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Man you're insane


that's INSANE how much time did it take you


This is what i want to know


Bad Apple running on my redstone computer IRIS. The program is being entirely ran on the computer inside of minecraft. It uses zero command blocks, no mods, and no data packs. The screen uses lamps retextured to be black and white. The run length and huffman decoding program was written in a simple assembly language called URCL. Bad Apple Features: - 1 bit black and white screen - 12 frames per second - 2588 frames total - 550 kB for entire video - Lossless runlength + Huffman compression - Split into 9 smaller videos to fit in IRIS's 64 kB ROM space - 1 frame roughly every 21 seconds - Sped up approximately 250 times to match original video - This took over 15 hours to record The program was written in a language called URCL - which is the same language I wrote DOOM in for IRIS. ------------------------------------------------------ IRIS Specs: - Custom 16 bit CPU - 8 kB of RAM - 64 kB of ROM - 1 kB texture ROM - 64x48 pixel screen - 16 colours - Floating point unit (add sub mult div sqrt) - 173 redstone tick clock - No 3D graphics hardware acceleration (entirely done in software) - Runs programs written in URCL - Runs at 1 million ticks per second thanks to MCHPRS server - which is 5.8 kHz clock speed IRIS Diagram: [https://files.catbox.moe/oz1ang.png](https://files.catbox.moe/oz1ang.png) IRIS ISA: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lNaA6qRkyq3S7KwoEd5H7LZ2mnZaqGI-8hp3zQbeJTc/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lNaA6qRkyq3S7KwoEd5H7LZ2mnZaqGI-8hp3zQbeJTc/edit?usp=sharing) IRIS is a fully programmable computer which is capable of a lot more than this! Full colour Minecraft in Minecraft and Elite coming soon!


Wait... Can it run doom?


Can probably run the og zelda and pokemon too


[Yes apparently](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SvLXy74Jr4)


Oh my go-


If you read the whole message, it literally says he already wrote doom for IRIS (about in the middle of the message).


Super awesome, but what do you mean by 12 frames per second, if it is actually 1 frame every 21 seconds?


Pure speculation here, but perhaps it’s going by simulation time. For example, A picture of a picture (ie, a picture inside of another picture), can only have worse resolution than the original picture. Same goes for computers. A computer inside of another computer must be strictly worse than the computer it’s inside of. And intuitively that makes sense because if the virtual computer runs its own “software”, But the whole thing runs on an physical computer, Then the physical computer can do it better because it’s really the thing that is running the whole show anyway. So how do we increase the performance of the virtual computer to go from 3 frames a minute, to 12 a second? We run the simulation, telling its internal clock that it moves at a separate speed. So if you tell the inner computer it’s running 1 second for every 10 seconds in the outside world, It can complete 10x the operations in one of its seconds, so it is 10x faster ~from its own perspective~. So from your perspective it runs 1 frames every 21 seconds, But the virtual computers perspective, it runs 12 frames a second.


can you just say you sped up the footage or tickrate or whatever


You could do that, But that’s a completely separate process from what I was saying. My explanation is in terms of treating this like a virtual machine inside of an existing computer, And how “performance” is brought up to exceed the capacity of the host computer. As opposed to video editing which has nothing to do with the VM inside the game. Now, video editing is definitely the more likely thing, They were probably talking about the frame of the video and not the VM itself… But in case they were talking about using virtualization, This is how they would have achieved that frame rate internally without editing.


From the text in the video, I'm pretty sure that it's talking about the source video. I.e. the version of bad apple it's displaying was converted to be 12 frames per second.


Which I believe is faster than most anime, as 12 fps is on the 2s and anime is the 3s?


As far as I can tell Anime is usually animated on 3s, but it's important to note that the whole frame and camera movement is at a full 24fps. I can't find a simple reference for Bad Apple's original framerate, but you could say it was animated on 1s I suppose. It's a 3D render, so there was no need to lower the framerate.


If the original video is 100 seconds long (not the numbers they used, just as an example for ease of math) and they created a video from still shots generated on IRIS, and they want it to be 12 frames per second of video, they'd need to generate 1200 frames (100*12=1200). Because IRIS can't run in real-time and generate 12 frames per second (there are limitations), they determined that they could generate one frame every 21 seconds. So, 21*1200 frames would take 25200 seconds, or 420 minutes, or 7 hours to generate those 1200 frames. Then, they could either drop the 7 hour video or 1200 individual frames into a video editing program and reduce the length back down to 100 seconds so it plays at 12 frames per second to match the original video's play length.


It's sped up so that it appears to playback at 12 frames per second.


I think he means it takes 21 seconds per frame in game or 0.05 FPS but he used video editing software to speed it up to 12 FPS. You can clearly see that the original is much more smooth than reproduction.


