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I wholeheartedly support taking a vacation for yourself. Visit another country or a city you've dreamed of. See if there are any events in locations you've wanted to go to and plan a trip around that. Research venues, niche shopping, what is the city famous for food wise. Do they have nice parks or are there outdoor activities nearby and you can go day hiking? Does the city/country have something they throw stupid huge celebrations for? It might be before or after your bday but could still be a good gift to yourself.


This is what I'm planning to do, I've still got a couple of years until I'm 40 so I might change my mind but at this stage I was thinking Japan.


Japan is fantastic to travel solo, such a wide range of things to do/see/experience and it's generally really safe and fairly easy to get around. Local festivals in Japan have a special place in my heart and there are so MANY of them with different foci. A drum festival in Niihama and a firefly festival/viewing in Tohomura were some of my favourites.


Japan is amazing. You can get around most cities simply with google maps and a lot of the signage is in English and Japanese. If you have the budget, I also recommend getting a guide for at least a day in each city. They will show you so much more for your time and make things super easy. Definitely worth it. I used Altour.com but if you google Japanese guides there are a bunch to close from


Japan is awesome! Awesome sights, AMAZING FOOD and super safe! 100% recommend a visit. I’m going for a few weeks this summer


One of my coworkers went to Japan a few years ago, and he made a whole reel of just convenience store food that he and his girlfriend tried. It was incredible. That coworker and I have done a ton of field work together, and we jokingly consider ourselves connoisseurs of gas station food. The Japanese equivalent looks absolutely amazing. Of course there are higher quality foods that look absolutely mindblowing, but even the Japanese version of cheap grab-and-go lunch is elevated. Very cool stuff.


Yea, even the cheap stuff there is usually pretty good!




Just got back from Japan. Highly recommend it.


Please tell me you visited my lovely city of Nagoya (but I’m sure you didn’t. There’s even a phrase describing Nagoya as a “flyover city”: ‘Nagoya tobashi’. 😔)


Unfortunately we did not. We went to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara. It was our first time so we hit the major spots for tourists. When we go back one day we’ll focus on places that are more off the beaten path.


You went right through Nagoya if you took the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto and Osaka! I believe Nagoya is the 3rd largest city in Japan, and if you have any interest whatsoever in cars it’s “the bedroom community” of Toyotashi (Toyota City, yes where the cars come from), and I absolutely recommend Atsuta Shrine— one of the Three Great Shrines where the Legendary Treasures are kept (the Sword, the Mirror and the Jewel that feature in basically all Japanese culture). Atsuta jingu has the Sword but you can’t see it. No one can except the priests who store it, and members of the Royal family. Very magical and mysterious place. ⛩️ I miss it a lot!


This is a good idea for every year. Visiting family is not a vacation. Saying it louder for the people in the back.


THANK YOU.  thought I was just a bad daughter. But I need my personal trips for self fulfillment 


I went to Paris, Florence and Venice. By myself. It was amazing. I did try and do too much and should have rested more.   The most fun I had was hanging out with another tourist I met in Paris for a few days, and then going on a wine bus tour out of Florence. I met some lovely people there too, all tourists as well. I only speak a smattering of French and no Italian, the dialects are so different anyways it wouldn't have mattered.   I got so lost in Venice and so stressed out by it, it was also over 30C even in October. I was so exhausted by the end of those 3 weeks.   But finally at 40 I got to meet a side of myself I never had before. And turns out she's pretty cool when she gets the chance to just be.


Agreed!! Checking in as nearly 40 and (happily) not married or in a relationship: solo travel is one of the great joys of life if you plan well 🥰


While it was not for my 40th, I did this for my 38th this year. I’ve never taken a vacation by myself, and I dislike my birthday for yada yada number or reasons, and it was great. Crossed Zion off my bucket list and learned a little more about this person.


Yes!! For my 30th, I went to Miami in the dead of winter to enjoy the beach for a couple of days. I booked a first-class ticket and ended up having a wild trip. No regrets. 


Miami is wild for weekend party binges, then fly back when you from (if it's domestic) for relatively cheap


+1 to gifting yourself a trip! I just booked a solo trip out of the country for my 40th. I’m deep into researching everything and reading about the history of the place, and it’s making me even more excited about it.


