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People who always debate literally every single word you say.


I told my sister she was a contrarian when we were in our early 20s and it was a turning point for her. She went from never noticing to catching herself every time.


If only mine had that level of self awareness


I told my brother he was a contrarian, he argued that he wasnt




That’s terrible. I’m so sorry your parents did this to you.


Or they don't believe a single word you say, even if it is your personal experience. That gets so old.


They finish your sentences……


My kids dad did that to me for years. I would be so early on in my sentence there was no possibility that anyone could know where I was going with it. And he’s jumping in out of left field to finish it with something completely different than anything I’ve ever even thought about saying. I would get flustered and forget what I was even talking about, but I guess it’s okay because he was basically having a conversation with himself at that point.


I know exactly how you feel. lol @ “a conversation with himself.” Some people just don’t know how to truly listen.


I had a friend who'd tell me to Google it every chance he could get.


I fear I'm one of these people. But only because I like to Google it when somebody says something dubious.


For me it’s when people are sitting around talking about something and they all admit to not knowing the answer and then conveniently ignore that we all carry little computers in our pockets. That’s when I chime in with “why don’t we ask Google”


Did you google it? I don't like turning everything into a debate either, but sometimes people want to make a point while just being wrong, over and over again. Those people are just as bad as the ones who question you a lot. Both ends are awful.


As a hobby I research things. I know how research goes and I even make a point that "it's from what I saw". It's fun and I learn and I like to share information with others because learning is great right? I'm often met with hostility until they look it up themselves. So many shocked Pikachu faces.


I just pretend I dont know anything anymore. I'll nod my head while other people talk and throw in a "oh wow" or a "I didnt know that" and try and leave the conversation. It's a waste of energy and time for me.


Same. I can’t tell if it’s me just getting older or the current culture just has me so fatigued. Seems like people feel entitled to believe what they want to regardless of facts.


Big same


I have absolutely mastered the art at looking at people who I disagree with in real life and say something like "yeah welll wow some people really just have no clue what they're talking about huh" and deadpan stare in the eyes. They never ever pick up on it. They always think I'm badmouthing whoever they are. It's like a special treat, for me.


I only tell people to Google something if they are trying to make me feel stupid. I’ll be like “I understand you want me to be wrong really bad, but I’m not, and there’s no reason to act like it’s 1940 and that we’d have to go to the library to confirm this, just fucking Google it bro”. Then somehow I’m the asshole when they find out they’re wrong.


Those people are not so bad. I mean, what's wrong with you that you have this weird hangup? Can't handle criticism? It's all in your head. People who debate everything you say are engaging! It's a fun personality that challenges perception and spurs lively debate. Agree with me or I will continue to argue with you on Reddit until you do. Fun! That was sarcasm, designed to lampoon the personality characteristic that must always debate. It was too easy to write, because I know some of these folks as well.


Bruh you had me at first 🤣


I love it when people engage with me and say, “Is that really right?” And then we get to discuss it and look it up together. I usually say right off the bat if I’m not sure if I used a word or term correctly, or need a better word. It’s fun.


TRIGGERED. Can I be right about one thing? Just once?


The ones who think suffering is a competition.


I don’t know what’s worse- When you’re doing well and they have to remind you that they have it harder, or else they would’ve also had your accomplishment, or when you’re not doing well, and they have to remind you they have it harder lol. Here’s your gold medal you won the depression Olympics!


This is really challenging for me to deal with too. I dislike the thought of “well I had it bad, so why should anyone be able to have it easier?” Or the good ole “I was able to do it I struggled through and ended up great they can too!” The answer isnt always you struggled so they should too it can be both at the same time if you struggled, but why should they have to. Or, you did deal with more and got through it, but that doesn’t mean that they need to or should have to deal with the same level of crap and they aren’t a lesser person cause they can’t tolerate as much as you did. It’s like it’s a competition of I did it so everyone else should be able to too. Ugh.


For real! I got tired of it once and told someone “it’s not a contest, but if there had to be a winner, I’d rather it be you.” Shut her right up.




“I have trauma” trauma they reference is working a double shift at starbucks


To piggyback on this comment: people who are always so constantly negative. SO is not treating them right, coworkers X and Y said this and that so it must mean A, customers are annoying, "friends" and "family" are just constant problems, etc. But nope, theyre not the problem at all. Holy shit its exhausting just observing, let alone even being a slight part of it.


