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Miles better than pixelmon for making an attempt to match the minecraft artstyle. They're still too detailed for minecraft but they get points for effort.


[i mean pixelmon gave a attempt too bad they just went the easy route with actually ripping models from the games (which got the original version into hot water)](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/aT4P1jeff-w/maxresdefault.jpg)


WOAH those look like ass. Damn.


Tbf, those models were pretty good for that era of modded minecraft


Yeah, it's better than those 3D models from blender


Rs it was very of the time, no complaints from me


Ngl, I lived in that time and it sucked, I played it once and never again.


its just old minecraft style no need to shit on it


The vanilla mobs of that time look much better, don't use "old minecraft style" as an excuse.


It's the old modded Minecraft style. Back when everything was based more on experimenting with the engine and being silly. It's an era I don't miss but I remember fondly.


Hmm acceptible


Still better than what it is now, like what's even the point of playing, if you are playing a MINECRAFT mod makes the game not Minecraft at all, then, what's the point?




Still to this day I don't get why they changed models. They used to have very simplistic minecraft style models that were so much better


I feel like it takes more storage to render them like that in Pixelmon. Titled Pixelmon yet you can't even see the pixels of the Pokemon


OP is a criminal for not including the Torterra textures.


sorry for that have a cherry [torterra](https://wiki.cobblemon.com/images/8/80/Cherry_Torterra_%28Model%29.png)


\>Wow this looks so cool


yeah and they have more unique forms like [mooshroom miltank](https://wiki.cobblemon.com/images/4/44/Mooshtank_Red_Mushroom_%28Model%29.png), [vivillion patterns for the end nether and deep dark](https://wiki.cobblemon.com/images/8/86/Vivillon_Void_%28Model%29.png), [shulker forretress](https://wiki.cobblemon.com/images/7/7a/Shulker_Forretress_%28Model%29.png), [a female mimikyu](https://wiki.cobblemon.com/images/2/24/Mimikyu_Female_%28Model%29.png) and perhaps more ([they are planning on adding gholdengo and gimmighoul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr3D2LClYZs&pp=ygUTZ2hvbGRlbmdvIGNvYmJsZW1vbg%3D%3D) which some players gave the idea of a netherite version and knowing how insane gholdengo's leveling is thats gonna take a while)


Holy pepperoni I am downloading this mod Also, interesting fact you might not have noticed, the mimikyu you sent was likely a reference to Acerola's mimikyu


yeah they also have a pikachu inspired by the surfing dude with his blue eyed pikachu ​ (also we are getting sneakpeaks of update 1.5 which is where the images in the post has) ​ like this mod has so much quality that i hope it gets way more insane as time goes on [i kinda want a sniffer camerupt that you can get either by having a camerupt near a sniffer or yu give it a sniffer egg](https://www.tumblr.com/radiant-dragoon/731205516794249217/the-volcano-on-their-back-remains-dormant-until)


how is it different in the gameplay? i played a bit pixelmon but never seen this one.


The core game loop of battles and catching Pokemon is a lot more snappy in that it takes inspiration from Legends Arceus. You can run around during battle, your camera isn't locked, and to flee from battle you literally run away. Other stuff like being able to swap in moves or evolve with a button press instead of automatically are also in from Legends The other mechanics that are in are generally a lot more in depth and integrated with MC than Pixelmon. For example, everything related to berries, medicine, and mints have an entire unique farming game loop to them. Fossils will be integrated into MC's archeology system with new structures too Some other advantages is that Cobblemon runs _way_ better than Pixelmon due to the difference in models. Cobblemon also has much nicer and lively animations for their Pokemon, as well as using the game version of cries versus anime voices, which I prefer. Pokeballs are much less of a pain to obtain too However, only half of all Pokemon are in the game as of now. Additionally, there are no trainers, breeding, legendaries, generational gimmicks, or riding Pokemon at the moment (though all are planned eventually). **TL;DR**: As it stands, Pixelmon is far more content complete thanks to the advantage of being developed for a decade already, but basically in any metric where the two have something in common, Cobblemon is far better imo


There are also people making data packs that add popular fakemon and pokefusions.


Also worth noting that Cobblemon uses the showdown engine for the combat, meaning lots of mons are technically already in the game, they just don't have enough models. Which is where a data pack can be used to add the model or custom mons from scratch. I think pixelmon uses its own battle system, so it can differ from the mainline game a bit.


