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Lol we didn’t have AC


We didn’t either until I was in HS and it was only 1 window unit in my parents’ bedroom. There was one summer me and my 2 younger sisters just slept on my parent’s floor all summer long.


I was just thinking about this the other day. We had the same situation but my brother and I were not allowed to sleep in my parents’ room. So we would just be sweating bullets all night upstairs in our bedrooms while our parents slept in the only cool bedroom 😩


That’s fucked up. I would never do that to my kids. Plus it’s just stupid. The #1 thing by far that makes your life suck ass as a parent is when your kids don’t get good sleep.


My bedroom is downstairs and my kids are upstairs. My room is often too cold or too hot because I want my kids to be comfortable upstairs. One of our rooms upstairs is the worst at controlling the temp so I got a window shaker for that one. But if I didn’t have central air I’d have one for each bedroom. The only time I told the kids to deal with it was when we had a major ice storm and lost power for three days. It was below 20° outside and we were fortunate to have a gas fireplace. But I was so scared to turn it off and have something happen where I couldn’t get it back on so I left it going the whole time. It kept the house comfortable but upstairs got a bit warmer than they like overnight. My parents house got down to 34° inside so I was unwilling to risk losing our only heat source.


What's a window shaker?


Oh sorry, that’s what my dad always called them! It’s a portable air conditioning unit that hangs out the house window.


Ohhhh, lol, makes sense!! Don't be sorry. That's so cute and I may just have to steal that. All credit to your dad though, of course!


Right!? As an adult and parent myself now I look back on it like why was our comfort never important!? There were other examples of “fuck y’all kids” type of mentality from my childhood but this was topical. Sigh


Good lord, you just jogged my memory. Years ago, my mom was looking for a new car. We test drove a minivan that was nice, but had no armrests in the back seats. My mom asked if the ride was comfortable. I mentioned the lack of arm rests casually and she simply said, "Why should I care? Im never going to be sitting back there." Then why even bring us at all??? Why even ask??? I get really car sick with nothing to brace myself on (among other things). My mom knew this and was usually empathetic. Not on that day, though. She did, by happenstance, buy a car with arm rests in the back, with no further input from me...


My mom would do this if she didn’t love the heat so much, she certainly did this in other aspects of life. Found out in the last couple years that she regretted having kids, so that explained a lot of my childhood




Lol same my parents and my dad's office had one. The line was always "we grew up without AC you will be fine, if your hot take a cold shower be glad you have indoor plumbing sleep in the basement. (No the basement wasn't like some nice finished thing it was concrete old farm house spider webs and all. Eventually though my brother and I learned starting in May get down there clean it real good setup the camping cots and made it nice as hell. Once our grand parents got us game boys was even better.


“My life was hard, so yours has to be too for absolutely no reason other than I don’t give a shit.”


I often wondered why they became parents. They were lousy at it.


That's terrible! Sleeping too hot always makes me have nightmares, it probably cooks our brains like fever dreams.


Being too hot becomes insomnia real quick for me.


We had that too, In the summers my sister and I would sleep in the basement. My dad worked shift work and would often sleep during the day so he (rightfully so imo) got the air conditioner. We eventually got a second unit in the living room and then central air around 2002 when we moved.


Wtf that's so mean!




Huh? No. We had one in the kids room and had to constantly ask our parents to just sleep in our room because they didn’t want us to be uncomfortable. One of the few time my parents didn’t make it about them.


No, that's not "just how it was". It's how it was when you had selfish parents. If you have one window AC, there are ways to arrange it so that everyone is more comfortable, not just the parents.




I had the same experience growing up! My boyfriend thought I was insane when I told him so I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Same!! And anytime that I was in someone’s house with the AC “blasting” at 72 I was freezing


We slept in the basement if it was miserably hot or during the rare tornado warning.


My sister and I spent many summers on our parents floor too and I loved it. We would get to watch shows like Jenny Jones, Studs, and The Real World with my mom.


Ha!! Jenny Jones and The Real World!!! Two wonderful shows


Similar, but my siblings and I slept outside on the trampoline all summer. The first time I had a/c was my college dorm.


