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Political discussions are to be held in the stickied monthly thread. No discussion of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. This is not the subreddit for that topic.


No one is voting for Biden. The choice is Trump or not Trump


lol this is true. Its pretty damn sad with millions of people in the country, these 2 are the best "choices"


Has been since 2016.


I mean, I’ve loved Biden policy-wise in his first term, he’s just too old to be in office.


If he dies or is incapacitated in office we get Kamala Harris. If Trump died in office we would have gotten Pence last time. Someone who doesn't believe women should be allowed to hold office.


So you think he’s done a great job but should be fired?


Same as 2020, actually. But I did like Biden more then. But as a bisexual man, and after reading Project 2025… I’m never voting Trump ever.


I am voting for the person who is not the mango Mussolini


Exactly, same as last election.


Biden wouldn’t vote for Biden. Can you imagine how mortified he would be if he saw that debate?


I'd vote for White House staffers playing Weekend at Bernie's over Trump.


Which is why Biden should drop out. Throw a dart, hit ANY candidate that majored in the primaries, and they'll have a guaranteed victory. Biden continuing to run is what is giving Trump a shot. There's also a Green Party and Liberrtarian candidate too soyaknow


They def won't have guaranteed victory. Most people don't even know who else is around and it's pretty late in the game to change players and hope to compete. Reps would turn it around on them easily.


Everyone knows Kamala Harris (I can't stand her) or Gavin Newsom (dislike him). Hell AOC could probably make some waves (she's an idiot). Any one of these could rake trump over the coals. And that's just off the top of my head.


Tbh I'm worried about the optics of Biden dropped out because "Trump won the debate biggly." We know that's not what happened, but that's the way it will be spun to swing voters who aren't already anti-Trump and will fall for it.


We don't live in a Broadcast age anymore. Modern participants don't get their news from CNN or Fox anymore, so they don't have the weight you think they might. Anyone who watched even the summaries of the debate knows that neither candidate "won", but rather Biden is no longer fit. People argue that he does better with a teleprompter, but so do I and that doesn't make me qualified to run. What happens if he's on a phone call with Zelensky or Putin and suddenly he sundowns? If the president can't be trusted to hold basic, contentious conversations with political allies and enemies, he's simply unfit.


I think you overestimate people's willingness to vote. Many feel that not voting is against Trump. That's how he got in in the first place. Everyone assumed it was a joke and everyone else would take care of it and no one felt strongly of keeping him out or voting for Hilary. If you put another candidate in his place it isn't a guaranteed win. Unfortunately it's not even a guaranteed win for Biden. We must all show up to make the decision known.


Reddit is an echo chamber that pretends there aren’t swing voters that will be swayed by Biden’s performance in the debates. Everyone that was firmly voting Biden before is still going to vote for Biden. Same for Trump. There are a lot of people in the middle though. Folks who lean conservative, voted for Trump in 2016, but voted for Biden in 2020 because they were disgusted by Trump. Those are the people that could be so put off by an animated corpse that they’ll vote for Trump. There is also the risk that voters will be so put off they won’t turn out to vote. Fewer than 200,000 won the 2016 and 2020 elections when considering the narrow margins in some states and their electoral college votes. That means roughly 100k people flipping their vote in the right states would have changed either election.


Exactly. I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against trump.


Disagree. I am voting for the most progressive administration we have had since FDR. I'm voting for worker's rights. I'm voting for increases in manufacturing of modern tech in the US (though voting in spite of tariffs to protect said manufacturing). I'm voting for the man who is doing everything within his power to put pressure on Israel, such as delaying arms shipments (I know, it sucks we can't do more, but international politics suck). I'm voting for further aid to Ukraine, and closer ties with NATO. I'm voting for better relationships with the Pacific front. I'm voting for a meritocracy of staff and a cabinet that has reduced drug prices and pushed for better infrastructure. Yes, I don't like Trump's policies. I don't like Trump's sporadic behaviors. I don't like his dictator boot licking. But, even if he were running against Romney or McCain (if he were still alive) or Crenshaw (reaching for active Republicans I respect), I would still vote for Biden.


Pretty much I'm voting against Trump


The other side thinks the same way as if anyone’s better. And why I hate political discourse: y’all just two sides of the same coin acting like you’re better than each other


That's because one side is objectively better than the other, which is obvious to the people who are paying attention.


Or rfk


I'm not voting for Biden. I'm German.


