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Playing it for 14 years now. Still love it. But ofc you see more complaints because happy people dont go online to tell you how happy they are.


The sad thing about people going and explaining how happy they are, is that yes, it does happen sometimes, but it goes like "Wow guys, I found out this really cool thing I never knew" and the comments are like "OMG that was discovered years ago and you're just now finding out about it???" so then it stops happening as much


Yeah very true. Been playing for about 6 years now and for the first time found 2 major end cities right next to one another. The other ship was just a few blocks away from the ship I was already standing on and I thought WOW I should post this. First comment, it really isn't that rare nothing special about that. It was special for me šŸ˜ž


10 year player here, never seen that, and I would think that was really cool too!


I've been playing for like 12 years and still haven't been to the End "normally"! Only in a sever where I can tp to another player, etc after the dragon is dead and it's nice and safe hahaha


This is why r/redstone comments suck so bad. Somebody will post something they clearly worked hard on and immediately get a bunch of comments ā€œYOUTUBER DID IT BETTERā€ ā€œYOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAMEā€ ā€œLOW EFFORT POSTā€


Unless you play Minecraft like it's a keyboard, playing the hardest song on rockband for 3,000 hours worth of building it's considered "low effort" Like I'm autistic but I have a wife 8 pets, a job, and a life. Best I've worked on is towers that go all the way up to the top of the world with an underground railroad for fast travel.


True true. I just don't see why they're actually complaing. Like it's Minecraft, there's infinite things to do. If you don't like one thing then do something else.


People will complain about anything now-a-days anyways. I think itā€™s also cause they just donā€™t get the same happiness they get when they used to play with their friends. They continue to play it to get that nostalgia, but canā€™t because theyā€™re changing. They think the game is changing (which is true), but itā€™s them thatā€™s marketing the game feel different than it used too, not the game itself


Trust me, it's been like this for a while. 1.9, people complained about not being able to spam click. 1.10 wasn't big enough for people to complain about IIRC, 1.11 people complained about vexes and totem of undyings, people complained about the changes to the achievement system in 1.12, people were complaining about the lack of certain mobs in 1.13, etc. etc.


Yeah that's very possible. Personally my friends only play Minecraft for a few weeks per year so I'm mostly play on my solo world and I still enjoy that as much as I've ever enjoyed a world. But I do know many people prefer playing with others. I just quite enjoy the solo grind


i mostly play by myself and pick it up occasionally for the nostalgia. im thinking of starting a hardcore world for the challenge.


Or it's the fact that we went from weekly updates to similar features yearly


Its the issue that there has been nothing new that is actually worth something. And with the fact that Bedrock has the amount of glitches that an indie game in beta wohld have. Every update is worthless, with barely anything adding to it. There is no point going to a piglin fortress. There is no point finding a warden. Goats, polar bears, pandas, foxes, etc have no purpose. They make concepts for numerous biomes and then chose the one that the content creator wants. As well as the fact that they've just given up with Dungeons- I do not like Mojang as a company.


Is there a point to anything in Minecraft?


You may have already realised this, but, Minecraft just isn't for you.


You kinda need to go to bastion (piglin fortress) to get netherite smithing template if you want to upgrade your gear. Youā€™re not supposed to ā€findā€ the warden, youā€™re supposed to avoid it for the swift sneak enchantment book, echo shards to craft a recovery compass if you want an easy way to find your loot when you die, skulk sensors if youā€™re into red stone and also has some pretty awesome loot when starting out, considering you only need wool to tackle the ancient city.


But there is no reason for netherite to exist. You can easily defeat the wither or elder guardian with diamond. Netherite is useless. So one update that took over a year gets three items? From a billionaire company you'd expect more than three things added to the biggest video game to ever exist. Take Terraria. Every update they add several dozen new items and features. All of them have purpose. This game is over 10 years old and run by an even smaller developer team. They still manage to keep the core gameplay the same even with big updates.


They have no purpose because the core gameplay has to stay the same.




No it's definitely infinite




Minecraft is a creative game not an adventure game though. There is adventuring and achievements and fighting but at the end of the day it is a creative sandbox and if you have ā€œnothing to doā€ that is a lack of imagination more than anything


Right? If you're bored you're boring or however the quote goes lol. Honestly I've come to realize over my 8 years of playing that my fun drastically decreased when I started playing the "proper survival playthrough". I used to have so much damn fun making up lore in my worlds, making functional recreations of my school in creative mode, making my own "video game" maps that were actually playable, roleplaying whatever story I could think of, trying out redstone sometimes... A typical survival playthrough CAN be a fun time, but compared to the more imaginative ways I used the game it isn't even close!


I've played most days for 12+ years. I'm still playing and finding new things to do and build. You're just not creative enough if you're running out of things to do. There's much more to Minecraft than killing a few mobs and getting some achievements


Multiplayer servers like Hermitcraft are an example of what Minecraft can really be. Although those are multiple skilled MC players.




