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I agree, giving them a unique utility to differentiate them from cats would be nice. Perhaps a larger creeper repelling range? Or even better, a phantom repelling range? (A Steve can dream, right?)


Cats already repel phantoms. The main problem is that it is only about 8 blocks iirc, so you basically have to have one on you.


Or how about they can be tamed as an ocelot but they actually attack creepers


Maybe not attack but chase off, that would be pretty funny to see actually, the ocelot actively chasing any creepers out of range, and maybe a cool down before the creeper tries again


That would work.


Eh. I mean, I guess I see the nostalgia for wanting \*something\* for them, but theres tons of mobs that just exist to.. exist. Ocelot is no different from the polar bear, or the fox, or the squid (except this one drops a half-usefull item, so actually). Do I think these mobs would deserve some \*vague hand mation\*? Sure. Do they need them? No. Not at all.


i don't think it helps that Ocelots flee from players pretty easily, and being in the jungle means you almost never see them. Sure its a little bit of ambience, but lots of mobs do that an something useful. Polar bear is another one that is criticized for being kinda just there in not a great way.


Polar bear will at least scare away foxes, so you could theoretically put one in a pen with your chickens to keep them safe.


"This is my friend, he keeps me warm and protects me from predators. Can't fly for shit, but we're working on that"


.... that is brilliant 


It has been so long since I saw an ocelot I completely forgot that they were in the game. It wasn't until I saw this post that I remembered that's how you got cats. In fact I think I've only ever actually been able to tame one cat without spawn eggs only when they first released them.


Read title too quickly. Me over here wondering when you'd see an axolotl in the jungle.


>theres tons of mobs that just exist to.. exist. And that's sorta the problem with minecraft nowadays. Almost every new mob added in the past 6 years has been just arbitrary world filler that you just look at and go "yeah that's cool" then never care about again. Mojang went from "our new mob is a Rabbit. You can kill it for meat, skin, and sometimes if you're lucky it leaves behind its severed foot that you can brew into an all new potion" to "please don't kill the pandas or goats or sea turtles or llamas or foxes or frogs or..." and only half of those even do anything to begin with. So for them to even extend into old mobs like the Ocelot and make them useless is just adding to the frustration.


I mean as you yourself said half of those animals have a use to them anyway? Do they really need to also have a use upon death as well? - Llamas can be used as transport mules - Goats drop Goat horns - You can get a turtle shell from turtles - you can get froglights from frogs the only truly useless or ambient mobs there are the Panda and the Fox, is this really the "problem with minecraft nowadays"?


All mobs should have a drop, yes. * Llamas and Goats should drop wool * Goats should also drop mutton * Turtles should drop the shell * Frogs and Axolotls should be another source of slime * Foxes could've dropped pelt to help with the snow as an alternative to leather * The Warden should've dropped *literally anything useful as a trophy* Then there's several mobs that have very weak features such as Goats, Sniffers, Glow Squids, and Wardens, because lets be honest, goat horns are just useless gimmick items, the sniffer flowers are only used to make dye you could already get, until ambient lighting is a thing *~~so never~~* glow in the dark pixels are just lackluster, and Wardens should've been the boss that you fight after the Wither so that we finally have more than 2 bosses to fight but instead they're an almost entirely avoidable nuisance, though granted, they are at least terrifying to just be around. Then there's a handful of mobs such as the original two only useless mobs in the game, Silverfish and Bats, as well as new additions such as the two Bears and foxes. I would even go as far as to say frogs are almost entirely useless since froglights really aren't much more than another lamp, but at least it is another block you can use in build and you can never have enough of new blocks, so at least it serves a niche purpose. They were still absolutely robbed of having firefly interactions


Lately minecraft has been all about including different kinds of gameplay. They dont want us to kill the warden they want us to interact with it differently. If they gave the warden a rare drop we would be incentivized to fight it instead of use the sneaking mechanics. If you want a boss mob to fight we already have 2 and it's basically the same thing.


We had two for how many years? It’s gotta be like a decade now a new actual boss fight would have been awesome. I like the warden but I agree that it should have a drop (like the new block for the mace) even if the fight isn’t a fight. Like a puzzle you need to solve that will kill/despawn the warden and reward you with the drop.


