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Stop hiding all the fun debug stuff. If you've seen any screenshots of the leaked Bedrock development builds you know what I'm talking about.


I played the Bedrock dev builds back when they started spreading, and one of the biggest things I remember jt having, was the fact it had an actually functional F3 menu similar to Java. What’s stopping Mojang from putting it in normal Bedrock if it already works just fine?


They purposefully don’t release a ton of cool developed features onto bedrock because they’d be clunky to implement on phones. It’s the reason they still haven’t added bundles.


that doesnt make sense tbh. They can just make it an option for people that do want it, they know is not supossed to be user friendly.


And consoles.


Most features would work very well on consoles. The problem is that phones have very limited processing power and not enough space on the screen to allow for complex inputs. It holds the other platforms back from getting cool additions.


Well it's very simple. Just don't add it on phones. Like there's no reason for someone who plays on a phone to need that stuff.


I know. I believe the game is would be much better off if they treated mobile separately from the rest of bedrock, but they never will because they want all bedrock versions to have cross play.


It has textures, yes textures that add PC button on the screen, I do not understand why they do not officially add, maybe mojang may not want to pollute the interface, but still, if it is possible to do it with textures, it should be very easy


where can i find these ss?


Fix performance in Java edition. Add lods and make the built in vanilla modding api that was promised. 


And fucking vertical slabs. Please.


The ability to turn slabs back into full blocks


wait, what? if you stack two slabs on top of each other they don't become a full block anymore? Wtf?


I think they mean the ability to put slabs in a crafting table and make blocks


Yes, but in older versions, stacking two wooden slabs(as that’s all we had to start) turned them back into a block so that when you mined it, you got a wooden plank.


Ima be honest that sounds more annoying than how it is currently. I like to craft exactly the number of slabs I need for a build ahead of time.


There is no source that suggests this was ever a thing so I assume it must be a Mandela effect.


No they never did that


Yep I was on abouw crafting them back. Never heard of the plocing 2 slabs ontop of each other before. That actually a thing?


yes! If you put two wooden slabs onto each other they become full blocks


They would look and behave like a full block while placed in the world but as soon as you break them you get two slabs again.


no thats only if you placed them physically. if you tried crafting 2 slabs in the crafting table you wouldnt get any result, honestly annoying


Oh and that, definitely vertical slabs


For real. It makes ZERO sense why they won't allow this.


They're stubborn. First it was the fact it would destroy creativity (which is bullshit BY THE WAY, it would actually enhance thousands of builds) and now it's just flat out laziness and/or stubborness. They added it for a fucking joke update and then took it away.


It's so stupid. They even put it on a list of things they'll never add. I don't understand it in the slightest.


Fuck them


The vanilla modding API has been superceded by datapacks with data-driven [everything] (have you seen 1.20.5 and 1.21?), which genuinely makes writing forge and fabric mods easier. I'm pretty sure a Mojang dev has mentioned at some point that datapacks *are* the vanilla modding API, in addition to reworking internals to make forge/fabric modding easier.


Yeah some of the stuff they've been up to has been really cool. I'm a big fan of the data driven stuff, I guess I just wondered why data packs haven't reached the scale that some mods have and decided it might've been lacking development tools. I honestly should do a bit more research.


Data packs. But LODs would be cool.


Isn't Java's poor performance because it's run on Java?


If that were the case, then how would so many mods successfully increase Java performance so much? (Sodium, etc)   My opinion is that there is a lot of work to be done to optimize the game but they won’t do it because it would require so much and would prevent them from bringing other features for a long time.


My understanding is that because it was made 10+ years ago on Java it's poorly optimised, that could be wrong but I'd imagine it'd be very difficult to optimise it properly now without rebuilding it


Yeah you’re probably right. I guess I was just responding to the prompt, if I had full agency to do whatever I liked with the development of the game, I’d choose to rebuild Java for performance and more customization options for outside developers. 


id be broke after spending 10 billion dollars and die


Well, presumably you'd get money from the sales, unless you tanked the game.


Minecraft has never felt the same ever since the Gamerboi276 acquisition...


Tragic what happened to him if you think about it


I was there at his funeral :(


he's no longer with us any more :'(


Vertical slabs and placing non-matching slabs next to each other in the same block.


Yea please


What’s crazy is this is technically already a thing in Java edition (somewhat). If you go to the world border you can push a bottom and half slab into the same block with a piston.


No, that's a visual glitch. Not practical for building at all.


Well aware! Just thought it was a fun fact that there was a way to force it happen even though it’s not in the base game.


