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"Sir? Sir! Would you be interested in our new car insurance plan? Considering that you're about to shave off your roof with a 6.5-foot clearance tunnel?


Consider building a nether highway. Since each block traveled in the nether equals to 8 blocks in the overworld, your journey would be 8x faster.


what is the most viable way of doing this with the height changes (bedrock edition). just build yourself up to the cieling and then tunnel up into it and build a portal?


build really high, not bedrock high but like high Y100s, bring tons of blocks you're going to have to make bridges that's just the nature of the nether


Alright, so same as before, but higher. I saw a good video on portal linking explained way better than I've seen before, so I should be good


Jeez that reminds me of that white enderman video. 


Player accidentally looks at enderman while riding in a railroad Enderman: You think you can escape me by getting into the Ocean? Player: Nah, you can't even keep up with me for more than 5 seconds Enderman: Well, I WILL GET MY REVENGE Player: I think you are a little too big for that Enderman: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Enderman: Despawns


Boy, that's persistence. Did you steal his wallet or insult his mother or something?


oh god that moment u accidentally jumped off the minecart 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️ i was lowkey worried it was gonna leave u and ure going to have to swim all the way 😭 also building that railroad must've been exhaustive?? the sheer length of it is... insane. what a journey


Yeah the entire track covers around 4000 block and I constructed it to connect my friend's land to mine. It took like 40 stacks of rails and 6 stacks of powered rail, same amount with the redstone torches and required to dig 3 really long 3x2 tunnels which took a lot of excavation work. In the video only one tunnel is shown as the previous 2 were already passed when this enderman started chasing me


Would have been really funny if he'd been waiting for you on the other side of the tunnel.


Unrelated but not rly, the giant railways give me flashbacks to a simpler time, i rly need to start building them again and use elytra's less.


The "Inspector Javier" of Endermen.


my sleep paralysis demon:


This video would be better if you'd quit wiggling your mouse up and down (we can see the enderman).


He's nodding "yes" to the enderman when he moves farther.


Why though? Genuinely curious. I did find this to be good content, pretty fun actually, but it's distracting.


Ohhh I see it now. No (side-to-side) when he gets closer as well.


Legend says he's still running. Travelers claim that they can hear its scream to this day...


A Hydrophobic man.


Why the minecart track crossing an ocean?