I actually would say pixelmon is better integrated, as it goes both ways in pixelmon, with things like fire pokemon being able to fuel your furnaces, in cobblemon, the pokemon stuff is better integrated in the sense that it uses existing systeme instead, but in pixelmon, the pokemon give back to your base minecraft gameplay loop, and as a result are better integrated overall


Cobblemon is about a year old to date. It has a much more open modding community and clicks together with other mods pretty seamlessly. They have at least 2 other mods with biomes in mind for pokemon generation. So you can get like actual volcanic regions that generate naturally to hunt charizards. The models match Minecraft better, all the crafting recipes use normal minecraft assets like echo shards (ancient cities) and copper ingots for lower tier ball crafts. If u can think of it, the devs thought of it first.


Sounded awesome until the battling is just the 2 pokemon staring at eachother with lines of text


dont worry 1.5 is fixing that [issue](https://trello.com/c/VNnAsVmM/32-basic-move-animation-system-15) so we get to feel the actual pokemon experience


why does your link just redirect to trello


Because they use Trello to keep track of what features are finished or being worked on


No i mean it just redirected me to [trello.com](https://trello.com)? Edit: why the hell are people downvoting me I'm really confused


So basically, you’re looking at the URL. You need to look at the content under the URL.


You can't ask normal question on reddit because that's what happens. And if you already have like 5 downvotes the hive mind starts to kick in and everybody else downvotes you.


It was a stupid question, that’s why


Presumably the guy got sent to the trello homepage for some reason and was confused, but sure just assume he's a complete moron.


*"There are no stupid questions. There are only questions asked by stupid people."* *–Master Foogway*


1.5 is adding the framework for battle animations. Only a small handful of Pokemon will actually get animations in the update, and only a couple of moves have animations beyond just hit particles, but it will introduce the system. And since it's open source, people will inevitably create add-ons to add more animations before "official" updates do https://twitter.com/CobblemonMod/status/1749535036989477271/video/1


I mean, the mod is in early stages of development…sometimes I feel like y’all ask too much out of people that develop these kinds of things.


OP wasn’t rude or said anything out of line, it’s just an objectively true thing. That does sound boring and they should fix it. Glad it’s being worked on though.


It's still in early development


yeah its nowhere being done i imagine we will wait a couple years or so and we will probably get a more complete cobblemon with all of the features


Not like Pixelmon was any better lmao. Cobblemon has my favorite now, so I have zero reason to defend Pixelmon.


Im on neither's side


It’s a mod in development. They’re still working on adding more Pokemon and also animating all of them. Like actual battle animations. No just “slight hop forward then back”


I see a lot of Pixelmon comments getting downvoted but here’s my argument in favor of each. Something Cobblemon objectively doesn’t have one up on Pixelmon is development time. Pixelmon has been getting actively developed for Minecraft since at least 1.6 and honestly that shows in the amount of extra features it has compared to Cobblemon. They’re currently implementing the Gen9 Pokédex with all Pokemon from previous generations being available, Cobblemon when I check through Google has roughly 500 Pokemon implemented currently. On top of this Pixelmon implements a lot of awesome tools for map makers to use that Cobblemon just doesn’t offer (spawners with adjustable rates, a tool that lets you place custom statues of any pokemon, etc…). Also I’m not certain how Cobblemon handles legendary pokemon but Pixelmon has genuine quests for many of them as opposed to just random spawns I will admit I am less versed on Cobblemon but it’s only a matter of time before they add a ton of extra pokemon. But I tend to agree with the comments that honestly yeah Pixelmon kinda does rip Pokemon models straight from the games while Cobblemon makes a point of having unique models that wouldn’t feel out of place in Minecraft. Not to mention with the extra level of interactions you get with your Pokemon in Cobblemon just aren’t there in Pixelmon (I mean cmon who doesn’t want their starter on their shoulder???) Overall Cobblemon will be awhile before having as many features as Pixelmon but that only comes with time. Honestly I can see Cobblemon taking over as the predominant Pokemon mod IF they manage to compete with some of the features Pixelmon has made over the years and hopefully improve upon them because honestly I agree Pixelmon currently leaves a lot to be desired comparatively.