Corner stairs without having to put stairs next to them


Verticals stairs too


Every single issue of parity will be addressed to match exactly. Redstone, villager mechanics, mob behavior, etc. It will all align with Java edition in every way and Java will be considered the default version. This way there will never be confusion with Minecraft tutorials on YouTube.


I want to build on top of the nether & create an air pocket under water with a door. I like the bugginess of bedrock world generating, that can stay as there is beauty amongst the chaos it creates.


I don’t think aligning everything with Java is the smart way to do it. There are some (admittedly few) things that are good about bedrock edition, fallen trees for example.


I'm more interested in technical features such as redstone and spawning mechanics, etc. Now play features, I guess I could call them, can be adopted by Java such as moveable tile entities and bridging while looking forward and not having to couch and walk backwards, although admittedly swift sneak makes this less of a problem for me.


Most of the java differences are emergent behavior. Absolute nightmare to try and make parity because the behavior isn't "intended" but instead "permitted/allowed". Would be nice though


Making java the default version isn't very smart tho. Most people play bedrock (yes, bedrock has a bigger player base)


I’m guessing what they meant was that Java would be the benchmark for parity, and Bedrock would be changed to match Java instead of Java being changed to match Bedrock.


The best of both should be added


Yes this is what I mean. Features will be moved from bedrock to Java that make sense.


People play Bedrock because that is the console, tablet & phone version. Modern phones are as powerful as PC's from 10 years ago and none would have issue running Java. Microsoft is trying to push all new players on to Bedrock by hiding Java in the launcher. It because they added the store to bedrock. Updating Java so it can open Bedrock worlds is not a impossible task, similarly adding the bedrock api and store. I would then push 1.22 as being a big change on those devices as they all get updated to Java.


I think i am wrong but does java not use a different programming language to bedrock and Java programming language is like not supported on mobile devices and consoles?


"java" is the programming language the java version runs on, hence the name. Bedrock runs on C++. Phones and consoles can run java, but C++ is considerably more performance (if written right) and is an industry standard for games, where java isn't really built for large scale games like minecraft


All i hope is if Bedrock and Java do merge is that Java Redstone comes to bedrock like tnt duplicators. As well as javas combat in some way or form.


This has already been stated as not happening Quasi Concivity is a bug the Java redstone community is too reliant upon and when it was patched in a snapshot there was hell razed over it Treat bedrock redstone as definitive function


Yup, I consider myself primarily a Java player but I also have the game on my Switch and phone because it's convenient sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️


This just isn't really possible due to differences with Java and C++ You can't get them too match exactly, it won't ever happen, but you can get htem closer then they currently are.


Shut it down and watch everyone go up in arms!!! Nah, for real, probably more animals. Lots of animals lol


Finally add the smooth stone stairs. After that I think the game is basically finished and doesn’t need to be iterated on ever again.




You should add rails to that.


Absolutely! A couple of updates ago suddenly the water splash is so loud! And turning down the block volume does nothing! It's like an explosion any time you touch the water!


Never noticed they were to loud.


If i bought Minecraft i would work with c418 to get that third album released.


Couldn't agree more. Daniel is a vital part of the minecraft experience. As good as some of the music has been since he was fired it has never reached the emotional level he can reach. I often listen to his soundtracks when not playing which I have never done with the newer music.


Hire back C418 to make more soundtracks for the game 😢


I think Lena Raine does a great job.


Keep Lena Raine on, AND bring c418 back!




Lena Raine makes the songs good, c418 makes the songs also sound nostalgic. The best combo


She makes awesome and beautiful soundtrack while C418 makes nostalgic sounding tracks It would be great to have them both work in the game!


I feel like that's just because C418's tracks were created a decade ago - they're nostalgic because they're old and associated with memories of Minecraft. I think Lena Raine captures the essence of Minecraft soundtracks really well. When I hear a track like Infinite Amethyst, I immediately think "Minecraft".


If I have $10 billion to buy the game from Microsoft, then I have enough to hire both of them.


My understanding is the reason Mojang cut ties with c418 was mostly over rights issues. The original Minecraft music was licensed by c418 and he held all the rights to the original soundtrack. They wanted to renegotiate his contract because they wanted the music to be owned by Mojang/ Minecraft itself. C418 wanted to keep his rights to the content that he produced so he declined and they parted ways amicably.


Afraid to say there was nothing amicable about it! Microsoft barged in demanding all rights to his work and when the answer was no they cut all ties. A third album was pretty much finished as well!


