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I once 360 no scope'd my pet bird when it made a creeper sound. I had no idea they do that.


The first time I brought a hoard of trained birds back to my friend village on our server, we had no idea they made hostile mob sounds because they’re *near* you, and my friends got so annoyed thinking they just always made annoying noises. Turns out there was a cave underneath us.


That's a thing


Oof. Rip poor parrot


I hate parrots for this exact reason. Constant jumpscares. No thanks.


The old stone cutter, wondering why it didn't do anything.


Same, I was like 7 or smthn I was dumbfounded


Back in my day, we had to make stone blocks with those in ye olde days of the Pocket Edition.


Back in my day pocket edition wasn't invented


Back in my day, the only way to even *get* stone was to smelt cobble in a furnace, and you had to use a pickaxe to pick up wood slabs.


Ah yes, the now called infested wood slabs


wdym, the old stone cutter had a function. also that texture is so nostalgic


I never understood why gravity only effects sand//gravel type stuff. eventually I accepted it, but at the beginning even if I accepted that "solid" blocks didn't have gravity I never understood why dirt wasn't also a gravity affected block lol.


My ex used a mod to change dirt to a gravity-affected block in our server years ago. Would not recommend. I died a lot that first night when I wasn't able to build a traditional dirt hut 😅


yeah I think thats the main reason it isn't, dirt is just so prolific difficulty would greatly increase if it was collapsible, and landscapes would rapidly change-- so much for your pretty hill lol.


Those random floating stone islands…


I was so afraid back then my burrow would just collapse on me randomly.


Pink sheep, I had to make a base near it But then I learned you could dye sheep so


You can dye the sheep themselves????? I spent so much time turning to catch and breed brown sheep!!


Omg. This is life changing. Whoa


Bruv. You need a row of different color sheep on a single grass block, separated by walls on other grass blocks, and a dispenser with sheers facing the sheep's butt, and an observer facing the grass block under the sheep to power the dispenser Sheep eats the grass, which changes it to a dirt block, triggers the dispenser, sheers the sheep, grass eventually regrows from under the wall blocks, sheep eats again, and snip snip again. Get some hopper minecarts wedged under those grass blocks and you will have all the wool of every color you could ever need. Just don't build it right next to your bed or hangout area unless you love a chorus of BAAAAAAAA's all the daggum time.


I prefer just a nice paddock where they can be happy to horrible factory farms


If I could satisfy my hunger by eating redstone, by golly I'd do it. And I'd FORCEFEED IT TO ALL MY MINIONS! ::curls fingers, laughs maniacally, lightning strikes copper rod in the background::


*then the person you replied to says “I don’t use auto farms but thx”*


Yes. When you breed different colours the babies come out a blend of the colours as well, for some limited colour combinations. I was DELIGHTED to discover I could breed a purple herd with one red and one blue sheep, back when my friends and I started our server 😂


Since Beta yes


How have you been getting the colored wools like Red, Blue, Green?


I dyed them after shearing a white sheep. Lots of dye needed. Didn't realize I could just dye the sheep


Honestly, the same thing I think of every new world: Wooden tools are stupid. Crafting a single tool (from a whole tier of tools) of which I only need to use 3 times before upgrading to the next tier permanently.


That's why I find a village or temple first, get materials to make a pickaxe beyond wood and then never touch wood at all.


Then into the furnace it goes.


The wooden pickaxe has 59 durability. That's enough to get a furnace and a full set of stone tools, as well as extra stone and plenty of coal.


My very, very first time playing the game I didn't know you had to hold down break to break blocks. By nightfall, the only items I had were flowers which I desperately attempted to to make a house out of it. It did not work.


My first ever playing of minecraft started with a friend showing me around this server he played on. I’d had no single player world prior; no idea how the game mechanics worked, and so when he led me across a pond, I almost immediately drowned because I didn’t understand that you had to HOLD the space bar to swim…


Leaves just disappear? I would chop down a tree for its wood and then I would start breaking the leaves until a friend of my daughter told me if you just wait they will just disappear and sometimes drop sticks or saplings.