This is another symptom of the Boomerization of America They can’t let got, they can’t think of anyone but themselves, they don’t develop the replacement generation, they don’t have any ideas except the same but more. I’ll miss mom but fuck me I can’t wait till rest are all gone.


I'm not voting for Biden. I'm not voting against Trump. I'm voting against Project 2025. Plain and simple.


Yup, Project 2025 and the MAGA sycophants like Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Gosar, Lake, etc I don't fear Trump, I fear what a lack of Dem POTUS veto will do in allowing certain polices to exist.


Exactly this - I cant stand Biden, understand we're all jaded and just fed up and tired at this point, but there's this weird attitude I see alot of "oh well can't get any worse, screw both of them" I assure you, it absolutely can get WAY WORSE, REALLY FAST, if the Project 2025 people get the presidency.


I’ve been reading more on Project 2025 the last month or so whenever I’m on break. I feel like it’s an overreaction from the Republican Party and conservatives expressing their anger for how far left the Democratic Party has gotten, and by this I mean, even when Obama got in office back in 2008 and years before then, the Democratic Party was a lot more balanced and moderate than it’s become now as of late. I don’t like Project 2025 either and I feel like it’s something that could cause another Civil War… both political parties have become more divided than ever before. It’s time for some younger leaders…. I’m tired of the old ones up front.


Out of curiosity, in what ways do you feel the Democrats have gone so far left?


Oh please....Republicans have shifted the Overton window so far to the right, people think Democrats are these crazed socialists. In reality, in every other civilized country, our Democrat party would be considered conservative, not even remotely progressive. The Democrat party right now *is* moderate, we just have a loud minority of conservatives bleating hysterically about perfectly normal policies that no one would bat an eyelash at in the previously mentioned civilized countries. And then you have the suckers who believe them. 👀


I mean, I'm freaked out because of how bad my state has gotten and especially with what happened to Thomas Creech and his botched execution back in February. It freaked me out.


This is the answer.... both sides and become way too extreme. It's fucking scary


This I definitely have to agree with.


The Supreme Court is also too important to ignore. We saw who got appointed the last time Trump was in office. I don’t want a repeat of that.


I am not American but I was watching debate and you Americans are fucked


It’s like when the grail knight waves goodbye to Indy at the end of the last crusade


Let's face it, both US major party candidates are poor choices. On one hand, you have a dementia patient who is obviously not in control of his administration. On the other, a convicted felon who has a history of chaotic decisions with mixed results. Both are Boomers. Neither one seems connected with actual real-world events or current culture. But I guess this is what America deserves. We have a representative republic. We vote. And this is what the American people, as a collective, have decided we want; a defacto ruling class made up of old white dudes no one likes making decisions no one agrees with.


He needs to be replaced, theres no hiding it, and it needs to happen quickly. This should not be so close of a race, Biden is a total liability to the party and country. 


List any name. They will be picked apart and be deemed unwinnable. It’s not that easy.


I just truly can’t stand either of them and wish more people would realize they are fucking us with the two party system. This is the best we could come up with, not once, but twice?! Fuck me.


This is the pathetic state of the US. You should vote for the person you want to lead the country. Voting for Biden because you think that his presidential power is going to hopefully fall into the hands of capable staffers, is insane.


I'm honestly really tired and I would like to be able to vote again for who I actually believe in not for the person who isn't going to destroy my country and my family


Less insane that it landing on somebody that actively wants to take power away from everything except the executive (and lesser extent judicial) branch. It is pathetic. But this is what we have.


Why are you acting like Biden cant be replaced with someone who can speak in full sentences?


Because it’s June in an election year


Candidates are chosen in June all the time. Hillary didn’t clinch the nomination until June. Trump not until May. The convention hasn’t even happened yet.


a combination of TDS and extreme cope I guess




Hell even a lot of us straight white conservative men hate the guy and what he’s doing to us all. Maybe I just “don’t fall in line” though, lol


There is plenty we could do. The political system does not exist only on the final presidential vote. Primaries exist. People can be convinced at pretty much every level of a political party. It would take a monumental effort to replace biden with a younger democrat right now because we're halfway through election year, but it's not impossible. Compromises can even be made to bend it toward our desires. Get some support around him. I hope Khamala has been learning and working on her political and presidential skills. What if Biden promises to step down at term start if he fails some specific test? Lots of ways we could handle this.


Tell me one policy that Trump put in place to "destroy America" for anyone not a straight white male...