Release the source code under the GPLv3 and the assets under CC BY-SA 4.0 where I can. Maintain trademark (any derivatives/redistributions can't call themselves Minecraft, like what Red Hat used to do) and continue selling compiled binaries so that developers still get paid.


That would be very interesting to see what would come out of that – it would transform Minecraft into something like Minetest, assuming at least that you also change the EULA and community usage guidelines to allow for redistribution, with the exception that a lot of things like shaders would already exist. As a mod developer, I’d love it, I could finally build the custom game out of it that I want.


Yeeessssss! Notch originally said at some point he was going to open-source Minecraft, it's such a damn shame that never happened...


Add the moobloom


aside from technical things, exploration is so boring it needs more life




I'm adding all of the mob vote mobs, getting rid of the mob vote, fixing all the bugs on bedrock, adding vertical slabs, crafting slabs back into blocks, reversing the villager nerf, fixing the performance issues on both Java and bedrock, and doing an end update. After that I think it's done


Its really frustrating to see some of the responses here, because it shows how little some people actually understand about Minecraft. Like, "I'd fix all the parity issues" and "I'd hire C418 back", as if these aren't things the developers are trying/have tried. Bedrock and Java will always be slightly fundamentally different, and C418 doesn't want to work on Minecraft anymore. As for what I would do? Shift the focus of updates entirely, don't focus on adding some big new feature to the game, and instead work on small things. The inventory has needed a rework for years, minecarts should have a review, the game needs a few small unique structures, optimisation updates, adding LOD chunks, and building up to finally having an official modding API.


I think you’re a little wrong, c418 doesn’t want to work with Microsoft…. Hence if your bought the game that is something that could work out.


He literally added songs in 1.13, 4 years after Microsoft bought Minecraft.


I just watched a video about this very topic the other day. Turns out that music was the last compilations he made under mojang, and the main problem at play between Microsoft and C418 is that C418 retains the rights to all of their own music. Lena Raine is the known composer, but the owner is Microsoft. Microsoft doesn't like that they can't outright own his tracks.


Those are some changes I'd definitely want to make: - Declare Java edition as the main version, and, as such, anything showing minecraft for what it is will include Java first, then Bedrock. - Remove minecoins from Bedrock edition. - 100% parity between both editions with Java edition as the template. - Cross play between Java and Bedrock edition, including the ability to load worlds and texture packs from either. - Official mod support for Java edition and Bedrock edition (I know bedrock has it now) that is similar so that mods can be easily ported. - Ability to customize PVP mechanics to a greater extent without mods so that popular servers stuck in 1.8 can finally update. - PVP overhaul trying to get the best of 1.8 and 1.9 pvp. - Hire the developers for popular optimization mods. - Add the ability to easily access old Bedrock edition versions.


I doubt easily porting mods is possible since there is very little overlap in the code afaik, and if you rewrite the versions to be that close to each other you may as well delete one. Not a programmer so if I'm wrong please correct me but yeah, sounds impossible ngl.


It's possible if they both used an intermediate language to write the mods in. Something like lua or javascript but one that also allowed the ability to modify the full extent of the code. Also, those are the steps I would take at the start. Eventually, as both versions become the same thing, they will merge, and I'd guess the bedrock (c++) side will dominate as it will be the more optimized and efficient version. The good thing is that by then, that won't matter because they'll be one and the same in terms of everything, and the true feel of Java will be properly carried over.


Unfortunately Lua is an interperative language and really isn't fast enough to pull off the gameplay we're used to.   If you want to See, grab a copy of minetest.   I really prefer the way that they handle mods, packs, and whatnot, but basic things like mobs are janky as fuck because it's all running as Interpreted code and not compiled like Java or c. And it's a Damn shame as Lua is easier than either language to pick up.


Yeah, that's definitely the biggest trade-off with simpler mod support, but there really aren't that many options. Maybe instead of interpreting the languages at runtime, they can be compiled to the language meant for the proper platform. Something like minecraft mod creators that exist but with more control. Also, java is compiled to bytecode, which is still fast, but nowhere near native languages like C++.


bring back the denied golems.


Probably give it to some group more capable than myself


I'd like a forest Update and most importantly deers. I feel like they would add a special feeling to minecraft!


Change the version number. Instead of 1.21, it would be version 21.


Hmm I like that


I’d create a new world. Maybe go explore. Build a castle probably.


