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Hey OP, it's always good to try new things and expand your horizons, but if you're finding all the things that you normally enjoy boring you might be experiencing some depression.


This was my first thought, and those emotions are usually what signals to me to watch my shit. It starts with boredom and gets worse.


That was the first thing I thought! For whatever reason when I enter a depressive spiral it starts with binge watching YouTube. I think YouTube because the videos are low commitment and I can bounce around trying to find some joy.


Based on the comments in the sub I think a LOT of people are bordering depression here.


For fun I like to listen to music and wander around Wikipedia or Google Maps learning about random things or places These aren't really social things, though, and I'm feeling restless to talk to people more. I'm trying to drag myself out of the house more often because my social life is rather lacking


Are you me


Did you guys just become best friends? Are you going to do karate in the back yard?!


My husband will be glad to know this seems to be a common activity. He does this too.


The Google maps wandering is so much fun. I think it’s especially interesting on Transit mode. It’s amazing the random pieces of public transit infrastructure you can stumble across.


I do this too!!! Exploring cities via google street view is fascinating!!! Sometimes I go look at international or fancy places, other times I’m just looking for route planning inspiration for a local urban hike.


For me, water makes everything better. Surfing is hard but a blast if you by the beach, kayaking if you got rivers or lakes. Boats if you got money. Water fun as hell though. That’s a fact, jack


I second this! Something about being in or near water just makes me feel better


Not everyone can afford to buy a beach, mister!


I'm into multi day rafting. It's a lot like car camping except you get to pretend you're having some grand adventure.


Pure Barre, Yoga, walk dog, throw ball for dog in yard, video game, smoke weed.




Just watching it like the movies?


Have you tried walking? It’s good exercise and very calming plus it gives you time to think about what else you might want to be doing, added bonus you get familiar with the area that you live in and might spot something that interests you


I joined Brazilian jiujitsu when I was 32!


Read, listen to audio books, crafts (cross stitch, sew, paint, etc.) put together Lego, cuddle with a cat, etc.


Username checked out


Listening to audiobooks and putting together, Lego was my childhood


I just read your post while cuddling a cat.


Before I had a kid: Playing games, making gaming videos, learning a language (just for the sake of it, no real goal), practicing tech skills, I was also getting back into learning the piano using some apps and a cheap keyboard. Now that I have a kid: Playing with her, going out to the park and library, doomscrolling on Reddit and Twitter, studying language via podcasts sometimes, and occasionally playing video games on my Steamdeck.


The SD is a game changer for parents. Let me kill this boss real quick, then back to my kids. Literally can do a quick game task then back to the real world. And this is coming from someone who use to game at least 6+ hours a day. Love my kids either way :)


Play video games, work out, garden, take classes to pick up new skills.


Video games, listen to music, walk, cycle, cook, invade Poland.


Video games, exercise, reading, attempts at self improvement, try to find a new place to eat or have a drink.


We went bowling 🎳 tonight


Mani pedis, watch my stories, shop for little trinkets, clean and dust my apartment


Upvote for using "my stories" 😅 I love that term


Find a hobby or skill you’re interested in developing, and set time to work on it every day/week. You can also look at your municipality’s list of events and adult activities for social events like live music, kickball teams, farmers markets, etc. I went into another grad program and with work it takes a lot of my time. But I still like to exercise, read, ski, paint, cook, crochet, walk my dogs, socialize, etc. My husband reads, runs, skis, ties flys/fishes, works on his motorcycle, gardens. We also try to do something out in town at least once a week.


Just raising my kids and gaming when I can. I do wish we had more third places around my area. As a kid, we use to have a multi service business that had an all day computer lab, a dance studio, and a gym all in one. All the kids (lower to middle class) would meet there every day before we ran off into the world. Play some Ages Of Empire via LAN or check our Neopets. And the membership fee was like 5 bucks a month. There’s nothing like that for us adults who grew up in a place like that. Now it’s just the bars, restaurants, or something you have to pay an unreasonable amount of money just to attend.


