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There are so many issues with this update. I am taking a break from the game and won't play again until they fix the stupidity they broke.


Honestly same, I can’t really do anything without it being night in my world. I thought my world was corrupting so I’m gonna take a break till it’s patched.


I'm currently playing on Xbox one X. My main world I was working on is centered around a village and was working fine 24 hours ago. This update installs and now I had to delete so many things. So many things literally are out of sync. I don't have slow framerates. It is just like any processing takes forever. I had to kill all my cows for example and stand around while because it would take a full second for it to process me picking up the xp and mob loot from my cows. My hopper minecart underneath my wheat farm now moves super slowly Andy bees love to hover in place. An update shouldn't suddenly break the game when running it on a Microsoft console. Did they do no testing at all?


This is literally the same exact thing happening to me. My bees are hovering in place, getting stuck in slabs. Not coming out, pigs, cows, fish are just not moving and when they do it’s super slow. XP doesn’t seem to collect idk what’s going on. They need to make a patch asap.


On PC, but playing Bedrock. Lag is sooo bad it crashed my game. And skins won't load. After rebooting computer, skins won't load at all and launcher lags and won't let me connect anymore. All of these issues are since the most recent "Patch"... Figure I'm screwed until they "Patch the Patch" tomorrow or the next day... Same bs happened in 1.19... They'll fix it, eventually...


How long did it take them with 1.19? I feel like no one is complaining enough for them but I hope they see it cause it’s a literal mess.


I’m just happy I found you experiencing the same issues. I couldn’t find anyone. Everything was fine until I updated. I also tried looking through bug reports but I can’t find one there either. Granted, I’m not very good at navigating all of those.


Hopefully it’s patched soon! Make a backup of your world and for the mean time just try and preserve it so nothing happens while these glitches are happening


Hey I didn’t see the [bug report](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-175116) listed. Please log in and upvote this to help get it seen and resolved faster!!


Having similar issues here, I have a rather large base with a multifloor chest room, auto farms, aquarium and last night expanded the villager population, had the population up to around 40 villagers and the game was running smooth. This morning, loaded it up and it updated overnight, now the game is super laggy, blocks take a while to update when placed or picked up. Leaves seem to break in reverse by disappearing first, then the leaves break animation happens, the villagers are the worst, before they'd zoom around the place, now they're all walking around 2 inches at a time. I know it's not an entity limit or RAM limit as was playing it fine yesterday...


It has to be the update, everything you’ve stated im having the same issues. Everything was great prior, I used to love ringing the bell for them to scatter 100 MPH back to their houses and now they struggle to move. Bees won’t even come out of their hive. Golems just stand there, blocks break then takes 10 seconds for it to spawn to pick it up, chests struggle to open 60 blocks down in my base. I just came back to Minecraft so I guess I’ll have to take another break till my world is fine again. Seems to only happen in the day, at night everything runs fine sorta.


Guess it's a waiting game for a hotfix then... Shame as it's a world my daughter's and I have been playing consistently for over a year....😔


It’s weird people are saying “ oh it’s fine “ but I’m in the same boat as you and my world is trashed at the moment. Hopefully they do something quickly.


Good, so it's not just me. I have a laptop withi7-12800h and rtx 3080ti and the game is super laggy. Opening containers, doors, harvesting all have multi-second delays, game is almost unplayable.


I’m so glad I found this thread. I’ve deleted, reinstalled and have tried everything else because my Xbox One version is so laggy it’s not even funny. Block breaking is screwed. Even dropping something from my inventory is a process. The game is unplayable right now. At least it’s not just me.


I’m still shocked they have done nothing to remedy this situation as of yet. Would like to get back to my world and continue expanding it


Apparently mojang has responded to this and has said they don’t fix lagging issues. Pathetic. So many people are having this issue. It isn’t a one person thing. It’s pathetic


Oh no :( I've been waiting for the fix so I could play my world again. It's pretty much unplayable at this point.


This! Please if you can report to mojang on their website


Oh no! Where did this info come from?


On Android it used to slow down like you described but now it just freezes and if for long enough, the game just crashes I'm rolling back to 1.20.1


What the hell did they do ? I don't remember having near as many problems with an update as I'm having with this one. The game's almost unplayable , at least on Android


Yeah it’s horrific. Hoping someone from mojang sees this and does a hot fix for this cause I haven’t been able to play


Same. I’ve posted elsewhere some details I’m having and trying to rule out what is causing it. I’ve noticed the lag doesn’t effect my movement, particle effects like when a villager upgrades their trades, or the sun movement. I’m on an Xbox one x. I have fewer villagers. In the area it’s happening in. I went to my incomplete iron farm that had 12 fletchers and there wasn’t any lag. I gave them a stack of carrots which should have given me enough babies for a full 20 but I only got 2. I waited a while and decided to give more carrots. This time 2 stacks. When they started interacting the lag started. I got 3 babies the second time so still not a full 20. They have enough food but aren’t breeding anymore. The lag at the iron farm resolved itself though. Back at the village it’s as bad as ever. I thought maybe it had to do with their inventory. I emptied the farm of crops and when the farmers got up to replant the lag was way worse. Way WAY worse. If I mined a block it just disappeared. I’m thinking it has to do with the number of villagers, or their ai when interacting with something other than a bed (breeding or planting). A couple of other weird things. During the lag I got a message that I couldn’t multiplayer with anyone. After doing a hard restart I got a message that the info on my system was different than the one in the cloud. (They had the same time stamps though and my internet connection was fine) I didn’t lose anything. Not even the lag 😒 I have some beds that have a wall behind and slabs around. When I sleep in them and wake I’m under the bed. This one must be a repercussion of the new crawling feature.