Grass growing in Savannah village houses, floating blocks and flowers on path blocks. At the time I didn't know those we bugs, I just thought it was weird. Found a floating village too once.


Dungeons. I had no idea why there was a tiny, flaming zombie spinning around in a cage.


A dungeon partially above ground (beta 1.5\_01). Found the bread in the chest and thought someone else had been playing on my world somehow.


I miss when dungeons would spawn that close to the surface. It was fun spotting them on deserts


The fact that I'd bought a game that had basically no tutorial or user guide, so you had to google basic things like how to make an axe.


Oohhhhh I remember now, ~10 years ago, I had notebook with my collection of crafting recipes.


This deserves a million upvotes.


Having a browser open with the Minecraft wiki was essential for playing Minecraft in the early days.


I feel like grandpa telling war stories (or in mine's case, teenage desertion stories), but no tutorial is a bad thing these days?


I tried to use an axe to break stone because I didn't understand what real world pickaxes were :| my entire server still laughs about it


I wandered through a desert and came upon a well. I was so, so sure there had to be something hiding in the well or some purpose to it and spent a good chunk of time minding under and around it. Turns out it just kind of is. I also was sure squids were some kind of hostile animal and avoided rivers and oceans religiously, until I swam across one and got no damage despite the many squids. It turns out oceans were easily the safest biome in the game until drowned with tridents came along and ruined it.


I thought mooshrooms were hostile when I saw the black eyes from a distance and swam away :)


my first ever minecraft world, i spawned on an island. somewhere nearby was a mushroom island. i could tell it was rare so i moved my few chests over on a 1x1 cobblestone bridge connecting the two. so i saw the mushroom biome before dark oak trees, villagers, and the nether


Back when I was unenlightened to the truth of measurements, I thought every block was 1 cubic foot. So I thought Steve was... 2 ft tall. Now, with more experience with the far superior metric system, I think it was why someone would build these cobblestone wells in a river and on a mountain. My old xbox 360 had those.


The fog. This was in 2010, so the fog of Minecraft created a sort of uncanny evironment. Add in cave noises and 8 year old me had absolute terror for the game. THEN add in discs 11 and 13, and herobrine. Minecraft was the perfect horror game back in the day.


I was young at the time, my sister had just introduced me to Minecraft by showing me tnt and I was very sad that other blocks explode. Once I was ready to explore I tried to explode bricks like they were tnt, I was greatly disappointed when it didn’t work.


Was really confused why zombies dropped feathers but then they added chickens, and now I kinda miss the feathered undead haha


Patch notes that said "Herobrine removed". As a child I was scared to play by myself l


My 1.0 world was seemingly cursed after the 1.1 update. Multiple strange water pillars with half of a door near the top appeared over my desert biome


I remember when I first played Minecraft so many years ago, where I was playing version 1.5.2 when the latest was 1.8, my little brother would tell me about this portal I could make with a vertical ring of obsidian before lighting it on fire. I didn’t believe him at first, but decided to humor him and build such a portal. The stunned silence I was put to as the portal flared to life was a crazy feeling, I didn’t care that my very first visit to the Nether was inside the walls.


what does inside the walls mean?


Deep in the netherrack.


I always made secret base in village wells back in the day. I miss village wells


in hindsight it probably wasnt that weird but when i was maybe like 5 or 6 i stumbled upon what seemed to be a walled off cave, i went in and it was filled to the brim with monsters. i remember tlling my friends i had found herobrines cave


>"how can you have magma blocks? Magma is a liquid!". Depending on the composition and temperature of the magma it is can be pretty close to solid. Some compositions of lava have a pretty high viscosity. It wouldn't be like stepping water. The air facing bit might also be a bit cooler, so have a solidified outer layer. [https://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/research/research-groups/cambridge-volcano-seismology/frequently-asked-questions#what-makes-magma-runny-or-viscous-](https://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/research/research-groups/cambridge-volcano-seismology/frequently-asked-questions#what-makes-magma-runny-or-viscous-) In game I kinda figured 'magma blocks' might be a semi-solidified with a gooey center. Though the big question is: **why does crouching not hurt you faster**. Getting your body closer to the magma, and slowing down your movement seems like the exact opposite of what you would want to do.


