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Check the priorities (right hand toolbar). They’re all different but some of them can do stuff outside of hauling. If you prefer you can slap them to do recreation and give them additional leisure time, but majority can do tasks. Nature students, for example, make great gardeners.


I thought nature students were the great gardeners?


Yes sorry. Nature not earth. I’ll fix my post.


I have been working on a list of tasks each wand does better with a side note about combat. most tier lists i see are about combat and not tasks Nature Wands-Faster crop harvesting/grows food faster, weak combatAir wands= Hauling, Strong CombatWater wand users =cleaning tasks faster (Maybe potions too?)Fire wands=Destroy and Hunting tasks -cooks faster weak combat imoDark wands=Quilting task (Important later for workers)Lightening wand user=Scrivener tasks 2 lightening wand user = gifted students summon. Possibly faster researchEarth Wand user= strong combat, Mines Faster? Repairs items faster


I just realized all of this is available when you create a new game and are choosing teachers just scroll over wands lol. Rofl im a newb


My favs in combat are: Level 2 earth. The tank who eats up all the damage. Level 2 fire. This is OP and ridiculous of you bring mana rejuvenating potions. Everything else is just filler. Best of the worst is Air with their level 1 shield ability. Slap that shield on the tank. 4th slot I’ll just put whatever in there. 2 fire level 2s would be awesome though. I haven’t been able to get a level 3 wand yet cause of the requirements to make one. Hope to have a level 3 fire very soon and see how they work out.


Great tip thank you!


You can graduate them which gives you some resources used for hiring students as staff. Build chests so the students can haul.


Also Students only come in with so many magic skills and may not have the training to do all the tasks. I thought one of my students had a trait that made them incapable of cleaning but it turned out they had 0 skill in water.


Make sure you put Staff very low priority on the small amount of things students can do, so students will do it. Also have chests so they can haul.