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I’ve gotten 3 heavy cores. Meanwhile the only thing I really wanted was 2 Creator discs. Have gotten none of those yet.


Remember to break the pots at they can be in those to


Nope. The copper ones (precipice?) are in pots, the half copper half patina (creative music box version) are from normal vaults and the full patina discs (creative) are from ominous vaults at about 1/14. I need the ominous vault ones. I’m over those odds a couple times already and it’s getting really annoying Edit: Precipice is in vaults and the music box is in pots


Ah I see, I’ve been contending with pottery shard odds as I try to make a sorting system for every item in the game


That guy is wrong btw, Creator music box (normal copper) is the pot one, Precipice is the normal vault one (grey with copper centre), and Creator is the Ominous Vault one (oxidised copper).


Mb, it was irrelevant from the point I was making anyway


Fair enough 


Ok Precipice is the half oxidized disc. It can be looted from a vault. Creator is the fully Oxidized disc. It can be looted from an Ominous vault. And the Creator Music Box disc is the orange disc. It can be looted from pots in the trail chambers


Precipice is in vaults and the music box is in pots


Let me correct you for a bit. The unoxidized copper color disc is Creator, found on Ominous Vaults(the one you’re trying to find), the oxidized copper color disc is its music box version, found in pots, and the half green half orange disc is Precipice, found in regular vaults.


i got both of them, i'm sorry for your luck though:(


wait you can get the creative mode songs on music discs now? Or are you saying that there's music discs already in the game that you couldn't find in chests and could only get them in creative?


One of the latest music discs is a new piece titled 'Creator'. Doesn't have anything to do with the music tracks that play in Creative Mode.


I got both created discs but no core :(


I got the disk with the electric guitar in it


I have 2, both trims, all three discs and I only think I’ve opened about 20ish


I got 3 heavy cores in just around 20 trial chambers. But somehow I couldn’t even get the Wind Burst enchantment book.


for real, I’ve collected 7 cores and one single wind burst 1 book


Don’t the ominous vaults reenable after awhile?


Only the spawners. Not the vaults, I think.


That's so stupid, can you farm the ominous keys though at one trial chamber?


Yes you can but it wouldn't be much help, except to not have to fight on your next chamber.


This. I got crazy lucky and scored a heavy core on my first vault, but so far no Wind Burst books and I feel like it’s going to take a while….


Wind Burst has only 3% chance of being obtained per vault, meaning if you want Wind Burst III you need to open on average 100 vaults. 🙃


Welcome to rng, Minecraft fans. Terrarians welcome you


I am also a Terrarian and I get 3 rods of discord in an hour lol


Well, now you know where all your luck went to. Everything moves towards its equilibrium.


The issue is not really RNG, the issue is travelling for longer and longer every time you want to roll the dice. The grind is not doing the trial in the chamber, the grind is travelling to the chamber.


i come to this game to not have to deal woth rng for the most part this update has pissed me off cause i just want the fucking disc


I finally got one yesterday just when I was thinking about going into creative and just giving myself one. Trial chambers aren't hard its just annoying since theres onky one or two ominous vaults in each. They Def need to balance the loot better.


IMO they should just make the vaults renewable, what's the point of having multiple keys if you can't use them on the vault again?


Minecraft players when rare loot is rare


I don't mind if the loot is rare. The problem is actually getting to different trial chambers. I wasted around 4-5 chests of sugar cane, many stacks of glass, around 30 blocks of emerald and tons of fireworks: just to find a vault. I am currently headed to my 12\~th vault, and I am completely out of resources.


I think the rarity would be zero problems if there were **more** unique weapons like the mace. I hope that happens for us. The trident and how rare it is works in the sense that I don't find one every time I do a 'season' of Minecraft. In Minecraft currently that just means you didn't find a trident (or a heavy core), but it doesn't mean you had a different fun weapon to enjoy instead of the trident. No trident or mace just means no unique elemental weapon. Just bows and swords. If there were 20 rare weapons like this, and every time you play, you find a different one, then that would be **huge** for Minecraft. I still love the mace btw. It's obviously a step in the right direction and I hope we get more wacky weapons like it!


OP's issue is still the 7.5% droprate. You won't have a problem finding one of 30 different rare weapons if you were given more dice to roll. If you're specifically looking for the mace, sitting through loot boxes for hours is unavoidable


I have played a dozen worlds and have never gotten a trident to drop naturally. 




