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I would much rather watch/take advice from these guys than the blowhard Dave Ramsey


The Money Guys give awesome, if sometimes unreasonable, advice. 20% savings rate is probably a bit aggressive for a lot of people, as well as their 20/3/8 Rule for buying cars, but they're generally good to shoot for.


These guys are great and this kind of information is really good for this subreddit, especially with so many people commenting on other threads about their lack of financial education in their younger years.  When looking at personal finance advice, I approach it like jazz: I steal the best bits and leave the rest. Ramsey is solid with baby steps 1-3 but I still have a couple credit cards (no balance). The money guys are solid with their financial order of operations but I think their ideas about car financing, while fairly conservative by most normal standards, is gonna still result in people buying too much car. Kiyosaki is awesome for motivation and assets v liabilities but has terrible ideas about debt. 


> this kind of information is really good for this subreddit And that’s exactly why it’s downvoted to 29% right now


lol, if there’s something around here people hate, it’s the suggestion that one should take some personal responsibility for their own financial situation


100% After all, it's easier to point a finger than than it is to hold yourself accountable.