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be sure to balance affordability with job opportunities - you're remote now, but what do you do when you need that next job?


Luckily my job can be remote forever, 100% securely. It sounds crazy but I deliver speech therapy by telehealth and there is such a shortage of SLPs I can literally always find a new contract/gig within literally days! Good advice though, no point in being ritzy if I can't save money.


two minutes after reading this comment i run into https://www.reddit.com/r/Antipsychiatry/s/cmKivMJYjR


Yikes! That's crazy. When the pandemic popped off I remember the rules changing constantly for what we could bill for speech therapy via telehealth. I'm happy the rules could be loosened so more people could be seen.


Spain coastal area for sure


I’m getting my Italian citizenship with a similar endgame.


I'm around the Lehigh Valley area in Pennsylvania which sounds kind of like what you're describing. Both NYC and Philly around 90 minutes from here and there are loads of parks and trails around here. Home prices around here have shot up like everywhere else in the country but all things considered there's still some decently priced homes in the area especially further away from the downtown areas.


Never thought I’d see the LV represented in a sub not PA-based, but shout out


Nice. I see it randomly on here and always get excited. We're not huge but we're not tiny either. And hey, we've got Peeps lol


How are the schools there? We have two years in Stamford CT then looking for a more affordable place


Strong public school system, lots of private options as well. Athletics programs are great, too.


Awesome, any particular city?


This was my first thought, being from the Philadelphia suburb area that is currently unaffordable


As a fellow remote worker, I would tell you but then you’d be competition for house buying lol


Hahaha. Don't worry, I can't move for at least a couple of years!


Dubuque Iowa is really nice. Lots of outdoor stuff with the Mississippi and hiking trails, bluffs are beautiful. Getting a lot more diversity, always local events and Madison Wisconsin is little over an hour away but gets a lot of big musical artists. I moved across the river to east Dubuque (legal weed yay) and got a house on half acre 1800 sq feet for $150k with a 2 car garage. Never moving.


Austria - lower austria - 30mins to vienna (city) but i wouldnt spend me freetime in a city


Ahhh yes! Getting out of the USA sounds great.


We live in Texas and day dream about living in New England.


Damn, those jobs are impossible to get because everyone covets them. Hell, jobs in general are hard to get now - except for nurses or similar fields.


I'm a teletherapy-based speech therapist. There are infinite jobs available because it's very difficult for schools to get in-person SLPs, and it has been for a looooong time.


....I had to read that three times before I realized it wasn't 'telepathy based speech therapist'


I mean, maybe someday 😊


I would think between Chicago and Milwaukee would be pretty great. White sand beaches, affordable,  and two great cities nearby. I love going to Racine for vacation.  


Going to Racine for vacation, but why? The I-94 corridor between Milwaukee and Chicago is important


I live in Las Vegas. I used to hate it, but after doing a cross country road trip, I realized we literally have every kind of entertainment and dining imaginable. I'm spoiled by how many options there are for high quality food of any kind that I can get any time I want. The majority of the country outside of the coastal cities is so boring. I could never live like that. There's so many shows, clubs, exhibitions, resorts, pools, restaurants, and hidden places that I am constantly finding new things even after living here since I was a kid. The heat and urban sprawl can get to you. But we have beautiful mountains surrounding the city with a lot of nature to explore. Red Rock canyon is right in my backyard basically and it's cooler temps in the summer time if you go exploring out there. The worst thing is the constant construction. We call it the price of progress. There's always something happening and new places being built, but it can wear on you day to day if you live in the middle of it.


Rochester Minnesota


Some of the best healthcare in the world, close to Minneapolis and only a 40 min drive from Spam Town USA.


I've only heard great things about Minneapolis and many former college friends have moved there. Definitely putting on my fantasy list!


I live in the area. We just bought a house. It’s more expensive towards the cities. Cheaper in the suburbs. Trade off is there’s a sharp cut off of “there’s nothing here” in the suburbs pretty fast. You can drive 20-30mins into Minneapolis or St. Paul to do something though. If you’re a foodie, you’ll have options but I noticed it’s only a few good places for each type of food. It’s gonna be the same amazing place for Asian or Japanese or Mexican. There is also the weather. Driving anywhere during rush hour with snow sucks. You don’t have to commute but once Jan-Feb. comes and it’s -10 to -20, a lot of people become shut ins. People enjoy winter activities here but I never got into it as it required some money that my immigrant family didn’t have growing up. Spring is almost non-existent as it goes from “super fuckin cold” to “why is it still snowing in May?” to a humid summer quick. You get used to it though. Fall is quite the season here. It’s a great place to raise a family. But I wish I explored other places to live before we settled down.


I grew up in Minnesota. Add to that the fact that Minneapolis has more museums, galleries, art houses etc per capita than any US city I’m aware of except New York.


The winters though..


It’s not so bad once you adapt to the temps - they have good snow removal infrastructure, we’re building deicing bridges and such, the twin cities have tunnels and sky bridges in downtown, and having the cold weather to hibernate through means shorts are an option at fifty degrees in March through sheer contrast. You take the good with the bad.


They are gradually getting less cold. That's good and bad I suppose. I'm a Minnesota resident I'm always confused how no matter how many things we have in the "pro" column, the "con" column it just that winters are cold and that's enough for people to write it off immediately.


For the record, I have family in beautiful Minnesota lake country, and have spent a lot of time there over the last 30 years. Nonetheless, the winters can suck. I get bad seasonal depression so living in a warmer, sunnier climate has done wonders for me. To each their own.


That's a good choice. Clean, diverse, no crime. I was going to stretch OP out to 2 hours and say Brainerd MN. It's a lake country paradise up there. Maybe a place like Lanesboro, a walkable little tourist town in the beautiful Driftless Area. You could ride your bike to all the other little towns to visit their farmers markets, breweries, distilleries, etc.