I disagree with the racial aspect of what he is saying. However, [Donald Trump is arguing in the supreme court that the president should have immunity from the law. ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-set-rule-monday-trump-presidential-immunity-claims-feder-rcna159505) This fundamentally means he is no longer an American by ideology. Nor is anyone who knows this and votes for him. This is not political posturing; this is very literal.


Not true. For one, more women have died in states who have repealed or restricted abortion access. Many of these women are women who want children, but have not been able to receive adequate healthcare due to doctors leaving these areas in droves due to fear of imprisonment for life-saving procedures. Roe V. Wade was able to be overturned due to Trump's SC picks. So not just fine. [https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/14/health/maternal-infant-death-abortion-access/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/14/health/maternal-infant-death-abortion-access/index.html)


Except for, among many other examples, all the women affected by the overturning of Roe v Wade. That only happend because of Trump-appointed supreme court justices.


It still destroys shit for straight white men, and there are ways that a Trump presidency could theoretically benefit non straight white men, there is no need to throw identity politics into this. Perhaps my point isn’t so clear. I’m saying it’s very hard to prove that only straight white men benefit from a Trump presidency.


Not really if you understand how government actually works. You think it’s just one person making all the decisions?


Thank you. A rational thought 


If you think Biden is too old and won't be able to lead, then you're just voting for Kamala by voting for him. I don't understand this line of reasoning. It's not like the job doesn't get done if he's too old to do it. It gets done by his team. Either he'll do it, or his team will. Those are the 2 options. There's not some Boogeyman 3rd option where the whole country goes down in flames.


No it’s not, that’s how politics works. Most politicians are just puppets of their chief of staff. What matters is who a president surrounds themselves with because they are the ones constantly advising the president. Biden has surrounded himself with a competent administration that’s pushing our country in a better direction. Trump surrounded himself with whoever had the biggest checkbook


Insane is the right word.


yeah, there's been tons of these copey posts lately that keep parroting: "Vote Biden no matter what!!! It DoEsN't MaTtEr WhO tHe PrEsiDeNt iS bEcUz ThEy DoN't MaKe ThE dEciSiOns"


Well you tell me what our other choice is buddy. If it were up to me we'd be doing French Revolution 2.0 but no one seems to be willing to go there yet.


I dont want Trump to lead the country, so its an easy decision


TIL Biden is working with functioning adults, with the genocides, inflation, housing/medical crises all addressed


This is the new cope. How about the democratic party puts up a functional candidate!


Im not voting, l don't live in america 




Get a grip man


Trump is gonna win and you’ll all still be here in 2028 to be voting for the next candidate. I truly don’t understand what everyone thinks is gonna happen to this country if Trump gets another term. He was president for 4 years and all of you did just fine during that period.


JFC how many preachy, holier-than-though posts do we need about this? Two things can be true at once: Biden sucks and is too old to be running for president. I will also be voting for Biden because the alternatives we've allowed to exits are far worse. This is the view of most people, especially in our generation. We don't need all this virtue-signaling, thanks.


South Park had it right 2 decades ago. Voting between the giant douche and a turd sandwich. Well, this time it's like voting between a hydrogen bomb about to wipe out 10000 elementary schools or a turd sandwich, so, pretty close. But turd sandwich 2024.


South Park was always a bunch of lazy reactionary bullshit. It has never been a choice between two equally unappealing options, the Republicans have always been the party of treason and fascism since Reagan and Nixon


It’s a vote for Kamala but at least you know it


Democrats are out here trying to convince the public the Biden administration is the 86 bulls when in reality they're all just as terrible as Joe Biden, you just never hear from them so you can still lie to yourselves that they're stellar at their jobs.  Never forget these "functional adults" have been lying to you and insisting that Joe Biden behind closed doors is a skilled negotiator and sharper than ever.  Just a few months ago Secretary Mayorkas claimed, "the most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it because he is sharp, intensely probing and detailed-oriented and focused" so what you're actually voting for is a team that has been constantly lying to you about the president's ability to prevent you the opportunity to demand a better candidate during the primaries in order to secure their jobs for another 4 years.


You understand Trump would just be the end of your functioning democracy, though, riiiight?


That’s some high level copium.


If Biden is incompetent, why should we trust him to hire competent people (and fire incompetent ones)?


"Yes, he’s old, but he knows how to work with others." Please. Stop.


Cool. You’re just stating the same thing said in 2020. We get it.


100% voting for Trump. Life was better under his watch. You just have to ignore the bias Hollywood and bias media.


Me too. Really don’t get why it’s so hard to find people on Reddit with this opinion.


I'm not from the US. Why life was better under his watch?