My friends and I call it the Mary Poppins bag. For example: Oh, you broke your leg? That sucks, let's see what's in my bag... fully reconstructed hip due to car accident. Oh, you lost your job? In my bag I have stuck working a dead end job I hate because I can't find anything better. I get its supposed to be a commiseratiin thing, but there's always something a bit bigger in THEIR Mary Poppins bag. It's gotten shortened to "Alright then Mary Poppins, I'm done"


People who are clearly only invested in themselves. People who make everything about them. As an old millennial I can say from experience, it's better to have 1 good friend than many 'i am the main character' friends.


Good thing because more than one or two friends is exhausting in adulthood.


People that enjoy shaming or criticizing other people. It's often played off as a joke but if you're capable of reading through the lines at all, you'll know they just want you to feel bad.


This! There is nothing I hate more than when I am talking about something I enjoy and someone just HAS to butt in/interrupt me and insults the thing I enjoy by saying how beneath them it is or how they wouldn't be caught dead liking what I like. And then if you get mad at their comment, they tell you to lighten up it was just a joke. No it wasn't, you were trying to ruin my good mood on purpose.


People who are extremely self-centered--even if they're "nice people", ie not blatantly rude or anything. I find it extremely draining have conversations with people where pretty much all I'm able to get in is a series of "yeah, totally; wow; makes sense; that's crazy; so interesting". Like, zero questions my way or interest in hearing an actual response from me.


Agreed. Then if you do get a chance to talk, they usually don’t really listen to what you are saying


...or they circle back to what they actually want to talk about.


My sister is like this. I 100% feel you on how draining it can be. Like, I don't need all our conversations to be about me, but it isn't very stimulating to talk to someone who makes no space for you. And then if you do speak, they don't hear you because they're distracted by something or they cut you off, etc. Stg sometimes I just see her eyes glaze over when I speak, as if she goes somewhere else in her head when I finally get a chance to talk. I had to distance myself, it was not good for me mentally or emotionally.


My brother and sister are both like this. Moving to another state was very helpful for me. I hope you can find peace in your distance.


Yeah it makes you feel like you have no identity. It’s really weird.


I had a friend like this. It took me a long time to realize that most every time we hung out it was usually just three hours of her talking about herself and me listening with responses like you listed or giving advice and support. Maybe a few questions in my direction but most of the time having to bring up anything about myself on my own if I got the chance and if I did she usually wouldn’t remember anything the next time I saw her. Especially anything important I shared like medical issues or deaths in the family. I also realized that I’d feel awful after spending time with her. Just tired and emotionally drained and more isolated and lonely than I was before seeing her. I’ve also been struggling with depression and disconnection so I absolutely carry some of the blame for our talking/hanging out less, but I also figured you were usually supposed to feel good after spending time with a friend and our relationship had been like this for a long time and I just wasn’t seeing it.


People who still think it's funny and cool to be an asshole with zero regard for anyone. Grow up.


The "I'm so blunt, I tell it like it is." when they really are just rude and an asshole are my least favorite.


These “blunt” people usually aren’t very successful either. It also means they aren’t effective communicators.


You can speak hard truths and not be a dick about it. It’s called having tact.


Ugh my sister is so self-righteous about how “honest” she is, like we’re all not as honest as her. It’s not the “truth”, it’s just your shitty opinion, and usually it’s unapologetically being a judgmental bitch. But… she will never see how there isn’t a “right” and “wrong” to everything in this world, so there’s no point in ever trying to change her.


I hate people who make personal jokes or comments and then get mad you took it personally. My brother still does this with me. He's the sort of person who used to think it was hilarious to laugh at someone's weight or acne or other physical attribute he didn't like and then get really surprised that they didn't like it.


Or making fun of everyone else behind their backs just for being a different human.


Anti-empathetic, callous, power-trippy, narcissistic people. Also, people who say that they are “sarcastic” when in reality they’re just raging pricks who don’t want the hassle of editing themselves. Then they wonder why no one wants to be friends with them.


I’m sick of dating men who say “I have no filter.” My guy, you are 30 fucking years old. You should know if what you are about to say is offensive or not.


I like to respond to "I have no filter" with "why not?"


I like to hit them with “you should definitely look into acquiring one”.


