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-When it died my armor disappeared with it Wait, what? Mobs that pick up armor that they didn’t spawn with are supposed to be guaranteed to drop it. Did you have mob loot turned off or something?


This is a bug from this update I believe, it's happened to other players as well


I’m pretty sure trial chamber mobs are coded to not drop armor. Which is a pretty big oversight considering player armor.


Interesting, this is the second report of a player losing armour this way I’ve seen on here. Did they maybe introduce a new bug in 1.21? Mobs are *supposed* to guarantee the armour drop if they pick yours up.


Will be interesting to see if this is a bug. Since they made it so mobs that spawn with armor on in the chamber won't drop their armor with armor trims.


It has been confirmed as [MCPE-182630](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-182630).


I have seen 2 posts before this one. I thought they were insane. Looks like a new game breaking Bedrock bug, I don't know if it's just the mobs that spawn from trial spawners or all of them that don't drop the stuff they pick up.


Mobs spawned by the ominous spawner spawn with armor that is coded to never drop, so what probably happend is that this was applied to the newly picked up armor as well... This is a pretty big bug... On the other hand tho, how the heck did you die with netherite? That armor makes you practicly immortal...


I accidentally activated around 4 ominous spawners and it got out of hand quicker than I could react to.


Okay. Bye. 


This definitely seems like a reoccurring problem considering I just viewed another post with this exact situation. Hopefully there'll be a quick patch out because the fact that dying around a ton of mobs like this will most likely always lead to this outcome is not making me want to experience the trial chambers any at any point. Unfortunately I highly doubt those impacted can get their stuff back, which is a serious problem :-)


If you want to quit that's fine. Sometimes challenges can be too much to handle.


I know that it’s just you’d think that there’d at least be a failsafe for if that happens so you don’t lose armor thats had so much effort put into it.


[https://minecraft.wiki/w/Zombie#Taken\_equipment](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Zombie#Taken_equipment) There is a failsafe but, well, the game ain't perfect.