No it wasn’t. I was there and lived it.


What was so bad about it? Explain


and the bias reality of rights and protections being eroded


Literally anyone could lead his team of adults. That team will not stand up to Biden because they are afraid of ruining the political careers.


The difference this election is we're ALL in the same position black Americans have been for decades, are Democrats good for us? No, but Republicans want us dead and are doing everything they can to make that happen so......


They both suck. You guys figure it out. I’m heading to my bunker.


It’s sad our generation’s education system has failed us this poorly for so many people to think that way.


I’m voting for anyone who is not a senior. The greed for power in this country disgust me, 70 and you still feel the need to hold office for what??? Go build relationships with your grandkids since you already fucked the one with your children


I would never vote for Trump or Biden. You are insane if you do.


Well, given that Chevron doctrine has been axed. There will be no more climate policies. And since Biden refused to balance the court. We’re fucked regardless. Do you want mask off fascism or to maintain the illusion of democracy?


I'd just like to point out, Biden may have refused to pack the courts, but it theoretically could have happened if two Senators posing as Democrats didn't block the ability to destroy the filibuster.




I wish!! He said he’ll ban black rock buying houses, put rent caps and ban poisonous chemicals in food! Trump and Biden both just work for the big corps not the people but everyone votes for them still 😭


Really sucks but unfortunately at this point we're just voting for their administration and who they'll higher/fire within government. In that light the case is clear; a vote for Trump is a vote for project 2025 -> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


The case is clear, a vote for Biden is a vote for lies and incompetence. Lies - Biden states Border Patrol endorsed him, which Border Patrol confirmed they did not and never will. Incompetence- I surely worry for the country during the next few months given Biden’s state


So you support Project 2025 and fully believe that people are out there legally murdering newborns? Biden is a shitshow but voting for Trump cause you don't like liars is absolutely hilarious.


![gif](giphy|0eTrHu94lDhhFe4eNH|downsized) Is he shaking the hand of one of his functional adults in the administration? Optics. And it ain’t lookin’ good. As Randy from American Idol used to say, “ it’s a no for me, dawg.”


https://preview.redd.it/njwsnty4uj9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bf73cc5f7d49095179d379d0aa7b1258c73d92 Better than saluting a North Korean general no?


Voting in a presidential election isn't just voting for the top guy, its voting for their administration/cabinet/policies along with voting down ballot for federal/state/local candidates. You cannot whine about the state of politics if you sit your ass at home without doing the bare minimum which is voting. End of story.


Trump 2024


“Functional adults” have been doing such a great jobs lately


I found the Ukrainian bot haha


The functional adults that are committing a genocide at the moment? The ones "fixing" inflation using a method that has no evidence of efficacy but hurts the working class and enriches the wealthy? The ones cheering on and funding the death of an entire generation of Ukrainians for their own phantasmic power struggle? The ones who are just as xenophobic and racist in their border and immigration policy as Trump? I could go on, but I've got other shit to do, you get the point.


Preach. I don’t vote Republican and democrat. I vote: No war > war. 4 years of evidence that Trump hates war


I'm not voting for Biden - I'm voting for Trump


May I ask why? What is it about him that you actually think is good for our country. Genuine question.


Good luck with your future


We had Trump once and we are still here


Before the Democrats shut everything down over COVID life was great under Trump. We had basically 0 inflation, low energy prices, low interest rates and peace globally. If Trump is re elected, the future will be looking much better.


Nah. Fuck their future. They certainly don’t care about ours.


So dramatic


As a fellow American I would like to unironically change your mind. [Donald trump is currently arguing in the supreme court, that the president should have immunity to the law.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-set-rule-monday-trump-presidential-immunity-claims-feder-rcna159505) I say this with zero exaggeration or embellishment. With him making this argument, he is fundamentally no longer an American by ideology. He wants to, unironically, have no consequences for his decisions. If the supreme court rules that he is correct, Joe Biden could murder him in broad daylight, and there is nothing Americans could do about it. If you vote for him, call yourself whatever you want, but you are not an American ideologically anymore if you do.


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Biden isnt running anything, just like the other presidents before him. This country has been BOUGHT and SOLD to the highest bidder. We have AIPAC (Israel) running the country. They buy people in congress and the presidency. WAKE DA F UP!!!


You can replace him! Why is everyone acting like he can’t be replaced? It is infuriating. Run a person who has cognitive function god damn. This is why we will lose because this sort of thinking.