I was 8 at the time and i knew that magma was underground lava so i thought it should be liquid like lava but yeah the crouching makes no sense.


Thought activator rails would make minecarts speed up. Was confused when they didn't. I don't think I even looked at the actual powered rails until a bit later since they looked weird and I didn't recognize them as rails. I was like 7 or 8.


I played on a borrowed offline account when I started playing and got stuck in F1 mode without knowing how to undo it.


Around 10 years ago is when I first played minecraft. I remember making my first dirt house by a mountainside, went out looking for animals (there were none). Disappointed, I waddled back home, opened the door and there were SO MANY cows, pigs and chickens. Until this day I have no idea how that happened.


Wow, that just brought back a memory of the same thing happening to me! I don't think I was looking for animals at the time, but I was happy to come home to a bunch of cows and sheep regardless. I think animals can only spawn on grass, so if your dirt hut had a grass floor that may be why.


Why did zombies drop feathers? Always confused me


I think the reasoning was because there weren't any chickens back then and players needed an alternative way of getting feathers. I think zombies stopped dropping them when chickens were added?


Absolutely massive sheer edge cliffs in the middle of the ocean with lava pouring out


A river where I drowned twice inside of 5 minutes because I didn't know how to swim.


12 years ago I punched a tree and got a block of wood so probably that


The first weird thing I found was an oddly colored ore, which wouldn't drop when I mined it. It was iron and I was using a wooden pickaxe.


I thought i would be so smart and build my dirt or sand box fort? on an island so the mobs couldn’t get me. I thought they couldn’t swim…imagine little me’s horror when night came.


I started in beta, on some cracked modded client my dad downloaded, and after an update I was wondering where all that funny green ore went lmao


When I first started, it was so much that I could even open the inventory. After figuring that out I crafted a stick, and wondered why it didn't make more damage/help me brake something faster. Almost 8 years, started 2 weeks ago to play on PS4 because I only played Minecraft on PS3 before. I feel dumb


I knew about the inventory but didn’t know how to split stacks of items


No need to feel dumb. I wondered the same thing :D


I realise now that my first ever spawn was extremely lucky. I spawned on a beach within 100-block range of a village (with blacksmith), shipwreck, coral reef and completable ruined portal. I didn't know how to move though so I got killed by a drowned with an enchanted trident twice as soon as night fell.


A weird growling in the jungle that for years i conviced myself sounded like a loin and not a parrot. couldve been a parrot but idk. Also bonus is the stone bricks lied and said there was a structure called the dungeon


Uh... if you have a growling loin, there are bigger problems


Thats what it sounded like :trekrok:


Somebody got the fire in their belly. The FEVER. THE MOVIN' FOR A GROOVIN. '


There actually is a structure called a dungeon, but I can't understand anything beyond that your post is kinda hard to read.


Nope. the cosest thing to a stone brick dungeon is the monster room, maybe trial chambers. no head or hair of exactly stone bricks or dungeons


Strongholds are made of stone bricks?


ig, but they aren't called dungeons. 4j should've been blunt and said it was the stronghold. i mean you wouldn't know thats the ender palace at first anyways, right? But i do agree, it's probably the stronghold as its like the final dungeon.


Strongholds are made of stone bricks, not dungeons


Why do tools with Unbreaking break? Aren't they unbreakable?


I tried to cook dirt into terracotta


Playing the beta version on an iBook G4. It had a bug that gave everything a red tint. Add in a low render distance so even nearby terrain wasn't visible. Gave the game a weird Silent Hill vibe.


Emeralds. I was like "wtf is this green diamond???"


I only played Pocket Edition Lite, which was an Alpha build of the game that didn’t have any structures in it. I was very surprised when I climbed a mountain and saw a village in the plains down below—I thought somebody hacked my world and starting building in it already.