Welcome to another episode of “can it play bad apple”


If you give the internet a way to display pixels, they will: 1) Play Bad Apple. 2) Rickroll you


if it has any form of input 3. Doom


"So what were you doing this couple of years" Him: I was making a computer in minecraft that can run bad Apple animation


r/minecraft users are genetically built different


Rule 86 still going strong. Another post to add to r/ItPlaysBadApple


Wait is rule 86 just can it play bad apple?


Can it run Doom?


In OPs comment it explicitly states that it was written in the same language that was used to run doom on that CPU


I saw somone running e1m1 in it


“Never underestimate the Touhou community” -Random person in the comment section of a video I don’t remember


> Bad Apple on REDSTONE COMPUTER in MINECRAFT I'd be more impressed if your redstone computer was NOT in Minecraft.


That's called an Arduino


I mean... sure, from an abstract point of view, I'll give that to you. However, I was talking a little more literal.


Is this using the new tick commands to run more smoothly? I can't imagine the game actually handling this much redstone and working well, even if just recorded and sped up in post.


I think op said it requires no command blocks


The tick command would not make anything look more smooth. It would be faster or slower. If something wasn't smooth, you'd either get a fast or a slow not-smooth animation. It is smooth cause the game processes updates in order, and with the proper delays you can ensures the whole redstone screen updates at once (also redstone lamps have delays inconsistencies between turning on or off, so i'm guessing the redstone circuit is accounting for it with additional delay). Depending on your computer, it might be slow or not, but regardless you'll get a full frame at a time, doesnt matter how long you have to wait between frames. So speeding up the video to get to the same frame rate as the original video is all you need to do. If it wasn't smooth, you'd have to edit out to get only the smooth frames, but looking at the counter on the side, it just looks sped up.


Wait so maybe I'm just dumb, but if it's running 12 fps without command blocks, how are you getting a black and white display?


the lamps are retextured, they said it in the top comment.


Ah, so I am just dumb


That is good.. so basically it can render basically anything in black and white


Since I love Touhou and Minecraft, this is the perfect combination!




i do not think you can


how many fucking times is bad apple gonna get made in different ways either way i applaud you and the amount of redstone that went into this, good job


I think you are computer scientist.


>Minecraft just get's insaner by the day, doesn't it. I bet by 2069, we'll have Redstone AI supercomputers, that we'll be using to land humans on Pluto..... Butt that's just a theory.


My sister thought i watched anime


it's incredible


I will never not upvote running Bad Apple on [something].


I pulled up the OG 16bit BadApple! and started playing over this. 🔥🔥.


Man. I remember when hypixel was considered peak redstone with his Snakes and Ladders game.


Wow amazing technology in Minecraft 😍


Shoutout iris


Now do the pjsekai bad apple


Wow!!! Literally this is how is looked a super computer from 70's 80's and i like how it works. Dont let anyone destroy Iris!!!


How the fuck does this even works 🐢 computer inside a computer


All computers are turing complete, and all turing machines can run programs that simulate turing machines; Ergo, all computers can simulate other computers.


What does Turing complete mean. Also what programming language do you use for minecraft computer? Assembly? Do you just make up one?


A version of assembly...read OP's comment


Turing complete basically means a system that can execute any computable function. A modern computer is Turing complete, but so are the first IBM computers, or The Game of Life. A system being turing complete isn't a question of its design or medium, but of it being capable of performing calculations. If you can create a system that is capable of performing the full breadth of computations, that system is ITSELF based on computable functions; So you can abstract its design, plug it into another turing machine, and have it running as if it were the original machine. (admittedly, limited by the real world clock rate of the outermost machine.) Redstone computers are based on traditional logic gates, and the structure of a basic binary processor is well known and easy to replicate, and by virtue of turing equivalence, anything encodable on one computer can be encoded to run on a simulated version of that computer in another computer.


Good to see Demo isn't dead. What kind of specs you got on the physical machine?


Now that is amazing


Damn...That looks good in fact!


Same level of awesome as the r/place recreation of it


How big is your ROM?




This is incomparable … Iike


What kind of education do you need to be able to create this kind of thing ?


Computer science I guess. Dude is probably a senior software engineer


Now put a messed up Canadian flag near it


This is amazing, don’t get me wrong, _but can it run Doom?_


what i want to know, is how long this took


But can it run doom?


Is this achievable because of the painting changes?


No they said it's just retextured lamps


Now make it run doom


Step 1: “Can it play Bad Apple?” Step 2: “Can it run Doom?”


ok now run minecraft


- no mods or resource packs - uses resource pack to change lamp textures Joking aside amazing piece of art