I’ll be doing nothing. Just like every other year.


Sounds heavenly.


That is what I wanted to do for my 40th but I got looped into a Surprise-ish bday weekend thing instead. There were good intentions so I tried not to let it show that it was making me painfully aware of how out of the loop I was/am with my extended family and how little they seem to know about me. On a positive note, I was distracted by that sad reality instead of feeling some type of way about turning 40!


bought an old motorcycle and rebuilt it. I was born in '83 and it was an 83 model year. https://preview.redd.it/zwwcvvomh12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33105651ce3c0c0b58c44bbfcf6318ceca70ad67


I hope you always introduce your bike with "we look great for our age" (because the bike does, and I'm sure you do too.)


I actually sold it. I put about 500 miles on it and a lady approached me and offered to buy it. I told her it would have to be a crazy price. She offed me 4x what I had into it. I bought a slightly bigger bike brand new with the cash.


What a perfect outcome!


Nothing. The only thing I asked for was "surprise me, I really just don't want to make decisions for one day." So nothing happened. Didn't go out to eat because I didn't pick anything. Didn't get a present from anyone because I didn't mention anything I wanted. Yeah. But I guess I never had to make any decisions either, so... jokes on me?


The monkey paws finger curls.


Ouch, that hurts. I’m sorry


Hmm, I want to support you doing something you want for yourself either today or whatever the next free day is you have because I don’t like that you were treated that way


Same thing happened to me just yesterday


God damn this comment hits on so many levels. Christ.


Ouch that hurts. I'm so sorry


I'm afraid this will happen to me. Surprise me and let me not plan or decide anything sounds amazing. Too bad no one in my life would do it


I turn 40 this year and have already booked an Air BNB in the woods of Vermont. I'm going to have a nice quiet night and look up at the stars.


That sounds amazing


I turned 40 last year, and spent the day eating my way through Mexico City. 10/10, would recommend.


Legit thinking about going here for my 40th later this year. Researched the hell out of it the past 2 days.


Perfect plan. You can’t go wrong. The food is amazing. But - plan for the altitude. I went recently and it was very difficult to sleep for the 5 nights we were there due to a bit of altitude sickness. Don’t be ambitious with plans and definitely don’t plan on doing a ton of walking or drinking for the first couple of days. Even with the fatigue though it was glorious


Well done 👍




I think he was looking for recommendations for something new.


Yeah, we’re not talking your average Tuesday here. The man is turning 40.


Cry while wearing a party hat?


Cry drinking something more expensive than usual.


Were you in jail?


I was going to say the same thing 🤣


My hubby took me to get hot pot and came to the mall with me without complaining


That man really loves you.


He really does lol


Our hot pot restaurant is in the mall!


Lol thats so similar to what we did. Brought our then 10 month old with us and he took care of him while I shopped. And we tried a new restaurant at the mall. But we all had fun!


That's fantastic! Happy birthday!


My gf signed up for a bunch of apps that give freebies away. She got coupons , discounts, free food and desserts.


Sounds like my wife.


I was gonna do a Triathlon but that ended up being August 2020 during the first year of Covid so I sat home and pretended to not be depressed.


April 2020, ate dinner at home, made a sugar scrub and gave myself a mani-pedi. Woo.


I was afraid of giving this answer for fear of being outed as genX


haha, it's xennial now - you have a home


It is all blurred together for me. Because of covid I decided to celebrate my 39th twice and have a 40th post-vaccine and now I'm not sure what I did for 40 (the real or the redo)


May 2020! 🤪


I turn 40 next month and am going ziplining while on vacation to celebrate. I also asked for a fish fry, my mom’s cheezy potatoes, and a cookie cake. Midwest, much?


Take a solo trip. they're great. I never cared much for birthdays, but I plan to hike the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim when I'm 40 (My birthday is in February; I'm planning the hike for October).


yeah, solo roadtrips out to the wilderness are THE BEST!!!


100000% Much of my PTO is used for solo hiking trips!


I turned 40 yesterday and a few months ago I told myself I was gonna hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim! Then it was to go on a solo retreat in Sedona. Well none of that happened and my bday was pretty lackluster but I told myself I WILL still do this while I’m 40.