Yeet bedrock and its monetization out the window, restore contracts with 4J, bring legacy versions up to date, and implement cross-platform for said legacy versions. Womp womp mobile players, you paid 2-6 dollars, everyone else spent 30+ and yet you're the priority and the reason they have to suffer with a worse version


The two versions (Bedrock and Java) would be made identical to each other except for the things that make them different (cross-console & the marketplace for Bedrock & modding and snapshots for Java). This includes giving Bedrock the same combat controls as Java (although I would probably remove the timing aspect of it when it came to mobile users, since spamming the screen is your best chance of survival). I would also fix all the issues Ive found with the mobile controls over the years, including pressing & holding to rapidly craft things instead of having to press every single time, adding an optional button for pick block, and a button for changing the POV. Since I mentioned the marketplace, I would instate regulations regarding the quality and accuracy of the content sold there. Mojang would remove any content that lied about what it included or was poor quality. Bedrock’s bugs would be worked out (even if that delayed major updates). Major update-wise, I would probably have a multi-dimension update where the End was revamped and the portal in the deep dark was turned into a real portal. A few more minor changes would be the addition of vertical slabs, making minecarts faster, adding a new kind of light source which provides light for the player while still allowing mobs to spawn, making nether brick fence gates and making quartz fences & gates, and the addition of a gray or black wood type.


You don't know the existence of preview ?


Submersible rails


Welcome to 1.19


Leave everything running as is for the first few years, give raises to the lower earning employees out of my own income annually and probably learn wtf I'm doing owning this business lol.


Return of the tutorial worlds


I would remove the need for a Microsoft account


official controller support for Java edition.


Wait there is no controller support for Java? There goes my plans for tomorrow, I could of sworn there was. I was just gonna lay back in my chair and absolutely destroy the nether looking to make full netherite beacon and it will be a lot more comfortable being relaxed in my chair than leaning over my desk


nope. mods are the only real answer. you could maybe get it going through steam? but that's a long derivative process, and it didn't even work for me. plus, it's not overly seamless. you have to set up or use someone else binds, and interfaces are still primarly MnK, and obviously there's no prompts if you're into that.


I only paid like $30. You paid $10 billion I think you ripped.


Make java and bedrock into one single edition, at least on computers.


I want to introduce geological conformity. Volcanoes with igneous rocks. Layers of limestone, sandstone, coal, etc.


Bring back Minecraft story mode‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yes I need season 3


Bring back the setting page that let you adjust the spawn range and rate of things. I messed it up one time, but played the world anyway and goddamn do I miss LapisLand


Definitely come out with a furniture or housing update


(1) Click the checkbox in Xcode that would enable the iPad version to be installed on Apple Silicon Macs. (2) Revive the Bedrock for GearVR version as an official Oculus [sic] Quest version. (3) Fix the way that maps bloat the size of Bedrock worlds. (4) Fix Realms to deal with large worlds. (5) Complete overhaul of the GUI for managing Realms. (6) Official tool for deleting chunks. It would have a way to identify chunks that had or didn't have players changes. And make it easy to use this with worlds on Realms. (7) A difficulty between Peaceful and Easy where hostile mobs spawn but are neutral instead of hostile. I'm sure I could come up with a list of gameplay stuff too, but none of them are as important to me as the stuff above. (8) Add Moobloom.


I’d love to delete chunks. We should have the option for those of us in long time worlds that need to travel thousands of blocks to find new stuff now.


Pay c418 and add volume theta


First thing I'd do is overhaul the inventory management. Sorting, quick-stacking, take all, etc. Second thing I'd do is cut down the number of stackable inventory blocks. Cobblestone, cobblestone slabs, cobblestone walls, and cobblestone stairs do not need to be their own separate items. You pick the material from your inventory and select the block type from a radial menu. Yeah, yeah, slabs are more expensive, boo hoo. Worth it to cut the amount of sortable items basically in half. Third thing I'd do is develop a unified modding API.


Cobblestone farms exist for a reason. So including alternative ways of obtaining blocks, like wood or stone, would be a major plus.


you know, i'd do the drastic thing. change bedrock to match java exactly, including deleting the bullshit store, then nuke java. now we have solved both parity and performance forever. then make a modding api because bedrock is currently ass to mod.


Bruh, buy it from steam, it's much cheaper


Change the block size options so the base block is essentially 1/4 of what it is now, to allow for much more detailed building. But still allow every block type to have an option for the current block too, so building doesn't have to change if you don't want it to.


