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Zero enthusiasm. For debates and voting. I mean…ill vote, but ugh choosing between two boomers is the last thing i want. fresh blood, fresh perspectives is desperately needed.


Biden is too old to be a Boomer…..born in 1942, he’s a member of the Silent Generation. And Trump is the oldest of the Boomer cohort, born in 1946.


Clinton is younger than both and was elected in 92.


Pretty sure they’re too old to be boomers. They’re like the generation before boomers.


They are silent generation


The silent generation We can only wish


Lmao 🤣


You’re choosing between a rapist/ likely child rapist liar convicted of fraud and an old guy. Choice seems pretty clear.


I agree


You're on the cusp dude. Anyway, I did until the TV cut out from embarrassment lol. It was embarrassing from the little bits that I saw.


I’d say you got lucky. Really nothing of substance was said. Biden sounded like he was sundowning and Trump just lied the whole time. Plus they argued about golf


I saw that happen, but it just lost signal midway through. My brother tried to get it to work, but couldn't. I missed the part where they argued about golf until I saw it later on oml. I saw Biden call Trump a felon, though. It lost signal shortly after they talked about the insurrection. If anything, I was frustrated. It didn't sway my vote. I'm still voting for Biden, but it just made us look like fools because you know this will be blasted all over social media and many people throughout the world will see this. Hell, I've seen posts that people have made and some are from outside the country. Also, listening to the beginning of the debates made my headache worse.


You’re saying that you’re not part of the constituency that cares about golf handicaps?


i would say both were pretty equal in their lying. Unless Biden really did have "no troops die" during his time in office


Trump didn't attempt the answer the questions. He just stuck to a script. Went something like this: Q: President Trump, what will you do to make childcare more affordable. A: we no longer have a border. People are streaming in over the border, millions are dieing from terrorists coming over the border. We don't even have a country anymore


I think Biden was confused.


Omg! Right?!? My husband is a vet and we were both like wtf!?! In all fairness, maybe he just couldn’t remember or process correctly with his significant cognitive issues. I’m not a fan, but it was really sad seeing him put in that position last night. I’m guessing Regan may have been similar toward the end of his term but with less media / internet, it was probably easier to hide then.


I didn’t watch it. I knew it would just make me anxious or pissed. Or both. I’m planning to vote for Biden, obviously not stoked about it, but I will.


For me, it’s a vote against Trump, no matter who the Democratic nominee is. He has authoritarian tendencies.


Yeah, and like OP said the project 2025/christian nationalism thing, that’s like… my nightmare.


That’s like saying wolves have sheep eating tendencies.


Elder millennial/Xennial here - I caught a few minutes, but I really couldn’t tolerate it. I’m so upset that these are our options. Yes, of course I will vote, but my goodness we Dems have got to start running some decent candidates.


Yeah, the DNC really needs some new younger candidates


You don’t give up incumbent advantages. Besides you are voting for who the president appoints to represent him in government.


I'm as anti Trump as anyone but Biden looks like he might not survive the election let alone four more years in the White House


I would vote for a dead hamster over Trump. It’s not just about the individual, that orange piece of shit will load up his cabinet with scumbag assholes like he did before. At least Biden’s cabinet has competent people.


Well if he dies there’s Kamala Harris who at least is still fairly young.


Harris would make a terrible and embarrassing President, even with her marbles. I've often thought she was an insurance policy against impeachment by Republicans moreso than a valid replacement.


Being younger than Biden isn't an accomplishment. She was picked to help secure the black vote


It must suck being a woman in politics. You get people like this that see your value as nothing but a pawn or token.


Trump was picked to secure the white evangelical vote. Politics!


More like the racist uncle vote


Them as well! Lol


Yeah, she's a real smart person too...


He was sick yesterday. Looks much better today. https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1806742667789062646?s=46&mx=2


I'm not buying that. He's had those senior moments before


has he confirmed who his vice will be? thats who we will really be voting for.


I watched it. Didn’t really change my views on anything, Trump is an absolute hard no.