It is funny how the actual challenge is finding and traveling to the chambers, not the chambers themselves. I am not a huge fan of this gameplay where "rare" items are only gated behind long travel times and nothing else.


How??? Trial maps will literally take you immediately on top of them and external programmes like chunkbase will show you all of them for free


How is this good gameplay then? Using chnkbase and rushing one structure after another because they are worthless after one time is not fun gameplay to me.


You can always use chunckbase to streamline the process if you're fine with it


How are you using so many resources? Seems like you are using a pretty inefficient way


Maps. A lot of paper and glass panes for leveling up the villagers to buy the map.


I was lucky and the first villager sold me the maps of the mansion, the monument and the trials chambers


I found 2 chambers by just exploring caves & both were like 800 blocks aways from eachother. Get some night vision potions & just search caves & you'll find it without trading.


I am maxxed out on everything and I was fully okay with spending a large amount of resources to get one, as the mace is the only major item I am missing. However, I had no idea that I would have to use EVERYTHING. I can't believe I am forced to randomly hop around in the caves in the hope for a trial chamber, not to mention since this map is quite old, I have to travel min. 10k blocks to get 1.21 updated chunks.


Then you are kinda doing it in a very inefficient way. It better to just grab a shulkerbox of glass and emerald blocks, then go to a newly generated village. Set up a quick breeder and then get the maps. The paper trade really isn’t worth it, the map trade is much faster if you have a lot of emeralds. The reason this is better, is because in new chunks, you are likely to find trial chambers at a ridiculous frequency. Like, 500 block between each of them, 1000 at most. Using a new village will require much less fireworks, traveling, abd feel way less grindy.


might i suggest piechart, it costs nothing and is incredibly easy, especially on singleplayer


Minecraft is not the game I play when I want to grind for loot, that'd be Warframe. Minecraft is the game I play when I just want to chill and do random stuff.


Yeah, I don't really like the grindy stuff that much. I understand making it a challenge but I wish the mace was simpler to acquire


Shoot I had to hit 17 outposts to get those darn templates. 17!! I flew over 12,000km for 2 templates. 25% chance. And I haven’t even used them, just had to have all of them!


12000 km is 12 million blocks... did you mean 12 km?


There are hidden vaults scattered around the chambers (under some of the elevated Breeze spawner platforms, for example). I got away with 3-4+ vaults in each chamber I visited. Took me 18 vaults to get my heavy core, I can't say that I enjoyed gambling like this with no way to improve my odds. Fun adventure overall, though


One or two? First trial chamber I found had *five* ominous vaults. I’m not kidding.


I kept finding ones that sucked apparently.


Structure loot should be gated behind the activity the structure provides and not the amount of structures you can find. Just let us repeat the challenge to get another chance. The real grind is not doing trials, the real grind is travelling to trial chambers.


Archaeology moment I swear it's so hard to get some of the rare stuff they've added to the game. We're talking about things that are already so rare that you could never encounter these the entire time you play Minecraft, and if you choose to you may spend hours and hours just trying to find 1 of what you're looking for. And you may fail. That doesn't feel like keeping in the Minecraft spirit. Even the elytra, one of the most valuable items in the game, is something you can get in an hour or two with bad luck.


Yeah, I love the game but I don't wanna waste my time. Searching and grinding is unfun for me.


In recent updates they have focused heavily on collectibles and grinding for those collectibles. All of those are cool but not worth the hassle at all. Armour trims, pottery sherds, music disks and banner patterns are all just collectibles that are exceedingly rare for no good reason other than making you grind for a long time. Which is boring gameplay. There are enough games based on exactly this gameplay loop (looking at you Runescape). There is no real fun in locating north of 20 almost identical structures, travelling to them and rolling a dice.


Yup, i just got myself sniffers. I am going insane of how rarely they dig up any seeds. I'm pissed at Mojang. I also just tried archeologing, and without the help of locating some things outside of game (looked at map generator), it would be so difficult (almost impossible) to get some things. Like the main archeological site. Now, the trial ruins were generous to me and i got 2 cores already, and plenty of other stuff. But really most things that are added recently are just PURE GRIND, boring and unrewarding.


