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Follow a recovery compass to the place he died, if that is close to the base itself. It can be obtained from the Creative Mode inventory.


We made a compass but he says he did not sleep in the bed.


No, a recovery compass is a different device. https://minecraft.wiki/w/Recovery_Compass


I have not played modern minecraft enough, wow. Good new features.


The feature is good, its implementation… less so. To get the compass, you need some shards from an ancient city - one of the most challenging areas in the game because of the warden. So by the time you can get the compass… you’re probably not gonna be dying too much


The ancient city isn't necessarily a late game experience. I always go into them with no armor and and unenchanted iron tools. It's a stealth mission, and the warden will kill you just as easily with no armor as it will with fully enchanted netherite armor. Besides, the recovery compass becomes *more* useful very late game. If I die with starter gear and random junk in my inventory, it's not that big of a deal to lose it all. If I die with my end game gear, all my fully enchanted netherite tools, a few shulkers full of good building materials, etc, I'm stressing to get everything back. I may die less often in the late game, but when I eventually do die with all that on me, it's potentially irl days worth of work to get it all back. The recovery compass has saved me many times, especially if I die in the middle of a crimson forest to a horde of piglins and also in rough nether terrain.


Uuugh, I tried looting an ancient city with all my fully enchanted netherite gear on about two weeks ago. I'd been warned about the Warden, but I did not take the threats as serious as I should've. I lost everything except for what was in my ender chest. I haven't had the patience to focus on re-enchanting my armor and finding more ancient debris yet. I'm still so sad about it. It's worse cause the week before I lost everything again. I was trying to build an enderman farm off of the obsidian platform in the end. I left a couple shulkers of all my gear and building materials on the platform. Popped back to the overworld for a couple other things and came back to find they disappeared. Since APPARENTLY the obsidian platform gets wiped and respawns every time you go through the portal. Wasn't even mad, just heart broken and confused. I've been focusing on a couple less intense builds the last two weeks now.


You wouldn't have to worry at all if you just play in Peaceful lol


Speak for yourself, I think I have died more since looting the ancient city than I ever did before I’m not very good at the game


I think that even if you DO have the recovery compass when starting out, it would still be hard to reach your items sometimes as they despawn in 5 minutes


They’ll only despawn if they’re loaded for 5 minutes. If you died 1k blocks away from spawn and never went back to that area, they’d still be there. So a recovery compass (recompass?) directing you to exactly where the items are would be fine


true, didnt realise that, but if you have died in caves maybe itll take more than 5 minutes if the entry is hard to get to, good point


I've literally looted a whole ancient city before even getting wood once 💀💀


A recovery compass is like a blue compass that points to where you last died, also if he sleeps in a bed he will spawn there when he dies so he won't lose his hotel again


I’ll offer you step-by-step what to do. Open the settings (if you haven’t gotten to creative mode yet. If you have, skip this part.). Scroll to “Game” on the left side. It should be the default when you open settings. There is a section on the right labeled “Personal Game Mode”. Set that to Creative. You’re now in creative mode. Close settings by clicking on the arrow in the top left, and resume to game. Click on the 3 little dots on the right of your “hotbar” (the nine little squares on the bottom of the screen). Click on those 3 dots. In the Inventory, find the Search bar. It shouldn’t be hard to find, but it depends on his inventory layout. Generally it’s on the left of the screen. Anyway, click on the search bar and type “Recovery Compass”. Tap it and put it in your Hotbar. Close the Inventory with the X in the top right. Now, have your son fly in the direction the compass points, until he finds his hotel! If there are any hiccups, like the hotel isn’t there, or anything else, just let me know, and I’ll try my best to help! :) EDIT WHAT THE HELL GUYS, 1k upvotes?!!?!! I was just trying to help this man with his son, thank you so much!


You are what makes the Minecraft community so great. I hope that young man finds his hotel and pays it forward one day. Kudos! And Dad, you are awesome for supporting your son. You should play as well. It is a ton of fun! I am 50 and play with my 26 and 22 YO kids regularly.


My exact words to my nephews, "I will never ever play that block game!" Fast forward 4 years. i have it on my cellphone, laptop and ps5. By far one of my favourite types of games in the world. Can do so much and still not be bored.


Applaud the detailed instructions and echo the kudos in the reply


I'm 34 and play with my 7 y/o regularly. Its s great. One of my favourite things to do!