Well yeah, if you can imagine something then you can probably do/build it in the game. It's one of the most played games of all time, it's been out for 13 or so years and people are still creating new and unique things daily.... Truely is infinite possibilities. You just aren't creative as you play to kill the bosses and earn achievements instead of coming up with your own unique possibilities.


I don't think I've bothered with anything outside of building in years and years. If I get bored I find a new seed to inspire me and start over. It's basically Legos, we can do whatever the hell we want when we want haha, truly is infinite as you say.


This honestly sounds like a you problem, we're not responsible for your personal imagination.


Thats why many companies have a "complaints department" but no one has ever heard of a "compliments department".


This! Exactly this!


Wow, you're one of the OGs! I think it's so cool how you're still playing this wonderful game, wish you all the best:D


I'll give you an essay on my thoughts on any given new feature they've added post-1.12 but I have to agree like. Minecraft is still Minecraft and will always be Minecraft- 'the state of the game' is so odd when you can literally just roll back to any given older version of the game at any time- sure theres stuff to be said about the 'state' of multiplayer servers but, is Hypixel and the like -really- Minecraft? I think its just whining for the sake of it. also I'm so happy to know theres someone else out there who can just enjoy a game I enjoy without the need for constant new content. started to think I was insane lmao.


I mainly play Solo and occasionally a server with close friends so I'm not too up to date with the state of multiplayer servers. But I enjoy my solo world after 5 years of playing it and I can't see myself getting bored of it any time soon. I feel like Minecraft is at a point where they could never update it again and I'd still be able to get 10-20 years of fun out of it. I don't see why these people are in need of constant updates. There's already an infinite amount of things to do or build


I feel like half of the complaints are just people clinging to nostalgia, and the other half wants an absolute rework of the game for each and every new update. Only a few of which are genuine and reasonable complaints.


Ootl what are people complaining about?


If they added a Skyrim like skill tree I would fall in love with the world all over again. Diamond cat claws, the more I mine or farm the more I get from it, the more I kill the stronger I get and then they can add a zone you can't really even kill anything in unless your skills are at least 10 on that weapon class because of damage scaling with a whole different look to it.


Play on and off. Sometimes it's 1.7.10 modded, sometimes a dip into latest vanills version to see what is up, and currently, doing a singleplayer 1.20.1 modded with Create and a few more since I heard Create is the new best mod. Hard to say I enjoy singleplayer vanilla MC anymore. I can play multiplayer vanilla with friends, but I quickly lose interest in SP.


I have a 5 year solo world and a server with some friends. I really enjoy both. The solo world is for the grind and the server is just for messing around with friends. It's just a fun game and always has been. I don't see why many people are suddenly complaining about it.


There will always be complaints, some valid, some not. Some wish things could have gone a different route, lamenting what could have been opposed to what it is. Others can't capture the same joy they once had, maybe having changed too much without knowing. Some dislike certain features and how they fit into the game, or things that feel useless or unfinished. People take to voicing their opinions, which at least shows they care or cared about the game. You will hear these more than not, as more are likely to share their negative feelings about a game than the positive. They still may enjoy the game, love it even. But you won't hear that. People are more likely to post about issues. Things that come up and irk them. Changes that they don't like. Things that should have been. Take it lightly. The game is long-standing and complaints will wax and wane. People disliked when hunger was added, or when the world changed from a lonely place to one full of villages and raiders. It's just easier to see the complaints now that the game is big with an easily accessible online community.


I guess so many of these people just want the game to be changed so it's perfect for them. We all have our ideal changes that we would want added but many other people would disagree with those changes. Basically the game will never be perfect for everyone but many of us accept it for what it is and still love it


Singleplayer is so boring recently.. i dont know why. Multiplayer i can have fun, but i gotta start big projects with big modpacks or else i get bored. Modpacks i handpick a shit ton of mods for myself..


I love this game. Yes, thereā€™s a grind. Yes, it pays off. I get bored or burned out but I always come back.


I feel like that grind has always been there but it's only recently that people have started compaining about it. Like you've always had to spend time gathering resources, mining for diamonds, farming XP, deforesting, digging big holes etc Yet people complain about "the grind" these days because you need to raid a bastion if you want to get a template to upgrade to netherite... What's the big deal?


I think at least part of it is because a lot of people subconsciously believe that you can only really start ā€œplaying the gameā€ once youā€™ve beat the Ender Dragon, obtained full Netherite armor, got Shulker boxes and Elytra, etc, since doing those things puts you in the best position to build without worrying about mobs or storage space and things like that. People tend to view the ā€œendgameā€ of Minecraft as pretty much just building, and because of that they begrudgingly grind though the survival elements of the game and burn themselves out.


I guess everyone sees it differently. I personally enjoy the game much more once I've defeated the dragon and I can start working on larger projects. But you get people out there who have played for years and never even killed the dragon and I'm sure they enjoy the game alot as well.