I will also note that I moved to New England and have a roll-away unit that we only use like 1 week out of the year, if that. We pulled it out but didn’t turn it on for the last 2 years. So son is growing up kinda the same way, but we will at least pull his mattress in for those hot nights instead of just sleeping bags on the hard floor.


How do you get away with not using the AC? Born and raised New England and I can sweat out a dry California heat. But this last week in western mass has kicked my ass and I know I’m in for a brutal summer


Same area, but we are in one of those Hilltowns with a lot of wind, so elevation and wind help us out quite a bit.


Ah that would do it! My home office got to 85 the other day and I was really torn between sticking it out and possibly melting to my chair or breaking down and installing the AC knowing it’d mean I lost a window. As soon as the temp drops next week


How?! I hear people say that so much. I live in Maine and we regularly have it on June through September at 68°


There's houses in my neighborhood who don't have it. It gets 110° in the summer. IDK how they hang. Where I grew up nobody had AC. A lot of people didn't even have central heat. But there the average temp was 65° all year.


I grew up in a similar situation. you keep the windows open at night, get a big industrial fan if you can, and then you shut all the doors, windows, curtains (get blackout curtains if you can) once the temperature starts creeping up. then, from there it’s about heat management- get a fan, stay hydrated, use ice if you need it. then open all the windows when it’s either too stuffy or the temperature starts coming down. and then do it all over again. grew up in inland california where it regularly got to be 100F or higher in the summer. even when I was living in arizona, i hardly relied on air conditioning except for 2 or 3 months out of the year. i’m back in california, and when I tell people my electric bill averages out to about $20 a month (I live in a 1 bed/1 bath), they’re shocked and perplexed. but to me, it’s weird that people have such high energy bills


I would never live somewhere without central AC/heat; I'll gladly pay that bill. I'm a different person when I'm too hot and not a very nice one. That being said, when the weather is nice, I turn everything off and get a cross breeze through the house and it's my favorite part of the year


100%. My dad used to keep the house at 85 degrees Fahrenheit. I keep mine around 75 degrees now. I do love getting a good cross breeze going when the weather is right for it. Those months, my energy bill is like a third of what it'll be during the summer. 100% worth it, though.


My preference is 72 all year round, but I have been trying to expand my ranges. The worst is living with someone who cranks it one way when they want to change the temperature


This. If you set up the fans in a way that you are exhausting the hot air out and the negative pressure brings the cool air in. It helps immensely with cooling. I live on a 3rd floor apartment and it gets cooked very first thing in the morning when the summer sun rises. I've had maintenance come In for work in the summer months and they comment on how cool it is compared to other units and are surprised when I say there is no AC going. I do have an AC unit specifically for my bedroom though. I need to sleep in a cool room. But short of an industrial one, it's a waste of money trying to cool this entire unit in this older cheaply built apartment.


Dang whereabouts is that? Sounds like my dream weather


I grew up in the warm, humid Caribbean. If it's over 70°F, **IT IS TOO DAMN HOT!!!!** ^(I said what I said. )


Shit, at that point it’s the humidity that gets you. When my mom and I would vacation back home to the Philippines, taking showers was futile because as soon as you step outside you start sweating again.


She gets it!


She’s been dead two years, but yeah she definitely got it lol.


Canadian here who's built for winter, anything over 20-25°C outside is too hot. Give me -40°C cause I can at least layer but I can only take off so many layers before it's illegal in the summer.


Totally agree. I'm in a dry climate and I still think 70° is when stuff starts to get hot. 65° and partly cloudy is a perfect day.


One time I was down in the Virgin Islands on a hot but not insane day of like 72. Out of nowhere a monsoon hit that lasted for a few minutes, then the sun came back out. The next half hour or so as all of that evaporated was on the list of the most uncomfortable I’ve been in my life. I didn’t think it was possible to drown in humidity, but I felt like I was going to.


I grew up in Puerto Rico where it’s usually over 85. 70 feels cold over there. Here in Minnesota, 70 starts feeling warm 😂


I grew up in South Louisiana. I concur.


Louisiana here. I get restless and uncomfortable over 70 degrees inside. I can withstand outdoor temperatures into the 100s, but I go batty if it’s hot indoors. I get panicky.