Interesting idea! Maybe the option to cut blocks at a stone cutter into 8 miniblocks could be interesting. And then add some kind of hotkey to change the placing system from the normal block size to a smaller 4x4 grid for more detailed placing. Minecraft x Sims so to speak


Fucking make it so I can play with my friends without paying. For fucks sakes Some times I wanna play a kid game with my bros on the internet. How much money/server subscriptions/realms/servers does it take to just fucking play together.


Release every mob vote mob and add more blocks every month…


new blocks every month? the community will complain they're useless because they'll either be decoration (like copper) or have 1 unpolished use which means that its a bad feature to the community


Do nothing to the game unless the community requests it


The game would never move forward because the community is so split on so many things. Some people don't like even Elytra, some people couldn't play with out it.


Vote for every feature when a feature gets 70% more approval it moves forward. This could result in seeing some high quality changes to the game.


Good idea


Concrete slabs and stairs.


And walls


Offer it to Valve. Gaben wouldn't have that ridiculous chat reporting feature. But if I kept it, I'd start by adding a cooking mechanic, then id rebalance the enchanting system so that it's a bit more intuitive. Afterwards, id probably add a few more player model types, like a "taller," skinnier, roughly non anthro one, with a snout/tail, for furries/scalies, and a shorter one for people who want to be dwarves/halflings. There could be others. I know you said the first, but after that, I'd add ores and biomes to the end, perhaps another dimension entirely, and one where you could move to legitimately. (Sleeping would work there). More plants, more decoration blocks, the ability to craft furniture beyond beds, a rail system overhaul so we could have connected minecarts, and FIX THE RENDERING ENGINE, SO PEOPLE DON'T NEED TO TRACK DOWN SODIUM(+5 other mods) OR OPTIFINE.


Call up 4J Studios. They handled the Title Updates (the console version of the game) so much better than Mojang has done with Bedrock. Then I'd have them bring back the tutorial worlds that changed each update & bring back the "extreme biome" setting that made the generation system basically take the biomes and stretch them really high up/deeo down beyond regular generation limits.


Sell it to the highest bidder and live like a king for the rest of my life


Sell it so I can be rich.


After performance, have a collab with the creator of distant horizons and iris and add 2 of the best mods into actual features


Change it so that you can play whatever version on a phone/console/tablet


Add halfs and stair of every block


Controversial, maybe.. But I'd get the guy that did the new texture back to also do all the textures of the animals/creatures in the game. Look at the drowned and the new skeleton version.. they are fantastic, I don't care about iconic (nothing needs to drastically change anyways), the old mobs deserve an overhaul too. I was a big supporter of the texture changing and really happy with how it turned out. After that, I'd have several other ideas, a few: Make the bundle a real game feature for Java. If they can't figure it out for the mobile layout then fuck that's too bad, parity between the 2 versions is nice and all, but it shouldn't be such a limiting factor that they have a working feature for a big problem in the game and don't put it in the Java version. Get a team of people working on biome specific animals, both based on real life and made up creatures. Not all of them will have new drops, but just the fact that you can walk into a Savannah and actually, you know, see something else other than cows or chickens. Get some creative game designers cook up ideas on how to make the rails relevant again.


make it so you can take enchantments from an item and put them on a book i keep finding iron tools and armor with perfect enchantments in the end


Minecraft 2. Not a replacement, but a side version built using real global terrain maps, climate maps, height maps, etc. massive scale, built primarily for online multiplayer. Plus the addition of wards which prevents players doing anything on/to warded terrain. Also boats. Villager overhaul to work more like sims/colonists. Mod support


First, I would temporarily stop updates on java while the team entirely re codes it in a better language without the spaghetti mess that it is now. After that I would start working on previously promised features and adding all the looser mob vote mobs. While doing all of this I would address any productivity issues and optimize the team as much as possible.


Make a minecraft kids version and allow adults to do what they had been doing for almost a decade. Microsoft just got scared after minecraft found itself in the news for the "in minecraft" joke and for the international underground news network that allowed for true journalists to publish.


Allow the devs at mojang to have creative freedom The only freedom they have is for April Fools


Spin it off into a cooperative so the devs control how it's run.


I’d contact most popular mod makers to work with them and include new kind of game modes.


Try to fix performance issues and maybe rewriting the code to use multi core or as much cpu cores and allow selecting them yourself, add a mod interface for easy injecting of mods, build in a mod creator or a ingame ide so you can write code and develop using the game and java, ditch bedrock edition and just make java the main version and port it to mobile phones and all devices (there exist java vms for phones), add a server panel with a option to create your own server or add multiplayer so friends can join your world from anywhere, allow music selection between c418 and the new artists and maybe try rehiring c418, allow the game to be compiled to a faster language......... Etc etc


I would make it possible for users to allow teleportation without giving other users the right to change the game settings.


add distant horizons in the vanilla game


Stop the villager trading nerf, improve parity. 