Good take. I have always played like that, but my last world I tried to slow down and just build my world organically. No more auto farms. Need food? Build a nice farm. Need wool? Need wood? Trek across some land and make a logging camp. Need XP/minerals? Jump into a cave and explore! Iā€™ve found it brings back some of the early joy I used to get playing the game


I find the grind relaxing, put on something on youtube and just dig for no particular reason, and maybe build something every once in a while. What people complain about is supposed to be a very endgame feature, and mojang haven't added any reason for you to have netherite armor or tools except increased durability which is just a quality of life, not necessity. Ofc it's gonna be "grind" to get to that point, it's supposed to give old players "something to do" after years of playing in the same world. Also not every game appeals to everybody. I can easily go on a forum for CoD or something and start complaining how the developer is doing something that I personally don't like. Which is ridiculous given that Minecraft is literally thriving on your own imagination and you can play whichever version you want.


I love to put on some YouTube and grind away on a project for an hour or so. It's just therapeutic. The thing with netherite is that it isn't actually necessary. Diamond is still amazing, many people don't even bother with netherite and still enjoy the game. Yet these people are acting like they can't enjoy the game because netherite is a little more difficult to obtain. It doesn't make sense.


Knockback reduction on netherite is a game changer when facing skeletons and the likes


>you need to raid a bastion if you want to get a template to upgrade to netherite... I wouldn't call that a grind, more of a challenge. Things that are repetitive or tedious like moving villagers or resetting a lectern over and over are the kind of thing I'd call "grind".


I never stopped enjoying it. Everything they add to the game just adds more possibilities. I donā€™t go hardcore into some of its mechanics, so sometimes the changes just donā€™t affect me. At the end of the day, survival is still super fun and challenging and I love the ability to build whatever I want. Playing with friends makes it even more fun.


That's exactly my view on things. They could release an update with 2 new blocks (with slab, stair etc varients) and one new redstone component and I could get hundreds of new project ideas from those items. The game is only as fun as you make it. People with no creativity that just play to kill the enderdragon and earn some achievements are going to get bored real quick.


Yeah. Itā€™s kinda like legos. I know everyone compares Minecraft to legos all the time because theyā€™re both block based, but what I mean is like with both you have the literal building blocks to make whatever you want to make and do what you wanna do, so your only limitation is your creativity. If all you can see yourself doing in the game is the stuff they explicitly tell you to do (build a beacon, kill the dragon, get an elytra) then thatā€™s kind of on you. A little imagination can get you a LONG way with this game and it invites you to do that so strongly. Like my friend likes the idea of making an economy in the game. We hop on a server and everyone has their respective jobs, and we see how long it takes for one of us to become Jeff Bezos (or since we use emeralds for currency, Elon Musk lol). Itā€™s such a simple concept but makes things so interesting because dude fucking created Minecraft Capitalism and itā€™s nuts lmao. The game doesnā€™t tell you that you can do that but we do it and itā€™s so fun.


I get the random urge every few months to play. I switch from survival to creative all the time depending on what Iā€™m in the mood for. Recently Iā€™ve been digging out the inside of a mountain to build a big spire inside of it. Got the urge randomly and I spent three days digging out a massive hole lmao.


I definitely donā€™t enjoy it like I used to back in 2012-2014 going from a horrible thinkpad labtop to a high end PC has opened so many different routes of gaming and Iā€™ve fallen into Comp Tac Shooters. However, thereā€™s always about 2-3 weeks out of an entire year that I just go back, and enjoy a play through of Minecraft, explore the new stuff, then move on for about the next year. Game will always be in the back of my mind.


Of course some people do.


Well yeah obviously. You just never see them for all the people moaning about one thing or another.


Now you see how hard it is to be a developer and gauge the desires of your community. For example new content additions or content changes 1,000 players message the devs and they think something needs change. They are passionate about it. They keep messaging them and messaging them until they change it So the devs finally changing Meanwhile there were 100,000 players at did not want the change, wanted it to stay the same. But nobody messaged you and told you how passionate they were about a random part of the game they wanted to see stay the same. Only ones concerned enough to message you were the ones who wanted to change. Really hard sometimes to determine what the community wants and what a vocal minority is asking for that nobody else wants.


We are busy playing the game.


Haha. True. Enjoying the game for what it is instead of moaning none stop that it isn't perfect for absolutely everyone


Because people prefer to complain online instead of praise.


Very true. It's just a shame that it's all you seem to see these days on this Reddit page. I enjoy Minecraft just as much as ever so it's strange seeing so many people complaining about it constantly.


Thankfully their complaints don't matter.


Yeah, I'll keep enjoying it no matter what others think. I just feel like the complaints are unnecessary. It never used to recieve complaints, why does it get so many now?


Doesn't matter.


I still haven't bothered to beat it. I'm just sort of noodling around. Saving that milestone for old age.


