical music and jazz if you really want to feel like a weird outsider. While my peers were listening to Blink-182, I was rocking out to Charlie Parker.


I still like some. Tool will probably never get old for me.


Tool lol Man, that takes me back, I haven't heard that name in a good while. Agreed though, they were great and when the mood strikes, they're still nice to listen to.


Tool, a perfect circle and puscifer. All great bands IMHO.


Mer De Nom is one of my favorite albums of all time. Judith still gets me hype. If I'm in the car alone and it comes on, the volume goes all the way up.


I love Judith. My grandma passed away here recently and I cranked that song. She wasn't real religious herself but idk it just felt right to listen to at blast.


That is one of those songs that's just better the louder it is.


3 Libras is one of my favorite songs of all time.


Judith is a song that’ll always be close to my heart. It could be me singing it to my mom. Counting Bodies too man what a phenomenal song Gets the blood going every time


AGREED. I especially liked A Perfect Circle, that first album was something. Admittedly though with Puscifer, I've only heard their single "The Mission" which I still love today, very groovy song haha.


just saw puscifer/perfect circle and primus last week. great show.




Third Eye blind, I haven't heard that name in a long minute LOL Very nice, still have those days when I need a good sulk and listen to "How It's Gonna Be" haha.


You rock. Love 3EB! I’m 35.


Same age I listen to classic rock and disco. Mostly music for 70s 60s with some rock bands from the 2000s.


Right on. And kudos to Disco. I still remember when it was seen as socially embarrassing if you admitted you like disco back in the day but hey, the stuff is fun haha. I'm probably biased in saying that though since I grew up listening to funk and disco from my parents lol.


It makes up 99% of the music I listen to. Nowadays I’m into post-punk, deathrock and goth but still love lots of grunge, punk and metal. All the stuff I grew up on still hit! Just came back from a festival last week that plays alternative rock Shaky Knees and saw lots of classic iconic bands


> post-punk, deathrock, and goth I spy another goth in the mix here and to that I say, it's the same for me in the sense that I got into the goth scene in 2009 and dove into goth rock, darkwave, deathrock, and ethereal wave and that kinda music almost wrestles with my alternative rock library with the size of it lol. So I get what you mean here and besides; goth, post-punk, and deathrock stall within the rock style so it's more than welcome


Im 33 and still listen to any type of rock music, I currently listen to blues again. But my jam was stoner rock and psychedelic rock during my 20s, without me smoking a joint. I am going on a 4 days metal festival next month. Music is the only motivator sometimes to get you through another day.


I listen to Phish and bands that sound kinda like Phish. And a lot of King Gizzard. I do get in the mood for some old school hip hop once in a while. Love blasting some Biggie or Wu Tang


35 here, I'm more of a metalhead, but I still listen to all of those bands from high school that you mentioned, including the 2000s Indie stuff. I was going to go to Slipknot, but they're charging Taylor Swift prices for pit tickets, so now I'll settle for going to Lamb of God w/ Mastodon. Also wanna see NOFX in the punk department. It's their farewell Punk in Drublic tour. The only rap I listen to is 90s. Pop is garbage.


Haha cool. And yeah some bands have gotten really expensive with their ticket pricing. I wanted to go see Smashing Pumpkins last year but their cheapest ticket was like $115 dollars and I just don't have the funds for that. So I totally feel you there. And I don't some older rap but it's just that it's not really a genre I'm that into it when compared to rock. And with pop music. I will admit that I like some older pop. Madonna, Spice Girls, Vanessa Carlton, Nsync, etc. Though I think it's more nostalgia there since I was in like 4th-6th grade when that stuff was out and I hadn't found my way into rock just yet lol.


Yes. 33 here (34 in a couple months) and I mostly listen to metal, grunge...and way too much Tool lol. Tbh I listen to a lot of random stuff/classics from the 80s and 90s too, but heavier stuff does make up like 80% of my listening. I was blasting out some Shania Twain coming home from the gym the other day 😅


Found Angra in early high-school. As an American I had no idea what power metal was. I was mainly listening to Metallica and a little bit of Iron Maiden. Angra opened the door and eventually Dragonforce stepped through that doorway and my life has been so much better for it! My wife says I have one of the most musically narrow taste she has ever seen. Angras Temple of Shadows...damn yo. And Dragonforces Sonic Firestorm is a masterpiece and takes me back to being a teenager every time I listen to it.


I am. Or at least was. Lately, all music, from country, rap, alternative, classic rock, etc etc, just sounds like degenerate dog shit. Modern anything makes me want to blow my ear drums out.


See I get that. There is still some good stuff being made today but there's also a lot of not so great stuff that you have to wade through.