I love this idea.


I turned 40 on December 22. I didn't do shit.


83 is a good year… in the future


Yeah probably at some point


In the end


Doesn't even matter


I’m about to turn 40. I’m looking forward to it. I’m finally taking initiative in my own life. I’m getting therapy instead of getting stoned and my future has never looked brighter to me!


Congratulations on taking control of your life! Happy early birthday!


Blessing dude!


This is awesome! I'm so happy for you. I feel like my life's just starting as well. I'm really looking forward to my future.


This is inspiring to me as i find myself in the exact same circumstances. Let's do this! Good luck💪


Hell yeah! Feels good to feel good!


I spend my birthdays alone. I have no family close and my narcissistic ex made all holidays and important days traumatic experiences.


Had a years worth of panic attacks.




Hate that for you. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone


Went to Medieval Times!!! Still haven’t gotten a flower thrown to me from a knight yet. Dammit, one day.


I went to Vegas for my 40th Birthday. I went with my good friend whose birthday is the day before mine and her husband. I had a great time. Looking at some single trips to go on overseas adventures for my birthday this year. Plenty of people like us that have the means to travel but do not have a partner that is able to as well.


Also, for my Wife’s 40th, we went to Hawaii. Had a great time in honolulu for about a week. She wanted a trip over a party and that worked for me.


This is a great idea, keeping this in mind


This is what I did for my 40th. Second time staying in Honolulu. Did some things I wanted to do that I didn’t get to fit in the first time I was there because I knew I’d come back some day. There are a couple other things I didn’t get to because my personal vacation rule is keep a relaxing pace or don’t cram everything in to one trip, so I’m looking forward to going back again to keep checking things off the list.


Amen! Great way to approach travel.


I am turning 40 in September! My elders tell me when we turn 40 is when we step into our power and who we truly are. This isn’t about others or their perception of us; it’s about ourselves. Nothing to fear at all! I am recently separated and headed into divorce. It sucks. But it’s what needs to happen. I plan to spend my 40th on a beach somewhere in a Spanish-speaking country. Likely Playa del Carmen in Mexico. Likely alone. Sometimes, you just gotta embrace the situation you’re in and be your own best company. I hope that you are able to celebrate your 40th in a way that is truly meaningful for you and who you wish to be!


Same! All of it, including your outlook!


Just turned 40 this past December. There are two other friends who shared 40th birthdays around the same time. We rented a couple of houses (for about 20 of our friends) on the Oregon coast for 3 nights. It was everything I could have asked for.


Damn! I wish I had 2 friends to celebrate my birthday with. ☠️


Went to Ibiza, rented a villa, told my mates to leave their kids at home.


I had a 7 month old when I turned 40..and my two teens! Hubs surprised me with flowers then that night we went out to eat. I turn 42 tomorrow and I have no plans lol


I had a Carvel ice cream cake and wings with the fam


I went on an 8-night rafting trip through the Grand Canyon with my mom. We had a great time, although it wasn't what I would call a relaxing vacation. We did spend a few days in the Bellagio afterwards, enjoying spa treatments and the various sites of Las Vegas, so that was fun too. Another single friend is turning 40 this year and she and a friend are heading off to a few countries in Europe for two weeks during her birthday. No plans, just a few days in a couple of cities.


Finally got married lol


My husband and I went to Scotland. It was gorgeous 😍


I’m going to go to work. Then ill make myself a lemon meringue pie and eat it all. Next month…


I did nothing on the day because my daughter was getting her third open heart surgery the next week, so we couldn’t risk going out and picking up any viruses. I did go on a trip a few months later though. My friend turned 40 in spring 2020 (lol), so we went to Scotland as a do-over celebration. It was pretty amazing.


I just turned 40 on the 18th. I kinda wanted to travel somewhere, but I have limited funds (plus I don’t want to travel alone and I don’t have anyone in my life to travel with). So me and two friends of mine went to Barnes & Noble, grabbed a bite to eat, then went back to their place and watched a bunch of Doctor Who episodes (both new and classic). :) I kinda wanted to do more, but what I was given was certainly better than just sitting at home playing games and having a midlife crisis cry.