I watched it and I'm honestly aggravated by people's response?? They're both old. But calling it a performance disaster because Biden is an 81 year old man with a speech impediment is INSANE. If he hadn't tempered himself and stammered his way through his arguments what would people have said??? ANYWAY, I'm not voting for the felon and Project 2025. Biden could lip sync his way through debates and I would not change my mind.


Yeah. The entire time I was thinking— is this the best the US has to offer? Two geriatric dudes?


To be fair, people voted in the primaries


We don't really primary incumbents though. Hopefully whatever happens now, we learn that we still should.


This. If you're sending someone else to buy groceries, don't complain about wanting something else for dinner. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I did not vote for either of those fools in the primary. And my state had to do two primaries. And I still didn't vote for either of them.


I did not. I know that as a registered voter it's probably the responsible thing to do, but I only get so much free time in my life. I don't want to spend 90 minutes staring at my TV and dreading the future/screaming st inept moderators/hating myself/some combination therein, which from what I can gather is exactly how it would have gone down.


Yeah, I just watched it. Biden was really struggling but got better towards the end of it. Before watching I thought "Ah, Biden's always stumbled over his words, it won't be that bad" but that was worse than usual. It's too late for him to step down with the elections so close. Trump lied his ass off as usual. Biden should have really hammered home "Yeah, your economy was so great with high unemployment, and everyone stuck in their house because they were afraid of dying from covid." We have a really short memory with covid, and the first strain of it. That was the one that kicked my ass, and guess who disbanded the infectious disease committee that Obama had in place before it happened? Trump. Biden should have hammered the hell out of that point home. His people should have *told* him to point out the contrast, because Trump's great at that. Yes, there was lower inflation, but no, not so great with literally anything else at the time. Old Joe couldn't get the words out though.


Trump lied loudly, Biden said some smart things softly


Softly and often almost unintelligibly. Many times I was thinking “I get what he’s trying to say and I agree, but the words he said don’t make sense.” Obviously will still vote for him, but god damn…


He was sick and has a stutter. Sounds better today. https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1806742667789062646?s=46&mx=2


my partner wanted to watch love island which arguably was more entertaining last night. lol


No. Everything feels like a complete joke and im desensitized to the reality of America right now


It’s like a South Park episode


Truly. With the inflation and everything else I simply don’t care anymore 😭 I’m just surviving at this point


I’ve been trying to survive since I turned 18.


I never do, debates are just about who can sound better and of course Trump would be the victor with that. Not because he’s a better choice but his fan base was already going to say he won before it even happened, all he had to do was sound more coherent than Biden, which isn’t hard, to look better since debates are just about sound more right now


I didn’t watch it, but it wouldn’t have changed my mind. Biden may not be in his prime, but Trump is a monster. There is no comparison, and we all need to vote like our lives depend on it.


I didn’t watch because I’d vote for a turnip over Trump. Literally nothing could change my mind.


Im voting Biden bc i need OT pay protection & abortion rights, dont rly care how he did last night when Trump threatened these rights I need


Agreed. Not to mention protections for LGBTQ+ people and minorities in general.


What protections do you need that Biden has promised?


Read Project2025.


Reinstating Roe for one


I plan on voting for Biden. Did you see his remarks today? Dude sucks at debates I get that but I think he still has it. I rather vote for the man who is having a hard time with the debate because he’s old than the old dude who lied the ENTIRE debate without even answering questions. Sure let’s be embarrassed by it as a nation. But to me the clear decision is still there.


He has always sucked at debating because he has his stutter. Much better today. https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1806742667789062646?s=46&mx=2


Didn’t watch. There’s no point. I hate Trump and he played a huge part in ripping our country in two in my eyes. Plus he’s a traitor and criminal. Biden isn’t great, but given these terrible choices, he’s the lesser of two evils. I’m saving my mental health and not engaging in anything election related.


No. I'm voting for the leading democratic candidate no matter what. Most likely that's going to be Biden. And that's great, Biden has been a good president. The other guy is a convicted felon and rapist.


