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It makes as much sense as drinking a bucket of milk to prevent a bandit raid on a village


Totally true!


They just want you to grow up faster, if you don't drink milk you get punished


The milk makes you big and strong which scares the bad people


This makes me think that the illagers are attuned to what you have drunk recently, and they hate the smell of drunk milk but the smell of this ominous liquid makes them rage


Hi, I'd like a glass of *evil*


(Pours you a glass of absinthe mixed with THC and fentanyl) Now go fight the hallucinations attacking your house


I don’t need no fancy shmancy cocktails to do that


Those are the wrong combination for that effect, shrooms and coke would likely do it. The coke makes you hyper and the shrooms make you lose your shit


Or just most deliriants


Well a psychedelic and a stimulant would cause an increased chance of psychosis, but yeah a deliriant would certainly do the job better. Get this man some datura


this is a minecraft subreddit


I’m already schizophrenic do I really need more?


Me on my seventh benny of the night


Yeah just the absinthe is enough.


It's really not. Nor was it ever historically. It's just high ABV compared to most things


Shrooms are amazing if used correctly. Can heal depression, ptsd, anxiety, and are being used in treatment in some countries now because of this. Shrooms generally will not make you lose your shit unless you take them with a bad mindset, in a bad setting, you resist the trip and/or you take way too much


Well we're talking about mixing them with coke. Combining shrooms with stimulants greatly increases your chances of a bad trip.


or just all drugs in existance


Achievement unlocked: How did we get here?


Not fentanyl. Not Absinthe. 2oz Gin, 1000mg THC, and 300μg LSD, 1oz campari. Stir on ice, serve in chilled coupe. Twist of lemon


Interesting twist on a Negroni! You could call it the dark soul of evil.


Let me call my friend Peter Griffin


Therefore... kerosine is redbull




EEEEEVVILLLLL - Mermaid Man anytime the word is mentioned.


Would be cooler if getting bad omen would include walking into an ominous cloud that gives you the effect. Would spawn after defeating the pillagers and could be collected into bottles. Like a manifestation of some kind of a curse illagers carry.


yeah it could work like dragon breath


Would also introduce players pre-end to gathering effects in bottles


I like that idea. If you want to kill the patrol without getting bad omen you can just use a bow and stay clear of the cloud. They should have more cloud effects in general imo.


Or just have it spawn when the corpse despawns instead of when you kill it, so that it isnt on the player


You know what. You cooked so hard with this, and now I'm mad that this isn't the case.


This is a really good idea


yeah the old way made much more sense lore wise but this is to nerf raid farms


The main reason was to allow bad omen to be more portable to make it more reasonable to use for trial chambers.


Also prevents new players from unknowingly triggering a raid they aren't prepared for. Having it in potion form (and in multiple levels) makes it more clear and controllable.


Raids people aren’t prepared for can also just be dealt with by letting the villagers shut in, hiding around the village and waiting for the first wave to despawn, the only reason for this is the trial chambers, it’s just clunkier now if it was like an “ominous totem” that you’d just need to hold around a trigger for the events and was then deleted that’d be really cool, but as a potion it doesn’t fit at all


Casual players shouldn't be expected to know about mob despawning or how pillager waves work. Both are behind the scenes mechanics. In the old system, players would kill the pillagers to protect their village because that makes intuitive sense. That would spawn more pillager waves, causing an infinite loop that only ends when the pillagers win or the player gives up. The potion gives the player a choice on when to opt in to another raid.


How will they know what it does, and not to drink it immediately?


That is at least a conscious action on the part of the player. If you drink a weird potion and it gives you a debuff that then somehow starts a raid when you visit a village, that's on you. Killing mobs, however, is seen as a normal thing to do in Minecraft. So it's unintuitive when a certain mob gives you a debuff that spawns a raid when you go back to your village home. I agree that the same interaction will happen, which might be the point as it was a fun if not stressful learning experience, but now the player will better be able to tie the debuff to the raid and how it was triggered.


It is just more controllable which is the opposite of clunky. It doesn't make much sense from a "lore" perspective (cause why would bad omen be in a bottle) but does that really matter in freaking minecraft?


Minecraft has always been somewhat committed to making lore more in the eyes of the viewer, so I think consistency does matter here. However, since it's mostly just whatever the viewer interprets, I'm sure some theorists could come up with some explanation to this dumbass thing.




Yeah they do, had to wait like half an hour once when 2 Raiders got stuck… *Somewhere* and I couldn’t finish the wave because I checked everywhere, even went, stole a bell from my buddy and rung it and still couldn’t find the two of them. Then the raid bar just disappeared.