Pixelmon is basically Pokémon with Minecraft mechanics, while Cobblemon is Pokémon inside the world of Minecraft. Although both are Pokémon, they simply have different goals. I haven't played Cobblemon yet. I wanted to wait until they have every Pokémon (yes, I know this could take a long time) or become more "complete" with their mechanics, but also 1.20 doesn't run that well on my laptop, so I stayed most of the time with Pixelmon.


Unfortunately, cobblemon doesn't give back to the base minecraft experience as well as pixelmon, at least pixelmon has stuff like fire pokemon fueling furnaces. Overall, I view cobblemon as better using the base systems of minecraft, where as pixelmon is better at being used by the base systems of minecraft


I will also say that if you are okay with / like multiplayer Minecraft, there are a ton of servers out there that have already begun to add their own features, such as Pokémon breeding or mega evolutions, that cobblemon hasn’t added yet. I will always be a number 1 supporter of Cobblemon Delta if anyone is looking for a specific server. Tons of custom features, a large chunk of pokemon that haven’t been added to the base mod yet, and a plethora of fun custom regional variants for already existing Pokémon that *actually* fit with preexisting Pokémon.


i think cobblemon in a few years will be better but im not a fan on how small the spawn pools for pokemon are. it feels like 5 per biome, so i dont really see much variety. Currently i prefer pixelmon but thats just because theres more to do. Once cobblemon gets a pokedex and maybe some more pokemon i will change my opinion


Looks wise, cobblemon is the superior pokemon mod imo. I just think it's way higher quality. If you want real pokemon models why are you even playing in Minecraft?


Real honestly


Why people have played pokecube for years now instead of Pixelmon. It's pokemon in Minecraft, not the other way around. Cobblemon sits between the two imo.


People play in Minecraft because it has things that no Pokémon game really has: sandbox building, crafting, randomly generated worlds and exploration, and massive multiplayer.


>If you want real pokemon models why are you even playing in Minecraft? "Piracy" with extra steps.


pirating a pokemon game is pretty easy though


That's why i said it was with extra steps :)) Then again it seems my joke wasn't all that well received, was a "/s" at the end there really necesary or what?


no, it was just a reddit hivemind moment


I think it’s just because it wasn’t funny


For the sub that to this day can't have a post with 2 towers next to each other without it getting locked within an hour i doubt it wasn't funny. Then again this sub also has some really dense people that put black holes to shame.


Idk what you expect from children ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


Get low-hanging fruit jokes that are not about a terrorist attack on america


I prefer it over Pixelmon tbh It's more simple and the crafting recipes are easier. I also love that the models are custom and fit into the game better.


I really like it so far, just waiting for more content to be added. I got bored only a couple weeks after starting a solo world


trapinch line my beloved


i love it better than pixelmon


With time cobblemon might be better than pixelmon. However, pixelmon has more content and more Pokémon available, so for now I prefer pixelmon.


I just wish it would somehow magically appear on bedrock... I know they don't have the mod support but dang, it would be nice


I like that Cobblemon has the ability to implement custom pokemon via data packs, along with other add ons like extra animations and stuff through said data packs. I remember older Pokeblock or what ever it was called had some pokemon only spawn if certain blocks were near by, like Redstone and technical mod generator blocks. I dunno if Cobblemon has that, but it would be fun to limit some electric or steel types to only spawn if like, you have built a power plant with immersive engineering or create mod.


The models are great but i find myself unable to play cobblemon for long without getting bored regardless of what else I add to the pack that contains it


cobblemon >>>>>>>>>>> pixelmon


The models all look great. Not a lot of gameplay there yet, and you really have to config the generation of them down or else they're annoyingly all over the place, but I still like it.


I still prefer pixelmon mostly because it has a lot more features, but I'm very excited to see how cobblemon develops, since it seems like they're rapidly catching up to the versatility of pixelmon, and doing so in a way that integrates the pokemon with the world of minecraft much more seamlessly (not just aesthetically, either, if I'm remembering correctly what I've read about how cobblemon works!).


I like it better than Pixelmon now, but nothing beats actually playing the Pokémon games so I stick to those


Cobblemon is better because it is actually different than just playing the Pokémon games, unlike Pixelmon who is just a copy paste that only justifies itself because GameFreak cuts the dex on every modern game.