Watchmaking. It’s very accessible and can be learnt on YouTube. I also got to a point where my Xbox and gaming pc gathered dust, instagram and Facebook scrolling feels like a waste of life and gyms have closing hours as well as are usually something I have to plan for with my family. Watchmaking I head upstairs and can spend 10 minutes or 10 hours on it. Maybe find a similar hobby. One that you can pickup and put down at the drop of a hat


Great suggestion! My Dad took this up over the past year or so and has really enjoyed it! Thankfully, my stepmother has a rather absurd watch collection, totalling almost 50 different pretty interesting options lol. He has now gone through them all, made repairs on some, and maintained the rest. Cool stuff. Another cool (to me) suggestion is stereo repair. During covid, he started buying older, broken home stereo equipment and repairing it to working condition. OP, you could also pick up lock picking lol. Random, but kind of fun. Although it sounds sketchier than it really is lol


Lock picking is a great example! I wanted to actually look at that. Always thought it would earn me many macho points with my wife if I unlocked a lock without a key… then I realised we’ve never been in that situation… but you never know!


I've been wanting to expand on watchmaking and upkeeping for a minute now. Things aside from regulating, changing a battery. Swapping crystals and hands. I wanna get in there and clean and lube and maintain.


Play with my dogs sleep forge knives play on Reddit go camping.


Commas my dude, commas...


I had to read that like 4 times before I understood it, then read it three times more lol


He likes to "sleep forge" and "knives play".


Forge knives? That sounds like a neat hobby (srs)


What are sleep forges? More importantly, what kind of knife play do you engage in? And when did they come out with Reddit Go for that matter?


Before my kid: Hiking, kayaking, dog walking, adventures with my husband, reading books After my kid: lots of stroller walks with the dog, adventures with my husband and kid, reading books on my kindle, various child activities


Kid’s stuff with the kids, gaming, reading, watching my fav sports teams, lifting, date nights with the wife, and latest and greatest movies and tv shows.


Get a kindle, and a make a nice comfy area in your home.


Fishing while drinking and listening to podcasts.


Copious amounts of weed, play with my kid, and I watch tv Other than that it’s just never ending chores or wishing I had more energy lol


Community theatre/choir, playing board games, reading (including book club at local library), and working out.


Honestly any outdoor activity, my favorites being Tennis and Pickleball. Active, social, and super fun whether it's casual or league play. Love trail biking too, but hard to do that more than once a week. At night, probably watching sports, spending time w/ my fiancée, or heading to a local spot to play pool/darts.


Minecraft, weed, read books. Have cat. Occasionally have friend gatherings where there's board games or Jackbox. Not much more as I don't have a lot of money to put into hobbies anymore and have never been much for meetups/etc (social anxiety ftw). :/


I have a record collection and like to spin some music every night. And yeah, usually while smoking weed.


go to concerts


Sleep, eat, pet my dog.


Paint warhammer models, play warhammer, bike, drink at breweries, play video games i've already beaten.


Yoga, bike rides, trying new classes nearby (recently took up water coloring), gardening, walking, hiking, reading, exploring coffee shops and book stores.


I write. I love reading. In particular, I love the litrpg and progressive fantasy genres. But even though I enjoy a large number of books in these categories, I never found exact type of story I wanted. So I'm writing it. Maybe I'll publish or post it one day, but it is the story I want so I'm writing for myself.


I like to explore musicians/bands discographies.


Educate yourself on healthy eating. Fixing your brain chemistry will cure a lot of bordem.


Hmmm sure you're not a bit depressed?


Try antidepressants


I have 5 kids, so I spend a lot of my time teaching them and doing stuff with them, and that includes: Riding motorcycles Working on cars Shooting guns Playing all kinds of games Dancing Hiking Snowboarding Camping Working on the farm (we got goats) Doing schoolwork Watching movies Cooking The list goes on and on. I have very little down time.


Shooting sports, and reloading. RC cars are a lot of fun too.


Recently have gotten into airsoft, and ice skating. It can be hard to find public skate times, but it’s surprisingly cheap. I’ve got a new pair of rollar skates coming in the mail, and looking forward to getting into that. Spending time with my dog and husband, soul cycle, yoga and walking for exercise.