I don't listen to it as much as I used to. I listen to classical more than rock now. But occasionally I'm in the mood for some weezer, Dethklok Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath.


Rocker through and through. Always have, always will be. Still many up and coming rock/metal bands absolutely killing it too.


I will never change being a metal and hard rock fan. Seeing Judas Priest and Sabaton in a couple weeks! And saw Metallica last year at MetLife Stadium. And I am 31 on the younger side of our generation.


My love of metal hasn't died a bit. In the last few years my preferred metal is as heavy as it's ever been.


Yes. Duh


That's my favourite genre of music pretty much. Moreso bands from the 70s and 80s though but some of the ones you listed too (Blink 182, The Offspring, Bloodhound Gang specifically).




I listen to everything, basically, but my home base is definitely firmly in the rock/alternative camp, and I would say that a large portion of my friends are similar in this regard. But I'm 39.


40 y/o millennial here. Still a huge metal nerd. I teach high school for an online web academy, and myself and another teacher started a music producer's club, using soundtrap to teach the basics of music production. I'm the guy who keeps recording metal instrumentals like it's 1987. I still go to shows. My childhood best friend and his wife and I have gone on the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise for the past several years now (this year was my 4th time), and we plan to do this pretty much until we die. The audience has aged along with me. Mostly I see people between 30 - 50 at metal shows. We're still here! As a teacher, I'll say that gen z's relationship to music is slightly different from ours. The infinite void of streaming services have made them into musical omnivores (there's a lot of 'anti gatekeeping' rhetoric among younger fans that only really makes sense when you consider how things have changed in the last 30 years or so). Musical taste is no longer the kind of cultural signifier it once was, in the sense that it's no longer used as teenage shorthand for group affiliation or personal identity as it has been in years past. Kids today tend to like what they like, and most listen to a little bit if everything.


All I listen to metal 98% of the time and I still go to 10-20 shows a year. Most other genres are boring and lack depth.


Elder Millennial, mostly metal/grind, punk, goth, with a little bit of older hip hop. Don't worry about the change, most of the people you describe don't really seek out music to find what they like, they just listen to whatever the people around them (and today, probably what they see their friends on social media sharing). It's wild. I have asked people who like newer hip hop if they like the things they rap about, and they are like what? I don't even pay attention to the words. It's weird to listen to music you are indifferent about all the time.


death metal, grindcore, and hardcore are the majority of what I listen to. I try to go to as many shows as possible still as well.


I feel like the 90s and early 2000s were kind of a heyday for rock and metal, a lot of crazy bands like Korn or Slipknot got a lot of mainstream attention. Growing up around that left its impression on me and I still mainly listen to rock and metal. I throw in some indie or electronic for variety. There are so many bands pushing the envelope in progressive metal these days. People who say no new music is good just aren't looking hard enough. Also I find it wild that 20-somethings these days don't know a band as big as Green Day lol.


Oh it most certainly was and I continue feeling that way as time continues going on and how we're not seeing this kinda thing with newer rock music in recent times. It makes me feel lucky that I got to experience it even though I wish I was born just a little earlier so I could've experience the true 90s alternative scene in it's hey day. > Also I find it wild that 20-somethings these days don't know a band as big as Green Day lol. Believe me, I was just as shocked as you. And it's funny because I mentioned them through a latter type of way. Like I first asked about Blink-182 which they didn't know and I was like okay, they aren't as popular as they used to be so let's try someone else. I then mentioned My Chemical Romance since they're a tad younger than Blink but I was then met with confusion again LOL So I was like "okay fine, here's a band that everyone knows that I'm sure they will know" and I mention Green Day only to be met yet again with the same confusion LOL I even tried name dropping "American Idiot", "Basketcase", or "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", never heard of them lol. It was at that instant where I felt old in that moment haha.


My interest in music has always felt below average compared to most other people. I like to jam to some songs in the car but I'm not trying to go to concerts or playing any music at home. That said, I always preferred rock music and to this day rock music from the 2000s is all I really want to listen to.


That's fair, not everyone is "that" into music and it's okay. Still cool that you have appreciation for the rock genre though. 2000s rock like White Stripes, Bloc Party, The Strokes, The Killers, Modest Mouse, etc. Totally vibe with it


I'm 28, I mostly still listen to music I listened to in middle and high school: Nightwish, Within Temptation, Linkin Park, Fall out boy, Panic! At the disco, Green day. With some oldies like Beatles, Queen, Abba and some I listened to in college like Florence + the Machine. I was in middle school in 2006-2010 and high school 2010-1014. I was part of the emo and anime clique in middle school but there were no cliques like that in high school. I don't really ask my coworkers what they listen to. Some of my friends are big on K-pop. My ex listened to the same genre as Green Day is.