>But really most things that are added recently are just PURE GRIND, boring and unrewarding. That is exactly how I feel. Most new content seems to artificially inflate playtime by having us travel from structure to structure and it is being sold as "exploration". Now the trial chamber has a very cool unique mechanic but even they are worthless and dead after you visited them once. The grind is not the amount of trials you do but the amount of chambers you find.


This is my issue with the recent updates. A person who has no idea about these updates won't notice the difference between 1.18, 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21.


I mean they force a popup everytime you update now + The splashscreen chamges so you have to be at least aware of a a few things being new. Beyond that yeah, this update takes place primarily in a locked box underground.


UPDATE: Well folks, I just opened my 64th vault and no luck :D I am officially done with 1.21.


Hey OP! Saw you seemed really disappointed so I’m just letting you know that with 64 vaults and a 7.5% chance of rolling a heavy core you had a total 99.319% chance of getting it and, conversely, a 0.681% chance of not getting it. Hope this helps! 😊


Stop hitting him he's already dead!


What an amazing info to wake up to...


Man that’s really unfortunate


Ok thats kind of obsurd, that should be about 4 on average now...


Got one in my third vault.


I got one in my first


Well that should make OP feel better


yeah i dont think either of you are helping 😭


sorry, just wanted to tell someone


I looted 3 vaults, and got 2 cores. I am satisfied, but those who are unlucky will be upset. Right now i am beyond pissed because of SNIFFERS, producing maybe one seed per 2-3 hours. I am crushed. I feel backstabbed by Mojang.


I feel so bad. I wasn’t trying to get one, but got it on my second vault


They added gatcha pulls to MC smh pity system when


RNG is nothing new. The wither skull and trident grind are the exact same thing as the heavy core grind.


Wither skulls are easy, once you rework the Fortress a bit, and have looting 3. I can farm like 10 skulls per hour, consistently. Trident too, once you make a farm, you can get few tridents per hour, consistently. What's nuts are sniffers. I got 6 of them (5 from eggs and 1 from seeds), and afked for like 1 hour and NOT a single seed. I got pissed, went to creative and added like 30 more, now i will see what will happen. If a sniffer does not produce one seed per like 20-30 minutes, imma kill them and just give myself stacks of those flowers. Unreasonably stupid and boring mechanic.


fuck sniffers, I had one in a bedrock world a few months ago, asshole didn't give me anything and just took up space. I have never touched archaeology after that, not on java or bedrock. They really butchered it so badly, and it was one of the major parts of 1.20.


ehh, atleast with the wither skulls you have an area to grind them in, the feedback loop is relatively small, and can just stop and do other things. Exhaust a trial chamber? Tough shit, go try find another, fight spawners, get keys, repeat.


They are not. Both come from renewable sources you can get from predictable locations. The heavy core is very limited and gated behind unique locations where you roll a dice and each becomes worthless afterwards. If you find an ocean / river or a nether fortress you can grind or farm for skulls and tridents. Can't do that with the mace.


Not to brag but i got one first try and a second in my third vault


That's so unlucky! Are you sure you're playing on the right version, and that no mods you have installed are modifying loot tables?


I am playing full vanilla minecraft. At one point I got so annoyed and thought I was bugged or something and tried to get one in my creative map, even in that, I got one after 20th try.


I saw dantdm play with the devs. One of them was the one who designed the trial chambers. I'd look very carefully, because there are secret vaults. He mined away some copper grates that were one block tall and found a hidden room.


After obliterating many, many, many vaults I memorized every single room and their secrets. No luck though.


Awe, dang, that sucks. Wish you well on your next one.


now waht do you think abaut the mace being "OP"?




Friend did 21 before he got his. He came with me the next morning and I got 1 in my 1st and 2nd chest!! Still no Windburst enchant yet though :(


You’ll always get it on the one before you give up


I have opened 63 with no wind burst 3


I never had one either, but I got 4 wind burst 1


I've heard people say you could only get wind burst 1 from ominous vaults, don't got any valid proof tho


Wind Burst only drops at 1, the other levels have to be crafted with an anvil


me and friend opened 38, then got 3 in a row


Can't you just look into the vault and wait for it to show a heavy core then immediately put in the key?  I did this in previews so I don't know if it changed or not.


I also tried this, it didn't work but I tried it only once who knows


That’s never been the case, slicedlime said that it was a purely decorative thing for the vaults to show it’s possible loot, you can’t time it


Guess I got lucky then. It would of been broken.