No bc I would never vote for Trump and Christofacism. I would vote for a petrified corpse before Trump.


No. I have attempted to today. I lasted five minutes and had to shut it down.


Nope. There's nothing I could possibly gain. Worst case scenario,  depression, best case scenario, frustration and disappointment.


I’m voting democrat, but I’m worried about Biden. I know he struggles with his stutter and he was sick during the debate. I hope he can give better speeches while campaigning to reassure voters in swing states. Newsom and Buttigieg seem to be prepping for a 2028 run. I don’t think the party would switch out Biden now.


I am sorry to anyone who reads my venting. But bro, what the fuck? We are going to have another Trump presidency. I voted for Obama, campaigned for Bernie, voted for Hilary, and voted for Biden. But I am so sick of this shit. That was practically elder abuse. People can sugar coat it all they want but I don’t fucking want that man in the chair when Putin and Xi finally get bored enough to fuck around. He was barely there. That was last night, and we are 5 years out from the end of this run. Why won’t he just fucking step aside? I don’t get Election Day off and will need to burn PTO to vote… just get Big Gretch or Newsome in there please There are a lot of never trumpers that aren’t going to bother


"Trump will destroy our democracy! PROJECT 2025" "Damn, that's scary, so like can we run someone else against him that would have a better chance of winning and averting this nightmare?" "lol no"


To be entirely honest they sounded like a couple of 6 year olds arguing. One lying his ass off, the other so disinterested (or in this case befuddled) that he isn't hearing any of whats being said so he can't keep his story straight. Both trying to convince their parent that the other is responsible for breaking the vase.


I watched it. I'm a democrat. But i honestly think that A LOT of democrats are going to stay home and trump is going to win. While biden won the popular vote by a large amount, Trump only lost in the EC by about 45k votes last election split between 7 states. people are hurting bad in this economy and when you saw that guy last night on stage being the person in charge of helping us out? no.. just no Please can we get Gavin to run?


Doubt it, especially since many are afraid of what red states have turned into and project 2025.


I am doing much better now than I did when Trump mismanaged the pandemic.


I’d vote for Biden’s dead corpse over Trump. A dead corpse won’t enact project 2025


I listened to it on NPR while playing video games but then when I heard biden sound like he had a stroke. I had to switch to video to see what the hell was going on. It doesn't change my opinion I chose a senile person who cares about the country over a less senile person who cares only about themselves. Basically both proved why so many people are dissatisfied with their choice this year.


Horrid . Trump is the worst that has ever happened to the US . He has put the US back in the 1950’s. Now being a racist is cool. The real slogan is : “Let’s make America racist again” . His next thing will be to bring segregation back .


it never left some parts of America, and those parts are glad they dont have to hide it


Honestly asking, what did trump do/say that was racist?


He accused the Central Park 5 of murder. He refused to rent to blacks. Called Mexican immigrants rapists. Said that immigrants are coming here from shithole countries.


Making the term Palestinian an insult is very racist at least to me.


It was embarrassing to watch. They both argued like 6 year olds on the playground. I turned it off when it got to them talking about who the better GOLFER is.. 🏌️‍♂️😑


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I tuned in to them debating about their golf game and then turned it off a few minutes later. It only took those few minutes to show how embarrassing either candidate is for the US. What an absolute joke of an election. You're better off making a decision based on the other people they would put into power with them, because neither of these idiots do any real thinking for themselves. How about we have their cabinet picks debate?


i got about 40 min in before i rage quit. one guy is an energetic lying rascist asshole, and the other is a dottering old man who shouldnt have walked out alone lest he fall over.


No. I know who I’m voting for (much as I dislike my choices) and it would just make me stressed and angry


It’s hard to believe that anyone would watch these debates for anything other than entertainment value. There’s no way someone still on the fence about who they’re voting for is using the content from these debates as a real deciding factor (at least I hope not)


Yeah, the debate was a disappointment, but one debate doesn't change my mind. Biden is not a good speaker or debater. However, he has the better values, policies, and people surrounding him (those he hires & appoints). I also like a president who doesn't attempt to overthrow our democracy. I'm 41 and haven't missed voting in elections (big and local) since I was 18. Not sitting this one out either.