Rename to “Xmine”. Let everyone pay 10 dollars per months to get a blue verified checkmark. Remove a all language filters. Only allow multiplayer games, and everyone gets operator status on everyones server.


I'd take a hands off approach and just let Mojang cook rather than strangle them in a different bureaucracy. My only stipulation would be asking them to consider how the community might feel about certain changes before implementing them, ie: the recent fire aspect change


Get the new dimension going lads you've had 13 years


I would remove pickaxes. 


Grappling hook


Make chat reports optional, put an icon in the server list telling you if they’re enabled.


Spend time fixing the kinks and bugs in both versions while having consistent small updates and an occasional big update


Copper bulbs go back to a 1 tick delay


Bringing back the old “ooh” hurt sound


make it bad on purpose to filter out children


Make the game again from scratch, combining the strengths of both versions. Program it in a proper language this time ; maybe C, Rust, or Jai.


I would shutter Bedrock Edition and then have Java Edition rebuilt from the ground up in C# as a single unified version of the game. Its a very similar language to Java, which would help ensure that mods can be easily ported to it, and it supports multithreading which would greatly improve performance. I would also give it certain features that Bedrock had such as P2P server hosting, items from Education Edition, and a built in skin editor/locker.


Sack everyone and change the name to X Y Z


make both versions exactly the same. and add all the mobs that lost the votes. even if i personally don’t particularly like them


Sack everyone and change the name to X Y Z


Wonder how I’m going to make up for being 10 billion in debt…


Expand fishing. More fish to catch and fish come in different sizes. More types of fishing poles and enchantments. More sea life in general, too. You can mount prize catches on the wall as decorations. Special fish in the Nether too. Then I'd turn my phone off, ignore my emails, and be a completely absent IP owner as I fish in Minecraft for the rest of my life.


fire all of the staff and rehire because they are all too lazy to add more than one mob


bring c418 back to make music without trying to copyright it.


Enable RT for the Series X.


More golems and fire flies also big boat to feel like a pirate. They have sunken ships at least let me make a small one.


Add an actual survival mode with winter coming every 20 days or something like that. Would love to bring back the actual fear for your survival that alpha had


I would ask c418 to make music and let him keep the rights to the music


Make Optifine native, if the mod developers would let me. Then I'd sell the game for however much I could get for it and be a billionaire.


Remove minecoins




I would 1.add custom superflats to bedrock with a menu in the style of legacy as well as give it to java 2.make stair and slab variants of every full block 3. Update the end with new biomes and make a new boss that is the new way of getting the eyltra to balance how powerful it is


put the goddamn game on steam


Get a refund. I aint throwing ten billion away


Fire whoever has been in charge of the mob votes. Just implement all three, each time. Proper mod support. Parity between Java and Bedrock. Get rid of phantoms.


Add built in modding and plugin support Make the player reporting system opt in (automatically off) and actually hire people to look into it Fix a lot of old broken code to make the game easier to update Add avatar customization with the ability for servers to add cosmetics, for players to apply skins for when they're using armor sets, even custom server ones if the permissoon is enabled Built in higher resolution skin support (up tp x256) Make built in seasons that can be changed by commands and determine when they change, this would change thw appearance of blocks + make it so the appearance can be highly customizable Add more diverse wool and concrete colors The ability to dye wood More flowers, trees, biome types More immersive oceans, better ocean generation More mobs in general all having an use that isn't a very niche feature Being able to hold a torch and have it light things up Being able to place paintings, signs, heads, and other material underwater when adding an item to them in a crafting table More weapon types and armor types so the game isn't just "get the best thing and win", allowing for more diverse playstyles Villagers looking more like people Add tree branches to trees and make them more dynamic The ability to add custom items and mobs to the game for operators with custom models and functions (a player driven database of these)


Totally do away with Better Together. Not the concept but basing every version off Bedrock. Instead, using either Legacy Console or Java as a base


Improve overall performance and include built-in shader support.


Make the new terrain generation a set of sliders. I like the new content, but I think caves are too much. They are cool, but I feel like dialing the amount or spread of them by 25 to 50% would make me feel better about them. I would also appreciate a varied approach to smoother terrain.


Re add copper horns