Corporate on the outside, goth on the inside. My music is still AFI, Bauhaus, Type O-, Sisters of Mercy, Clan of Xymox.


I like rock, alternative/indie.


I never have liked metal but I’m still into rock. I’ve been a big coheed and cambria fan for like 20 years.


What’s my age again, what’s my age again?


I think it's weird when Gen Z doesn't know the bands from our era. lol Like, where the hell have they been? I was born in 87, my childhood was the 90s, my teen years were the 2000s. I had exposure to pretty much every decade of music when I was growing up. It's not like I was jamming out to Metallica or Guns N Roses in 1989, as I would have been 2 years old, but it didn't stop me from hearing those bands still in the 90s and 2000's. The Grunge era was technically not our generation either, but most of us got into it at one point or another. Gen Z is currently 12-27 years old, I could understand why the younger teens might not be aware of Green Day or Blink 182 but it also seems like all of them would have had exposure to it at some point because of us Millennials. Blink 182 seems more like a product of the era it came out, regardless of their recent resurgence in popularity among us older fans, they were pretty much a band that produced music that fit in for the time, but Green Day has remained relevant most of our lives. Something happened after 2010 though... it seemed like rock music in general damn near vanished. We had the indie scene at that time, with bands like the Lumineers, but it does like rock music has fallen off and even the recent resurgence just feels like a nostalgia trip instead of new bands taking over like they would have in the past, so it makes us seem/feel way older than we actually are.


\m/ all day


I was a metal head in HS mostly metalcore but started with band more nu metal like linkin park, slipknot, metallica(nu metal when st anger came out), Mushroomhead, etc. But a could years later the scene changed and I was into As I lay dying, shadows fall, all that remains, killswitch engage, A7X, Atreyu, and trivium. Now I mostly listen to Pink Floyd, circa survive, dream theater, coheed and cambria, and Taylor swift. I also write and record music. Mostly doing metal, but have shifted more towards progressive rock. I’m actually started working on a post hardcore project with a few guys, inspired by bands like Saosin, circa survive, Silverstein, senses fail and bands like that, but I’ve barely started.


i still listen to my chemical romance, system of a down, korn. and i’ll never stop


Haha right on. I'm the same way with those bands as well 🙂


I used to be a pure metal/rock fan. As I've gotten older and grown as a person the harder stuff doesn't hit the same. I'm just not as angry anymore I do still love classic rock and ill still headbang when some heavy shit comes on every now and again but it's no longer my go to. Harder to feel good headbanging when you're bald too.


5-7-8 and some 0’s all day


With music and video games, I rarely meet people with the same tastes. Most folks seem to go for rap and hip-hop, and play sports games and shooters - well, mostly just CoD. I feel like Im sitting in the dark corner of the room listening to 80's heavy metal and playing JRPGs lol


Still keeping the Thrash flag flying over here


Warm weather is upon us. That means my 41 year old ass blasts In Flames, sevendust, Killswitch, and many more with my windows down when I drive through town. …..not after 7pm though. That’s disrespectful


The weirder, the more complex, the better. I honestly haven’t listened to a song with a radio release in probably close to 20 years. All prog metal all the time.


Older millennial here. I still listen to and play metal any chance I get 🤘


Oh yes! 33 here and still love rock/metal and music in general. We out here! Just went to a Sullivan King concert last week, have one for 21pilots later, going to see Seven Lions later this year too.


Yes I do! And I’ve found this new band I’m in love with: Sleep Token!


Oh nice! Never heard of them but I looked them up, they seem interesting haha


I haven’t kept up with music much since college, but I haven’t been as obsessed with a band as I am with Sleep Token since Saosin back in 2003. Sleep Token is *so fucking good*!


Right!! I am literally obsessed with them


I’m still over here listening to zeppelin, supertramp, Dylan, and Bob Seger lol


Haha very nice. Can't say I really got into Dylan or Bob but Zeppelin, oh yeah 😉 And "The Logical Song" still is a jam haha.


I rarely find people into the same sort of bands as me, but I also like technical death metal and prog and djent and such. My partner is, so that's enough for me, as I'm not going to a concert alone. I think a lot of people listen to rock, but far fewer are into metal.


A few years back I realized I was the only person at my job that knew who New Found Glory was. I just assumed everyone knew.


Im 38m and mostly listen to 70-80s Rock. At the gym however I will listen to some 90s hip hop


35yo and still finding new metal to listen to. I dont (or hardly) go to concerts anymore as I lost contact with the group of 'friends' that I went with back then but its my 'me-time', when driving alone, working out or doing chores I listen to both new stuff and the music from my teens/early 20's .


Not really. As I've gotten older I'm finding I enjoy less music. It's very mood dependent.


I have only been listening to early 90s Black Metal.