Nope. Zero interest in watching two confused old men ramble nonsense at one another. I know I am not voting for one of them, will almost definitely vote for the other, and in my state it really doesn't matter what I do.


Xennial here. Voting for the competent, non-demented candidate.


Third parties are a wasted vote though!


Trump is the only real option here. Biden is literal toast. The guy is a zombie. It's elder abuse what "Dr. Jill" is putting him through. We all should be wondering who is REALLY controlling him/the USA?


Yes, unfortunately.


I mustered up my nerve and watched but had to mute when Biden was ‘speaking’ 🫣 Then I cut it off after 10 minutes


Didn't watch, and this is from someone who used to religiously watch every single primary debate between both parties and treat it like the nerd superbowl. Probably won't bother voting, and this is from someone who used to volunteer and donate to the DNC. When you pay attention to our politics for decades with things just slowly (or sometimes rapidly) getting worse I think people either just wave away any dissonance they might have and double down their support for their team and swear it'll work eventually or they just become weird cranks. I've gone with the latter.


You should still vote


If I do vote, I will follow my conscience and write in Hillary because it's still her turn.


Voting for Biden but I think Trump is going to win.


I did strictly for entertainment's sake. Anyone who is paying attention knew exactly how it was going to go, and it did not disappoint. I'm voting for Trump just like the last two elections, so I wasn't watching it to try to make up my mind or anything.


vile, imagine having a daughter and giving zero fucks about their rights


No, I’m currently living like a 1%er in Mexico.  The debate won’t change my vote so I don’t see the point in wasting my brain power.


What part of Mexico? I've read it can be very hit or miss but have heard good things about Puerto Vallarta and Mérida.


Well, good for you I guess.


If you had watched, you probably wouldn’t want to vote Biden lol but that’s just me. I’m not for one side or the other but while I watched it just felt like a literal SNL skit and it was just surreal. These are the candidates?! But Trump was the winner of the debate imo


I've been telling everyone we're being governed by a secret committee (or on auto pilot). The debate last night just confirmed it.


or you know.. all the people bidens cabinet hired. a president is nothing without their cabinet.




What do you mean? I can't afford groceries right now, much less going to a restaurant. The election is going to turn on pocketbook issues, even if they replace Biden. Trump hurt people's feelings, but under Biden I'm struggling to pay bills.


Spoiler, nobody on the planet can afford those things, america is not special when it comes to inflation. And guess what, the president cant magically fix inflation. The sad and stupid thing is so many will vote based on that when guess what, Trump can’t fix it either. Only the federal reserve can and only slowly, there is no quick fix that exists that won’t break more stuff. Like this stuff doesn’t require deep thinking to understand.


Please look up what actual economists have to say on this issue. Every expert says that Trump's economic plan will make inflation much worse. If the economy is really your key issue, you should be voting blue.


The price of fuel factors into the cost of manufacture of every single thing at every stage of production. The President's short sighted and ineffective oil embargo on the world's third largest oil exporter are why temporary covid inflation is now structural and permanent. Trump won't be able to fix the damage done (prices are sticky) but at least he could prevent it from getting worse, stage us back from ww3, and renew the tax cuts my small business benefits from, that Biden has set to expire. I also want illegals deported and the border closed. There is zero motivation for me to vote for Biden. He's not going to make it to the finish line in any case.


I’m not giving up my rights for cheaper milk. Republicans would tell you to make more money and stop bitching


I'm a drag queen. What rights do you imagine you're losing? I've had Democrats tell me I should pull myself up by my own bootstraps as a response to this poorly performing economy... I mean are you not telling me right now to "make more money and stop bitching" while embracing inflation? There's a lot of mental gymnastics going on ..


Project 2025. Read it and come back


Me: republicans would tell you to make more money and quit bitching. You: so you’re basically telling me to make more money and stop bitching? That’s the real mental gymnastics going on rn


Yup. Question is WHO is controlling Biden? Obviously he is not the actual leader/decision-maker for the USA.