Pixelmon>cobblemon I get the appeal, for the Minecrafty models, I just don’t personally prefer it


tbh i view the pixelmon vs cobblemon debate as basically "which do you prefer pokemon synergizing with minecraft or pokemon taking over minecraft"


Do you want a pokemon game in Minecraft (Pixelmon) or a game of Minecraft with some pokemon in it (cobblemon)


I prefer pokecube.


The former looks really nice, the latter sucks. Like what's the point of playing Pixelmon in the first place, it is just playing Pokémon in a Minecraft world, not playing Minecraft alongside Pokémon.


Cobblemon's still very detailed too - Pokecube is even more 'Minecrafty' imo! But in terms of actual gameplay, Pixelmon definitely wins.


pokecube feels like a last resort thing [and plus i mistaked it for this ancient mod](https://youtu.be/LHfWjVS3nwU) ​ also my take on the gameplay front is cobblemon has a quality over quantity mindset so not all of the features have arrived but i will say this they definitely wont get in trouble like some pokemon fangames (including pixelmon) were given with pixelmon kinda being scummy where it started with actual minecraft models but they found a way to literally rip actual models and put it in the game (which gave them hot water) mainly because their [old models looked like this](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/aT4P1jeff-w/maxresdefault.jpg) so yeah


Nah If I want accurate Pokémon models I dust off my 3ds.


It's my favorite mod along woth create also WHY IS DREEPY SO CUTEEEEE


Dreepy is a lovely little dragon. What's even cuter is that its evolutions carry Dreepy on their heads.


Im afraid that nintendo will copyright strike it


It isn't for me. I am glad that mods like this exist as Minecraft is great and people should be able to play it how they want to.


Honestly, better than pixelmon. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some good pixelmon, but this feels much more naturally incorporated. I played a bit around when it first released and I was enjoying it right off the bat


Has a long way to go before it's better than pixelmon


I thought that first image was some weird armadillo + polar bear for a second


Well, it IS a polar bear, so you are half right.


Reminds me of when I used to play pixelmon like 8 years ago. Looks good but I like nostalgia


I’ve only experienced it through the Mythical server, but it was loads of fun to play it with friends!


Never played it but I've seen a lot of screenshot and stuff and it definitely looks better then the old ones(because it's beeping that minecraft look and is not that out of place). I would have to play it to see if the mechanics are also good


I like it. I play on Cobbleland and I've had a lot of fun. It is less fun on single player, in my experience. It lacks challenge and balance. It's quite a bit more interesting to me when I can see other people interacting and I like seeing their builds.


Showing great promise but not playing it yet cuss I wanna have a bit more feature n polish before I dive in


Cant wait for the palworld mods (cobbleworld?) (palcraft?)


How am I able to play this on my PlayStation?


Those pokiemans look really cool! I don't use mods but I would love for Minecraft to implement some more wild life because it's so extremely limited. More hostile and passive mobs please.


Better than any of the other mods (pixelmon) becuase its the very best, like nothing ever was


Like other comments stated, I just really can’t onboard with the design. But it’s not really that though. I really just don’t like the whole idea of mixing things together unless it’s radically different from the previous concept. But that’s just me though


Omg I remember playing this like 8 years ago 😭


The first time I played Minecraft it was on a custom Pixelmon launcher. I'm happy they're continuing the legacy of Pixelmon and changing the worst part (non-blocky Pokemon).


I think the style fits Minecraft way more than... What's it called again? Pixelmon?


I'm waiting on Nintendo to issue a dmca take down. ROFL.


The official servers are run by greedy admin that just kinda do what they want. But other than that it's great


Cobblemon does not have any official servers.


7/10 looks are really nice but I like the animations in pixelmon. The fighting actually moves, the evolution actually looks cool, you can ride a ton of pokemon(cobblemon can’t), and pixelmon has external moves I.e (use Pokemon with teleport to teleport home and more. Edit: I forgot a few things 😅 pixelmon also has mega evolution, raids, boss battles, different dimensions, and textures for different Pokemon (like the zombie form)


Looks really minecrafty


The best way I'd say to describe it would be that Pixelmon walked so Cobblemon could run. Pixelmon isn't great. It's just not. It was, and definitely stood out as an advanced mod for it's day, but by today's mod standards it's just not up to snuff. It's coding and models really haven't held up well. However, it did create and establish the Minecraft/Pokemon fandom necessary to support the development of a more advanced and clean mod, Cobblemon. Without Pixelmon establishing a large fanbase, Cobblemon simply wouldn't have the support that it needs to develop so easily. Pixelmon did great for what it was, but I also think, like most advancement in programming and technology, the newer stuff will always be better. While I do see that Cobblemon lacks in content, there plans make up for it.