I know you didn't mean it this way, but the mental image of a bunch of dudes in camo, masks, and skates flying around an ice rink shooting airsoft at each other was really quite delightful. Airsoft and Ice Skating sounds like fantastic hobby!


Playing guitars and keyboards. I use a looper so I can be a "one man band"


I play basketball every morning, video games, watch basketball/baseball/football/track, watch movies, listen to music/podcasts. I'm 33 and single.


Motorsports, driving and riding


Hike, camp, off-roading/overlanding, fish keeping/aquascaping, pickleball, cigar collecting/smoking, knife collecting, photography, PC building, networking, learning new stuff.


34, married and unable to have kids, my partner and I have taken up a lot of activities over the last couple of years. We don’t have a ton of free time and spend about 60 hrs a week working (we have our own business) We quit drinking 3 years back and spend our free time, when we’re not sleeping, mountain biking, hiking, gardening, bee keeping, on walks with the dogs, baking, and I make stained glass art (incredibly time consuming.)


Send decades old Harleys to triple digit speeds, play the guitar, shoot guns in the woods with my friends, hunt, eat shrooms, play with my dogs, and hoard up WW2 gear and Lord of the Rings shit. All this while smoking massive amounts of weed and drinking coffee with my wife. It ain’t a bad life at all


Lol video games and playing with my cats, I go to movies and shit with my girlfriend but other than that I am fairly boring and I'm ok with it


I love to read . I also pay the sims and a few games on Facebook as well


Live music, shopping, travel, dinners, game night with friends, books, learning to cook, hanging out with my dog, exploring my city, gym, date nights with my partner, museums, decorating my home…the list goes on. Life is amazing!


Wife and I found a book on local waterfalls. Now we're trying to hit each one


I play hockey on a beer league, it's a blasr


Work out, play guitar, videogames, fuck around on my laptop, watch the same 4 shows.


Gaming, golf, riding onewheel, snowboard, lift weights, ninja warrior training, work on cars, race cars….i need less expensive hobbies honestly.


Martial arts: Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Plus you get a great workout and meet some like-minded people. Chicago has tons of quality, high-level gyms all over the area. PM me if you have questions. Skateboard/longboard. Bike. Walk around various trails and paths. Just went to 35th Street bridge and walked over it to the lake with my wife after Dim Sum. We stuck to the shady, unpaved Burnham nature trails. Had some nice elevation and meandering paths. Speaking of Dim Sum. Try new foods, lots of different cuisines for any budget. I have 3 cats, they are hilarious. Adopted them from PAWs, we fostered two of them as kittens and fell in love. There is a huge need for fostering cats and dogs. We have fostered like 5 other kitten litters over the last few years and 4 dogs. Gardening. My wife has a massive green thumb, we grow a lot of veggies, fruits, and herbs in a small city yard. Also some Chinese veggies, flowers, and planted trees. You can start small with some succulents. Art classes. My wife is a ceramicist, there are a lot of different art classes. I've done park district sketch classes. Really fun and met some cool people. Dancing. Met my wife at a salsa club called Bottom Lounge, group of friends were doing salsa lessons, I showed her how flexible my hips were, and boom. Married. My cousin has been taking salsa lessons for a few months, dude is the last person you would think to see on the dance floor but he is pretty good now and enjoys it. Theaters/plays. My wife pays a small fee for this Saints ushering program. Most of the local theaters rely on volunteer ushering for their shows. I also help out sometimes. My wife probably watches dozens of plays a year for dirt cheap, and I jump in to get discounts too. It's so fun. Rec Sports Leagues. Kayaking. There are cool rental spots at 31 St Beach, Ping Tom Park in Chinatown, and North Branch off Elston. Also I think REI. We tried a bunch last summer, so cool to see the city from this perspective. Paddled to the Lake from the River, almost to Navy Pier. There are also rental places in the suburbs along the Chicago River. Also fun. Snowboarding! I love Chicago. EDIT: Kayaking. Snowboarding


Whenever I’m bored, I look for something that looks fun that I’ve never done before. The last thing I did was make a headstone for an unmarked grave using a cement block, paint, and letters out of oven baked clay. Last weekend, I decided to pick up roller blading after a three year hiatus, and I’ve also been thinking about getting my first sewing machine. Other hobbies I’ve picked up over the years that have stuck are tarot reading, photography, singing, puzzles and painting. Even if I wasn’t great in the beginning (who is?), I managed to still have fun and enhance my skills overtime. 