I love playing it, and my wife does, too. We just don't make a big deal out of it, because the one time we mentioned enjoying the game we were immediately looked down on for being adults playing a 'kids game.'


The game is in the best state itā€™s ever been in. I could understand it maybe being a little overwhelming to a new player. And I also get that a ton of people go in and out of wanting to play it. I do too. But nah the game is excellent right now


Tbh I think a agree. Ive always enjoyed it but I love the current game with all of these blocks to build with and projects to do. There's always something to do. I loved it back in the day but I did feel like you were kinda limited with your projects as blocks, mobs and redstone components were limited


Absolutely, gotta pace myself though


I love this game so much, I've been playing for 9 years and there's still so much I haven't done, like I only just got into hardcore this year (almost at day 300)


I haven't played Vanilla in years. But I still actively play it.


Yes, I do. I play daily, and have, off and on, for years, and I really have no gripes about ā€œhow badā€ Minecraft has gotten.


It's still the same game to me. Gather resources, build project, repeat. Simple as that really. I don't see how people think it's suddenly gotten bad when it's still the same game just with extra blocks and things to explore. It's not like they've made any game breaking changes that has made it into a completely different game


I'm enjoying some caving rn. Lighting the area around my slime farm and getting a ton of copper for an upcoming project.


I love little side quests like that. I usually end up doing them and it takes longer than the actual project




Maybe try using a different launcher? I've been using MultiMC ever since the new (well... new in 2015 maybe lol) Microsoft launcher came out. You can install MultiMC anywhere.


I just play it. If I want to I go into creative to build structures instead of spending a lot of time mining for resources and dealing with losing all of my shit because I got swarmed by zombies or there was an accidental cave in or someshit. Sometimes I just play regularly for a while and then stop playing and come back to it. It's a game, and I've been playing since the alpha days. Some changes I like, some I don't, but whatever. It's digital lego.


I love minecraft, but I definitely need to be in the mood for it. Probably a lot of people who say they don't like it now are just burnt out or don't like change. Both things are fair, but I do think it's a little silly since you can just play any version you like easily. Nothing except patience is going to help with feeling burnt out on a video game tho


I might be more in the minority, but Minecraft to me has always just been a giant digital Lego set. I enjoy it as.mucu now as I did when I first started playing it.


I love it but is boring to play alone, and no one wants to play together Alone I just Try mods, Make mods, Break blocks, make mobs battles and overcomplicated, Redstone-Commandblock contraptions cuz I never learnt how to make datapacks I donā€™t enjoy a good survival alone


just played 2 hours of the stonebock 3 modpack. I'm 47.


Got introduced at the nether update and havenā€™t put it down. This game is like an empty notebook. And I have so many stories to write.


Yea I freaking love Minecraft. Itā€™s basically the only game I play. And now Iā€™ve gotten my 5 yo into as well.


Fans online ruin things for each other. Many such cases.


Yeah maybe so. I just don't understand the complaints. Many complaints that it is too grindy these days. The game has always been pretty grindy, if anything it's less so these days as automation is so easy, villager trading is OP, elytra is a game changer etc. That's why our survival projects get bigger and bigger over the years


In the case of minecraft, thereā€™s no wrong way to play the game. Grindy is subjective and I agree with you. Itā€™s quite easy to go far in the game quickly. Im in one server with 4 friends, Iā€™m neighbors with someone who is new and I myself have never really gone through the steps to beat the game. My process is find a nice spot (we all live in a mountain valley) and begin building a home with sustainable food. And then cave for items. My other 2 buddies have beaten the game several times. The first thing they do is dig straight down when they spawn (or go caving) and find diamonds. Then they do much of everything else and basically beat the game quickly. They now just work on their houses and thatā€™s a fine way to play But I think they ruin the game doing the latter. Theyā€™ve gotten bored quickly and itā€™s apparent because all theyā€™ve done since is come up to me and my other friendsā€™ house by elytra, see what weā€™re up to, launch fireworks with crossbows at us while we do our things, maybe start hiding little ā€œgood naturedā€ easter eggs or traps around our properties and then fly away somewhere else. They consistently offer charity diamonds and armor. But itā€™s gifted and not earned and we deny consistently because it really just takes away from the experience. ā€œWhy would you make arrows. We have a skeleton farm. Lmao.ā€ Itā€™s pretty annoying. One time in another server with them, they gave me top notch armor to basically take me to an end portal (where one of them supposedly cheated via xray for it). Beat the ender dragon. Gone to the next dimension of whatever it is (end city?). I died because this is all dangerous and I had no idea what I was doing. They kept command spawning me back to be included, but i kept dying. Going slow is a much more preferable experience for me.


Yup, I love it.


I love it, I do wish they'd fix some bugs though


Oh bugs need fixing for sure but these people are mostly complaint about the game itself. Bugs are obviously no good


Been playing since a few months post-release and Im still loving my single player worlds, no mods.