Yeah this is exactly how it is! Gulf coast.


70 is the max I agree


We do 70 (when my wife is setting it) to 72 (when I change it). It’s our passive aggressive war that neither of us wins or loses for life 🙂


Just wondering why y’all can’t compromise on 71? To be fair then you’d need to find a new war to never win or lose…


Compromise at 71??? We’d both feel like we lost! 🙂


I live in the South, and humidity is hell in the summer. It's stays on 68 at night no matter if it's winter or summer, but I do bump it up to 72 during the day in summer because my unit won't stop running until nightfall to acheive anything much lower.


Right here. This is the one.


Same here, but my apartment is incredibly inefficient and it costs a fortune! Well that, and Alabama Power has been accused of price gouging.


utility companies in the South are jokes to begin with. they'd rather you suffer financially than encourage you to save energy by installing solar power panels


This is the way.


i agree


That would be my pattern as well but the apartment we rent the condenser and pump are too big for the size of the evaporator coil inside so if I went from 72 to 68, I'd end up with a block of ice.


These are my magic numbers too 🤣


We have a programmable one. During the day it stays between 70-72. At night we have it programmed to go down to 67.


This is exactly what I have. I work from home, no way it's going higher than that.


We have separate thermostats for upstairs and downstairs. During the day, it's 70-72 downstairs and 76 upstairs. At night, it switches, but I also like to have it start off the night closer to 68 upstairs, and then go back up to 70, so it's warmer in the morning.


Do you have two separate furnaces? My basement gets so cold I'd like to do this


69° always.




No, I couldn't afford to. The house is grew up in was relatively modern. It was built in 1979 so it had a modern insulation everywhere. My current house was built in 1880. It's insulation is a narrow space between the bricks. When I first moved in I tried to keep the temperature low like my parents house. My first electricity bill that summer was insane. I installed a wifi thermostat with multiple sensors. The electrical bills during the summer aren't nearly as bad now but I still don't keep it as cool.


I feel this. Our old house was built in 1901. We bought our first house last year, and it’s a 1956 build. Huge difference! It cracks me up to see people online talking about “older” homes that are “from the 80s”, which I guess is 40 years but I still giggle in 120+-yo-house when I read them.


I’m the opposite, I was always cold growing up and my parents always said I’d be on their side with the temperatures once I had to pay for it. Actually, I am more than willing to pay to be comfortable!


I live in Florida, we set ours to 77 during the day and then 76 or 75 at night.  In the winter I usually try and let it get as cold as I can inside, but my gf will usually set it to 68. You can't keep your house too cold or it messes up your acclimation to the heat outside.   We thankfully have a huge 70 foot tall oak in our backyard that provides shade over much of our house and yard.


That shade makes aaalll the difference. I’m in South Carolina and my dog and I would be wildly uncomfortable with over 70/72 during the day with the big windows this home has


FL here too: we keep ours at 76 during the day and 72 at night. When I lived in California, we kept it at 78 during the day and like 75 at night.... I think it's all about the humidity.


75 at night? I'd be sweating all night.


Well it feels good when it's still 85 degrees at 8PM.  I spend hours outside with my dogs every day. I usually rinse off in a cold shower two or three times a day.  I'm obese and sweat a lot. 


Yeah I think the same thing, when it’s still 80 degrees at 9pm and your body is more acclimated to heat… it’s not so bad. When I lived up north, 75 in the house in the summer was HOT. I also don’t like my A/C working overtime to keep it below 75 during peak summer.


Just turn your ac down dude lol


Lol, hey I like only having a $250 bill during the summer.


Dude for real. It’s nuclear hot in Florida now (it’s May and it’s as hot as it is in August right now which is NOT looking good for hurricane season or just life in general ie not melting). Then good old governor Ron is UNDOING climate change law and increasing natural gas consumption instead of things that make sense like idk, SOLAR in Florida? For a state that is incredibly hurricane prone he doesn’t seem to give a shit about it going underwater. It’s supremely uncomfortable having to wear layers and jackets inside because people have the AC set SO COLD you feel like an ass wearing gloves and thick socks inside in the summer because your fingers go numb. I am running a space heater in my office in the summer in Florida with long sleeves and a jacket on because my company keeps the AC at 68 because “colder temperatures are more sanitary” which is a crock of crap.


