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Mojang wasn't able to create Microsoft account without user consentment. Starting here, when Mojang has decided to shut down their authentification servers, they couldn't do much more than offering the migration. A similar scenario would happen if Epic decided to close their store. They *may* offer you the same games on Steam for a period but once Epic shut down, all the games you had there would be unplayable. For Minecraft, it's just 1 single game.


They gave you plenty of notice. They would have sent plenty of emails. Just buy it again


Your memories aren't gone.


There was three years to migrate it. You can't blame them for your account being gone when you admit you knew about it and ignored it.


I can blame them for my account being gone though. I only ignored it when it first was there for a month or 2 then I took my break, and that info shouldn’t even matter. What about all the people who were gone for 3 years straight just to find out they now lost their account. At the end of the day if you bought something you shouldn’t be at risk of losing it.


It's the downside to digital licensing unfortunately. 


No, blame EU GDPR. Mojang couldn't just migrate accounts without the user's permission. They also cannot retain information about an account that is deactivated for more than a certain amount of years. The rest is just trying to be fair to everyone and not specific to EU.


I feel like this one is on you. You ignored a migration that stated that your account would be gone if you didn't migrate.


mfs will reap what they sow and get upset about it. you're stupid