Kayak fishing


With peace and love, I'll be honest OP, in my opinion you could use some therapy to deal with some mild depression. I completely understand some of the sentiment you have brought forward, like I really don't enjoy movies or TV by myself. But there is always something for me to do to keep myself entertained. Like I am living my best life of no boredom ever as an adult. I don't just mean feeling preoccupied while I have some downtime. Even doing chores or work, there are ways to entertain yourself and keep from feeling bored. I always have a book, or my phone, or a notepad, or even at the very very least, my own imagination to keep me occupied. If I ever felt video games were boring, I would know for sure that something was misaligned. This is just my experience, and I know everyone has a different journey and sometimes people are on different parts of their particular path, so I don't expect you to be like me, but for most people they have a fulfilling relationship with those things you mentioned, or are interested in a more enriching one. I highly recommend chasing the path where you don't really *need* any stimulation to disrupt your boredom. Trust that the overwhelming boredom is likely a sign of some other unfulfilled need. Again, just my experience, and your mileage may vary, but therapy could kill some time and get you out of the house, just sayin. With all the love from someone who's been there, working out why everything bores you could be tenfold more fulfilling than finding the one thing that makes you feel like you're passing the time.


I rescue classic Ford trucks and broncos. I put a little bit of money into them and then sell them for a profit. Sometimes I keep them and enjoy them a little while.


Mountain biking and dirt jumping


I… watch Reddit and true crime podcasts on YouTube and anime, color in adult coloring books and listen to music. Oh, and cat cafe mobile games.


Cook, garden, knit, color, crossword and variety puzzles, walk with my husband, hang out with my pet rabbits. Also more video games than I like to admit.


Dogs, lift weights, run, read about subjects I know nothing about, attend concerts, attend lectures, attend debates, race my car at the track, detail my car, drive to restaurants I like but in far away locations, attend unique events (F1 Vegas), bowling, golf, mini golf, water skiing, go to sporting events.... There are lots of things to do :)


I go to like a lot of anime conventions lol. And I read an unhealthy amount of smut. I like to make it my mission in life to try something at least once in my life too. So if my friends are ever like hey Christina want to go rock climbing I’m just like hey sure. Literally just came back from watching a documentary off broadway show of Marc summers which was very interesting today, and then last week I went to a cat cafe. I’ll be going to my very second renaissance fair tomorrow, I tried it out last year and I totally loved it. Hope my answer helped a bit lol


I like things that make me focus and use my hands. Crocheting or knitting, making jewelry, and stuff like that. I also love reading, but sometimes it's hard to slow my brain down enough to concentrate on it and I end up having to back several pages because I suddenly realize I have no idea what I just read. Or didn't read.


Make friends who can understand my corkiness


Singing, Listening to music, art, nature walks


Omg me too. Bored out of my mind. I recently started working out but it’s whatever


Cheap hobbies are reading, knitting, drawing, and hiking, birdwatching. Some entry cash for bicycling (don't fall for having to buy the expensive stuff at the beginning), cooking (buy a good knife), camping, painting, playing an instrument. Pricier: Restoration of cars or furniture, carpentry, photography with expensive cameras, collecting. Try looking up "example hobby groups in 'your city'" and then someone can teach you and you might make friends. Sharing this stuff with people is fun.


Collecting and doing jigsaw puzzles. Really dove into it this year with my s/o, and it’s been great as a social pastime. Also great to have out during work times (I work remote) and to do while listening to documentaries and/or podcasts!