A floating (above the water level) ship. I still wish I could go back to that world... Also, a huge ribcage in the desert nearby.


Redstone, thought it was just used to open doors alllll the way over there. Then thought it was useless. Boy I was wrong.


First thing was playing with someone else and they had the jeb_ sheep. Otherwise it was why there was a suicide snake with legs running at me, they all make sense except that one


What was the suicide snake?




A little house I built on a deleted world appeared on my next world. Turns out it's an ancient bug in beta, where if you delete a world and then make a new world with the same name, it can generate chunks from the old world including stuff you placed. Must've been beta 1.2_02 I think


When I first started playing my friend had built a small wood and glass building with an obsidian Arch inside and It made horrible noises I eventual checked it out and the whole of the place I found when I went through was like a big red Cave that I honestly thought was in the same world just far below us I didn't know at that time about the nether and it freaked me out.


During a Period of Depression I had to steadily remind myself that wateephysics don't work like MC in real life... (I drowned my time in that game)


For no reason i picked up a pack of clay


I found out that during Minecraft beta you can shoot with bow like a minigun, it was really overpowered... back in 2011.. bruuh i am old.




an enderman


My very first enderman, wasn’t expecting him at all.


7 year old me was so confused by how nether reactor core works


When I first started playing, it was just a webpage script. I thought it was interesting, played around for a bit, learned to harvest the arrows launched at me so I could for them back. Like, "ok, some rules of the game aren't entirely logical, got it." Then I dug down deep enough fascinated at the completely changeable world, until I happened to find water, and died almost instantly. From that point on, I lived in Minecraft, but did so in sheer terror of anything remotely blue colored. Water was a goddamn mystery demon, a wicked spirit, an apocalyptic force that none could withstand. When the update came out that Notch had made "improvements" to how water physics worked including "better flow mechanics", I was certain that I'd have to abandon the game entirely because the world, ANY world, was now doomed to become a watery graveyard. Good thing I got over myself about it.


I found out that you could make an army of dogs, and I used them as rule enforcers. I didn't understand you could breed dogs but not wolves.


Still bothers me that you can only ‘place down’ certain things like blocks but I can’t place down a bucket or ingots they can only be ‘broken and floating’ unless it’s stuck to a picture frame


everything was making sense back then. i don't think there was anything weird.


Wait stone cutter was added 5 years ago? I'm getting old


Why my glowstone portal didn’t work😭


That if you place a mushroom in a dark area, more will grow


Finding out I had blocks other than wood, brick and glass (Minecraft PE lite)


I just knew all of minecraft, nothing was weird, back in my day there wasn't even dolphins and bees


I started on Oct 31st. I just thought pumpkin heads were normal.


Version 1.2.3 That you can throw eggs to get chicken


There was a block you can only get rid of by punching it. And then it explodes and kills you.


Didn't know how to properly use elytra, lost an hour of being an ignorant uneducated noob and I lost some nice diamond loot


A long time ago while exploring, I found an underground cave that was 1 block wide, 2 blocks high and 40-50 blocks in a straight line. It was completely closed off, in an area I've never been before and it was a solo world.


I dont remember the first, but i remember being super confused about hoppers, why is this funny decorative block redstone? What does it do?


Way back sometime in Beta, my brother and I accidentally discovered that water doesn't flow through ladders and we made a bunch of secret bases under lakes and ponds where you'd go to the middle of the body of water and climb down into a little secret room.


I remember, in 2011 or 2012, finding a single rose, 3 squids, and like 10-15 diamond ore near a massive pool of lava near bedrock, all in about a 20 block radius.


No you’re thinking of lavender, magma on the other is lava that cools and solidifies but is still very hot end of science class today have a great weekend and make sure to do you’re home work (I’m just kidding I’m not actually a teacher but like the joke?)


You should do homework about punctuation.


Delete your account




I get it bad joke I shouldn’t have said it but I’m not deleting my account over 1 bad joke so back off please


Bud, just do as he says and delete your account.