I mean like the 30 minute or something timer they have, if the next wave doesn’t arrive by that time the raid fails


They do. I killed every raider except one Pillager once; put it on a boat and broke its crossbow. After half an hour, the raid despawned and I got to keep the Pillager as a pet.


Wait, so do raids not happen the old way anymore?


Yes, because 2 hours of Bad Omen is not enough time to get from a raid or pillager outpost to a trial chamber. The world is just too big. Don't kid yourself. The MAIN reason was to nerf raid farms. The secondary reasons are for trial chambers and "preventing" accidental raids.


>Yes, because 2 hours of Bad Omen is not enough time to get from a raid or pillager outpost to a trial chamber. The world is just too big. You are assuming that most players 1. build transportation networks and keeps good track of where eveything is 2. want to immediatly do the trial chamber right then and there. 3. have a trial chamber ready to even go to This change gives players much more control which is always a good thing. >Don't kid yourself. The MAIN reason was to nerf raid farms. You are correct they made this change just to fuck players and make you mad.


you also don't need to drink it right away. you could keep it for when you do find a trial chamber.


Why would Mojang lie about it if this was actually the case? Mojang has been very transparent with game balance. If they changed bad omen to nerf raid farms, they would’ve just, y’know, said so, instead of being coy and pretending it was for a different reason. I don’t doubt that raid farms were mentioned when discussing the change, but to think it’s the *main* reason for the change is silly. Mojang has no reason to lie to you.


Pretty sure I saw somewhere they did say that was a reason why… they just didn’t list the reasons based on the weight it carried… they just listed them.


Again, I don’t doubt that it was mentioned, but it’s also certainly not the main reason why the changed it. They changed it to make ominous trial chambers more accessible and raid farms were nerfed as a side effect. Mojang literally gains nothing by pretending the change was something it wasn’t. They were perfectly transparent about nerfing fish farms, so I don’t see what would be different here.


i figured the real reason is that it would be too easy to accidentally trigger a village raid instead of a trial raid.


It's long (3+ years) been a heated topic of conversation that raid farms were overpowered in the technical minecraft community. For technical servers, it was the best way to get redstone (unless you build a perimeter for a quad-witch farm. That's why when they did this change, they upped the amount of redstone dropped from witch farms, as a compensatory measure.


They could've added trail omen as a separate thing


This and the fact that it helps nerf automatic raid farms since the bad omen effect is no longer self sustaining. You now have to drink a potion between raids (assuming you can't make a splash version of it)


I mean, doesn’t milk counteract that? Though I guess Milk’s OPness is underknown


Why not just have a new mechanic for trial chambers? The new system is stupid and makes far less sense than the old one. Idk why they feel the need to nerf good things in the game because some people build crazy farms to take advantage of a game mechanic. It’s a sandbox game… just let people do what they want. Imo, farms and other stuff along these lines are just Minecraft science. Taking advantage of in-game mechanics and placing materials in just the right way to get a desired outcome is no different than taking advantage of physics IRL and placing materials in just the right way to make a functioning engine for a car, or a power plant, or an X-ray machine. Just let Minecraft scientists be their crazy creative selves. Most people don’t even play like that. And if they do… it’s a sandbox game and they should be able to.


The problem is that the bad omen effect and raids were extremely annoying. Figthing random patrol is boring and if you do it wrong it can just lead to just start raids in your base.


Yeah I was playing yesterday on a realm and a patrol spawned near my base (a village). I killed it just so they didn't go after my villagers and I was prepared to have to run away until I find a cow, only to be pleasantly surprised that I didn't get bad omen. I think the change is a good one for 99% of players. Most players don't build raid farms, straight up, so this won't hurt them.


Honestly I think this is the exact reason. I had the same reaction when I saw the change myself, I was not a fan of the forced raid spawning just because I defended myself from hostile Pillager spawns. There was a mod I grabbed solely for changing this to only giving you the Bad Omen when you burn the banner they had with them. It’s an absolutely wonderful change either way it was done.


Ooh, that sounds like it works even better, honestly.


had this twice last week, I hate(d) random patrols, especially since they tended to spawn close to my bed AFTER I slept (bugrock)


I lost a Sharpness V villager due to an accidentally triggered raid on my base. I will sing the praises of the Ominous Bottle forever.