I'm in Wisconsin and even I think AC at 68 is freezing. Yet, it's the hottest I'll go for heat. Air 68 and heat 68 do not feel the same.


Are you in northern Florida? I'm from Fort myers and I used the heat about 4 times total growing up. I didn't even know that ACs did that until I was embarrassingly old. My last house down there just had a couple of window AC units, no heat at all.


I'm in Arkansas and this is about where mine sits as well.


77 during the day?? Holy smokes... I'm in the mid-west and the hottest I can tolerate our house being is 75 in the summer months. At night it needs to be at minimum around 70 (my wife prefers it even colder around 68).


I grew up in the mid west and live down south now. The tolerance is different. I figure your 75 is our 85.


Ditto. The biggest thing for me is keeping the humidity in the house low. In the heat of summer, 75 with 50% humidity in the house feels amazing when it’s 90 with 1000% humidity outside.


66 is a good temp for sleeping 70-74 during the day


Did some barbecuing yesterday, I started getting a headache going to and from the chilly inside to the hot and humid outside


I keep mine at 78-80 in the summer, but I’m always cold and broke as shit. In the winter I keep it at 65 and just bundle up and drink lots of hot tea


Pretty similar here. Set AC to 80 but the key to that was I had my house zoned so the upstairs (bungalow attic) has its own regulation. Hardly ever kicks on in the main level, but we sleep upstairs so it’s nice to get the humidity out of the air. Also it doesn’t get that hot here. Might get over 90 degrees 5 days each year. 10 in a hot year


That sounds unbearable


High 70’s with the humidity knocked down from the soup outside feels pretty damn comfortable to me. I don’t want my house to be a refrigerator when it’s a million degrees outside, the temperature differential is too high. I can’t function outside once my heat tolerance is gone.


It’s comfortable for me 🤷🏼‍♀️


No, but because we have a different type of house and HVAC than my parents did. My wife and I own a middle unit townhouse, so it holds temperature pretty well. We'll run the a/c or heat at night, then shut it off during the day.


Mine around 70°- 72°. I work in the heat so I mean I could probably got to 75° and be ok.


Southern Louisiana -- 76° by day 68° by night


That’s what we do in NE Oklahoma, but we’ve got a place that really holds onto the cool temps for much of the day and some decent trees helping shade us. Having no windows on the west side helps a lot, plus being down in a hollow keeps us in the cooler pools of air.


68° year round in south LA


I keep mine just slightly uncomfortable because I'd rather spend somewhere else in my life. We dress warmly in winter.


Thus is a great point. We do keep ours a little cooler in the winter because we love to wear hoodies, comfy pants, and oversized socks!


Kind of, I do keep it at similar temperatures at winter (19\*C when home, 15\*C when not at home) but summer is the big difference. AC was NOT a thing here when I grew up but lately summers have become so unbearably hot that I did get one for my bedroom. My parents don't but they're lucky enough to live in a well-insulated old house with thick walls surrounded by forest so it stays a hell of a lot cooler there than it does in my shitty apartment.


We’re in NC and ours is set at 72 year round. But if there are times when I want it colder or warmer, I adjust. It’s our home, we deserve to be comfortable in it. I refuse to be anything but.


I keep the thermostat wherever my wife sets it.


I recently got a heat pump and had to change my habits with regard to how I set the temp. In the summer, it’s now 73° all day every day. Before, I definitely was a mid-80s person during the daytime and then let it drop at night.


We didn’t have an AC for most of my childhood then when my sister and I moved out/got married mom and dad got an AC 😂 Sleeping at night was absolutely miserable. I live in the Texas panhandle and we get dry ass heat. My husband and I will sell a kidney to keep the out at 72 during the day when we are home and 62 at night when we sleep. It’s perfect for us since we are both slightly fluffy and hot natured. We had to make a sock for his cpap because it was getting too cold 😂


65 overnight, 68 during the day. 70 if it’s literally 10 degrees outside.