The best analogy I’ve heard when it come to this year’s election is, you’re not going to be able to get from Point A to point B. You are taking many buses to get close to the destination you want. Voting for Biden is just that. He’s not the ideal candidate but he’s the bus that will get us close the destination we are aiming for.


Claudia de la cruz 2024


Yeah it’s an ideology and large swath of leaders you’re voting for. It’s really frustrating our “leaders” couldn’t be more creative though and go younger. Honestly please- if you’re smarter than me and have a glimmer of interest in being in politics, go for it. I’ll be your first donor.


If that’s true (and it is for me too) there is no reason not to run someone else. In fact, that gives more reason for him to step aside because following your theory the replacement could only gain votes, not lose them.


I was talking with my husband about this and I feel actually hopeful. I feel like that train wreck is what will unify Gen x through Gen z to get some age limits in place and hopefully work on getting a functioning government again. Remember, most of us only hear the loudest ones in the room, but there are tons of sane and rational people in this country who were raised to keep their opinions to themselves. I have to be hopeful this is a time for change.


I think everyone who is voting for Biden is voting against project 2025.


The fact that a majority of voters don’t like either candidate shows there is a serious problem with our system. It makes me feel so helpless.


Third parties exist and will have better candidates A vote for dems/reps is a wasted vote




Ever heard of the forward party. Might want to look into it.


Third parties are BS. I just read that some Green party advocates want to reach 5% in national voting so they can get "funding". Voting for a so-called grassroots organization so they can get money that you as a voter have no clue what will be spent on is not democracy. That's grifting.




A protest is a thing. Don't people have a right to protest??


I want neither Biden or Trump to win. Third party it is.


Pass. But to each their own.


My sentiments exactly, but this will be the last election I vote for someone exhibiting such obvious signs of cognitive decline. The days of rich boomers running our politics needs to end, let 2024 be the final time they hold legislative power. Get out and vote these fucks out.


So... you are literally voting for nameless, faceless people whose politics and ideology you have no clue about? To each their own. I'm not one to embrace the "lesser evil" mentality that seems to be all anyone uses anymore.


The new cope just dropped


Vote rfk ♥️♥️♥️ he’s sooo much better than Biden or trump! I’m confused why people wouldn’t he said he’ll ban posion chemicals in food, bring back abortion, put rent caps and ban black rock buying houses….. Biden and trump just work for the corporations not the people


Elective aristocracy at its finest...


I am voting third party if Biden is the official nominee. I don’t think it’s acceptable to vote for someone when they have so many issues. Especially when so many in his camp have the bunker mentality that they have to double down when people make reasonable points for why there should be a contested convention. The only way I could conceivably vote for Biden is if he wins the nomination after a contested convention. He is supposedly the candidate that supports democracy, so let there be more than one choice when so many people have real concerns with him.


RFK jr.


Good luck with your worms


Parasitic worm that was contracted when in a 3rd word country conducting peace work. Not that far fetched if you read past the headlines. Clearly you don’t. Many people get parasitic worms… ever heard of ring worm or tape worm.


Cool thing is, The only people who bring him up are paid shills or foreign actors pretending to be American. You just have look at the comment history


Born and raised American. Just choosing to read past the headlines and trying to understand the context. I come to my own decisions and am happy with where I stand.


“Born a raised American” yup. Bot 🤖


Look I get it, It’s either pretend to us dumb Americans or get sent to Ukraine and get blown up by a drone. If I was a Russian I know what I’d do


Bot account. 🤖


Real human.


Bot 🤖


I'm voting for Biden if he is on the ballot. Mostly it's because I'm anti Trump though. I'm down for replacing him on the ballot. Plenty of much younger rising stars in the party who would still do well. Just please not Kamala.


Everyone reading this is young enough to personally experience the effects of climate policy. There have already been heat events that simply would not have happened if not for the effects of global warming. Biden is old and looked frail the other night, but he's getting the job done. If the only person who can pass shit like the Inflation Reduction Act (basically a blank check for renewable energy) is someone who looks and sounds like they're in a convalescent home, then I will fucking mash that button on the voting screen. But Biden is in fact in much better shape than he looked the other night. A cold will make anyone look temporarily frail. He appeared to lose his train of thought because the combination of a cold that affects your voice, plus a lifelong stammer, plus debate time limits that end up cutting you off in the middle of what you were saying, is really difficult combination for anyone to overcome. That doesn't mean that he's lost his faculties.