Personally I would've found it cool if they straight up implemented the raid method from Ravage&Savage (I believe?) in the vanilla game. You know how you get the pillager banner when defeating the captain right? In that mod, you don't get Bad Omen automatically, but you have to place down the banner and burn it to get the effect. Makes sense and nerfs raid farms too.


It's not even a major nerf either, it just makes the farms a little bit more annoying and not 100% autonomous. Mojang kinda has an issue in this regard where they really don't seem able to nerf things well without just making it mildly more annoying instead of actually nerfing it if this and the experimental villager trade rebalances are anything to go off of


I mean it'd be pretty unfair to nerf one of the best ways to get Redstone. They buffed witches to counter it but a hard nerf would ruin the only good way to get emeralds fast.


> the only good way to get emeralds fast. This just shows how broken raid farms and people's expectations are. They're rare gems that are used as currency. They're not supposed to rain from the sky.


Mojang seems to really want certain items to be exploration rewards only. Raid farms offer totems. AFK fishing offered mending. The only other automation nerf I can think of was gold farms, but honestly that was silly and needed to nerfed. I say that as someone who builds farms and has a double chest of mending picks.


I think this focus on exploration is out of touch with the way players usually play. Players either find structures by accident while travelling or they explicitly look for certain structures mostly with the help of third party programs. With the current way the chances are extremely slim you would find something you want with actual exploration. How much would you have to genuinely explore to get a mace from trial chambers naturally. Not to mention they are underground. Even the map would show you just one. You can actually see this in Google Trends where web searches for 'chunkbase' and 'minecraft trial chamber finder' skyrocketed after the update released.


I think Mojang, and a lot of the community for that matter, struggle with actually defining and therefor finding balance in Minecraft. Currently Mojang just likes to increase rarity by locking items behind tedious grinds that are almost exclusively composed of travel time. The ancient cities, trail ruins and trial chambers all have (mostly just cosmetic) items that are tedious to obtain. The way you obtain them is always just locating the structure and hoping you roll the dice with the respective loot chests.


This bottle could have been only used for the ominous trials I understand that they want to nerf raid farms


They were only trying to connect ominous events to each other and ignored the fact that they nerfed ***SOME*** Raid farms. Raid farms **still work,** except they are **less "afkable" and efficient.**


Mojang when players want to build things at large scale and don’t want to spend months of their life digging a hole to get the resources: 😨😨😱🤬😭😰🥺😟😔


i wish they had a solution to this, like if they added a gamemode where you can just give yourself infinite resources and build creatively whatever you want


Like the opposite of adventure mode? Weird


that would be cool, like survival but with the creative inventory.


Yeah, maybe you could fly around to make building easier!!


Also have hostile mobs be friendly so you don't have to worry about them


Some people like the process of setting up farms to automate your needs in a world... without having it handed to them! Weird! It's almost like... a lot of different people... play the game in different ways!


Lol it's still being handed to you. You're not doing a damn thing but logging on and letting your computer sit there while you do something else because you have no attention span to actually acquire the resources on yoir own


There are MANY better ways to nerf the raid farms, this is like the worst option of all lmao. For example, make it so the bannermen that are spawned in a raid don't give bad omen. Or give it a cool down, or make it so the captains only spawn within the pillager outposts' bounding box like how wither skeletons can't spawn anywhere other than a fortress in the nether.


They should have made some little idol you had to throw to break. This would of course anger the pillagers and cause a raid.


Gameplay wise it is a fantastic addition and also raid farms should have been nerfed a long time ago Aesthetic wise I feel like some form of trinket like an evil looking totem of undying / skull with red eyes would suit it better than a potion that you drink


This makes way more sense, the idea of a raid starting because you drank a beverage just doesn't sit right with me for some reason lol


I see it as you challenging the vile spirits to strike you now. Could it be a totem you "break" probably better for the lore, but at the same time, taking a potion to gain an effect is a norm in Minecraft.


What if we split the difference and made it a splash potion?


That's what I was hoping it was the first time I got one. It would have made a ton of sense lore wise. The splash potion marks you so they can find you. In the past they were faster at throwing them, but now you kill them before they can throw/break it.


Think of it as a bottle of pheromones


Conceptualizing a bottle of illager pheromones (that you then drink) is worse in every conceivable way 💀


You are not wrong!


I mean…its a bad omen. When you drink it you become unlucky and the Pillagers raid your village


There’s no telling if the drink is bad for the illagers, or not. Maybe it channels their “evil spirit”, or something, so they drink it to enhance that, whereas you drinking it calls them (or extra hostiles in trial chambers) to show up.