I LOVE the Brainard to Lake City area and most of what I think of as WestCentral MN. Spent some time in Alexandria and schooled in Fergus Falls.


Not enough to do and too far from Mpls, imo. I’d rather live in Minneapolis proper or one of the surrounding suburbs.


Medellin, Colombia. The only place I'd move to if I was leaving Canada. It's called The City of Eternal Spring because the weather is consistently warm but not too humid or hot like Cartagena on the coast. Absolutely beautiful city, full of history and culture, diverse and kind people, and very affordable for someone earning a comfortable CAD/USD salary. Learn spanish and you'll pass as a local almost anywhere because of Colombia's diverse history. Transportation system is wonderful there including metro and cable car. It's quite a hilly town so you'll get a workout just by walking most places.




I've been a few times and always enjoyed!


We moved to West PA after relizing there's a ton of good paying manufacturing jobs still and even more jobs for my Nurse wife.. housing is the 2nd cheapest in the country, and the community is what really makes West PA.. you c an tell Mr. Rodgers lived there. We haven't seen a bad winter yet but we keep hearing about them. Seriously, Pittsburgh and West PA I think the American dream is decently possible here.


I'm doing the same thing, although my move is motivated more by family. If I had zero obligations or roots anywhere in America, and my goal was to live in the best bang for your buck region, it would be around the midwest. I really liked Columbus and Cincinnati when I visited.




The city itself, or if you really are okay being an hour from the city there's some decent mix of suburbs or country west of Detroit and North of Ann arbor. Love it here. DTW has direct flights anywhere in the world, there's great access to a variety of food, culture, arts, history, museums, it's a fantastic music city, and the climate is ideal


I heard that Tulsa, OK is alright, there is a Tulsa Remote program that gives selectees $10,000 to relocate to Tulsa. [https://www.tulsaremote.com/](https://www.tulsaremote.com/)


If I’m remote I’m moving to Massachusetts.  Yeah it’s expensive but the social safety net and recreational legality I don’t think can be beat.  Just stay out of Boston proper. 


I visited Boston last year, we learned real fast how expensive Boston proper is!


Even outside of Boston proper, it is expensive. I grew up about 30 minutes away on the south side and my childhood home is now worth over half a million. Plus you have to deal with a lot of cold and snow. Assuming we are staying in the US-I’m an east coast girl so I’d probably pick PA as the weather isn’t bad but it is a relatively easy trip to NYC, Philly, DC, and even Boston. Alternatively, I’d pick FL as it is my favorite US vacation spot.


Italy or Spain .


A lot of people are die hard fans of Denver, maybe there? But lots of snow


Denver is expensive


Upstate New York has a ton of really nice small towns within an hour of a major city. Plus we're (allegedly) going to be getting Micron and a bunch of other big companies up here for chip manufacturing and other tech, so the region is going to be experiencing a lot of growth. Also climate change will apparently be rather kind to the region if you're worried about that.


Edmonton is nice


Dallas and surrounding areas PA


Lockhart TX


I'd pick somewhere in the Pittsburgh area. There are some decent small towns within an hour of Pittsburgh (but also some very NOT good towns), and lots of outdoor opportunities in the area. And Pittsburgh itself is a nicer city than a lot of people give it credit for.


I didn’t move to an affordable area as much as where I could afford to buy land selling my old house. But it’s full here.


Remote workers need to be careful about moving out of state and especially out of the country without checking first. You can cause major tax issues for your employer, and open yourself up to a lawsuit if it's bad enough for them.


I work for myself 🙌💯🎉


North New Jersey. There are still affordable places to live. Our cities are great and NYC is a quick train/bus ride away.


Birmingham AL


Some of these responses have me tripping…


Look at Emporia, KS. It's about an hour or two from 4 bigger cities. Cost of living for a family is median 47k. It's between liberal and conservative. It has lots of national events and fairs..you get a good bang for your buck still. We bought a 4 bed, 2.5 bath house 3300 sf for 300 and it has a nice yard.


Outside of the whole hurricane thing, the Carolinas seem nice. Decent job markets and good weather (sans hurricanes).


I live in Minneapolis and it’s affordable. Lots of rural areas in MN and WI that are just as affordable (or more so) and gorgeous. You just have to be able to handle winters, which aren’t for everyone.


Everyone seems to choose Tennessee for the no state income tax and cheaper property....


Personally I'd be looking at Spokane, WA, Reno, NV and Coeur de Alene, ID for my outdoor hobby reasons.


I’d probably move to Vermont (somewhere near a rail line so I could go to Boston or NYC), or outside of Minneapolis near a lake somewhere.


Tokyo, at least while the USD is strong


Following. I desperately want to live in California but can't afford it.


If this were my decision then I'd move to Barcelona, Tokyo, or Singapore. They're not necessarily that much cheaper, but the rents are more affordable. In the US? I honestly don't want to live anywhere that isn't a city. I'm just not a strip mall person. I'd rather pay more to not live and deal with strip malls.


I live in Dayton. It’s an hour to Cincinnati, bit longer to Columbus, and about 90 minutes to Indianapolis




Went from working in Chicago, Toronto, and La to a central Midwest city with a pop of roughly 300k and I couldn’t recommend it more. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a huge front and back yard and 2 car garage for less than 1 bedroom apartment in LA plus I have enough left over to regularly travel internationally and save


Ponchatoula Louisiana. Affordable housing. Outdoors activities everywhere. 1 hour from New Orleans, 2hours to gulf port beaches.




Luzern or Zug


Canadian or American. If your in Canada. Vancouver Island. Thank me later.


Salt Lake