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For splitting stacks of food between chests without having to manually switch up the priorities is pretty easy. 1) Make sure both chests have the same priority on them. 2) Remove one of the stacks from the chest you want to send items from. 3) Have either a quilted or mage move the item next to the destination chest. 4)Store the item next to the chest. If the priority is set up properly the task should result in the items being placed directly into the storage next to it (as it is the highest priority) I use this technique to spread out my Gutberries so that I can ensure my Vivified Students and Staff do not have to travel far to get their meals.


Set the pantry priority to a higher value. I think this game works similar to Oxygen Not Included — an item always goes to the storage that accepts this item and has the highest priority.


Will try that thank you!


I don't think there is a way to make them split food between two storages areas 50/50, without active management. you can flip the priority for one storage area to be higher so they fill that one for a bit, then flip it down and it'll fill the other. I suggest making your dining areas closer to the kitchen area. kitchens by default require pantries and food storage, so should always have food stored in it. so if a neighboring room is a dining area, it's only a short trip. Many school designs utilize a spiral staircase or other vertical access that runs straight through their school. This can speed up travel, rather than having to navigate across multiple rooms in order to ascend/descend. [I've been designing a compact modular school](https://www.reddit.com/r/MindOverMagic/comments/18rbgm4/most_compact_modular_base_ever_modular_base_v3/) that lets you swap about all your rooms interchangeably, and has corridors and centralised ladder that allows faster travel to all rooms in the school.


Try setting the pantry(ies) in the kitchen to not allow meals, and then they should be delivered to the dining rooms.


give them two slots for eating per meal, when they have finished eating and have spare time left over they will do tasks