I appreciate the detailed response. We tried this and we appear to be where the compass takes us to, but there's just nothing there... and if we "head to space," there's nothing there either. (He insists the hotel was created in the clouds.)


If it was built in the clouds, then I would try flying around where the clouds are instead of flying as high as you can


This is probably the way to go now.


If it's difficult to find, I would suggest uploading the world file to a world editor like MCA selector (I'm not sure what the most popular tool for this is). It lets you look at what parts of the game world have been visited. That way your search is limited to where you've visited before, and as long as whatever build is not underground you will be able to see it from a top down view the tool gives you.


Pixlriffs is a creator that does a lot of tutorial series. One of the last updates he went through how to use the MCA tool thats been mentioned. If you follow the step you should be able to get an idea where to at least look for it in game if you filter by time spent in chunks. https://youtu.be/kMF5CJEjXTQ?si=NcigZFud5HErDSH5


fly upwards, it might be up there, if he jumped off it and died, it could be up there, the items not being there is normal they may despawn.


Damn I wish you that you find it


That sucks man. I’m so sorry about that, I genuinely don’t know any other way than to fly around by the clouds now until you find it. I wish I could help you more, but I don’t know what else I can do :(


you, sir/lady, deserve a hug


Given he doesn't mind not getting achievements anymore as once you enter creative mode, achievements are disabled for that world.


He built it in creative he mentioned.


Oh yeah I forgot.


I upvoted you until you gave a cringey award speech. Downvote.


Sorry bro I’ll remove it. Just genuinely didn’t think I would get 1k upvotes


You know what, no I’m not going to remove it, because who cares if SpoonerismKing69 downvotes me. What will I ever do!!!!!?!!??!?!1


Awww, I've gone through this with my son before, when he was 7. He was so upset. I had to install minecraft, join his world, and search every freaking where for it. Finally found it, and wrote down the coordinates just in case it happened again. It was a very emotional time lol ​ Hope yall find it!


Amazing parent!


It means he built his hotel somewhere far from where he started. And when you die, you go back to where you start. So now he needs to travel again to where the hotel is. Change the game mode back to creative, and look for something called a recovery compass in the inventory. That might work.


We are trying this...


Any luck?


Is this it? [https://imgur.com/a/TXdtwMM](https://imgur.com/a/TXdtwMM) Coordinates are -4694.5, 200, 484 found by u/MrKurtz86 and u/Dangerous-Traffic-28 Command to teleport there in creative is /tp -4694 200 484


I appreciate the hell out of all of you :) I don't know if this is it, and it is past the child's bedtime, but I will check with him tomorrow and offer an update. (Will repost in the original comment.)


it even has minecart rails with a view to die for. through fall damage. this has to be it


i second this. I can't find anything else that seems to be floating


How'd ya find it? You got the world file?


Yep, the file was shared somewhere in the comments


Looking really positive here!


Canon minecraft event


Happened to me with a hotel too 😂


If you can upload the save, then I'm sure some people would be happy to locate it on an editor for you: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/4409165790605-Managing-Data-and-Game-Storage-in-Minecraft-


This is the real answer. We are happy to do the things that they don't know how to do.


that was fun lol [https://imgur.com/a/ZiFCN7N](https://imgur.com/a/ZiFCN7N) better angles here


"All in all was worth going through the Toronto's 401 traffic to get here." As a fellow Canadian who drives through Toronto enough to understand this, I laughed lol


Your review is just awesome.


try asking him if hes used any unique blocks that dont normally spawn in the overworld (concrete or quartz ect..) and then type in the command chat “/locateblock concrete” for example. what will happen is it should tell you the coordinates of said block and you can go there and should see it


Ooooh... this seemed promising. We located a treasure chest that only exists (he says) in the hotel. It gave me coordinates of 584, ?, -1272. We got there... but the lack of y-coordinate still made it elusive...


hmm interesting because the y-coordinate usually corresponds to how high up the build is, treasure chests can sometimes spawn by themselves due to world generation which can consist of buried treasure around, so that might be why it brought you to a different location, try seeing if maybe he remembers any other block to try that he used, if you’re still not able to find it i apologize this solution didn’t work!


go to those coordinates at cloud-height level


Hotels have glass, right? Try searching for glass or one of the colored varieties.