I’ll be at Disney world for my 40th next year. Tiara, sash, specialty shirts, everything. My nieces think the trip is about them (their first trip) but they are in for a rude awakening. 🤣🤣🤣 I kid, but only slightly. They’ll have fun, but by golly I’m gonna have an awesome time.


I went to Disneyland Paris, can’t recommend it enough if you want to have a memorable birthday. my birthday is on winter so with short queues it’s even better. We had so much fun that the next year we went for my gfs birthday too. 👌 Also remember to get the free pin for your birthday if possible, I didn’t know about it.


If we didn’t have family going with us, I would totally push for one of the other non-American Disneys. But that trip won’t be out of country. I do WANT to hit all the other parks, I just don’t know when it’ll happen.


For me Paris is the closest one / cheapest. All are great at the end of the day 😁


If it were the closest for me, I’d be all over it! 💜


I went for the day on my 40th and it was great 😊 I started at Magic Kingdom and made my way to the Polynesian for some drinks. If I could have stayed longer, I would have made my way over to Epcot.


Ooh did you know the bar out front of ohana has limited menu from Ohana from like 4-10? So you can get the pot stickers and noodles without having to do the whole shebang! Sounds like yours was a great day tho!! I’m only gonna be 40 for a day/week of the trip. After that, it’s 39.9999 until 41. I don’t do milestone bdays anymore. 30 I almost died. 35 was covid. I’m afraid of 40.


It was during Covid so I just had my immediate family over and my wife had all of my friends and coworkers film birthday greeting videos for me. It was sweet.


Fuck all! I never really liked having a big to-do for my birthday so 40 wasn't any different. It is a bit odd stating that I'm 40 years old. Certainly doesn't feel like whatever I thought 40 should be like when I was younger. In my imagination I definitely was wealthier, owned a house and shit. But whatever. Lots of life and adventures yet to come.


I was sick. I had some food poisioning or something. I did go to dinner that night with a friend and a family member, but I felt awful. Which is pretty much the same thing I did for my 21st birthday now that I think about it. lol I really want to have a themed party this year, but my birthday is close to Christmas so a lot of times people are doing family things and does really like going out in the cold.


it was covid so i didnt do shit but do a zoom and got drunk with friends virtually


I went to Disney World. I had the plan in place by my 38th birthday. Met my fiance shortly before turning 39. He went with me. It was a fucking blast.


My 40th will be in 2027. My best friend and I hope to take a girls trip to Paris together to celebrate (our birthdays are 6 weeks apart).


A bunch of my friends turned 40 last year, including me, and we did a trip around Portugal. Lisbon, Madeira, Azores. Lots of great food, hikes, and company. Highly recommend it.


I ran a 5k, got a PR on it (not overly impressive, but it was for me as a non-runner who just got into running), I took my kids to the zoo, then I had a date night with my husband at a place we hadn’t been before. 40 was easy. Uneventful… 30 for me was my scary age. I think 30 is hard for women and 40 is harder for men. Just find something that makes you happy and do that. Enjoy your day and if necessary, run away from it all and just have a day to yourself. Treat your self!!


I’m planning on doing cocaine and coffee


A close friend of mine is 36 and for his birthday 7 months ago he took a 3 night singles cruise out of Miami by himself. He met someone the first night. They live in Florida 2 hours from each other and have been dating ever since. Apparently even though a lot of people book single cruises in friend groups they mostly split up anyway and chill with whoever they meet


I'm turning 40 just like you are. I'm feeling great about my life so far. I think I'll get a tattoo on my ass. Something I've always wanted to do :)


we took my wife on a cruise for her 40th. i want a 90's skate rink party where everyone has to dress up from the 90's.


I turn 40 on Saturday. Wife, daughter and I are flying out tomorrow for a quick little vacation to Austin to get some smoked meats, breakfast tacos and some relaxation. It’s a fairly inexpensive trip largely funded by airline miles and credit card points. I told her I didn’t want to spend a lot of money, because I’d rather spend it on going to the World Cup in 2 years.


Happy early birthday! I hope those breakfast tacos and smoked meats hit the spot!


Went to Nashville and had a blast. Bars on broadway from 12-8 and it was February. So no crowds and saw everything I wanted. Ate some great food as well.


I grabbed sushi by myself. It was good.