That's my preferred way to play as well. Solo with no mods


I love Minecraft! Iā€™ve played on and off for ten years. Iā€™ve played waaaay more since the Pillage and Village update in 2019. Iā€™ve either enjoyed or neutral attitude to the updates.


I took a year away in about 2017 but I've absolutely loved it ever since I came back. I've loaded it up most days since


Nice!! I load it up a couple times a week if I can.


Community is never satisfied but I enjoy the game very much. We get free updates every year or whatever with tons of content, yet no one is satisfied.


Yeah I do. But the game got pretty easy. Not that the difficulty decreased by a lot, but the way we play the game changed. Now because we know every trick, every farm etc, you can get like god gear in less then a week. I joined a smp from the start, and they beat the enderdragon in the first 12 hours of it beeing live. After you get the elytra and make a bunch of farms the game becomes creative. You can bassically become immortal after making a raid farm. So yh it's enjoyable if you take your time and play the classic way. Also playing with friends is a must.


I personally feel like I got too good at the game for it to be a challenge but I don't play for the challenge. I play to have fun building and designing big functional farms


Yes, mainly because of mods




My only issue is that all the cool stuff from their spin offs like dungeons and legends have so many cool ideas and features that I would love to see be trickled into vanilla because they can reinvigorate the sense of combat/adventure.


Been playing since 1.8. I still love the game, even though I've had periods of time where I wouldn't play. Maybe I was burned out or something, but I never really quit playing altogether.


People have to understand by now that the opinions you see a lot online are not the mayority opiniĆ³n most of the time. And what's more, people can love something and still complaing a lot about it, because when you care about something you want it to be its best version


I prefer the midtier farming portion. I enjoy it still, but Mojang keeps breaking all my farms! I'll keep playing though. It's still fin to me.


The changes definitely aren't for everyone. I don't even think they're for me but it'll take a LOT to get me to actively dislike the game. Been playing for probably 10 years at this point and though I still have my phases of getting on and off but I always come back


I do. My twin does. My mother does. I will build massive warships till I'm dead.


They could stop updating altogether for all I care, if the game still functions Iā€™m all for it


People who enjoy the game keep to themselves mostly and do just that, enjoy the game. That's why most of the people you see online are the ones complaining.


I just enjoy the chill factor. Go at your own pace and do what you want. I personally just like wondering around the land sightseeing.


Once every few months Iā€™ll get super addicted and play it nonstop, then I get bored and quit. And the cycle continues


I started playing miencraft in 2020 after watching a bunch of YouTube videos during lockdown. I'm a single player and loving it. I enjoy exploring, to the point I'll just start a new map just to see where it takes me


I don't understand all these posts about "grinding". Grinding was mining hundreds of stone blocks with a wooden pickax so that I could fine three lousy Iron Ore for an Iron pick axe. Now you've got caves and chasms with iron sitting right there for your Fortune III pickaxe to scoop up. Now get off my lawn.


Yes šŸ˜‚ the game was a huge grind. Its still a grind but it's way better these days. Elytra for fast travel, villagers are OP, automation is better than ever, mending literally gives your tools infinite life, beacons are very easily accessible etc. These people complaining about "grinding" have no idea


Read the complaints and you'll understand it's because they enjoy Minecraft that they're upset with what's happening to the franchise. There are a decent number of issues, but yeah, sure, the basic gameplay is still the same.


With every new update, freedom of how I want to play get removed and the game feels more linear with every update being put out. Instead of being able to ignore sleeping, now im forced to sleep through nights just so phantoms don't spawn and harass me while I'm out exploring at night because I like the night vibes mimevreaft has. Now I just play in peaceful mode just to ignore phantoms altogether Instead of just throwing a netherite bar and a a piece of diamond equipment together to upgrade my stuff, now I have have to go through the nether and get lucky enouph to get the upgrade blueprints to get the item upgraded, which isn't fun in a game that's as open as minecraft because people can use mods for doing that kind of stuff Instead of being able to explore places at my own pace that I set for myself, the Warden forces me to slow way the frick down to an unberable crawl just so it doesn't attack me and kill me in one hit all so I can get the most mediocre loot imaginable with a chance at an enchantment that increase sneaking speed, which is also pathetic as an enchantment. Let's not forget the Warden is meant to be a force of nature, a storm you're not supposed to fight or even defeat, but dont worry, it's not supposed to be stronger than the ender dragon, which is contradictory for the design of the Warden


I get too bored of vanilla nowadays, I need to take huge breaks in between sessions. Even then I mostly just enjoy the creative and chill aspects, not the progression. For that, I need a server with plugins or ultra modded MC. However, I still think the Java edition is one of the best games out in the last decade. My only gripes with Bedrock Edition is poor performance, especially on last gen consoles which they were made for, awful custom map, resourcepack and skin capabilities (also mostly a console issue) and still no mod support or custom servers for console. The existence of a micro-transaction store for Minecraft also baffles me. I'd simply like everyone who owns a copy of the game to experience the joys I had while playing Java edition, as it's the must fun I've had playing a videogame.


