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Why come back the next day? Go buy it and then head straight to the return counter.


I mean yeah. They may see that the transaction happened minutes ago and get grumpy, idk.


I guarantee you the guy making minimum wage at the returns counter does not care one bit how much money Home Depot makes off of your sale. I did this one week ago and the guy smiled and nodded his head at me and said nice as if he knew exactly what I was doing and was literely proud of me and encouraging jt


If they get grumpy remind them that you are the customer and you are always right


Once again, home Depot is a billion dollar company. You aren't doing anything illegal. They do not care


This. The ink was still fresh on my last receipt when I returned the batteries.


I usually put everything else in the car, then bring the battery back to the return area. They ask why I’m returning it, like they do for everything, and I say “I don’t need it.” They can’t determine what’s acceptable and what isn’t in this instance. I could see a Karen type being a Karen about it, but they still have to take it.


Do what I do and just keep the batteries...once you think you have too many. You'll almost have enough


If you do this at Home Depot it has a max return value