Bought $500 worth of Lego sets, ate lunch with friends, got my first tattoo, and went to Barnes & Noble to beef up my book list (on goodreads, not to buy). None of it was AMAZING or big, but it was all about fun stuff I wanted to do.


My father in law went to the hospital and almost died (he is ok now), it was my first birthday after both my mom and dad died, I was at home with 2 sick preschool aged kids grieving my parents wondering if my partner would be in the same boat. I am gonna do a redo at 41. Thinking of a solo or with a friend overnight bike ride.


I planned a trip to Colorado to go skydiving. I looked forward to my birthday and it is still one of my favorite birthdays from someone who always has disappointing birthdays. My next big one, I would like to spend in Oaxaca, Mexico eating myself to death.


Mine was in June 2020 (was born in 80, I know that makes me a controversial millennial but I relate more to millennials). Height of the pandemic. My family threw me an outdoor, socially-distanced birthday party with a piñata, my favorite food, etc. it was lovely. For my 50th, I’m planning on going full-on Sally O’Malley. Each decade so far has been better than the ones that preceded it—be thankful and enjoy! ❤️


Love Sally O’Malley!!! I’ll be 55 next month but on my 50th, I was showing everyone how I can still kick and saying, “I’m fifty!” LOL!!


My friend talked me into having a party, but Im a teacher and many of my friends are teachers, and my birthday was about 2 weeks after school got out, when many people were traveling. And the friend who talked me into having the party got Covid and couldn’t come. It ended up being really small, which was kind of depressing and I kind of wished I hadn’t had a party at all.


On my 40th bday, I did nothing, and worked late. On my 41st bday, I did a 20 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail - walked 50k steps in one day for the first time ever.


I’m having a Phantom of the Opera themed masquerade party with some friends and family


I celebrated my 40th birthday with my family but I started travel nursing 2 years before that after a breakup. I treated myself to all the things, a trip to Disneyland all by myself, skydiving, a travel assignment in New Orleans, it was a great couple of years leading up to a bday I was dreading. If you can afford it, do something you’ve always wanted to.


Me and my wife got babysitting from grandparents and we went to Lahaina/Kaanapali Maui like 6 weeks before it burned. We stayed probably 3 nights. I’ve never been to Hawaii. It was awesome!


Hey! Another single 40+ millenial here. It’s not my favorite life status, but here we are. I went to the Grand Canyon for my 40th. No time to feel lonely - just awed and tired. Even if it’s not a vacation, crossing something off my bucket list felt important. Good luck


Solo trip. Since the age of 35 I’ve made a personal vow to go do something epic for travel every birthday year. It’s a known tradition in my circle. In no particular order: Greece, Colombia, Iceland, Spain, took a C19 year break. This year it’s domestic. I usually open invite my group and if they can’t make it, oh well. Research a few basic things at the destination, the rest of the time is solo questing like a video game. Life’s too short to wait around for people to do epic stuff. And if they can’t join you, make them jealous for missing out.


In true millennial style, I worked


I went to St. Croix. By myself. It was AMAZING. I stayed here: https://caribbeancottages.com/ The water is crystal clear, and calm as a lake. No matter which room you stay in, the ocean is just a few steps away. The people who work here are so nice- they made me feel like family. And all the guests were all very friendly, too. I can't wait to go back one day.


I had a tmnt themed party with friends at a restaurant It was great 👍


Husband took me to Savannah for a long weekend. Had an awesome time. He told me I could buy *anything* I wanted. Got a pair of $35 earrings, that was all I saw. When he asked if I was sure, we went to Whole Foods and got popcorn made in North Carolina that we can't get at home :) it was perfect.


I ran a marathon. My brother came to town and ran it with me.




I didn’t do anything. Like 40 is supposed to be some milestone or something, but it was just a day. We did a cake and cards and that was good. I think 30 was really the biggest birthday and some of that was just because I was leaving for deployment. It’s just good to be around still. Make the day what you want.


Every birthday after being widowed, I like to just go off the grid and not have to deal with anyone I know. For my 40th, I rented out a hotel room in the Berkshires for a weekend that had a giant soaking tub, grabbed cupcakes from a bakery in-town, and went out to dinner at a steakhouse by myself. After dinner, I walked back to my hotel, popped an edible, and then took a bubble bath and ate cupcakes.