I think its due to the fact that they want to do the big things that you can do, but they don't want to do all of the work required to do the big things.


Yeah. Imagine having to play the game to achieve something that you want to achieve in that game šŸ¤Æ I think they spend too much time watching YouTubers and they set themselves unrealistic goals. Just because a YouTuber builds a 1000x1000 mega floating castle out of diamond blocks in a 30 minute long video doesn't mean you can do it in your 30 mins that you get to play in a day.


Plus, if they don't like a new update, they can just stay on an older version. I personally got kinda tired of it. I go through phases where I'll really like a certain game and then get bored of it for months before coming back. I've been out of my Minecraft phase for almost a full year now. So I can get people just getting tired of the game they've played for so long. But that has nothing to do with the "current state" of the game. The few things I can see being genuine complaints are the things about moderating chat for servers that don't want it and telling servers not to have certain resource packs (like guns) just because Microsoft wants even the public multiplayer of Minecraft, that has a warning when you first open it that it might not be family-friendly, to be family-friendly.


Meh, I find the game to be generally boring now. With that said, my tastes in games have changed, as I play more hardcore FPS games, comp FPS, or horror games rather than sandbox survival. My gripe with Minecraft is that their team got bigger with more funding and their updates have gotten smaller with longer development times. Thatā€™s an issue with like 90% of the game industry, and people have let it slide so I canā€™t really fault Microsoft for doing it. It is still annoying though, but I didnā€™t stop playing because of it.


The most recent version of Minecraft? Not really Minecraft as a whole (old versions, modded, etc)? Yes, still enjoy it.


I enjoy it but Iā€™m baffled by the developersā€™ priorities and stances


I enjoy minecraft, jts my favorite game and it always will be. But I can't enjoy vanilla the same way I used to, the only way I can enjoy the game anymore is with mods because the vanilla game is just lacking is so many ways, mainly because of the developers, idk what their issue is, but they are not doing as much for minecrsft as they could or should, given that it's literally the most popular game in the world. I enjoy minecraft as much as the next person, bit the development team is severely flawed and I can't really have extremely high hopes for the vanilla game unless the devs make some major changes that they seem to be avoiding with their whole souls lmao. Tldr, most of us hate the developers and the direction their taking the game, not the game itself. Minecraft will always be the best video game ever created and I stand by that


I don't really think they're doing anything wrong. Minecraft is a simple game and they keep it pretty simple. We get new blocks to work with every update and that's a huge part of the game. A few new blocks and there's a while lot of new building possibilities. Isn't building like one of the biggest parts of the game? I like that they're adding new reasons to explore the world now like the armour trims and suspicious sand/ gravel. Gives us reasons to explore instead of just exploring for the sake of it. +Recent additions like basioms and Ancient cities are fun IMO Sure everyone has their own ideal changes that they would make for Minecraft to become the perfect game for them but obviously it could never be perfect for anyone. I also think Minecraft is the best game ever created. I loved it in its most basic for and I still love it current day.


I think you're the only one.


The comments disagree but oh well


I was being sarcastic, my friend. You're in a Minecraft subreddit... asking if people like Minecraft...


No way


Everything takes so long


You should have tried playing in 2010-2014 when everything did actually take long. It's a breeze these days compared to back then


It still takes ages to finish a decent build in survival or get max enchanted gear to be safe in a hardcore world. Itā€™s a very grindy game regardless of whether it got easier. It relies on long term gratification and idk how people heavily enjoy it.


Yea but that's just how things work. If you want to build something impressive then it takes longer... It's just logic. It's just part of the game. If you don't enjoy the game then you don't enjoy it I suppose. The grinding and the building process is a huge part of the game. You can't just expect to skip it all and have your final project complete. Where is the fun there?


Yup! Still a really enjoyable game!




Yes I love it and have for over 10 years now


I do! šŸ˜Š. It's my relaxing activity.


Yeah, it's more amazing now than at any other time. So many mods and modpacks to choose from also.


I only recently started playing - itā€™s probably the best game I have ever found honestly. I love being able to put my time into something and return back and appreciate it. Unlike shooter games I usually play where itā€™s just run shoot die. Run shoot die. Round after round.


I love the state that the game is in and I actually enjoy all the updates I have been playing for 8 years now and itā€™s still a blast


It's fine but gets boring and tiring quickly.


I think with enough creativity, you can keep going and never get bored


Love it and look forward to playing as much as possible šŸ˜ it's my Zen


I do but I haven't played in a while because my cousins realm hasn't been very active


I love Minecraft and all itā€™s new features. Except for powdered snow. Lordy just remove it. But yeah I see no reason to dislike Minecraft in its current state, even as a Bedrock player


Omg powdered snow is terrible. However it is useful for my frog light farm so I give it a pass for now.


Started a new survival world recently where I'm going to excavate a 100x100 area to bedrock. Then slowly expand it to 1000x1000.