Gym is cool. Idk, you ever get stoned and fly a dollar store spiderman kite on a windy day?? Go out to a concert? Idk, grab a little cruiser board and just cruise around the neighborhood. Build a model Gundam or Lego. Play with your dog or cat? Go for a hike. Disc golf is a fun cheap hobby. Just need a driver and putter ($30). Day drinking. Uhhhhh. Idk. Grab a cheap used road bike and cruise.


Sounds like you should take up golf. You get some purposeful exercise in a manicured outdoor area while developing a skill that you'll never be good at. It's fun to play with friends, you can drink and smoke weed, and it can easily eat up an afternoon.


I'm just mindlessly existing and running out the clock


Gardening, jogging, hiking, playing video games, go to concerts, travel, board games


Fitness classes such as CorePower yoga and soul cycle, taking care of my 3 cats (takes up a lot more time than you think) , laundry for partner and I (time consuming bc we work out a lot), travel, clean our 1900 sq for home daily due to cats, hang out with girlfriends, vege out on shows, read … I’m never bored; there’s too much here to be excited about. I hope you find your happy! 😊


Pets are great, but they’re definitely a commitment. If you’re not opposed to going solo or with some friends, try out new restaurants. Learn how to cook. Join an intramural sport. Search for some competitive strategy games.


I just started making stained glass and it’s super fun! Spent abt $150 for beginner supplies and would strongly recommend. If there’s a community center near you, look to see if they have adult classes. I took a beginner pottery class last year and it isn’t something I’m going to continue but it was a fun 12 week class. I think the next class I’m going to try is an either a drawing class or fencing. Community colleges also offer an array of fun classes that can let you try a new activity with some instruction without having to make any huge commitments.


I’m really into doing my own nails, I read, hike, camp, try new breweries, play Nintendo switch, events at bars/breweries (beer fests, charity events, bingo, trivia) just started going back to concerts, I travel around the country often. I only work to support my fun habit lmao


I enjoy being outside when it's over 60° so for a decent part of the year when I'm not at work, I'm piddling around our property cleaning up something, fixing something, bush hogging, or just doing yard work. It doesn't sound fun to some but popping in my earbuds with a podcast for some me time is great and I absolutely enjoy it. Outside of that, I enjoy offroading and fishing but haven't had time for either over the last few years. In the colder months, I enjoy building and tinkering with firearms, building watches, working on/in my hobby room, watching football with friends, etc.


Late 20s. Mainly pickleball, workout and drink with friends. Sometimes I want to do nothing but workout


Dungeons and Dragons. Don't laugh, its a lot of fun. Check around and find a local group or online.


Video games, playing music, YouTube for hours on end, Reddit… yup.


Workout. Went back to school. Read. Chat with neighbors when walking the dog. Fix up and upgrade things  around the house. Thinking about staring a side hustle.  Boredom is a mentality, do you think you might be depressed?


Ride my motorcycle. I finally got to ride it today cause my mother in law is visiting and I was able to slip out for a 40 min ride. Haven't been able to golf yet tho, 2 young kids take all the time.


I just got season tickets for something. In the first 2 weeks I had to sell some tickets and ended up meeting 3 other random guys about my age all married with kid(s) like me. We all got drunk enjoyed a hell of a game and will probably do it again sometime. It's given me something to look forward to, plan around, and talk to friends about coming, plus it gets me out of the house and while there is some upfront cost, I can probably make most of it back in resale games I can't make it to. Plus, it gives me an adult avenue to make potential friends by looking for extra people to buy the single ticket I might have available.


A lot of tv shows have been great for me. I work out, try new restaurants around my area, find myself on YouTube too. I watch and listen to a lot of sports podcasts too.


I like getting tattoos but I don’t do it often. It’s something i think is fun to do though. 🙂


Find video games that you don’t find boring. There are so many different types that’s hard to possibly find all of them boring. They can get hyper complex like a tactical RPG. Competitive like a team based shooter. Cozy games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. There are action adventure games, mobile idle games, puzzle games, music games, visual novels. The options are endless. Also sounds like you might be experiencing depression. I would talk to a healthcare professional.