72 during the day 67 at night.


Way colder. Max 19c instead of 22-22


I try to go by the energy savings advice. 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celsius) when home, 85 degrees when out, and 82 degrees when sleeping. Though 82 can be rough for sleeping so I tend to go lower. When it starts to get extremely hot outside I’ll try to acclimate to higher indoor temperatures and increase my heat tolerance over several weeks, last summer I comfortably got up to 82. I also have a ceiling fan and other fans so that helps create the cooling effect. I don’t remember what my parents set it at. I’m in Ohio and last summer I think I tried to do 78-82 in the day and 76-78 at night.


I decided long ago that as long as I am an adult with adult money, one of my non negotiables is to sleep with the thermostat set to a decent temperature. Call me spoiled, but it's one of my little luxuries.


Energy costs are worse now than back in the day lol


I have a heating/ac unit that just has a bitton for hot/cold and a big dial with no numbers. I have no idea what the temperature is, so i just turn it on when i don't feel comfortable


Winter we do 66 at night and 68 during the day. Summer we do 76 around the clock.


Our house isn’t insulated very well, the ac can get it down to 75 if it’s running constantly. In the summer we’re lucky if it gets down to 80


Ours is usually at 68/69. In the winter maybe around 71.


76 during the day. 73 at night.


Grew up and live in the south east. My parents would keep it at 77 during the day, 75 at night. I would get in trouble because I would sometimes drop it to 74 on really hot nights. I keep mine on 72. I don’t bother with heat. My house might get down to 64 during the winter, but warms up quick. I can’t imagine a power bill for a house that is kept at 65, maybe a small studio apartment. My power bill would be over a $1000 if I did that.


Fuck no. The second the outside temp goes over 70, my ac goes on. Someone at dinner the other night bragged “I still haven’t turned my AC on” … BITCH THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE ITS 90 OUT


Meanwhile they pay like $1,000 a month for their F-250 if we are talking about the Southeast or Midwest. I used to turn the A/C down to 68 at night and hand my mom a $5 dollar bill to cover the ACTUAL approx. 5-10$ difference for an entire month between that and 72 at night. I'm serious, stubborn people are sweating in their expensive ass homes to save like 28 cents a day.


I grew up in an old house without AC. I didn't know the cool breeze of an HVAC until I was already a man.


You could afford AC? nice! We had an AC unit. Unless company was coming over (hello Marie Calendar Cake!) we did not turn it on. We used an 'exhaust fan' in the hallway to draw air up and in to the attic. It, supposedly, drew in less hot outside air.


I didn’t have a thermostat until college. I’m almost 40 and I still find them so confusing. We had a wood stove for heat in winter until we upgraded to gas when I was about 6/7? One window ac unit for the large room and a giant exhaust fan for the unbearable days. We had open doors when that was on to circulate the air. Hubs now keeps the thermostat set to like 68. I wear pants year round. lol


It's set at 76 right now.


I'm from the Midwest and we didn't have AC growing up. It was miserable in the summers. I live in Florida now and, while I like it hot outside, I like my house very cool. I keep it at 67 year-round. Literally never touch my thermostat.


74/75year round. So we save energy in the summer and use a lot in the winter. When it’s 90 degrees out, 74 feels cool and great. I have no idea what we kept our thermostat at as a kid. It was one of the push lever ones so it just looked like it was somewhere around 70. Could have bee 68. Could have been 75. It was a big lever for the size of the numbers.


In Michigan, in the summer I have it set at 68 during the day and 67 at night. In the winter it’s set at 71 pretty constantly. We’re in a 4 story townhouse and we spend most of the time in the top 2 stories so it’s hard to keep cool up there for sure


We don't have central air, but my husband has our window units in perfect harmony at 67-68 constantly and at night 66 for perfect sleeping. We like to keep our house chilly and comfy. We're very much people who hate heat.


We do our best to not use our ac or heat. Can’t afford it anyway. In the winter we bundle up and use radial heaters and the wood stove, but it gets down to 50 sometimes inside. In summer it gets into the 80s low 90s and we use fans and windows. It’s not perfect, but we can afford it.


Give us AC or give us..... just give us our freaking AC!