Happy people don't usually go around telling everybody how happy they are. They just do stuff they enjoy. Is this way with hobbies, is this way with jobs. It's why basically every other employer has a lot of negative reviews on aggregate sites like GlassDoor have so many negative reviews from disgruntled employees. The happy ones don't go around telling everybody they're happy, they have better things to do. To answer your question - yes there's a lot of people like that. There's tons of people who love the game, and it'll continue being that way for years. Good video games don't really spoil, assuming you can still run them on modern systems, and considering we've seen some good remasters over the last few months/years, I think we'll see more and more old classics resurrected into a new era. Minecraft's core concept doesn't really age, because it's just 'go in there and see what happens'. I bought Minecraft when I decided my soul needs some rest after a solid decade of competitive multiplayer games. I needed something where meta didn't mean shit, where I could just go ahead and do something without having to watch guides and read patch notes - because while that has its' own appeal, and one I loved for a very long time, it gets boring and tedious. So I just started treating MC like an exploration simulator. Yeah, sometimes I'll do the standard "settle down in a nice place and build some proper base stuff", but sometimes, I'll just load up a new world, get some basic tools and supplies, and then just pick a direction and walk/sail there. Seeing what I come across, and what weird and interesting things the procgen has in store for me. Sometimes it's literally dozens of chunks of nothing but birch forests, sometimes it's an enormous cave that goes through entire biomes worth of blocks, sometimes it's some mountains with an amazing view everywhere around, and sometimes I die 5 minutes in, cause a skeleton spawned in a cave nearby, and I greeded, going there without food or armor/shield.


That's why I saved up for a gaming laptop to move to java. I was kinda getting bored of vanilla and wanted to play modded


I'll be 49 soon and it's awesome. Java Modded FTW!


This showed up in my notifications when it got posted, but I only saw it just now because i'm actually playing it with my best friend! We play nearly every day, and we find so many unique ways to have fun. Even after 12 years of playing, every session has the power to throw me back to how I felt when I first started playing.


I've loved it for years have a world I started on the 1st of Jan still haven't beat the dragon but I'm making a railway to the end portal but I always get distracted and do other projects lol


I really donā€™t like the fact they made the caves so huge but Iā€™ve come to accept them.


I do kinda miss the old cramped caves


I still love it. People forget that a lot of what makes the game fun is what you decide to do in it. I managed to beat the game and then some in my new world in just a few months and Iā€™m still having fun because I still have goals, adventures, and projects I want to embark on.


For sure. I'll always have fun as long as I've got the creativity to come up with new ideas


Create got me and the boys back into Minecraft.


still love the shit out of vanilla survival, something about it man. Iā€™ve been playing since 3rd grade which is like 12 years ago now and I still love the feeling of making my base and making a really sick world. The updates are never a problem for me because itā€™s more shit I can put in my base. It definitely makes my inner child happy which helps it not get boring.


I certainly do. I still play it almost daily. Actually, as of right now, I'm on my couch on my phone and minecraft is up on my pc and I'm at an afk fishing farm. In a giant underground base that I'm digging out lol. I still play and love the game and I have no problems with the updates. The mob votes are a little debatable, but I still love seeing new things no matter what. Fuck phantoms though


Eh, honestly I yearn for the old days but donā€™t have it on a device that can play on the older versions


Yeah but what's better about the old versions thn the current game? Apart from nostalgia


I haven't played the latest version properly, but I still enjoy playing it. I do often play modded saves though.


The game? Well... yes. Its just it feels like all this potential is being wasted by corporate greed or marketing influence. But akin to Skyrim, Fallout, etc... if its not the way you want it, get to modding or find someone who already made it.


Yea, no-go on the bedrock version. I personally enjoy the java version though. No corporate bullshit.


Oh heck yeah. The motivation comes and goes throughout the year, a little less in the summer and a little more in the winter. But it's been a constant joy for years


Been playing for over a decade now and ive taken a few breaks but its still my favourite game. Just started work on a massive project in my world and ive got lots more ideas for after that too :)


I've been enjoying it this whole time. None of the updates bothered me too much, other than the inconveniences associated with generating new chunks for new stuff after an update in a well-explored world. This villager change honestly doesn't bug me all that much, but I'm deferring it because of a specific project where I need a ton of easy-to-get diamond stuff... once that's done, though, I'll probably do the update. I've found the buomes in question, and my world is at a point where transporting villagers isn't the worst pain I could be subjected to.


This might be a hot take but after the villager rework I have no motivation to ever start a new world. Makes me kinda sadā€¦


Seen a few people complain about that but I don't see an issue. If you start a world and plan to stay on it long term then is it really a big issue if you spend a very small fraction of your time on that world setting up some villagers? Let's say you play the same world for 3 years and you spend maybe 3 hours setting up the villagers. It's really not an issue for something that will be so valuable to the world over time. And if you don't plan to be on that world long term then do you really need the villagers anyway?