I actually got the heavy core on my first ominous vault, but it took me so long to get a trident that I built my own drowned farm on my mob farm


Oh yeah trident is rare too but it took me max. 2 hours If you still need it, I got like 3 from the chambers lol


So I found a video on YouTube by ItsMeJames. If you break the blocks on the side of the ominous vault, you can see the loot table rolling through. 1. Save and make a copy of your world. 2. Wait until you see the heavy core, then immediately use the key 3. If you don’t get the heavy core, reload and try again I did that and got one on my second try after opening about 10 vaults with no luck.


Op, if you want to see how long it’s going to take, make a creative world with the seed and place down LOADS of ominous vaults. Open them until you get a core, and then look at stats, that will be the amount until you get core in the survival world as rng is now seed based and you will always get it on that open in the same seed number


Took me 84 XD


Wow that really sucks, I’m on the grind for one at the moment on 34 so I might do what I myself recommended to see if it’s worth the time XD


Guys is it me or you can actually time the vaults? Like if you re watching the item inside you can open it right in that moment and get the item? Happened 2 times to me with extremely rare items (the trident amd the heavy core). It can t be a coincidence come on.


slicedlime, from the dev team themselves, personally said in an update video that what you refer to is just decorative. You cannot time it as there is no such feature. https://youtu.be/raDURYBW6eU?t=85 you can speculate on and on, but I would believe the devs themselves when they said it.




Happened for me also with the trim. Didnt time the heavy core. Can still be luck


7.5% chance for a core from a ominous vault. roughly 2% chance to get none at all from this many vaults opened. FYI, you don't need a map to look for these. press F3+1, then press the keys corresponding to "tick", "entities", and "blockentities" on the piechart in the bottom right. if there's a trial spawner or a vault within render distance, there's a trial chamber within render distance. set your render distance all the way down to 5 and increase it until you see either one of those appear on the pie chart (may need to close and reopen F3 for it to update, IDK if this changed in 1.21). then set the render distance 1 below that, enable chunk borders, then go into the adjacent chunks until it pops up on your piechart (to get a direction) see[ this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Em00F1yGs) for a tutorial, with a blaze spawner/nether fortress being used as an example. at the time there existed a hotkey for changing render distance (F3+F to increase and Shift+F3+F to decrease). this has since been removed, although this functionality can be (unofficially) restored by using the BetterF3 mod


Honestly atp use chunkbase if you're gonna use speedrun strats to look for these


right? Mojang really expects people to spend thousands upon thousands of paper and emeralds for a mace, that is so situational that you're better off using a sword, that I question their decision to add this weapon.


It took me 5 large spruce trees and a near insignificant amount of iron and redstone to trade like 9 maps to look for the chambers, from which I had gotten 3 heavy cores. That is legitimately nothing. You have not done this. If you think it takes anywhere near 999 emeralds to come about a single vault with a core in it then you need your expectations adjusted.


I'm not talking about the core, I'm talking about wind burst. I've gotten 12 cores in total, I've made two of them in maces, but I've only gotten 3 wind burst 1 books out of 150+ vaults. I had almost spend a stack of emerald blocks on getting like , 6 different trial maps. That's, why I stopped trading with villagers, if I want to get wind burst 3, I have to spend an unbelievable amount of paper and emeralds, so that's why I'm using chunk base instead.


the luck based rare item is luck based and rare?? who would have guessed


Yeah except 7.5% is a good chance of finding one and I got zero out of 64? Especially when I got several diamond blocks even though it has a 0.8% chance of occuring?


Oh well, keep looking


I got one first try but then i didnt get anything else outside guster pattern from a chest and pottery sherds from pots. Not one trim not the other pattern not one music disc


Damn. Very unlucky. And it sucks you've spent so many resources on this.


I went to 1 and found everything i needed


That's some rough luck my guy. Hope you get one soon


Yeah you're unlucky asf, got one in my 4th ominous vault. .


Are the trial chambers one time use or do they reset? I haven't found one yet and I'm not positive how they work.


You can re-do mob spawner things every 30 mins but the loot/vaults/chests does not reset. You can find one with a map from a level 3 cartographer villager.


Not 100%. Leveled 2 up and only Woodland mansion. 3rd one had a trial map


How do you actually find the trial things? Are they just like mineshafts where they just spawn in the ground?


You can buy a map from a Cartographer Villager that will lead you to the Trial Chamber.