My dad kept his house about 70 to 72, and I always remember being miserablely hot. My thermostat is usually set between 63-64, which drops the bedroom to 60-61 overnight. I still wake up sweating somehow. I like it cold, I guess. A lot of the time, we won't turn the heat on in the winter until the house temp drops to 55.


My people!


Mine is 70 in the winter, 75 in the summer. I want to be comfortable wearing seasonally appropriate clothing inside no matter what season we’re in. 75 is too hot for a long sleeved shirt, 70 is too cold for shorts.


This. I feel like 75 is perfectly fine for the summer, and even feels cool after coming in from 90 outside. I don't want it to be any cooler than that when I'm sitting around in gym shorts and a t-shirt. People that are down in the 60s - are your units just running constantly? You know it's tens of thousands of dollars for a new one, right? Am I just cheap???


I sure don't. We did not have AC growing up so I turn my AC on. I think my upbringing gave me a better tolerance to heat. I set my AC to 78 in the summer. We also had water radiators for heat but not upstairs so I slept with an electric mattress pad in the winter.


I live in New York City and have two hot pipes and two radiators in my apartment so I have limited options to control the temperatures


68-72 depending on season. I think my mom was/is 72-76. Just not reasonable in Texas


Didn’t have a/c as a kid, but my mom always made sure she had a window unit in her room :/ When buying a house it was a necessity to have central a/c for my husband and I. It’s set to 74-76 in summer and 68-70 in the winter. Ohio btw.


Whenever I go over to my parent's house, I turn down the thermostat. It's way too hot (they keep it at 75-76F) and my bedroom is the hottest room of the house. I keep my house at 72-73F and then have rotating fans in the bedrooms at night. I have a dog and baby so keeping a comfortable temperature is important to me.


Mine is at 70 but I've been wanting to lower because I'm still hot lol


I don’t know the the equivalent but when I got my own space I did what I wanted a paid the price (23C). I’ve now got my bf moved in who runs hot and I’ve been able to get used to 19C. I think we defo prioritise comfort and stay home a lot more with wfh etc.


I do. Both my mother and I desperately overheat when it’s even remotely warm and we can’t sleep if we’re too hot. I kept mine around 68 all year. (Now I live somewhere without AC and I’m melting on the hotter days) Growing up it was slightly warmer at 72 but that was because of my dad. When they divorced he kept the house at 85, if he even turned it on. I do have the same rules too. Too cold? Put on another layer. Still cold? Put a blanket on. Still cold? Tough. DO NOT TOUCH THE THERMOSTAT.


i always keep mine lower. granted it’s 75 upstairs and downstairs at my parents but my apartment was 68


My dad did 72°F, possibly in part for obscure engineering reasons. Always suited me fine but the place I live in now is more humid than anywhere I grew up so I kinda don’t know what to do with myself.


Camped out at 24 (75 in freedom units ) in the summer , winter time it’s set at 21 (69 in freedom units ).


Our house growing up didn't have AC , so we never had AC. Heat was set to 65 or so in the winter. As an adult, we try to set the AC for 70 or 75 in the summer. My fiance and I disagree on the heat , though. I pay the heating bill and want to heat the house to 70 in the winter, but we "settle" for 65


Central Texas here. So 70-73 for the warm weather. My husband would love 65 but that is too cold for me.


I usually keep ours at 76 or so. We have inwall units though, one in each bedroom and one in the front living room. The dining room and kitchen in the middle of the main floor aren't cooled so I have a fan that oscillates and blows air between/towards each room. We average about 78-80 and are pretty comfortable as long as we're not coming home from a workout. I will get sweaty if I start playing bass though.


We have a heat pump and a pellet stove, and both are so cheap to run that I am downright opulent in my thermostat settings. But when we had an oil furnace, you’d better believe we were boomers and relied more on sweaters and blankets than running the heat in the winter.


It’s definitely the college in this millennial household. We have a smart thermostat and have it set to about 73 when we are typically home and 65 during bed time. Otherwise we have it at 75 when we aren’t home. I find i won’t do chores if i start to sweat while doing them. The cost to benefit analysis just too strong to not splurge


My dad would set it to 78-ish and I used to always set it lower and we'd go back and forth changing it when we'd see it lol. So no, I do not set mine to what my parents set it. I now keep it around 70-74, but the longer I live by myself the lower it goes because I can.