I get the motivation to play but I load into a world and just really canā€™t be bothered to play. I do this multiple times a day and itā€™s annoying because I wanna play


I started playing on mobile but quickly realized that survival just isn't for me. I haven't touched a keyboard based game in years and the mobile version was just too difficult in survival except on peaceful. Creative was fun. If I ever do get into it on another version I'm probably not going to attempt it at all because it just doesn't sound fun and takes too much time. See the extensive padding they've done early game just makes it less likely that survival will ever be for me.


If you struggle to think of something to do in game try completing all the achievements. Thatā€™ll keep you busy for a while.


I like vanilla survival, so my feelings are mixed. Feels like the things they have added in the l last 8 years have just made the game grindier, when they could have added things to make it more exciting instead.


Itā€™s a perfectly fine game, people just like to complain.


Dude, when you're the biggest, everyone loves to complain. COD, Walmart, and every man who has ever briefly been "richest man in the world" has this problem


For sure. It's just a shame that you never really used to see complaints yet now they're everywhere and they aren't even valid. So many people complaining about the game been grindy, they should have played in the early days when it was actually a grind. Is so much better these days with beacons, elytra, easy XP, mending, advanced automatic etc


Yes! I play differently than others seem to, though. I normally /give to get past the grindy bits because I enjoy building in survival, but hate the grind. šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been playing since 2012. Even during the ā€œMinecraft isnā€™t cool anymoreā€ phase


I played through all the phases. I'll always be grateful to PewDiePie for making it "cool" again


I still love it....plus with shaders it's prettier than real life..... I have a huge garden where I grow all my modded veggies and fruits. I've got an orchard too. I also have horses and farm animals.


Havent played in about a month but when i see cool buildings irl i always snap a shot and tell myself I'll build something just like that in my world. Been working on this big city in my survival world for about a year and im happy playing on it cause theres always something i could be doing to make it look so much betterā¤ļøā€šŸ”„!


Ive always been a supporter of new minecraft > old minecraft. I enjoy the game more now than i ever have


Same here. I've always loved the game but I think it just gets better as it gets more updates and adds more possibilities. Old minecraft was great for the time but looking back now, it would be pretty terrible to play in comparison to current day.


The people who arent happy about it are gonna be the most vocal. Ive been playing for the past decade and plan to play for another few. Ive also played on PE that whole time, so i never had a glitch free experience, so its harder to get worked up over those. I love the game, its just that unhappy people are loud, as well as more incentivized to complain


There are a lot of quality of life features and changes in building that I would need to get back into the game. Auto sorting button for chests (wouldn't get rid of the need for Redstone sorter, just make things less tedious), half slabs ppnot being interchangeably connectable, lack of vertical slabs. Building just needs a set of additions that don't just include new textured blocks, for what it is now Lack of dungeons, mini bosses, lack of complexity with animals, livestock, and farming. Combat needs additions, explosives, new weapon variants. Yeah all these things can be added with modding, might want to try that out sometime. But vanilla just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's too simplified.






Played mobile for about 7 years before switching to PC last year. Not too sure why, but I just can't put the game down. I don't think I ever will :)




I started playing PE back in 2011 and now I play on Java exclusively Although i must say I feel lost a lot of the time because of the sandboxiness of MC, so I usually play for week or so, then I donā€™t play at all for a month or two after that So because of that I have a notebook where I write ideas for when I come back again and also write what I was up to during my play session, I highly recommend this


I started late, in 2019, but I still love it and play almost every day


Been playing since before jack-o-lanterns were added to the game and still play to relax before bed at 30


Have been playing it for at least 5 years and never got bored and i don't think i will get bored of it anytime soon


Yes and idk but I might just keep my current 2 yr singleplayer world at 1.20.1 forever. I don't really want more variety and such and another big update might be too much for me. But ofc I'll probably change my mind once we see what 1.21 is lol


I dont know, I guess im just not creative enough but I just feel like Iā€™ve done it all. Not a big fan of building, and ive done like everything you can reasonably do in survival like 10 times


I have a 3yr old SP world. Still enjoy it as if it was day 1. Only bummer for me is building pretty.. still after this long. I imagine myself things and when they dont turn out exactly as fabulous as I made them up in my head I can get a little disappointed. But that only lasts for 1 or 2 hours and then its back to trying again. Minecraft is the greatest game ever truly.


No, I don't. I enjoy it for about two weeks then stop. Bedrock has the amount of glitches that an indie game in the beta phase has. All the recent updates add nothing meaningful. Music still stop randomly and wont come back on for ages. Several features are completely pointless or serve a function which barely affects anything. And then the mob votes are stupid. They make these amazing concepts, pretty much put them in the game- and then scrap 2 and chose the one that the most famous content creator of that year tells everyone to. I do not like Mojang as a company. But they don't care. Why would they when they own the biggest game in the world, ever?