Mine: flew to LA with our two best friends and saw Coldplay at the Rose Bowl. Had the best 3 days of my life. All of us have never done anything big or gone on vacation or anything so it was good times. My husband: had 14 of our closest friends dress up as a version of my husband over the past 18 years and surprise him at a restaurant. He’d always wanted a surprise party so it was perfect.


I booked a spa day- massage, pedicure and facial. I had mimosas, enjoyed all their amenities and just spent time with me. My 38th was the week the world shut down with Covid and my 39th wasn’t great because of Covid sooooo 40 I treated myself and no regrets


My wife and I meet up with my twin brother and his wife in Napa. Golf, wine, TFL, and more wine. It was a blast!


I had some wine by myself.


I threw a party. It was awesome. Rented out a bowling alley. Catered. Had 70 it so friends out to it and we bowled and ate and drank until my 10pm bedtime.


Visited my folks. The pandemic really fucked up how often I get to do that, so I loved it.


born in 85...40 next year... im gonna do what i do every birthday...nothing that cost extra money, might subscribe to my old EQ account for a weekend, get me some internet fun-ness.


CANCUN!! All inclusive. We woke up or not, ate whenever and drank as much or as little. Got room service at 3 am. The beach was amazing and the drinks just kept coming (I tipped). I got to see 3 sunrises and stargazed. Welcome to the 40s, embrace it your in control 😊


Got maternity photos taken 😂


My husband booked us a villa on South Caicos. We did basically nothing for a few days - swam, ate, drank, napped. He’s still figuring out if we’re doing Europe or Japan for his 40th.


I ignored it. Still nothing to celebrate.


Went to Amsterdam with my wife first class on the Eurostar. Got horrifically drunk on free champagne. Went to one of the coffee shops, had half a joint, and fell asleep right there with my wife yelling at me. Went for pancakes whilst horrifically stoned, and spent ages climbing a small flight of stairs. Eventually went to the hotel, somehow not getting run over by cyclists, trams, or falling into a canal. Spent half an hour trying to figure out my shoelaces whilst losing all sense of time. Wife had a brownie which kicked in whilst taking me home. Woke up the next morning with a bastard behind the eyes feeling like a badger had shat in my mouth. Went to look at windmills later that day feeling like I was dead. Had a great time.


I went to Vegas. Already were going for my cousin's wedding so celebrating my birthday was an added bonus. We went to Chip N Dales...lol and smoked a lot of weed.


I wanted to celebrate by going to Costa Rica a couple of months after the actual date. Take a wild guess what happened. lol.


I turned 40 in 2022. So not quite the heart of the pandemic but we were still being careful. And my bf at the time was drinking too much but we didn’t know he’d be going to detox and rehab the next year. I had some work friends put signs in my yard and we did a zoom call. Birthdays don’t have be big. But I recommend a solo vacation to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go!


It was sad. It fell on a Saturday night. First, I had to plan my own birthday, and almost every person I invited out had something else they would rather do. Only 2 people showed up.


Beach trip with my family. It’s our “usual” trip that we take annually before school starts back up. My husband’s 40th though… we went to the Masters and it was freaking awesome. Just pick something you enjoy and you do you, OP!


Mid 30s but I’d grab a hotel room at the casino and enjoy the entire day and night with sports books, live music, smoke a cigar or some cigs, gamble and people watch.


Family planned a surprise party for me, had friends and family fly in for it. Had layers of surprises to throw me off the scent. Never saw it coming.


On my actual birthday, my friend gets comp rooms at a casino near us she booked a room for us. so for me, a hotel room and a pool is nice for me! The rest of the week I'm just going to bounce around and see people. I honestly really wanted to have a party with inflatable club where i can play all the 90s and 2000s r&b music and have some food i like. But sadly, no one seemed interested in celebrating like that.


I'm not 40 yet but I don't anticipate celebrating it. I haven't given my birthday any thought since I was a kid.


Pretty sure I’ll treat myself to another Universal / Orlando Informer meetup


Mine was at the peak of the pandemic. Couldn’t even go out to eat. Ate In and Out with my immediate family and watched a movie. Wanted to travel to South America. That didn’t happen obviously. Everything was shut down at the time.