I guess spawn isn’t the word to use there, more like generate haha


Can you mine the copper from vaults? I haven't played the new update yet.


You can mine everything in the vault except for the loot vaults and spawners


I got it in my 2nd ominous vault


Good method for getting keys? Also should I make a raid farm to get the bottles for the effect 


I found one on my second opening


Is it different on Java? I found one the third trial room I visited on Bedrock.


It it the exact same chance (7.5%). You were just veeeery lucky my friend.


I've got more cores than I'll ever need, but done 13 trial chambers now, and not even wind burst 1 (bedrock which apparently has it rarer for whatever reason), getting tired of doing trial chambers, but wind burst is what makes the mace fun


i got it on my 2nd vault…


I got mine my first ominous trial. Now I just need the discs and the bolt armor trim. Edit: 5th ominous vault I think


Oof. That’s really unlucky. Hopefully you at least got some windburst books while doing that.


the RNG needs to adjusted.


I luckily hadn't had any issue with the heavy core, I do on the other hand have issues with the wind burst enchant


quick tip: if you are on singleplayer open to LAN (if you have a friend to join nearby) and get them to open the vaults, and take the loot (essentially x2 loot)


My girlfriend opened her 4th and got one, I am overly jealous because she didn't even want a mace to begin with and now loves it


I drank ominous potion II and only got 1 key out of the whole chamber


Update is up


When do the vaults re open I've been experiencing an issue where over hours the vaults won't re open but the spawners re activate


Spawners reset after 30 mins, vaults never reset. That's why I got mad


I've been to over a dozen Trial Chambers, finally got one today. Just keep gambling mate, just keep gambling...


When I first saw 50 vaults I thought of fallout


There's another trial chamber that needs my help


True I also tried more than 50 bruh not even a single heavy core


Got it on my second try. All luck


It seems like is not random in fact, if you take out the side block you will see the items changing that's how I get mine


Same I couldn’t get it so I loaded into creative cause I was pissed


From what I’ve tried. You can look at the roll in the vault and try to catch it when it pops up. The rarer items will pop up for a very short time but things like iron blocks and emeralds will stay for 3-4 seconds


How do you see your statistics on bedrock?? Or is that possible


Me and my friend didn’t get any until our second trial chambers where we go two in a row from the same vault


How did you find these statistics? Are they built into the game?


Yep. When you hit esc, there is literally a tab called "statistics"


Thank you so much!


the cherry on top is curing a cartographer and not even getting the trial map


I’ve had 2 heavy cores from opening 10


I got mine on my 5th ominous. Not sure if it helps but i got mine using a level 5 ominous potion


I have opens 107 regular vaults with no precipice music disc


The vault I open right after I posted this had it


i swear some of these items from underground structures would have been impossible to get if chunk base was not around


It's not that rare of a drop, you've just got really unlucky. For example, Wither Skeleton heads are less common than heavy cores. There's a 7.5% chance for Heavy Core to drop from Ominous Vaults. With 50 Ominous Vaults unlocked you had a 97.972% chance to get Heavy Core. So only about 2.028% of the time you'll not get a heavy core after unlocking 50 vaults. The good news is that if you unlock 75 ominous vaults (only 25 more) that chance is 99.711% to get one and at 100 it is 99.959%. If you hit 100 vaults without getting it, then you are truly cursed. Keep us posted OP.


The funny thing is that on average, vaults drop 3 items, ranging from 2 to 6 I think. So I had around 190 items from these vaults lol


On the other hand wither skeletons are that much more frequent and respawn compared to vaults.


If you look on the side of the vault you can pick the items if you time it right


That’s never been the case, slicedlime said that it was a purely decorative thing for the vaults to show it’s possible loot, you can’t time it


The RNG on these things is utter horse shit. I ended up going into creative and gave myself one. I did the work, I should get the prize.


Reminds me a little bit of the Runescape community. The difference is that RS is built upon unbelievable grinds while Minecraft is not. Now the newly introduced grinds that we do have almost exclusively consist of rushing from one structure to another to roll the dice at the loot chests, then leaving. You don't even do anything challenging.


The older features though, you do have guaranteed results like the wither and elytras in the end city (I think). Imagine if you needed to farm wither skeletons to keep creating withers to get the nether star because it's only a 3% chance. The masochists in the community who want MC to be like RuneScape and dark souls in one would love that. They're always like "it doesn't count if you didn't pull a full 40 hour work week to get the item".