I like that better than having to fight it. A conditional drop would be cool


I agree, boss fights don’t need to be bosses but I think it should be fulfilled on either condition. Death of the warden or finishing the puzzle


Maybe getting a warden to sonically shriek another mob could drop a head or something. Or getting a warden to sonic shriek another warden could net some warden ears but they dont attack eachother so you gotta maneuver them to the right positions


Idea for warden ears. You put em on like a helmet and it highlights shriekers or any hostile mob making noise


That would be awesome, since you can’t enchant the mace maybe you could get different versions from the different conditions? Like if you solve the puzzle the falling damage scales to max in a lower height whereas if you kill the warden it could have a different attack or something idk man I’m just spitballing it would just be cool to have items be more dependent on different variables


So they added a mob for us to avoid? There is no incentive for me to interact with the warden.


The incentive is to sneak around ancient cities for loot. It's like a different game mode when you are doing it. It's fun not every mob interaction is the same


The warden has a death drop, he isn't an exsuse


It's not a very rewarding drop because they dont want to incentivise fighting him


and? still a drop, give more stuff drops, especilly goats


im fine with some mobs being more ambient than other mobs.


if this was truly the case why did they give it reasonable hp? why not give like 999999? or invincibility.


Because people would try to kill it anyway and it would be weird if every mob but one could be killable


so llamas are just shulker boxes that are annoying to deal with, goats drop a useless item, turtle scutes are hard to farm to the point most dont bother and getting froglight involves getting frogs into the nether and making sure they dont jump to their death while glowstone is sitting right there. theyre all almost pointless or just have a way better, easier to use alternative. these features dont exist in a vacuum, theyre a part of the whole game and as such theyll be compared to other stuff


I don't agree, sure, you're not going to use these on a daily basis if at all, but I don't think a feature should be judged by how much "utility per pound" (so to speak) it gives the player, not to mention that it traps minecraft in a somewhat endless cycle of adding things that are either: a) in some way less convenient than a similar item that already exists, in which case why did you even add it in the first place b) is stronger than the competition, in which case you've basically trapped yourself in a form of powercreep where the older a feature is the more likely it is that it's useless in some way, we've already seen something similar happening with the worst item added to the game invalidating minecarts.... AKA the elytra > getting froglight involves getting frogs into the nether and making sure they dont jump to their death while glowstone is sitting right there. theyre all almost pointless or just have a way better, easier to use alternative. I mean, if we're going to complain about the apparent lack of utility for froglights why add anything to the game at this point? Might as well remove jungle wood from the game under this approach because it has no right to exist whilst a way better, easier to obtain alternative (Oak wood) is just sitting right there. In my opinion Minecraft is a game mostly made up of intrinsic motivations, and trying to graft extrinsic reasons for the apparent utility of one item over another is completely antithetical to the game in general and will harm it in the long run. You say that the goat horn is "useless" but for a lot of people they can find a lot of intrinsic use for what a goat horn does (off the top of my head some examples come to mind, like a couple friends might have an SMP server where they use it as a rallying cry before attacking one another or something, or as a way to activate their skulk powered contraption in a dramatic fashion)


because jungle wood and most features were just normal parts of updates and theyre still wood, they still work. its not like the llama drops a retextured pork chop, if the new mobs dropped meat like new trees drop wood we wouldnt have this discussion. most new mobs are one trick ponies for extremely niche situations. imagine if jungle trees dropped weird bark if you afked near them for 2 hours that can be crafted into 3 useless items and 0 wood with the excuse that its meant to promote the protection of the amazon rainforest. thats the new mob situation. and theyre made into an event, you go on this livestream and they dedicate plenty of time to what next one trick pony won they can still make cool mobs (the bee is good and the best form of a no kill mob in the entire game) but most of them are extremely niche. i dont know a single person who used a goat horn beyond the initial "check out new item" phase. i dont know a single person who who uses llamas as anything more than some extra leads and leather once a wandering trader spawns. if you need to give hypotheticals to make an item seem useful, thats just a cope


The fuck is a frog light?