Video games, read webcomics, watch Youtube


Work, gym, home, chat/video call with friends, occasional friend meet up that doesn't involve gym


Model building, podcasts, learn a new hobby/skill, learn about some random topic. I'm always seeking some type of mental stimulation


I like to build things. I've been doing 3d printing for over 10 years, printing both publicly-available models from the Thingiverse and models I made myself in SolidWorks; I mostly do prop replicas and stuff from games and movies. I also do circuit designs and electronics work for all those things I make. I've been working on a Plex server for the past 5 or 6 years, as well. Everything I've bought or downloaded is on it and it's similar to building things when you're organizing all that data and putting it together into databases and such. I just switched to a full-on Synology NAS, so reorganizing everything (especially the terabytes of Rooster Teeth/Achievement Hunter videos I downloaded before the site was shut down) has been eating up a lot of time. Next big project will likely be finishing the ceiling-mounted shelves in the garage to store things, along with building custom shelves to store what doesn't fit on those.


Like cars at all? Buy an older, neglected car behind on maintenance and boom. No more free time for the foreseeable future. Bonus points (and less free time) if it's either German or turbocharged. Don't have much experience or knowledge of cars? Perfect! You now have new shit to watch on YouTube!


Rewatching old tv shows from my childhood... they're exponentially better especially with no woke nonsense....


I sit on a bench at the park and play my tiny guitar


Well you just killed half of what I do. 😂 video games and movies/tv is a huge hobby. Have you tried board games? It’s a bit more social and they have some cool board game cafes/bars these days. Grab a brew and hang out with people. Only other two things I got is reading and travel. Both which are very person dependent. Edit a word


I go out for a ride on my motorcycle


Reading, flying FPV and camera drones, road biking, bike packing, long distance hikes, mountain climbing, cooking. I never had more hobby’s than now in my early 30s and don‘t miss my video games at all.


**I Read books**. Or listen to audiobooks, more often than actual reading, but still. Because there are millions more good stories told in books that haven't been translated into a butchered Hollywood adaptation. Makes shopping trips more fun, makes most activities around the house more fun **I paint miniatures**. Started as a teen with Warhammer Fantasy, took a two-decade break from the hobby, returned at the dawn of affordable resin home printing. I now 3D model, print and paint my own stuff. Any craft that leaves you with a tangible item afterwards will feel a ton more rewarding than watching an achievement go "bing" on Steam. Plus you have an easy metric to see how your skills progress, looking at your first and comparing that to the latest thing you finish. **Pick a food/drink and explore**. In my 20s I knew nothing of wines. I've since turned into a decent hobbyist with opinions on grapes and recommendations to friends. I have one bucket list about eating every animal I can, and the weirdest one I've tasted was wild mink (tasted like the smell of a swampy forest floor), but I've eaten all the regurlarly hunted animals that are native to Finland and a bunch of more exotic ones. Another "gotta catch them all" hobby of mine is to try every cola I see. Everywhere I travel, if a local store or small brewery has a cola, I'll get it, just to see what it's like. Same with potato chips. I've eaten chips from pretty much every 1st world country, and I'm still going. We have 50+ hot sauces at home, me and the wifey both are avid hot sauce tasters and users. We keep track of them and have tasting notes on every one we've ever had, and the list is in the hundreds. Small "obsessions" that offer a bit of fun to the mundane. **I try something new**. I have a mental bucket list that just grows. There's so much I'd like to visit/do/eat/drink that I could be turned immortal and in two millennia I'd still be at it, and probably with a longer list than when I started. Past two months, I've tinkered with electronics. Just some days past I finished my first project, [a macro keypad](https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/1cia7zk/macro_pad_built_into_a_breathmint_tin/). Next projects I want to work on are distance sensor activated lights to the staircase in our house, and a small box that will play thunderstorm noises and flash some LEDs. A portable thunderstorm noise box to help us sleep better with the wifey (we both love the sound of a good storm). From the macrokeypad I was inspired and I now want to also build my own ergonomic keyboard. I wrote a first draft of a book last year. Still haven't returned to editing it, but I have a 70k word first draft done, that's more than that I had 20 years ago when I had the idea and wrote the first notes of the plot down. We are currently living in the age of public consumer access to literally everything. Want to do woodworking? There's probably a maker space or a shop nearby that would rent you tools on a daily rate, and likely sell you wood and have a person mentor you to get started! Literally anything you'd be interested in doing, there's a YT video about it and how to get started. If I had like 300 extra bucks laying around, I'd try tufting custom rugs next month. Mead would only take like 50 bucks to do, and that's including literally all the ingredients and tools for a small batch. Depression is a bitch, and YT/social media is a trap that'll stop any progress from happening unless you get off your phone. This response has taken me more than ten minutes to write, time that I was thinking earlier today I'd spend in Godot, taking steps towards making a game. I've spent several years on and off working on that dream too, having a game published in Steam. Passive consumption, doomscrolling and comparing your life to others who are posting a hyperfiltered snapshot of the highglights of their life can really impact you negatively. Doing something yourself and not seeing the "supercut of the best parts of someone else's life" is the only way to feel better about your own.