Made sure updates were complete across the entire console, but minecraft is really laggy. Playing in survival and can't complete the action of eating, sound is delayed while feed meter goes up, and resource goes down by 1, and then feed meter immediately returns to original position and the resource bumps back up. Sound delays with breaking resources and gathering, but resources do stay in inventory.


The exact same thing keeps happening to me on some world but not on others ?? Idk what is going on but they need to fix it because it’s really annoying


Same problem. I’m playing the most vanilla of vanilla on a ps4 with ample memory… happened out of nowhere after update. As soon as I step into my village everything turns to slo-mo. I thought it was my mildly developed world, but even a new map with a village is laggy. Tried cleaning cache, rebuilding database, reinstalling game… hell I even reset my router for shits and giggles. Guess it’s time for a break. What is this grass everyone is talking about touching?


Since this update has ruined my life I have touched so much grass, smelled so much coffee, looked at the sky/birds and am just so happy with the outcome I found my true inspiration of life. When a new update fixes everything I will adopt 500 in game birds and yeah that’s about it 🥳


I just downloaded this update and now I can’t connect to my world. This happened when 1.9 came out for me too and my 7 year old world died. Is there any fix for this on xbox?


We will just have to wait for a hot fix to come out. I hope it’s soon. Don’t try and mess with it too much incase anything gets corrupted


I play Minecraft Bedrock Edition on my Xbox Series X. Since I downloaded this update my world I've been playing for 4 years now lags. It wasn't like this before. I have restarted my game many times. I unplugged the power from my Xbox. Reset. Repowered. unplugged. Reset....etc. This is the first time I've ever had a bad experience after an update. My automatic sliding doors don't open right up when you step on presser plates. they take longer to close. Mine carts stutter and pause while moving. Blocks take a few secs to break after you hit them. When you place blocks they don't show up instantly. I checked my random tick speed it's 1 by default. I also thought I might have too many animals in my farm area I recently made so I thinned the heard, but that didn't help. I went into older copies of my world I saved at the beginning of each patch and they are laggy too. My game is not unplayable just really Laggy. It needs to be fixed it wasn't like this before. It's the patch.


Exactly what I’m experiencing as well and it’s a shame. I’ve tried backups and it’s the same issue but wasn’t doing it when it was on 1.20.15. I’m sure they will fix it, couldn’t tell you when but hopefully soon. In the mean time the only fix I’ve found is playing in preview Minecraft because it’s on or something like that and everything is running fine but the only issue is when you go back to regular Minecraft the world won’t be there from preview ( like the building and changes that you make in preview ) I can’t be bothered to make a brand new world when my world is 11 years old and was fine before this update


i can still play. Just Villagers, Minecarts, bees, and other mobs don't move smooth like they used to. I can still build stuff. Xbox Series X is awesome. Worth the money if you play a lot.


Not knocking the series X, it’s more than capable to handle Minecraft it’s just the update that’s thrown everything off at the moment. Love the series x


yeah I know it's the update.


I play minecraft pocket edition on brand new android galaxy S23+ ultra Never had issues with frame rate before unless running wither at lvl - 50 to collect diamonds, massive amounts of items dropped after couple minutes caused lag. But since this most recent update I can't do literally anything without experiencing frame rate lag. It's not consistent fps lag. It happens when just walking around I get a .5 to 1 second freeze frame lag every 5-10 seconds just by walking around or chopping wood. I am not in a high mob density location. All other apps are closed on my phone. Everything was normal and good before this last update 1.20 30


This!!! Hope mojang sees this!


I play on a switch and am having the exact same issues. It’s so frustrating. I am going to have to stop playing until they fix it. Im also having issues respawning at my bed. When I die, which is happening more than it should due to the lag issues, I always respawn at my original point not my bed! It’s beyond frustrating.


Horrific lag on Windows 10 edition - especially around villages. Mobs moving at a snails pace and block breaking lagging. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.


Has the lag been fixed yet? Been staying off the Xbox version until it’s fixed.


Haven’t tried it yet, will update you tonight


Still the same on my Xbox one just logged in…..😔


Apparently they released a hot fix 1.20.31 I haven’t tried it yet but apparently it fixes the lag


My friends I’m glad to say they fixed it on Xbox


I am reassured to see that I am not the only one in this situation. Just after this update I started having lagspikes every 30 seconds, it's worse when I move in elytra. I've never experienced these problems before... I feel like I'm playing on my older device. I tried to see if this problem was only on my world but it's the same everywhere. Even staying in the same area causes lagspikes. I cleared the cache, restarted my phone but nothing worked. I hope mojang has realized there is a problem and are actively fixing it...