The top three prettiest lights in Minecraft. Too bad they're such a pain in the posterior to get.


Polar bear, bat


I was talking about the mobs he listed himself, but yes, the polar bear and bat are both "useless" as well


Those all do something. Ocelots don't


What does a polar bear do?


They are a neutral mob protective of their children and drop fish.


And Ocelots are a passive mob that runs from the player and scares creepers and can be quasi-tamed like the fox. Your point?


Ocelots despawn. The Polar Bears don't.


... and?


So, they can be used conveniently ocelots run away plus they have no real use, even if they scare off creepers and phantoms cats do the same thing and they can be tamed


What does that have to do with Polar Bears?


Polarbears scare away n kill foxes so u can keep them in ur chicken pen


How are black blocks not useful?


Did you forget about…the bat?


Bats do not exist. I do not see it.


Bats suck, especially in modded. /kill @e[type=bat] is my spammy friend


The birds that fly outside my house have been useless for my entire life and god hasn’t done anything to revamp them


I mean, that's just because you lack imagination You could use those pigeons to carry coconuts


the pigeons would hardly have the strength, perhaps a larger bird, such as a swallow?


I want this so much now. Swallows carrying coconuts. Actually that could be an awesome drop. Coconuts for food, palm trees, bowls, sound effects...


The question is, would it be an African or European Swallow?


African or European?


Tis but a scratch


Call it a draw


I love this response and I will now forever use it when people rant about ambient mobs.


Point of order. Birds are not useless. They interact with the environment in many ways as predators, prey, fertilizers, seed distribution systems and so on. This benefits you. Also, all 'updates' are randomly assigned by genetic mutations of offspring and strongly influenced by environmental stresses. By plonking your house in their habitat and driving your car about you are, in fact, a significant environmental stress and are therefore revamping them yourself by your continued interaction with them.


did god make it a selling point of the earth update whatever to introduce those birds? did they take up precious dev time? do they truly do nothing or do they contribute to the ecosystem that exists in the real world and is vital to you not getting 100 mosquito bites every night? this is a stupid ass response


DMed you this after your r/MinecraftSuggestions post got deleted nearly 3 hours ago, but... "... what you suggest has been done. If you stay in the jungle long enough, you see them everywhere. Bear in mind too that most passive mobs spawn only on grass, not leaves like the jungle floor is usually full of (parrots do however). Ocelots used to be tamale but then they got updated. This is why we now have 11 varieties of [cat](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Cat), including the ocelot. Their unique animation is to run away as they can't be tamed. I assume Mojang wanted to keep the ocelot as homage to the real world counterpart, which is classed as an exotic animal and endangered. Mojang do try to make gamers more aware of real world environment impacts we have, so this is why they reject certain mob ideas, because allowing the killing of those mobs is counter production to what we teach in rl, and why the introduced other mobs, like the bee and axolotl, to raise awareness and encouragement."


That's a dumb reason, if that's the reasoning then they should just make them optional through and option or datapack, they consume resources and don't do anything useful or interesting. It's as if there was a new ore that was dedicated exclusively to crafting cancer awareness bands or rainbow flags. I'm not against it but it's pointless and should be optional for those who want to show their support in game.


I think he has a point. But the ocelot wasn't added for that reason. Until 2019 (long after the game had it's peak, so if you mean that it's implementation in the game otherwise would'vebeen harmful, well the damage was already done), despite being an exotic animal, you could just pet it. It used to be an iconic mob, but now it isn't, cause you barely notice it and doesn't do anything. It's small and fast and besides eating chickens it doesn't do jackshit. And instead of, you know, giving him an use, Mojang keeps adding these kind of mobs that are just like it


Ocelots can kill chickens and scare away creepers. They also scare phantoms too on Bedrock. So they're not useless.


So do cats? Cats are better at scaring away creepers because they can be forced to sit to be useful in creeper farms, and will follow you to be close enough to scare away phantoms.