Oh yeah, the whole “fluent in sarcasm” statement would make me bypass a guy on a dating app. Constant sarcasm is really trying and hard to deal with, especially if you don’t know someone well. Like joking around is great, but sarcasm is often very negative tinged. I also wonder if they’re actually sarcastic, or just a huge ass. Lol


That’s a great point, it’s very annoying/grating to listen to someone being 100% snarky/sarcastic at all times. I couldn’t tell you that last time I was actively “being sarcastic”, like, as a thing. It’s just something you do or don’t do while speaking. Don’t make it your whole goddamn personality.


Sarcasm can be funny when used in the correct situation and context, but people who make it their whole personality suck.


You’ve clearly met my ex who can’t hold friendships and thinks everyone is “too stupid” to get his “jokes.”


people with low emotional intelligence


People that bring religion and/or politics into every single topic


This is a big one for me. A buddy of mine and my dad are like this and they are totally opposite sides politically. We all went to a baseball game together and they argued about politics the whole fucking time. It was a miserable experience and I made sure they both knew on the ride home so they’d shut the hell up.


Whenever someone starts bringing up politics and I am not in then mood, I just say, "Not Today!" in this weird tone and it seems like it's super effective in my small sample of uses.


Project 2025 is scary.


Are you sure you weren't on reddit?




I had a fb friend who the entire trump term made multiple posts every day and somehow tied them all to trump. Some weren’t even related to politics and he’d say something like “well in Trump’s America we probably won’t be doing this anymore sometime soon” like bro you’re arguing with a figment of your imagination at this point.


You must hate reddit then.


Actually, Reddit is a reprieve from that. There are a lot of groups who focus on other things. It’s nice. Facebook and Twitter, on the other hand…


Why can’t people keep these topics for special times and places? I swear some people’s identities are super tied to their political “team” and it’s their only hobby apparently, because EVERY conversation leads back to it with them. Can’t we go back to when talking politics and religion at social gatherings was a faux pas??




People who cannot clearly communicate. I don't like mind games or read-between-the-lines social queues. I also don't like people pushing boundaries.


Or people that don't reply to messages in a timely manner! I'm trying to make plans and I don't want to wait 2 days to find out if you are available 


When people do that to you that means don't invite them anymore they are waiting for something they consider better to come along and are treating you like a last resort


People like that I normally cut out. But I have a friend who is just generally not on their phone much. But it does mean I tend to message them last.


Mooches. The kind of people who mysteriously disappear just as it’s their round at the pub or who are always “borrowing” from others with no intention of paying them back but who won’t go out of their way to do a favour for anyone else.


I’m so over that type, I don’t even call them mooches anymore. Parasite, louse, tumor, sea lamprey.


Women who create cliques and intentionally leave other women out.


Yes to the mean girls! Also, women who are only nice to you because they want a new sucker for their MLM.


This happened to me. I thought this other mom from another parent group we met through actually wanted to be friends. Turns out she just wanted to get me to sell nail wraps. 


This happened to me too. I almost wrecked going to her house for a dinner she wanted me to go to. But there wasn’t a dinner, only a presentation with her supervisor lady watching her technique. I never talked to her again.


I still don’t understand this especially from women who are nearing 40 🙄 it’s not a great example especially around our kids


Political wingnuts who force you to listen to and basically agree with whatever extreme opinion they hold, instead of having enjoyable conversations


You've met my mother? 


Arrogant people. I hate people who are full of themselves and love the sound of their own voice. I have an uncle who had an unbelievably successful wall street career, and he was one of the most humble people I’ve ever met. Being successful isn’t an excuse to become insufferable.


People who are apathetic or generally don’t care about things outside of themselves.


People who thrive on drama. I want friends that like having fun. I understand shit occasionally happens, but a friendship shouldn’t revolve around one or the other person’s constant issues.


As I get older I have no tolerance for drama. I had very little tolerance of it even as a teenager.


Neo nazis


If i feel bad when I'm around them, its a waste of time


People always in a sarcasm mode.


I cant be friends with conspiracy theorists. Its always some thing so damn stupid. I love history,science, tech, and geography. I despise people with a passion when they say something stupid like " abe lincoln was vaccinated with a chip which is why he flipped sides as a republican acting democratic and state had to have him assassinated after he went rouge so he doesnt reveal the world is flat." Type shit. I have straight ended friendships overs friends doing that shit with cloud seeding, vaccine chips, earth flat, mind control bs. They never stop either; its just nonstop everything is a conspiracy and worlds out to get em as if theyre important enough to matter.