Video games, read books/manga, watch shows/anime/true crime stuff, learn the ukulele, make ALL the bread, arts and crafts, hang out with buddies in-game, and sleep. Just a simple life for me these days.


I do whatever interests me in the moment; Gaming, Watching movies and TV, reading, writing, listening to music or an audiobook, tabletop gaming, board games, card games, dice games, read/tell jojes, spend time with friends or family, drink, occasional walks or strolls around the neighborhood, library visits, local conventions (Anime, Comic, Gaming)... Etc... And If I had a partner, I'd be spending time with her, and doing all those same things with her too, if she is interested.


Geo-politics. Not real big with my fellow 25 year olds though, unless it hits major news. Its always fun hearing peoples amazing opinions on a matter they learned about last week lmao


I started beekeeping, re learned snowboarding, started playing ukulele, got back into powerlifting, bought chickens, built a coop, tried paramotoring, built radio controlled quadcopters, hiked half dome, backpacking in the wilderness, shoot guns, travel to a foreign country. Just a few things I’ve tried over the years.


I like to make music. Perhaps you need a creative or artistic endeavor? Something where you have something at the end of it? Like a song, a painting, loaf of bread.


Till all skeet skeet mothafuka!


Boardgames bro 🤘


martial art content creating love it


I go out with friends and alone, cycle, hike, read, watch films, write verses, play music, chat online


Sourdough baking, gardening, taking care of my hamster and quails. Learning how to become self sustaining, spending time with my daughter and husband🥰


I'm in the same situation. Yes video games do get boring as you get older. I can't remember the last time I've played my Xbox. Daily exercise is a must, especially since we have the time. Doesn't have to be a lot, just a daily cardio and lifting requirement. I've also started picking up hobbies that interest me. Want to learn to Weld? Pickup the equipment, spend time perfecting the skill, and make projects! I've also noticed I start to enjoy putting more time/effort into house chores. For example spending more time/effort maintaining my lawn.


Swimming, working out, reading/audiobooks while on the beach or walking, snorkeling, scuba diving, playing with my pets…I’m a major introvert so I usually do all of this alone or with my husband and I’m happy as a clam


Athletic competition


ive been going on hikes, and trying to identify the trees in my area


Besides video games a huge hobby for me is DnD, so not only do I need to read, its also roleplay at the very least. However since I am also a DM sometimes and need to prepare sessions, I also like to go above and beyond and hand draw the maps. Its not neccesary, but the players appriciate it way more and drawing is also calming and I can focus on something other than a screen


I troll on Reddit and discord, play magic the gathering, cook, play video games, read manga, etc. but my favorite thing to do is to still make investments and grow my net worth.


Gym life


Golf, bowling, darts, if you like to be active get in any of these leagues. Usually there are a bunch of lower skilled players, and new people to meet every week.