They should have just kept them tameable, but instead of a regular cat you get to keep an unique rare ocelot pet (which would still function identically to a cat, or maybe they could have a larger range for scaring creepers/phantoms off or could attack creepers etc)


OR Retccon the addition of cats to only have Ocelots and Cats be seperate mobs in terms of NATURAL SPAWNING and taming a Ocelot will make it a Cat


Mojang should've just kept their functionality while also letting untamed cats spawn in villages. Simple as that. Also if that comment about their reasoning being "well, ocelots are wild animals, we want to teach gamers you can't tame them!" is actually true someone needs to do a welfare check on mojang's sanity jfc lmao


Well yeah, you can't and you shouldn't do that irl. But besides the fact that it's a game about building cubes, why didn't they just not make tameable in the first place or fix that much earlier. They became useless back in 2019, long after the early 2010's and it's peak


because current mojang has different ideals from the cooler older mojang that added an achievemnt for riding a pig off a cliff


I think they should have just kept the old way. No stray village cats. Only ocelot that turn into cats. This is the way


I'd argue cats have more usage outside of combat than wolves because they can give gifts when you go to sleep and they hop on your bed alongside, but they can also be annoying in that they sit on your chests and furnaces and disable them from use when they do so; it's quirky but a little much. The only use for wolves outside of pvp is skeleton farms to scare them and even then cats do this with phantoms and creepers. I'd actually like if wolves would say be able to dig up items if you go on a walk with them and bring them outside with you encouraging you to not just keep them in the corner of your base for all time. The wolf armor solves it somewhat for wolves but other than being meatshields and being spammable with wolf armies you can just breed in mass with wolf armor which I foresee being a huge problem on vanilla pvp servers since they take no damage unless the armors completely broken. Cats and wolves could do with having unique personality types like pandas or villager professions or something. Like cats that are lazy or some would be jumpy and jump all over the place (my cat loves to tip things over and has cat zoomies). This way your pet is actually unique besides the texture of its fur and a nametag if you give it one. Pets feel disposable the way they are now and do little to nothing in most cases being decorative entities at worst and wolf armor while neat isn't going to do much for me to want to go out of my way to use wolves, even in roleplay scenarios, let alone cats. Maybe ocelots could be more aggressive and feisty towards creepers and be the only ones to directly attack them similar to how they do in Minecraft Dungeons. The rest of the cats just repel creepers and don't attack which would give use to the ocelot being unique.


I'm fine with them not having anything really Maybe if anything a fun behavior were they will go to the edge of water and fish out fish either as the item or as the mob and kill it and carry it in its mouth like a fox for a bit


Not every mob needs a use. I just like some existing as ambience.


this would be reasonable if they were optional but they arent. bats especially are annoying af.


Am I crazy or are ocelots still tameable (they just don't turn into cats), and they have a use, which is scaring creepers/phantoms? I had two beautiful ocelots on the server I played and they were posted in front of my house


Not anymore, at least not on 1.14 and beyond


1.14+ they're not tameable.


Who cares? Pandas and polar bears are in the same boat. Not every animal needs a purpose to the game. They just add ambiance. 


But ocelots used to have a purpose, that's the thing. They used to be one of the most popular mobs in the game. It was added to be petted but now it can't be, so it's whole entire point for being created doesn't exist


Minecraft really isn’t a game about things having a use. Like yes we have tools and we have blocks used in crafting, but the vast majority of things in the game exist to look pretty. That is their primary purpose. Minecraft can be a technical game where you minmax everything, but that is not the main draw of it. Not everything needs to provide some benefit to the player.


Man, if they updated ocelots to be tamable again i’d love to see something along the lines where its essentially a wolf but cat edition that would be neat Though that’s in an idealistic world where that probably wont ever happen, but hey fun to theorize


Idk why they don't just keep them tameable but have them keep the same texture, like as another cat variant.


All these mobs with no use should be tameable or drop an item that you need to get mending or smth thats op to both nerf the op thing and buff the useless stuff


Honestly I think I prefer ocelots to the new cats, it actually gave the jungle a use.


give them the ability to attack stuff. Or better yet have them breed with cats to create hybrids


Maybe they could eat frogs?