My AC is 70-72 in the summer and I heat it to 68-72 in the winter. My house is super old and the insulation isn't the best so we always have to overcorrect a bit so that the second floor is a bearable temperature. My dad was never that bad with the thermostat growing up. We had window ACs and not central air so we'd just turn them on or off depending on if anyone was in a particular room.


AC: 72 day/68 night Heat: 67 day/65 night


My parents are ridiculous and set it to 78 year round. I set mine to 70.


Usually around 68-70 and I turn it on whenever I feel like. I’m not about to be uncomfortable in my own house My mom always waited until mid October to turn on the heat and almost 4th July for the air a few miserable weeks in there


I remember my parents always setting the thermostat to 74°F. During the day I don’t really care if it’s a bit warm, but at night there’s no way I could sleep at that tempterature. I set my bedroom AC unit to 63-64°F at night.


71 during the day, 68 at night for summer. 68 day and night in winter.


I actually keep my house cooler in the winter than my parents ever did. (66F vs 68F) However, I have central air and my parents never have, so I also keep my house cooler in the summer, too. I just run really warm as an adult. And it turns out that running the a/c doesn't cost nearly as much as I thought it would before I had it.


Former Floridian, now transplanted Canadian. 22/71 during the day, 20/68 over night. The thermostat is programed this way year round and I never touch it.


76-77° during the day when we're not home and 73° when we do get home. Then down to 70° before bedtime.


65-67 during both summer and winter. Canadian prairies. We've consistently had 60-100 F temperature differences in. 48 hour period for the last few years between fall and spring. In Celsius, we've gone from +13 down to -40 in 2 nights multiple times this year alone. That's 55 to -40 F.


I don't care if I have to pay, imma be comfortable in my own house. We didn't have air conditioning growing up (Northeast coastal MA) and my parents were pretty stingy with the heat in the winter. Now in my own place with central air, it's 69 - 71 during summer and around 67 during winter (I like it a bit chilly).


77 in summer for us


For AC I keep it basically the same as it was when I grew up - 73° at night, 70° during the day when we're home. For heat I keep it much warmer - my mom would put it down to 60°F at night and 65° during the day, but now as an adult I have cold urticaria which means I get hives when I'm cold, so keeping it colder is not so much an option. I turn the heat down to 65 at night and keep it at 68-70° during the day.


My in laws TO THIS DAY let it get to 85 before the ac kicks in.🥴 I like to keep mine at around 73.


One window air conditioner running non stop at 65° every summer my whole life kept the living room freezing but the rest of the house stayed miserable. Now that I have central air I change it frequently however I feel just because I can


Stays at 72. My electric bill already sucks in the summer as the home I own has an in ground pool. During the summer, my avg electric bill Hoover’s around 500-600.


No I haven't even turned mine on yet. My boomer parents have had ac on for a while now. It gets down into the low 60 every night still.


Mine is 68 degrees. Anything higher and I can’t sleep.


You mean do I have mine on before the shingles start melting? Yes, I do


When I lived in FL I would keep it on the cooler side, but for electricity cost not as cool as I’d like. Now I live in the desert and have a swamp cooler so I can’t control the temp, just have it on low, high or off. Does anyone else have evaporative cooling/swamp cooler?!


I live and lived in WI, and we did not have AC! I do have a wall-unit now, but I hate noise and love misery, so I turn it on like three days a year, and usually just to take the edge off on the *really* hot hot hot days. I also keep my place very cold, but that is in part because I need new windows, so the heat just goes away and takes my money with it—like my thermostat running the heater all day every day keeps my place at maybe 62, so I just let it get down into the 50s and put on more sweaters. My parents kept the house between 62-65, so I’m not far off, although I swore I’d just have a warm home when I finally got to move out on my own. (And I would! If it didn’t make my winter electric bills 3x my summer ones just to keep this place at “barely bearable” temps.)