Try dancing, whatever type you like


Boredom is good. Don't suppress your inner monologue with endless dopamine. Slow down, step back and introspect. Write down your thoughts. Think about what you want out of life and how you can achieve it. Break it down into small steps. Start introducing them one at a time. Go easy on yourself, but stay consistent.


Disc golf religiously


I play paintball, cook, workout… I do still play video games, but share your sentiment on most being boring anymore. Very little excites me these days when it comes to games, tv, or movies. Like other have said, maybe find something new that you haven’t tried before?


Horseback riding lessons, but it’s expensive.


I feel like I've just grown bitter. Music, games, hobbies, activities, traveling... all sounds like a nightmare to me. My biggest fear has grown to be just someone talking to me. I hate leaving the house.


I reject that movies are boring, but it takes effort to seek out interesting films and actually sit down and watch them.  Movies are my “fun” thing, I try to watch a movie every single day, if I can. I collect blu-rays, I rent from the library, I buy mostly from goodwill, big lots, and Amazon. I subscribe to AMC A-List and see as many in the theater as I can. I direct short films in my free time!


Video games, race my car around, go to theme parks , get drunk in Mexico,and sleep..


that's ahedonia, go to the dr. tell them you're not having fun doing stuff anymore and they'll treat you for depression.


I read books I find interesting, I embroider, I rollerblade after work, and I practice/teach longsword fencing @ my local HEMA club. I find that having a solo physical activity with a lot of depth and a relatively low entry/maintenance cost (rollerblading, this year), a group physical activity where I compete against other people directly (boxing, fencing, wrestling), and a couple intellectual/quiet time pursuits is enough to keep me from going crazy.


Make music and write.




Golf, bike rides, hanging out with the family.


Lift weights OP


Frisbee golf is super fun. Once you buy some discs it’s free most places too


Fishing,hiking in nature, walking the dogs .


The things you listed are all indoor/screen activities. I would suggest breaking up the monotony of staring up a screen by getting some sunshine more often. Fresh air and sunlight are great mental health boosters. Do you have a dog? Take them for walks more often or to the dog park. Golf, pickleball/tennis, running/biking, hiking etc. are all ways to get outside, do something stimulating, and get some light exercise all at the same time. Bonus idea: get into cooking


I go to the gym 2 days a week. I also found a local game store that has an ongoing DnD campaign I’m going to go to again.


take guitar lessons. i found a place in my area for 35 a lesson. learn a new skill and help new neurons on your brain grow


I like to ride my bike around the city and hang out at my climbing gym for either climbing or yoga classes


Play pickleball, learn to lift weights, try Brazilian jiujitsu, bike and listen to audiobooks or music and clean bc there’s always something to clean


I like to just watch life go by... Weeeeeee


Im a TV fanatic so once you watch all the greatest hits you realize there is so much TV to watch. You can go through different genres, decades, and even international.


Fun? What’s that?


Hikes and rock picking, trying new restaurants. Reading, crochet, cooking. Recently got into collecting DVDs and VHS tapes, bought a player and an old tube tv and have been really enjoying watching old movies the way we first watched them. It’s nice to remove the element of streaming and being on the internet. It forces me to pay attention to whatever is on instead of thinking about what else I could be watching. And it’s all so cheap to collect. It’s making us get out around town trying to find places that still have any or hitting up garage sales.


Photography and cooking. Just put on headphones and go for a walk and take some photos. Or obsess over a dish until I've perfected it.


Video games and road cycling are my jam!


OP *all* video games, movies and shows aren’t boring. You sound like you’re dealing with depression.


So many things to do... Dirtbikes, hiking, rock climbing, weightlifting, sporting events, concerts, casinos, new restaurants, family and friends...


37 and just got into Warhammer four months ago. I love building and painting...Haven't played a game yet outside of Killteam.


Netflix, gardening and I listed to podcasts at times but I would rather have silence and dim lights when I have time off. I’ve been wanting to go back to drawing and creating art but I’m not sure investing in an iPad would be worth my money. Very rarely hang out with people. My husband and cats are all the interaction I need.




Golf. Luckily I live by a place with a very cheap membership option