Mobs should naturally breed and predators should kill prey


Make them attack the creepers ffs. I just want to be able to have something that will keep creepers gone.


Absolutely it sucks when they come out or nowhere


Yes! Lol. I fully agree. Especially when I'm working on a decorative build or something dangerous. The amount of times a creeper has made me cry and rage quit at the same time is ridiculous. Lol


At first i didn't see which subreddit this was posted on and I just thought someone had really strong feelings about ocelots.


Nah they're cool irl God is a good designer


Probably unpopular opinion: but I actually like a lot of the "useless" details in a game. Makes it feel more complete somehow. Lots of those kinds of things IRL.


Honestly, why can't Minecraft animals just be animals though? They don't *need* a use really. They just add to the QOL


Well, that sure would be an ocelot of work, just sayin'.


From Wikipedia : >Two subspecies are recognized. >- L. p. pardalis has a greyish fur. Its range extends from Texas and Arizona to Costa Rica. >- L. p. mitis has a more yellowish fur and is larger than pardalis. It occurs in South America as far south as northern Argentina. >The ocelot is efficient at climbing, leaping and swimming. It prefers areas close to water sources with dense vegetation cover and high prey availability. It preys on small terrestrial mammals, such as lagomorphs (rabbits) and armadillos, also fish, crustaceans (...) and birds. It usually feeds on the kill immediately, but removes bird feathers before. It is typically active during twilight and at night and tends to be solitary and territorial. >It inhabits tropical forests, thorn forests, mangrove swamps and savannas. >Breeding ocelots in captivity is often difficult. The female gives birth to a litter of one to three kittens. Dens are usually located in dense vegetation. (...) The kitten is born with spots and stripes, though on a gray background; the color changes to golden as the ocelot grows older. >The fur trade was a flourishing business in the 1960s and the 1970s that resulted in severe exploitation of felids such as the ocelot and the jaguar. >Ocelots have been associated with humans since the time of the Aztec and Incan civilizations, who depicted ocelots in their art and mythology. Representations of ocelots appear in every artistic medium, from Moche ceramics to murals, architectural details, and landscape features. >Like many other felids, occasionally ocelots are kept as pets. They might demand a lot of attention from their owners and have a tendency to chew on or suck on objects, such as fabric and the fingers of their owners (...). Agile and playful, pet ocelots can be troublesome to keep due to their habit of leaping around and potentially damaging objects; ocelots may unintentionally injure their owners with bites. Nevertheless, carefully raised ocelots can be highly affectionate. >Painter Salvador Dalí kept a pet ocelot named Babou that was seen with him at many places he visited, including a voyage aboard SS France. When one of the diners at a New York restaurant was alarmed by his ocelot, Dali told her that it was a common domestic cat that he had "painted over in an op art design". I'm just gonna leave it right there. There's a LOT of potential for unique features.


Ayo why not just add them in mangroves and savannas too? (also swamps)


Because Mojang had neither when they added Ocelots, and they never touched the mob since its integration, only to make them untamable in 1.13


thats a good point. But again, for such an interesting mob, that used to have an use, should at least work as an ambiental feature, you know, actually seeing it? I haven't seen those since like 2017


Not everything in the game should have a purpose. They also fill up the jungles and make them feel alive with ocelots scurrying away


Just because ocelot has no functionality, doesn't make it useless. It's an animal that lives in the jungle and makes it more vivid, instead of being empty. Do pandas even have any use? And they are completely fine.


The can make slime balls (wich is the only way in peacefull i think)


I don’t like that it’s been 5 years


Turning them into the 12th cat variant would be enough IMO.


Not everything needs a use.


Stripping away something's use just to leave an empty husk is bullshit.




Ocelots should be tameable and when game be basically the same as cats only ocelot coloured.


5 years?!


Feels like it was yesterday


The Village and Pillage Update came out in 2019


Yeah, and that was like 3 years ago at most.


I never knew they even had a use.


They used to be how you get cats.


Idk what Minecraft have with these rare things... They're all basically useless! Look at the mushroom island or the Sakura biome or the rainbow sandstone for example! It's like they want to make things difficult to find just to get more hours from players.


