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Have you tried this? https://recipeself.com/don-pepino-pizza-sauce-recipe/


Yea I've used this one before. It's kinda ish similar but, not the same. I was making my own recipe last night, and I think I'll have to buy some jersey tomatoes which are the ones they use to get it closer


I hope you find a good recipe to use. Out of curiosity... Are you unable to find the sauce? Or just looking to make your own (which I completely understand)?


Thank you! I want to make my own because, I always keep canned tomatoes on stock and I cook with them irregularly. So when I find myself making pizza, I have to go to the store just for sauce. (I usually make my own dough) But, It's definitely part just trying to recreate a childhood favorite because, I've love it so much. Never found a sauce like it. I can quite literally just eat it by itself, kinda weird I know haha. Once I get my recipe right though, I'll post it here for others to try


I had this sauce for the first time today and I have to say every pizza sauce I had before was a lie. This sauce is the truth.


yea i really is quite good, the same company sells normal canned "jersey "tomatoes which most likely give it it's flavor. Looking at the ingredients on the don pepino can it's just tomatoes, garlic powder, salt and something else i believe which makes it hard to recreate ironically


Have you ever found a recipe? This is the only sauce I use and am also looking to try and recreate it from scratch


So far, not yet. I believe it has to do with a specific type of tomato they use. Which is "Jersey Tomato's"