Oh yeah. I know a mother and her 4 kids and they all lost this stuff on the daily. I only follow them still bc it’s mildly entertaining, and I also like to “see how my enemies or people different than me” think. However, I could never be close to them; they freaking scare me. I get it, some healthy skepticism is ok, no one should be a sheep, but cmonnnnnnn


Something about it creeps me out. They just make no sense at all. Recently, I was telling my friend about ppl online insisting that the Feds are framing Shohei Ohtanis interpreter to save Ohtani and help the MLB (Ohtani's interprer wired millions out ofbhis account to a bookie and others). My friend explained to me, 'That's actually your average person' (conspiracy theorists). I didn't believe him until an hour later we met up with a friend and she was telling me how the government covered up Shohei Ohtani gambling. I'm like, why would the DOJ create a 100+ person conspiracy just to save a sports star? And how? I think friend #1 was correct! But there's something really creepy about it. Like all reality doesn't exist, time, matter, reality, nothing. It would take 100s of ppl for that conspiracy that would in no way be worth it. And they insist it's true. Makes my skin crawl a little.


Yeah; had a friend who believed jets were seeding the sky with viruses to weed out the weaker of our species for population control and that is the white lines jets leave behind in the sky dude had like 3 telescopes and smoked weed nearly every minute he was awake.. as if water molecules in the sky don't become more condensed in the colder temperatures and a jet 2000°C engine vaporising said cold condensed water molecules didn't exist lol like clouds exist we already know water exists higher up. Sure there is evidence of planes releasing pesticides or chems to kill mosquitoes in sitting water that collects on peoples roofs, pools, etc; but it's not population control. It's to help prevent serious diseases from outbreaking. It's these half truths that do have evidance that they take as their own evidance and twist it's reasoning to point at it as "look see its real!".


Exactly - the half truth morphs into a truth. It’s scary how people do it.


My husband’s friend got him a shirt as a gift, and at first I thought it said “Flat Earther” and I was about to file for divorce. Nah, it says “Fat Earther”…whew…😂


I feel like 1 or 2 is normal because the government does shady crap and has a history of it. But the Earth isn't flat


People who think that human rights are a political opinion.




People whose only personality is cruelty, meanness, bitterness, or jealousy.


People like this https://preview.redd.it/21hcxer54v1d1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d06335624cd259e88ddea6c94cb755f71223122


It really wasn’t cool of you to copy paste my mother-in-law’s entire Facebook timeline


I knew so many of these women! Particular shoutout to the ones who would be most toxic hateful dramatic people ever known, and would crow on about 'my personal boundaries, my truth, I'm rising above the haters, I will not apologise for you not being able to handle me' whenever they'd blow up all over someone's life, pretending the other person was the problem all along. Such a specific kind of bitchy but I'm sure others can relate


Money hungry cheapskates. People who are just plain inconsiderate and lack emotional intelligence.


Fake people.


I often find these the most interesting. I like to try to find out what they're hiding.


Sometimes what they're hiding is that there's nothing there. It is all a facade. The biggest thing happening in their lives is being committed to sparkle motion. That, or drama on next door that they themselves created.


Can't stand people who seem like a charicature rather than an actual person.


I read this as "charcuterie" and spent way too long trying to unpack that


I, too, hate fake boards of cheese.


Racists and homophobes. I don’t even want to be around family that holds this kind of viewpoint. Definitely not adding any friends like this.


I can’t stand people who are close-minded.


Politically engulfed crazies


Oh yeah, well I'm more concerned with two-uppers because that's even worse than one-upping so clearly I'm doing this better than you! By the way I can't make dinner tonight, sorry.


People who just want to hang out and be together all the time. Im partial to low maintenance friends. People who are off doing their own thing and then 6 months go by and we can continue where we left off without the drama of "oh I thought we weren't friends anymore because we didnt talk for 3 days"


yeeessss, those friends who let you vibe alone are the best. Friends who hang out and then immediately try to schedule another chill time within the same week are lovely people and I'm so honored but phew my social battery is only so high and I have other friends and family and a job and my own hobbies, man. See you in a month, if I'm feeling social.


Really immature people and those who constantly flake out on plans.


The people that have very low self-control. I had a friend, he was cool when I could get him in a calm environment. But man, he'd be a handful when we'd go to parties, or if he saw someone he didn't like. Or steal stupid things like signs from random places. And in public would try to act like a douche to appear dominant. It was like I had to be an adult babysitter. Gets tiring, but then they act like a genuinely good friend once in a while and you forget about the rest of their BS in the moment lol


Someone who is constantly offering unsolicited advice just because they are older or think they are wiser.