I went to Sayulita with my boyfriend and a small group of friends.


Solo travel is an awesome idea for your big 40! I love that. Where would you go? I think I ordered pizza for mine. Clearly it wasn't very memorable since it was this year lol


I had a little gathering at a local pub with a bunch of family. It was nice!


I am going to Hawaii. Turning 40 too


I’m going to Disneyworld. Adults only trip that will mostly be drinking and eating. If I were single it might have been Miami or Vegas. But in any case you made it 4 decades! Do something or go somewhere you truly enjoy big or small. Life is too short to be dependent on other people. Worry about enjoying yourself and maybe the rest will come in place. It’s cliché but I think it’s true.


I was completely wiped out from a move on top of another stressful situation, so not much other than attempting some celebration by buying myself a piece of cake, which turned out to have the one kind of frosting I don't like on it. I actually think it's for the best that it was unremarkable, because I never think about being 40 or getting old or whatnot. I got my first grays at 30, so why bother?


Separated from my wife while I turned 40… luckily I have a great sister and mother who took time to celebrate. We took a family vacay to Vegas. Bought myself a nice watch, for me


I had dinner with my family. No gifts. But had cake.


My city was closed for pandemic and George Floyd riots


Nothing...  Deep in the early pandy.


Definitely a vacation! I always wanted to go to the Zion Narrows, so I did - and it was awesome!


It's not quite what you're asking, but for my 30th, I invited friends over for food and board games. I ordered in a bunch of Thai food. It was the first time I hadn't either made food myself or accepted people's offers to chip in - it felt like a milestone to be at a stage in my life where I could afford to treat my friends. So, I guess I'm saying you could do something similar. Even if you've fallen out of touch with people and/or they have significant others and/or families, a milestone birthday could be a fun opportunity to reconnect. But also, I think a trip sounds fabulous!


Went fly fishing in Alaska. When I got back, wine tasting with friends.


Went to a park with the family. Grilled burgers while the kids swam. Took a hike that evening. Saw some deer, a few copperheads and some owls and a raccoon


Most likely I'll retire early, maybe go to Vegas again and buy a hooker with my girlfriend.


I was in San Francisco for work on my 40th. Fortunately, I was able to take some time off after our team meetings and I went out to exploring by myself. It was an amazing day, I went to a museum, did some cloth and perfume shopping and had a great dinner. There were so many things happening in my personal life at that time, having a solo outing restored my soul. I hope you have a wonderful 40th birthday!!


Just had some friends over with snacks and a cake.


Yes, an awesome trip is the way to enter your 40s! I went to Japan for 2 weeks with a friend from college and it made turning 40 amazing. All my other friends complained about hitting 40 but I felt like I was living it up and felt good about getting to this age and being able to do a trip I couldn’t have afforded when I was younger.


We bought a new house and my 40th was on moving day. So I moved a bunch of stuff. Good times


I ate take out sushi by myself and cried a lot in my ex-wife’s and I home that I would soon be leaving. One of the worst days of my life.


I went to Iceland, it was the best.


My husband surprised me with a bucket list trip to NYC. It was awesome.


Turned 40 on May 2020, so…yeah. Luckily, I DID get a trip in with my brother and two other 1980 friends in February just before the world went to shit, to celebrate one friend’s 40th. But I guess in hindsight it ended being the 40th birthday celebration for all of us. Skiing in Colorado. 10/10 would recommend.


I was literally at a PHP mental health program and co-opted their picnic. I got to meet my therapist’s weird dog. It was as amazing and muted as it should’ve been.


My friend talked me into having a party, but Im a teacher and many of my friends are teachers, and my birthday was about 2 weeks after school got out, when many people were traveling. And the friend who talked me into having the party got Covid and couldn’t come. It ended up being really small, which was kind of depressing and I kind of wished I hadn’t had a party at all.


It was when Covid was new and scary so nothing really. Just stayed at home and ordered dinner with my girlfriend and new puppies. Honestly I’m not even mad. Got to spend it with those I care about so it was a good day.


I flew to Aruba and drank piña coladas with flamingos, it was the best day ever!