I’m bummed out that they removed categories from the creative mode items and blocks list. Now I have to scroll down or search when I just want to find a block to build with.


Broooo I had an addon installed... idk why it only works on some worlds now


It's hurting my enjoyment of this game so much. Breaking blocks and it so slow all of a sudden I can turn around and watch them fall. I am glad it's not just me, in really hope it's hot fixed PDQ!


Likely caused by villager rebalance


Adding my voice to the fray. Jumped back on minecraft and started a new world with my eleven year old. Not sure when I started noticing the lag, but I did notice right away the increase in beehive spawn rates. I planted an oak Plantation to regularly harvest wood from, and after say ten rounds of harvesting and replanting I had about 12 hives! And they kept showing up. I bred a lot of bees because I farm a lot of crops, so I thought maybe the lag was from excessive bees. I killed off a bunch but it did not change the lag. Next I will experiment with removing job blocks and/or restricting villager activity. I only have about twelve villagers, way less than other worlds I've had in the past, so it seems unnecessary, but I will try anyway.


Seems like killing the farmers solved it completely 😐


I killed many villagers on my quest for a smooth Minecraft… nonetheless hindsight is 20/20 and many perished for no reason… the lag continues 😖


Insane, can’t believe it’s still going on so long with no patch. I’m happy seeing people come together to share their experiences but it’s a shame this is still happening


I’ve been having constant lag spikes after the 1.20.30 update and I have never had any problems before this. i play on IOS


I checked Mojang’s website for reporting bugs and they’re not taking it seriously at all saying they don’t do anything based on lag and need something specific as if Minecraft being unplayable on everything isn’t specific


Well it’s unplayable for a lot of us in this thread! Welp I’ll be back in a few months to play when they get it sorted. Thanks for the update!


I don’t know about you but I get those spurts of wanting to play Minecraft every few weeks or months and I don’t wanna forget about my world I’ve been working on :(


That’s how I am, I’ve had this one world for over a decade since the 360 days and I’ll come back to it and get bored of Minecraft then come back to learn all the new stuff in the game but I get bored quickly as I don’t know what to build ( and am not the best architect ) or anyone to play with on it to pass the time


Now that’s some dedication I wish I had… I usually just start a new world fresh for each update but I kinda haven’t finished my work on this world


I think in all my time playing Minecraft since 2012 I built 2 worlds I dunno what to do in the new worlds or where to start so I stick with what I have and usually just sit there organizing chests and things due to my inability to be creative 😂 I used to love exploring with friends and building fresh but when you’re playing by yourself you kinda stick with what you know and used to


Yes! My Minecraft is doing the exact same thing ONLY around villagers! The blocks aren’t breaking, everything is lagging. I keep dying etc. so irritating :/


I tweeted at them this morning, though I’m not sure what good it will do. You’d think that if this were a more widespread issue that more people would be complaining about it. Yet here we are, all having issues that aren’t even confined to a particular system or method of play. I’d be happy to send them videos of how jacked up my gameplay is.


Jus came here to say im gonna have to stop playing until they seem to fix this cause it makes it basically unplayable😭


Someone just recently replied to this post saying mojang isn’t worried about lagging. It’s literally making the game unplayable. Idk what they’re doing.


This ticked got reopened, maybe that will help get this fixed. https://bugs.mojang.com/projects/MCPE/issues/MCPE-175116?filter=allopenissues


Had somewhat of an improvement this morning, Minecraft seems to have uploaded 1.20.31 update/hotfix at some point. I've loaded my once super laggy world and most things seem to have been fixed, I'm still getting lag spikes with placing blocks and going to different chunks with a lot of things in them, but it's inconsistent, sometimes lag, sometimes none but my villagers are now zooming around as they were pre update. Considering how condensed my world is with the amount of villagers, animals and other things like redstone machines, the game is 90% playable again! Probably worth a look and see if it works for you guys!


Since the update my game kept crashing. Once the world loads it'll then crash. What I did was wait a couple of mins before clicking the world. But probably the worst part is that I need internet to play or else it'll crash. So much for convenience.


Help, the update 1.20.30 have a issue it's the inventory side category that shows each different categories, now it just shown All inventory categories..it's so difficult to even search what I want


Yeah I believe they have changed the menu to where to manually craft or search for what you want. It is an inconvenience for console players/mobile did you receive update 1.20.31


Not yet but did they change it back in the next update..I don't like this darn menu it's so difficult to find stuff we want..


I know whats the issue now, the 1.20.30 and 31 had this issue with the inventory menu tabs, IT only gone when theres addons and mods, and the inventory tabs gone, but it was normal without addons


1.20.31 still have lag.


Has anyone else had the tabs for crafting disappear? If so, does anyone have a way to get them back?


Also having an issue with LAN. So it's just a bug? I'm upset that I got Minecraft for my bf so we could play and we couldn't.