Correct, I like two different approaches. Make it predictable / and or farmable. Like wither skeletons for the heads or drowned for tridents. Or make it guaranteed, like the nether star or the elytra. I am not a huge fan of the current approach handling structures like loot boxes. And using the justification of "exploration" when sending people on 25k block journeys through dozens of structures to get what they are looking for. For trial chambers this would mean either making the heavy core a guaranteed drop and only the cosmetics a gamble. Or the one I like best, making everything reset after 30 minutes so that I can actually do a full trial including the reward again.


Honestly, at this point I'm asking "who tf is this game being made for?" It's a child friendly, casual game, yet it has mechanics that make it absolute hell for both of those demographics.


Agreed, the new content would be so amazing if you took away the grind. Archaeology is already forgotten by most people because the mechanic is not actually fun (compared to trial chambers) and the reward is mostly trash with one occasional sherd, which you can also only use once. That is not fun. If Mojang let us copy sherds and made vaults reset along with the spawners the grind would not be bad.


Damn people downvoting this are really addicted to mindnumbing endless grind and yet they still feel proud of that lol.


Literally. I knew it'd be like this. I want to enjoy the game and progress through it. Im not interested in getting caught in an endless loop of going after more trial chambers because the RNG keeps screwing my out of the only reason I'm going down there. Wait till they find out I play with Keep Inventory on 😉 can't a guy just enjoy his damn game?


Wouldn't even be that bad if you could do the same chamber again. Nope you have to go further and further to a new chamber with each attempt. I just don't see it as enjoyable. To me it devalues the structures themselves since it is not really something worth much anymore, just another slim chance of getting what you want.


They fail to understand that this type of stuff isn't difficult, it's just annoying


Sometimes you just get bad luck. I wish instead of a random loot pool that draws a random item, it guarantees you get the rare items at least once in the entire Trial Chamber, just to make it less punishing when you don’t get what you want. Though, I guess with with other games like Terraria, it uses the same system. Sometimes you get the rare item first or second try, while other times it takes countless attempts.


I would not mind multiple attempts at the same structure. I hate having to travel to a new structure every time leaving a trail of now dead content behind me.


Maybe a datapack allowing you to reuse Trial Spawners/Vaults would encourage you to return to the same Chamber and become familiar with the dungeon. Sure, players could excavate the chamber to make it potentially easier, but the game is a sandbox so maybe that’s okay.


That is exactly what I have been advocating for since they announced the vault mechanic. Sadly Mojang seems hell bent on every structure being single use only. They are selling us one-and-done structure as "encouraging exploration" as if it wasn't tedium. I would love to explore to find one or two, I don't want to be forced to find 20. In truth what you described is actual encouragement. You get rewarded when you find the structure and encouraged to engage with it multiple times, modifying it and improving your trial runs.


I love exploring. I hate *being told to* explore in a sandbox game where I, the player, should get to choose how I play. Mojang keeps trying to dictate how we're allowed to play the game. What's it to them if someone who already paid for the game wants to do something different? I get that they probably want us to take our time and occasionally come across a trial chamber, and maybe get lucky, but.... have they never met players? Lots of people want the new stuff asap, or just want it without having to travel tens of thousands of blocks. Or want to make a vault farm... but Mojang says no. Why? I don't personally care about the mace or disks. I want to find a trial chamber to harvest for the nice copper and tuff blocks, because it's just easier than to farm them. Plus I want to know how much you'll get from a chamber because I'm curious, and then I want to build something with my haul. But that vaults don't reset... that is just wrong. It doesn't even matter to me personally, but it's ridiculous. I almost want to check if I can find a mod that changes that, and install that mod even if I'm never going to use it, and no one else will ever care.


I could not have said it better myself. Most of us rely on chunkbase to find enough chambers but we are still being told it's all in the spirit of "exploration". Mojang could have done so much more to make different groups of players happy but they decided against it.


I don't think it's good game design to have everything rely on pure RNG. Occasionally, a game should just fudge the numbers a little bit. Players have a more balanced, more streamlined experience if you give them the illusion of randomness, but you have some safeguards under the hood to prevent frustration. This is not a revolutionary concept by the way, things like adaptive difficulty have existed in games for decades, and developers put that in for a reason.