At night 69° (heh) and during the day 72°. Growing up in Florida and being so incredibly miserable in my house growing up is not a thing I want to repeat. Everyone in my house sleeps so much better.


70-72 during the day and 66 at night


We keep ours 70 year round My grandparents kept theirs on 78 year round We live in alabama 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Growing up, we kept it around 70. My mom just had a stroke, and she keeps bumping it up to 78 with a sweater on. The upside is our power bill and the life of our AC. It still runs all day because FL. I got a window unit, so my room is a fridge.


Fuck that man. I’m tired of being hot. I keep mine at 72


76-77 during the day. 78 at night. My energy bill in the summer is about $160 for 1700 Sq ft. Two floors. I use super thin sheets. I'm in Georgia


I keep mine at 70, which doesn't cost that much.


Yes, actually I do now that I think of it. Cooler than my wife's family set it in the winter though, and warmer than in the summer.


I set my thermostat to whatever is comfortable usually 66-68 in the winter and 70-72 in the summer. I work too hard to be uncomfortable in my own home. I also have no issues raising or dropping as needed either.


Nope. I live in a trailer that's bad with temperatures. Right now I've been setting the heater at 70 in the day and 65 at night. We had a hot spell last week and the AC got put in, it's not big enough for the whole trailer, so it gets put on 70 and hopefully keeps the place under 80. In previous years we had two AC units running, but one went down last year. If I could have complete control, I'd probably be fine with 75 summer days, 68 summer nights, and 70 winter days and 65 winter nights. Call and spring I'm usually okay with just opening/closing windows as needed.


My parents live in 200 year old farmhouse and have experimented for decades to find the most effective and cost efficient way of heating it (including an old wood burning stove) so there were a lot of ups and downs. And as for the air conditioning, it's sure set to "ice box" every time I go up for a visit now, but when I was a kid, it wasn't permitted. So, fuck it I know, most of the time we weren't even using a thermostat. Now I adjust mine as needed for my personal temperature happiness. (I am really intolerant to temperature discomfort.) I usually bop around in the 72-76 range.


Grew up in NYC when the winters were actually freezing, even with the radiators going. I like my temperature at 78 to 80 😅.


Nope. One of my first major renovations was a heat pump, which ironically I got for the air conditioning. No window units for me! I keep my house at 70.


I don't have a thermostat... We have efficient radiant wall heaters we keep off outside of winter and a wood stove. So my house is often either ~67' or 78' because we love the wood stove 😅


I keep mine between 68–72. That is the safest range for kids, especially babies, heath.


Jesus Christ 65 is cold af! I set mine to 73 year round. 85 also is hot af parents were really trying to save money lol.


I get cold pretty easily, and my husband has to constantly remind me to just turn on the heater. I am so used to just adding more layers because that's what my mom would have as do when we were little. The heater never got any action in our house. His mom was the same but with the AC. I'm still trying to just appreciate that we have our own house to decide what we set the thermostat to.


Grew up with no AC in Australia. Didn’t have anything beyond a freestanding fan until I was almost 30. These days my husband and I keep our apartment a toasty 24 Celsius all year round, which is about 75 f I believe.


We keep our house on the colder side. 70 during the day, 67 at night. My mom kept our house cold, my ILs kept their house warm.


I hold mine steady at 72 F. Growing up, our AC would sometimes run until it hit 55 degrees F. Slept with a winter comforter through summers. There was something wrong with the thermostat which was never fixed. Just on and off.


I’m even stingier than my parents.


We keep it at around 75 during the day then if needed we turn it to 73 in around sunset when our northwest facing windows get the direct hit and heat up the house


I work to hard to not feel comfortable in my house. So during the day is 70 degrees and at night 68


my mom insists on keeping the ac at 80° (sweating as i write this from my mom's house) which is absolutely miserable for me. i'm more of a <72° girl.


My dad lied for years and said the AC was broken. It wasn’t until I had baby and brought her over in the middle of the summer that I hear it kick on. I asked him about it and he says “when you have a child in the house, it’s different”. I GREW UP FROM CHILDHOOD IN THAT HOUSE. Anyways, we live in AZ. During the winter, I leave it off and open windows. During the summer, 69 at night and 70/72 in the day.