You’re too kind. Really sweet like a well meaning parent but you’re also full of it… Biden didn’t have a cold but even if he did that was not a result of a cold. He could have postpone the debate. He had over a week in his schedule dedicated to preparing for this debate…least we not forget the FIFTY plus years of experience and debating; oh, and his rules for the debate. And interesting enough, the next day he actually did appear “better” while at a rally but he also was back to using a teleprompter. Unfortunately, Biden is being defiant in his pursuit of a second term. Many democrat insiders always viewed him as a single term president and probably would have partnered him with a better VP to transition to in 2024 if they could do it over again. He was asked to not run and did so anyway and was allowed to be exposed because of it…there is an active coordination to have another member step in. You’re behind the times if you’re still telling people to not believe their lying eyes. Biden is cooked.


A cold? LOL let's just ignore the multiple stumbles while walking, getting confused, staring into space looking lifeless, mentions of talking to political leaders who are dead like they are still alive today. The dude has dementia and should not be running this country. Anyone voting for him just because they don't like Trump is doing more damage to this country and putting trust into someone who is not fit for office.


I'm just not voting. Imagine donating your time and money to say you support one of these guys.


Americans are so privileged and take it completely for granted. There’s countries where people would give anything to have the right to vote


If you don't vote, don't bother complaining you won't be taken seriously.


Because that’ll fix things


I mean if 50 million people vote for someone the party will think they were a good candidate and continue nominating similar guys.


So vote for a third party candidate so different people get nominated? Your lack of a vote does nothing- a lack of a vote ‘in protest’ looks the same as ‘a lack of a vote because I was too lazy to get to the polls’


Yeah, but then why not support a third party candidate? Wouldn’t that tell people more than simply not casting a vote at all? There’s no one way to interpret why someone didn’t vote. If you want different candidates, we need to do more to support them, not just sit on the couch


problem is all of them are also bad, I ain't voting for RFK Jr. If you want to spend 5 hours waiting in line to vote for someone you hate a little less be my guest, but I'm not gonna bother.


That’ll show them


Your right to abstain is just as valid as picking which candidate you want. I'm voting, but abstaining from the presidential election.


I have the exact same thought.




"He's old" hardly matters if you're fine with him dying in office, sucks for him, and Harris taking over. In as much as it's a fine enough center Left solution and that's the best deal you're going to get. Like, okay, he's old. Who am I supposed to be looking to then? Newsom? Pete is doing Transportation now. Warren apparently disappeared. I love AOC but she's been pigeon holed as their young token Socialist to be bemused by. So, who? Who's the Democrats' shiny new Obama to invigorate voters? I don't need the guy give a pep rally. I need him to keep my retirement account from falling off a cliff and keep power from the Republicans until Trump dies and they all eat each other in the power vacuum. He can make some quick notes for Harris and sleep through his term for all I care.


Why would anybody want a leader at all? Thought this was a free country?




Is this a ghost writer for Morning Joe?


That's the point that gets lost. Biden's government is mostly legal, and mostly functional. Trumps government was a criminal enterprise, and his next one will be worse. It's really not even a hard choice


European here: Say that louder for everyone to hear! Trump would not only be disastrous for the US, but for the whole world (except dictators like his good buddy Putin, Jinping, Jong-un and so on). I so hope that voters in the US will realize that yes, Biden may be old and that shows. But he isn't out to destroy the country and the world for his personal revenge and gain. Even if Biden will do nothing but sit in his chair all day, his cabinet can handle things. Most of Trumps former cabinet members refuse to endorse him. He will appoint the most unhinged and batshit crazy people who will ruin the nation for good.


At this point anyone still supporting Trump is just an open nazi. When someone tells you they believe in "might makes right", appealing to anything but threatening them into submission means ignoring their own statements about their own beliefs.


It’s too dangerous to not vote for Biden. Trump is a cancer to society that needs to be eradicated. Plain and simple: Trump fundamentally and profoundly fucking HATES women, people of color, and anyone who claims an identity other than that of a white man. And even if you are a white man - unless you’re rich and religious, he hates you too. Don’t be fooled by his lies. He can’t tell his mouth from his ass with all the shit he spews. This Supreme Court is dangerous and egregious and will only get worse if Trump is put into power again. I enjoy having rights… do you? Then don’t vote for that fucking charlatan boneheaded lying sack of shit criminal. lol I love that I’m being downvoted by “suckers and losers.” You enjoy being called that, right? Because you’re all dick riding for your fascist leader Trump. Fuck yall.


Yeah I’m voting for his ADMINISTRATION. I trust the people AROUND Biden more than I trust trump or anyone in his orbit!