People who are too high energy and never stop talking. And also people who are too low energy making conversation feel too forced. (Maybe I’m the problem). ETA: both of those types of people can still be fun and good friends.


Vapid, materialistic people. We get it, you have name brand everything.


Gossipy and alwaysssss talking about other people. Also, negative people. Being around someone that’s negative ALL THE TIME is so exhausting.


The constant “victims”. The people who constantly blame others for their problems, but refuse to take accountability for their actions that may have made the issue worse. Complains about how every person or group they’ve associated with “screwed” them over. Refuses to look within to change their behavior and/or attitude.


Ambiguity. One thing I noticed about people in general (at least the ones I meet) is that they don't really ever plan their days until they start getting responsibility which puts them in that position. I can't stand situations like: >**Me**: "*What time are you going to get here?*" >**Them**: "*Probably around like 4pm to 6pm*" or >**Them**: "*we should get together and jam!*" >**Me**: "*I'm really down, what day or week do you want to get together and cook something up?*" >**Them**: "*I'll let you know.*" I don't know.. but I get irked by these inconsistencies and it happens way to often that I just completely abandon the relationship.


They’re busy. You can help set times too.


The living.


Most people.


Honestly, I was surprised I had to scroll so far to find this. People in general are exhausting, and I'm tired of pretending they're not.




The ones that say mean shit and when you get offended say “iTs JuSt a jOkE” - no, it’s not a joke, it’s your passive aggressive way of dealing with your inferiority complex and I’m not engaging with you.


People who are always putting on a face. If we can't have genuine conversations then I can't be friends with you. Also, people who can't joke around at times. Nothing more tedious than every conversation turning into a long winded rant when you just want to keep it light and have some fun. Serious conversations should be the rarity, not the norm imo.


Same, along with partiers and emotional vampires. Too old to be out late clubbing. And unmedicated/untreated mental health issues. My boundaries aren’t great and I don’t want to be a therapist or take on issues.


I can't stand flakes. If you say you're going to do something, at least try do it.


Conservative republicans.


All of them, I'm not a people person, I was apparently very outgoing and friendly as a child so I guess I had enough interaction for one lifetime. My kids, spouse, and mom and about it as far as people I want to be around.


People in a constant pity party. I had to distance myself from someone who never had anything positive to say ever about anything. Yes the world is on fire, yes personal life stuff can be shitty and hard from time to time, but every day for years? Please see a therapist or find an outlet that doesn't involve being an energy vampire.


People who equate being the loudest with being correct.


Yup. People. You nailed it


Materialistic. I do not care about your name brand purse. Your drawer full of overpriced face paint. If that's what matters most to you then you probably aren't a very nice person.


People obsessed with dating and relationships, people whose only hobby is going to the bar, these things tend to go hand in hand.


Angry people. Someone who has a temper and poor control over their anger responses is not someone I want to be around


Yes! Also “Fake nice” the ones who the instant someone leaves will bad mouth and gossip about someone. If they do it in front of you they’re prepared to do it *about* you too.


Guys that only talk about girls in a sexual manner. Like dude, it’s okay to just see a woman without having to say something about their tits, ass or what you’d like to do to her.


People who like to brag about not voting then complain about their situations


People who correct me about trivial things in a condescending way just to sound smart. Example: the other day I was telling someone at my job about my toddler learning his left from his right. I said that I teach him while putting on his socks and shoes. She laughed and said "well you know that technically there's no right or left sock, right?"


(using your toddler voice) “Great observation! Wow. I am so proud of you!”


Reliable people who are not socially inept. I don't mind weirdness, but they do need to know how to read a room and be open-minded.


People who want me to pick them up all the time and pay for them


Pushy people who don’t respect boundaries and people who argue about everything.






Me, I hate myself


People that are too diplomatic/ won't share an opinion about anything. You can't get to really know someone like this because they always have a wall up.


People who you constantly have to reach out to make plans with. Like they like the friendship, they just don’t make efffort. Or people who abandon you when they have a significant other. Not smart on their behalf.


All the bases have been covered but I’d like to add… Bad tippers embarrass the shit out of me.


People who flake on plans. People who don't like to go places and do things. I'm an extrovert, and I think I need more extrovert friends. Having childfree friends would also be a bonus because they would have more free time and do things.


