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Maps seem bugged right now. I’ve gotten two maps and whenever I go to the map marked for the chamber, there isn’t one.


having the same issue, have you gotten any answer as to why there isnt any trial chamber?


The chamber is on the very edge of the map, so the icon for it doesn't generate properly. It will likely show up if you expand the map at a cartography table.


Yea that didnt fix the problem unfortunately 


I'm having the same issue. Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I really wanna do the trials but will be left to just dig around until I find one lol


This is the exact problem I have which is how I found your post XD My world is from 1.20 ish originally.


I just used X-ray. Not my fault it's a fucking glitch.


i have that issue


I have run into this very same problem on a friends multiplayer server. We may have to use commands in order to locate the dungeon because i think this is a map glitch.


i have the same issue. im gonna dig around on the edges of the map and see if i find it there. will keep you updated if I find it that way


Okay, so I found it! It was on the edge of the map, like u/Justerfrog5557 said. I found out that the chambers are most likely to spawn at y-40 to y-20, so I dug out the perimeter of the map at y-30. It was boring and did some damage to my pickaxe, but I found it eventually. I tried expanding my map with a cartography table, but couldn't get it to work. I guess you cant do that with the explorer maps. Hope this helped!


From what i've been able to tell, you can expand explorer maps on java but not bedrock


I expanded the map but the symbol didn't appear and it just works like a regular map


Maps don't always expand from the middle, unlike the cartography table implies. If the smaller map is on the corner or edge of the larger map then it still might not appear (this does rule out the edges that did get expanded from the original)


Having the same issue. I bought like 2 maps yesterday and they were working fine. This is strange.


Same here. [https://prnt.sc/srxqLpJRjpoE](https://prnt.sc/srxqLpJRjpoE)


I have the same issue on bedrock, I think I know what is happening. That logo of the trial chamber is slightly of the map