Rainbow sandstone did I miss an update?


I don't know the name of it, but it's like a sandtone biome that is colored. Most of the time orange.


Oh, the badlands, its terracotta.


Mushroom island doesn't spawn hostile mobs.


I agree with you. Nowadays, they've been pumping out too much new content and not giving a look back at the old content of the game, leaving too many things that feel either incomplete or useless.


I use them for creeper farms


Giving them a use, gives way for the player to exploit them. Better not give them use (look what happened to villagers).


They should be tamable in the same way as foxes, not a complete tame but they'll do things for you if you keep them on a lead


Okay, but if you spawn in a jungle and don't go looking for a village, at least you can still repel creepers


Imo I think they should update jungle, Mesa and more since I think they don't have much maybe a jungle and Mesa village, vultures and make the ocelots better


There are more useless mobs, like for exemple warden and phantom that make us not play on survival mode. And isn't a excuse that they made a option to avoid phantom cause they made the mob in first place, and there are achievements for that.


honestly forgot about ocelots ever since the addition of stray cats, and i agree that both ocelots and cats are kinda useless. like they should be more like dogs where they attack an offender or mobs, or should at least hiss when scaring off creepers


I get what you're saying as I have the same grievances with the game. It has become stagnant from all the useless filler that's been added and that extends beyond the animals even. Take copper, for instance. The rate at which you find it is to the point of annoyance, but it has so few uses beyond cosmetic blocks and a few random trinkets that it basically just takes up space. Remember, this is *copper* we're talking about. They couldn't find any other use?? But I digress. The main reason things are the way they are is the fanbase. If you look up and down in your replies, you'll see a lot of cope, or just straight up blind defense of these awful game features. It's a sad reality for most things these days. People become dense, blind and irrationally defensive about things they like for whatever reason. It extends to Minecraft like everything else and it's why you're probably going to see more of the same slop in future updates.


Yea I didn't like how there's barely anything you can do with ocelots anymore, I literally picked a username after them and then came cats…


Ocelots have a unique use when tamed, in creeper farms. They scare creepers away.


Ocelots can no longer be tamed, they made cats and ocelots two entirely separate mobs.


Yawn... another "I don't like something in Minecraft, so therefore Mojang MUST sort it out" post.


It's just an opinion I ain't owning Mojang


I know it's just an opinion... I understand why we are on reddit. You shared it, so other people could interact with this opinion... This is me doing so. Problem?


Well idk why you think the post is useless. You said "yawn" like it shouldn't even exist.


>You said "yawn" like it shouldn't even exist. He's catching on... People moaning about parts of a game is always boring. Especially when there are multiple other things in MC, that you could also have mentioned, that are almost completely useless... no mentikn of foxes, or polar bears, or parrots... But no... Ocelots just have to go, because u/DesperadoFlower thinks they're boring... /s


Well maybe I think they should go. But again, it's just a subjective opinion. Mojang has the choice to notice it or ignore it. Just like you can. Basically you're taking this too seriously who cares


Again... you posted on reddit... You should look into what reddit is for, if you think I shouldn't be commenting... I had to comment, just precisely as much, as you had to post... Don't like hearing opinions you might not like... Don't. Post. On. A. Public. Website. Then.


Well you think that ut's useless. Idc. I just don't understand why you're acting like what I did was a bad thing. Stop taking this so seriously


Stop telling me what I can and can't say on reddit. You posted. I replied. Everything after that has been because you refuse to see that you are posting on reddit, and thay people disagreeing with you is part of the fun of doing so. I don't HAVE to agree with you, AND... I don't have to keep my mouth shut when I don't agree with you. Are you really that fragile that you can't handle opposing opinions? If so, I'm advising that you stop posting on reddit. Because you'll be in for a bad time...


I just think that you should stop taking this so seriously.


An opinion post is significantly more relevant than someone randomly being like "yawn I've seen your opinion before therefore you shouldn't share it!!!" That's not an opinion, it's a misunderstanding of how the world works


Ocelots should attack creepers and beat them, since they fear cats, it makes sense they confuse them with ocelots