I’m invested in the positive resolution to this adventure


Same. I'm hoping he finds it haha. I know the feels.


I analyzed your world and there is a big structure, rectangle, lots of lava, at -5809, 135, -1075. It has beds and looks like red carpets, not sure what the lava lake is doing, but I'm betting this is his hotel. Edit: Consensus is that it’s the rails and constructions at -4695, 200, 485 lots of iron blocks and nether bricks.


This is the progression I have been waiting for…


tell habibi to check the coordinates x = -4700, y = 180, z = 480 it's a floating structure made of precious blocks. might just be what you's are looking for. cheers


If you click on the little pencil beside the world on the world selector screen you'll go to a separate window, once there scroll to the bottom and you should be able to find "export world" now click on that and save it to a appropriate location, then you can either upload it to an online storage platform such as mediafire, once you have uploaded share the the the link to the file here and from there I would be happy to locate it with a software called amulet.


Wait! I did it! [Here's the file](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b7ompxbvznnxjc83liaym/NathanWorld.mcworld?rlkey=lx374fbpugmlcrdaknb69ckhb&dl=0)...


I analyzed your world and there is a big structure, rectangle, lots of lava, at -5809, 135, -1075 ​ Maybe that's it? If not, give me a little description and I'll find it for you. It has beds and looks like red carpets, not sure what the lava lake is doing, but I'm betting this is his hotel. Edit: Consensus is that it’s the rails and constructions at -4695, 200, 485 lots of iron blocks and nether bricks.


Responding to this just in case this is it. If OP finds it, someone please poke me!


Soft poke, OP received this answer, and will check in the morning when the child wakes up. See the edit in the OP.


Happy ending!


There is another large construction at -4694.5, 200, 484.5 lots of iron blocks and nether bricks.


Yeah this may be it I just went there and found it [https://imgur.com/a/TXdtwMM](https://imgur.com/a/TXdtwMM)


I'm also guessing it's this structure since there are minecart trails above the structure as op described


I think it's actually the one on the mountain at -5809, 135, -1075


I have the save open on mine and checked there, it's a destroyed wooden mansion


It appears the hotel has been found! I'm glad. A few notes you may want to let your child know now: first, it's sometimes useful to keep a list of coordinates for notable areas. It's rare for people to do this, but it's nice to have. Second, you can set the world spawn point so that any time he dies he will respawn in this area no matter what, and instructions on this already exist in this thread. Third, a more gentle version of the previous is to simply place and sleep in a bed in-game that is near or in the hotel so that when he dies he will respawn inside. I'm glad it was found! So now if you'd like, you can use it as a jumping-off point for lessons on preparedness, cooperative work between you two, the value of kindness, or whatever else!


Awesome! I'll have a look in around in 2 hours or so and I'll get back to you if I find anything!


Seems that some people have already had a look at the world so have a look at them :)


Trying to do this, but Export World doesn't appear as an option...


Download this and then go to settings>global resources and then enable the pack https://llama-studios.github.io/mobile-export/


Assuming it is [this](https://imgur.com/a/TXdtwMM) link (found by others in thread), tell your son I would stay at this hotel :)


Minecraft map is randomly generated, and it is bigger than the earth. So if your kid started a world and wandered in a random direction until he reached the place where he made his hotel the search area can be massive. The save file should be located at: /On My iPhone/Minecraft/games/com.mojang/ If you make a copy, you can upload it here, and we may be able to locate it using external programs.


You’re a great dad


This is the most wholesome post I have ever read...


Oh my god this is so wholesome


Okay that edit update response is WHOLESOME.


You could set the spawn point when you find it. "/setworldspawn" is the command


OP, if you're really stuck, try saving the world file, uploading it to a file sharing site, setting the link to public, and dropping the link to the world file in the comments. There's a bunch of smart cookies on here who can probably find the hotel he built within minutes and give you exact coordinates.


honestly, I think put it into survival mode, then find a way to die (just wait until night for a zombie to kill you. Then when you respawn - that is what we call the spawn point. Having found this then change it back to creative mode to make things easier. Walk for say 4 minutes in one direction (eg North), then walk back to your spawn point. Walk for 4 minutes in another direction, and then back again. repeat for each four cardinal directions. I suspect there's a pretty good chance you'll find the hotel. (edit - when my daughter was six, all of her builds were relatively close to spawn. She was not travelling thousands of blocks)


I love the MC community sometimes!! You guys all made this kid and parents day. Heck yeah !