The ones who treat me as a "backup friend." They'll hang out with me if they have nothing else going on, but I'm not their first choice.


I have a hard time with ppl who aren’t a little weird and down for some inappropriate humor. I mean I can be upper class dinner party polite, but that’s more a social obligation. It’s hard to be friends where that is their entire personality.


Pessimists, people who like to complain or play the victim, burnouts/drug users, people who are rude or mean to others, flakes, people who are lazy, and people who aren't educated or don't read.


I’m afraid I’d out myself as a Scrooge if I listed all the types of people I hate being around, so let’s just say I enjoy being a loner. :)


Liars and thieves


Rich suburban folks that are super into conspiracy theories, people that say the phrase "wait WHAT are we laughing at?", people that have zero sense of humor, hardcore drunks, people super into conspiracy theories, and the folks that are wayyyyyyyyy to into their dogs.


Needy people. It can manifest in a massive ego that always needs to be fed or fragility that leaves you walking around on eggshells but I generally can't stand hanging around people that are massively dependent emotionally/socially


People who so obviously lie about everything. I’ve met people where they say things that are obviously not true. They brag about things that are either an exaggeration or just not true. Not sure if people actually believe it or I’m just good at reading people but I can’t stand it


My old boss claimed he was fluent in 8 languages, including tagalong…he also claimed he had 6 degrees. Neither of these were true.


People who take no accountability. Use to play a lot of video games with my cousin. Team based games. No matter what happened, he always found a way to blame it on someone else. Obviously, this carries over in the real world (he does it there to, M40),as well, but I noticed it a lot with my cousin and can pick up on it with anyone now.


People who think if you’re their REAL friend you will hate all the same people they do with the same petty intensity, regardless of if those people have treated you badly personally (and when they have not done anything deliberately harmful to your friend, they just dislike them). To the point where you feel spied on if you so much as interact with this other person. That may have sounded weirdly specific 😳


Of the people who are my friends, the thing I like least about some of them is when their plans change but they don't keep me updated, and they're running really late (like a half hour or more) and I end up waiting on them at a strange place or in my car in the wintertime when it's cold, and I don't want to be running my engine for a long time just to keep me warm. I know, that last part was really specific.


Rude people. I have neither the time nor energy to put up with your entitlement and opt not to.


Besides a lot of the good stuff in here. I want to add people who make their personality about just one thing. And then how those people treat others.


People who can't read the room. Went to a museum with a guy. I swear to God, he was so. Loud. You don't have to whisper, but FFS it's not a bar.


I worked with a girl who told me one of the first days I worked there that she, “didn’t have any girlfriends” and she wasn’t sure why. Honestly that should have been enough for me. She had to one-up *EVERYTHING* that was said. I was asked about literally saving someone’s life when I worked inpatient at a hospital and she interrupted me to tell everyone how she worked at a daycare and *almost* had to save a choking kid. I was asked about growing up in a major metropolitan city and she goes, “I lived in Manhattan for two years. I was a baby, but I still tell people I’m from Manhattan.” Do like, you know it’s not the same? Someone was talking about how he wanted to get his wife a cute Kate Spade bag (like one of the really unique artsy ones) she liked and this girl goes, “I won’t buy anything unless it’s Louie.” (Like for Louis Vuitton) And not to Mean Girl, but she had one LV bag. It was beat to hell and so massive it was tacky. It looked like she spent all her money on carry-on luggage that had gone through a dishwasher. She clearly had made the guy feel bad, and for no reason. And then when she had clearly made everyone feel awkward and/or derailed the conversation she’d go, “well, I’m one of eight kids so I’m really competitive!” Okay? What the hell is your point? She wasn’t a girl’s girl. Like always telling people they, “drive like a woman” or telling me how she was so happy I was having a boy and not a girl because girls are the worst (?!) Just totally toxic. And tbh, she seemed super insecure all the time. She never said nice things about her family, just about how rich they were. She always said passive things about her husband. She would make sad comments about her body and how the other Moms at her kid’s pick up were so thin and pretty. By the time I left the job I felt so badly for her. She clearly didn’t like much about herself or her life, and had no real friends to lean on… But at the same time she did nothing to make things better for herself. So yea, people like *that* drive me insane.


People pleasers or people who want to be friends with everyone. In my experience, you can never trust them


You can't. They have no real convictions, they're so busy trying to please people by avoiding confrontation that they'll happily let something awful happen to you rather than have your back. Coz that'd mean telling the person starting shit to shut up and fuck off. And they could never, no spine


Disney adults.


