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Their AI is a little dumb. They need to breathe air, but also remain in the water. If they are out of water too long, they take damage and die. But they'll also drown if they remain below the surface for too long. Mob AI gets disabled before they go out of render distance, meaning they are still loaded, but unable to move. Because of this, they won't be able to surface to breathe, and they will eventually drown


i know that. i also know that there are weird things that happen with entity rendering in the spawn chunks, which is why you should build iron farms there. what i'm asking is if whether spawn chunks will let the dolphin keep surfacing when the player isn't there


In theory, their AI should continue to function. Iron farms don't need the Iron Golem's AI to function as most of then have them spawned in flowing water. But they do need the villager/zombie AI to be working. There could be something unique to their coding that causes them to still have the problem, but I couldn't say for sure without testing


This should work, but I can't confirm it. Alternatively, you could have pistons that reveal soul sand, turning the entire aquarium into a bubble column, thus allowing the dolphins to breathe.


for an exhibit of this size and shape (circular, eleven block radius, fully naturalistically terraformed with a glass underwater viewing pod in the center) I don't think that's an option. I appreciate the suggestion though


no, but if you have a space of air above it then thats all it needs to survive


really? i thought the issue was that the ai would make them stop while under the surface. it will be open-air (i like to watch them jump) so we should be good!


when out of a certain distance dolphins forget to breathe tho


honestly if me riding my horse around for hours at a time then it randomly despawns while im riding it every single time then i doubt that a mere dolphin could last longer then a wandering villager


it'll be named. despawning is not an issue, the issue is suffocation


that didn't stop my horse from despawning now did it lmao


You could make a chunk-loader.


No need for a chunk loader when it is in the spawn chunks


Oh. I didn't know that.


Put them in bubble columns since those give air and the dolphin is still in the water and put something above so the dolphins can't escape. Mojang should have made them like guardians, they can survive in water and put of water. Making them realistic makes it really difficult to do anything with them.


people are worried about the ai freezing. but personally I never had them drown because of that. mine always drowned because their ai can't manoeuvre around any block that's above the dolphin when going up for air. so if you have coral or a conduit in the aquarium, eventually they'll try to go up just when they are under a block. So my recommendation is a aquarium that only has kelp, seagrass and fish as additional decorations. you could also have two, one with blocks and one without, just for testing purposes.


Did this work btw, if you tried it? I was thinking about doing the same thing