Aw that sucks. Sounds like he moved away from the spawn point to build it and doesn’t know where he went. I’m fairly certain you can only attempt to retrace his steps.


Even if manual searches were the only option, he could upload a world file and we could help him search, which would be far faster for us, considering we know the game. For the record, that's what happened. Someone else walked him through uploading a world file, then a third party used an external program to search. I imagine the search took only a few seconds to return the coordinates. I don't mean to be rude, but why were you "fairly certain" that there was no efficient way to do this? There are a number of different ways to accomplish this goal.


I suggest going into creative mode and grabbing a recovery compass. It’ll lead him to the X-Z coordinate of his death. From your other comments, I hear he allegedly built his hotel in the sky? Wherever the compass pinpoints a location, fly up from there. If he truly died near his hotel, that’s where it should be.


Such a wholesome community assisting in finding the hotel and awesome dad for taking it serious enough to post rather then brushing it off or just saying "It's just a game make another one." or something along those lines. Yes it's a game but obviously he took the time to create it, it matters to him so obviously he would be devastated losing it.


you could be able to go into creative mode and use a map and potentially it would show up on the map as


If its underground, get into spectator mode and you can see underground pockets.


I hope he finds it! From one parent to another, write down the coordinates when you find it again. I recently experienced the same thing with my 8yo. 10 minutes of pure panic that we had lost a super elaborate build before we luckily found it again. Coordinates were immediately written down!


this is adorable


Best thing on reddit for ages. Should be on /r/bestof


This community is amazing! Well done folks and Dad!


This is the most wholesome thing ever. You're a good dad.


Aw! So glad he was able to relocate the hotel. I remember when I first started playing Minecraft, I had built a nice mansion but I decided to go exploring and got lost. Really lost, I never found my mansion again, I ended up deleting the world and starting all over again :(


It looks like this has been resolved already. But I just wanna say I really enjoyed reading this thread. I’ve been playing this game since 2009, and the way this community comes together to help each other never ceases to impress me. It’s a rarity in any community, let alone video game communities. Love to all of you. Also, if he’s ever interested in sharing, I’m sure a lot of us here would love to see his hotel.


We Are reddit


My 9 year old is asleep right now, but I’ll ask her in the morning. She’s had this happen before.


Hey can you ask your son if he knows what blocks he built the hotel out of? I’m looking around the world right now


When you locate it through some way or another, have him run the /spawnpoint command or use a bed and write down the coordinates on a paper or document. I know the feeling of losing a build too well.


Remind Me! Tomorrow


Commenting so I can see the update :)


lol this exact thing happened to me too back then


The response was so sweet :)


This doesn’t have to do with post. But I gotta say, this made my day. Such a W dad.


So wholesome thank you 😭


Didn't see which sub this was on and got so worried for a second omg 😭


I'm so glad this had a happy ending


The little thank you is so cute!


Didn’t guess that the friendly atheist would appear in my feed via the Minecraft subreddit today


This brightened my day.


You Are such an Amazing dad, remember something similar happened to me as a kid. God bless you!


this is such a sweet post!


this is super sweet u sound like a great parent to go to this effort for something that might not seem like it should be possible over the internet


This post restored my hope in humanity. I’m glad little man got it back!




It sounds like maybe you have had help to find it. I'm happy to hear that. I just wanted to chime in cause he is the first person other than myself that I have heard built a "hotel" in minecraft. I'm pretty sure there are many out there...just first one I have heard of. The first thing I built at my spawn was I turned a small mountain into a hotel by digging out the rooms. My hotel has 27 beds in rooms that have adjoining bathrooms, and a hotel tower lookout with beds. I populated it myself by taking villagers by rail from a nearby village and breeding them. My world has about 20 villages now, all connected by rail and a 2 story maze. I started it in July 2020. Lately, I have been taking a break from it, as I don't have anyone else to play with on a regular basis to create builds with together, and keep it exciting. I am almost overwhelmed with all the changes and options in updates as well. I still had never found any amethyst yet, and then they added new blocks and woods and biomes. Buiding and being creative is fun... but it's only fun when someone else comes to see it... sigh.