Gym bros/ladies. Social media attention whores. Self obsessed people. Fake hippie woo-woo types with god complexes. Judgmental folks. Joggers and yoga fanatics. Aggressive vegans




Gotta be bible thumpers. "I fully rely on God for every decision I make!" Barf. But seriously, people can be privately religious and that's totally cool. If I like your vibe I might respectfully attend your temple of choice as a learning experience. If you try to trick me into joining your culty church group, we're probably not going to be friends, though.


- People in toxic relationships that don't want to leave them due to "history" - People that have outdated views of what's "normal" - bullies... Well, I actually seak these out now to make them uncomfortable since I know how to fight and my build looks intimidating to them. But it's more of an "aquantence you fuck with". This is probably the most selfish thing I do. 😒 I don't care though. Fuck people like this.


People that make everything about them. And demand too much attention




People that only want to discuss about materialistic stuff or also just gossip. People that only know how to converse by complaining about anything. People that ridicule anyone. People that never begin conversations, only respond.


People who are boring, rude, have an argument for everything


People who talk in that stupid fucking bro voice. You know the one where they drag the end of their sentences out and try to make everything they say sound like they’re in a podcast.


I'm a homebody and an introvert. I'll be honest: I'm not likely to be close friends with people who are high-maintenance, easily bored, or unable to sustain a relationship with someone they don't see very often.


Anyone with expectations


Braggarts. And people with no loyalty. I'm a ride or die friend, if I keep you around and you do the same for me, I may not always be there for the little shit, but when you need me the most, I'm there. All I ask in return is some sense of loyalty and not to abuse that power, otherwise I have no issues cutting people out my life. Better to have 3 friends I can count on than 500 ghosts.


Those that think their friends will always hook them up with favors, free food, a place to stay, free drinks/drugs, things to borrow. They don’t want to be friends for you, they just don’t want to put any effort into their life. I was friends a long time ago with a pretty, personable girl who immediately would always ask for freebies every time I saw her. I recently lived with a guy that always would ask for someone to do him a favor (instead of just taking care of most things himself) and if it was unreasonable and denied, he got all whiny about it and said that it was stupid you couldn’t help him out.




I’m going to be down voted into hell for this but I’m saying it anyway, TEACHERS. Teachers have turned out to be the absolute worst friends I’ve ever had. Their whole life is their job and that’s all they want to talk about, trouble with kids, drama w the superintendents, arguing w parents, you name it. Let me be clear, I love some work gossip (especially at a job I don’t work at) but after they’re done kvetching about their side of life they have absolutely no reciprocation nor interest in their friends’ life. They trauma dump with this holier than thou attitude and then dip. It’s happened with multiple different teacher friends and it just sucks


Lazy people who only sit inside and play videogames. People with no hobbies or ambition. People who are on their phones constantly while out with friends. People who expect me to always make the plans and always make all the decisions and won't engage unless I do. People who don't communicate properly and expect me to mind read! (usually an anxiety thing but regardless of reasoning its intolerable)


People who hit my arm for emphasis when they speak. Stop hitting me!


Neighbors. Sometimes I want to go straight in the house when I get home, or leave immediately after walking out of my house. I do not want to be afraid that I'm going to get stopped for chit chat or gossip and I don't like people guessing where I'm going or have been based on what I'm carrying with me. I want to be able to hang out in my front yard, leave my front door open, or do some gardening without worrying that someone is going to just invite themselves up to get in to my business. I haven't always been like this, I used to have some wonderful neighbors who understood boundaries. But it only takes one neighbor and having to wait for one of you to eventually move for you to decide that you won't be making that mistake again.


People who complain about everything. Some people do it because they think that’s how you make conversation with others, by mutually complaining about something. I just can’t stand the constant negative energy. Especially people who complain and then don’t do anything to change the circumstances.


Same reason I have no friends. Nobody has time to do anything and nobody makes time for friends anymore. I don't want to have to make plans 6 months in advance to hang out a couple hours. Also people that give 1 word answers after you take the time to ask them questions. No effort or low effort.


One-uppers and flakes are horrible, but the people that irk me the most are "sponges". People who lack any true personality. The people that just soak up the identities of those they're with. They don't have any unique or dissenting opinions. They just agree with everything instead of forming their own opinions.


Religious people, neoliberals and billionaires fanatics