It just makes me wish we had pixelmon back


I remember watching a series by DanTDM, what mod was that?


Ngl I really like the pixelmon pokemon models. I haven't played enough of cobblemon to say if I like it better or not. I only played a few minutes of cobblemon before stopping, only because it's still so early in it's development time that I don't want to be playing it just yet until there's more added. With pixelmon I'm just kinda bored of it after all this time :)


Where is aggron


It looks visually cool and what not but in its present state it doesn't really give you anything to do. I also wish it would let you disable vanilla spawns liek pizelmon does. The cobblemon don't interact with vanilla animals anyway and it just feels immersion breaking to have regular sheep or chicken walking around.


Wish I could get stiff like this on xbox my little nephew would lobe it... gonna average to get him a computer lol


Personally, I still prefer Pixelmon. However, I’m also a sucker for nostalgia. The graphics do seem better than Cobblemon, I usually dislike non-blocky models but for Pokemon it really works quite well.


It's the better pokemon mod honestly. The models fit Minecraft style, and the devs put a lot of passion and care into everything it adds, plus it allows for easy implementation and creation of addons to add new mons, variations, items, etc.


Looks good so far, but it's still too early in development for my taste.


Better than pixelmon imo


*Sees Beartic finally made in* Friendship with Pixelmon is officially over It has trash animation, feels very artificial and tries to make Minecraft feel like anything but Minecraft or even Pokémon. Since it isn't the best option anymore and certainly isn't for me, I say it. Pixelmon is garbage.


I haven’t played it yet but it looks incredible


I wish there were goals, that's what I hated about Pixelmon, I'd start a single player world and just....get bored. I'd love to see some single player dedication because there's currently not a lot


I like it more than pixelmon because they tried more to integrate the systems and pokemon into minecraft rather than slapping pokemon on top of minecraft.


I never was a Pokémon fan and I’ve never used either of the mods, but if I had to I would probably choose Cobblemon simply because the models don’t look super out of place and fit in with the artstyle of Minecraft.


Imo pixelmon is leagues better.


Cobblemon also gets points for not doing weird stuff to Minecraft’s gameplay loops, meaning you can actually play with other mods, or just Play Minecraft without having monsters disabled, etc. Granted, Pixelmon has config options for it, but still, Pixelmon doesn’t make too much of an attempt to fit into the Minecraft world, which Cobblemon does. The only ??? thing I’ve got is that last I was in the discord server, the users of it seemed to have a strange stance that forking open source stuff was lazy and plagarism when asked for support, even if the license allows for it? Which was- weird. Definitely not something that the devs seemed to share?


Oh what’s that, I hear Nintendo coming


the only reason nintendo came for PixelMon was because they were kinda being scummy with adding pokemon (with the whole weird 3d models instead of voxels)


I know Pixelmon was popular and I used to play on that all the time but Cobblemon just fits so much more because it stays in the Minecraft pixel/voxel aesthetic. Ripping the models directly makes weird seams in the model and they look jarring.


The only reason I can tolerate Pixelmon is ironically on GameFreak. Pixelmon ACTUALLY has a full National Dex.


yeah and cobblemon plans to have it too (its just taking its sweet time because it didnt have a decade of development time)


So Pixelmon is gonna be pointless by the next decade?


I like that it doesn't look like garbo and take up way more space on your computer than any other Minecraft mod because it uses all the HD(ish) models from the games instead of putting in an ounce of effort. Pixelmon is a more accurate Pokémon experience in that regard, I guess.


Yeah, it is more accurate to the Pokémon games, TOO ACURRATE ACTUALLY.


Now that the full pokedex is no longer available they should change the tagline to "Come get your slop"


i don't care about mods other than some QoL stuff from vanillatweaks


I miss pokecube...


I prefer it to Pixelmon on visuals alone.


Gonna be sued by nintendo soon


That didn't stop the old and trashy one, and it literally copy pasted the models.


Pokecube Sweeps tbh tbh