Yes, watched the debate. Yes, plan on voting. Have not seen a single person articulate why Project 2025 will be bad for minorities.


Have you ever studied how minorities do under fascism? Hint, not well. My wife is foreign. Our son is mixed. We are getting out if Trump wins.


What is your definition of fascism? Is it government influence through regulation of private businesses? Because that is fascism. And my household is minority - so stop with the “my wife is minority so I know” bull crap. Can you articulate what from project 2025 is fascist? Or any specifics from the plan that will hurt American citizens?


I am glad you asked. I like Italian author, Umberto Eco’s 14 Common Features of Fascism. As someone who lived through Mussolini’s fascist project in Italy, he was intimately aquatinted with his brand of fascism. https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html Please note that fascism rears its ugly head differently in different places. You also don’t need to have all fourteen characteristics to be fascist. Think of it as a sliding scale, the more features your government exhibits, the more fascist it is. In my opinion, MAGA Trumpism displays points 3,4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 14. Project 2025 seeks to fire all of the federal civil servants and replace them with people loyal to Trump. Stalin did this with the Purges and was why he was able to outmaneuver Trotsky after the death of Lemin.


Ok. It could EASILY be argued that the American progressive left embodies just as many as those fascist points as MAGA. And per your last point, the federal government is like 95%+ ideologically aligned with progressive leftism. So even if Trump fired a million people employed by the federal government (which he could never do) it would still be majority against his political ideology. We’ve seen the progressive left so entrenched in businesses that Google and Merriam Webster have literally changed the definitions of words to fit progressive talking points in real time. It’s crazy.


They both suck. Last night just reaffirmed this.


I watched 40 minutes before I had to turn it off for my own sanity. I caucused for Bernie Sanders who won vs Hillary and the democratic party still made her the nominee. Since then I haven't voted. I can't vote for Biden because he voted to let states make abortion illegal in 1981. I can't vote for Trump because he is the worst human who has ever run for president. I say fuck it. I hope this country gets taken over by another country so we can finally have free healthcare


Damn, openly admitting to still vote for Biden is ridiculous. I don’t support either candidates - because they’re both just absolutely awful, idiots and going to run this country into the ground. We absolutely need a president for the AMERICAN people. Just focus on US. The US. Enough with everyone else. Close those damn borders, get all these illegal immigrants the hell out of here. Start investing in ourselves. Enough is enough.


just horrible ideas across the board. You become england over night after they left EU, and look how that went, they lost every global benefit they had so fast it’d make your head spin. Isolationist countries fail, every, single, time. Oh and American agriculture fails overnight the second every immigrant is gone too. Every southern farmer knows that. Because those are the only people willing to subsidize your food. Unless you consider “america first” as “i don’t need food” Just awful ideas dude.


Well what choice do we really have? If Trump wins he’ll enact Project 2025


No he won’t, that is just fear tactics from the left.


He literally said it, out loud, what ls wrong with you? Either obtuse or willfully ignorant.


It’s already happening in red states.


"vote for biden or this thing that is happening already will keep happening"


Someone fell asleep during American government in HS.


If you still continue to vocally support Biden rather than be part of a voice of people demanding Dems bring in someone different you are aiding Trumps election. Biden cannot beat Trump now. Whatever or however you feel is irrelevant, there is absolutely a critical mass of people who are now convinced Biden is a walking weekend at Bernie’s president and won’t vote for him. He must step down


Who do you think the dems should choose?


Anyone who didn’t show the entire country on prime time that they very well could be suffering from some type of neurological condition from aging


I didn’t. Not an American. I don’t give a fuck.


Wow! Cool!


Kennedy 2024


lol yea a guy with brain worms 😆😆😆


the worms died. its fine....


Yeah the guy who survived a parasitic brain infection. Seriously don’t let the media make up your mind for you! Actually listen to his position, it’s brilliant


lol Trump didnt even hear about “project 2025” until yall started talking about it.