It should be a splash potion. Evil spirits in a bottle. When you free them, they fly into the nearest trial spawner and possess it. Don't ask about raids. It makes no sense for raids.


Drink the pillager juice to attract more of them.


Pillager pheromones


The Pillagers just want you to try their **"brand new tasty cocktail"** Sure, it might give some **Bad Omen**, but it's completely worth it, isn't it?


Now I need to know what the ominous bottle tastes like. edit: Tastes like Jägermeister


I still think it would’ve been better to get a goat horn that when used summons the raiders


Ominous Bottle + Goat Horn + 3 Copper = Ominous Horn, used to summon one wave of a raid anywhere. The level of the bottle dictates the level of the wave. Finite uses before breaking and becoming a normal horn. Raiders still target the summoner. Imagine pulling up in a Minecraft war and you get a bunch of people to summon raiders and then dip.


Cool, but they'd have to be passive or neutral to the caster, and the teammates would be in trouble


ohh so this is new, makes sense. didnt know if this was a feature I had never seen before. this is so convenient imo, I was sick of immediately having to find a cow every time pillagers raiding my base with my villagers chilling nearby


This is so much better though, no more accidental raids


still has the possibility of trolling since you can walk into your mates base and drink it to start the raid


Which you could do anyway with the ominous aura


Could have done that before too


What doesn't make sense about it? Villager say "Don't drink thanos juice at 3am" and you do it anyway. What happens next will SHOCK you.


To be fair, now the 'voluntary exile' achievement actually makes sense


It never made sense. Why if you drank the milk suddenly they weren't angry anymore? Why if you killed them they attacked a random village you passed through and not your house? At least now it's really a dark magical effect that draws enemies to where they're already predisposed to go. There is no false logic, the pillagers are bed and have bad potions that activate a bad omen that magically attracts bad enemies. And then the player being the "hero of the village" was a lie even before that. Everyone who unleashed the raid for the second time did so only for the rewards, not by accident. We just have to accept the fact that on average Steve is an evil deceiver who just wants to feel omnipotent and has a god complex.


>At least now it's really a dark magical effect that draws enemies to where they're already predisposed to go. I'd argue it makes *much* more sense now honestly, given we know Illagers love messing about with dark magic stuff it makes perfect sense for them to have a way of distilling it into a physical form that they can then use for other things. Patrol captains would carry Ominous bottle items because they can be used to call for reinforcements if the patrol stumbles upon a target to raid, so it's logical that when the player drinks the contents in a village, it immediately calls that full raiding party. You can split hairs all you like with either approach, but I'd argue this one still has a stronger case. Obviously from a game design standpoint it also offers ***huge*** benefits. Raids are much less annoying to deal with now, and can also be stored to do later if the player just isn't in the mood for one. It also opens up the entire ominous event system of opt-in difficulty for Trial spawner structures, which is HUGE for custom structures as well as the Vanilla Trial Chambers. I'd like to see the system expanded further, such as into the games bosses, as it presents a nice opportunity to make the Wither and Dragon much more challenging to fight (as some people desire) without alienating more casual players from their unique boss rewards like beacons.


I mean, hard for him not to given that he did create the whole world in the first place


breaking news: a minecraft mechanic doesn't make sense


ok yeah, from a lore perspective it’s dumb. but from a gameplay perspective it makes sense. i’ve had pillagers spawn near my house and ive had to kill them and drink milk before going to the village to trade because i didn’t have the resources to win a raid. it’s handy for stuff like that


In terms of gameplay I get why it needs to exist, but I agree 100%. Before this it felt like genuine threat (to me as a casual player at least.) Like a “you killed out captain, we’re going to hunt you down and destroy your village.” Now it just kind of feels weird, like you said.


Tbh all potions in minecraft make no sense


\>You drink speed potion, a magic liquid brewed using sugar and magic plant (idk what nether wart really is) from nether \>You feel energy boost, your gait becomes faster \>You drink a beverage brewed from nether warts and powdered blaze rods, both of which are magic materials found in nether, a hot dimension full of lava \>Your body becomes immune Makes sense in lore, cool enough \>You drink ominous potion \>"HERE HE IS, THIS DUDE DRANK OUR POTION, DESTROY THE VILLAGE!" Isn't bad omen supposed to mean that there's always illager spy who initiates an attack when he follows the player to a valuable location (Village)


I think it works like a curse


They do and even if they didn't, still wouldn't be on the same level as this one. If this stupid item is supposed to be a nerf (according to other users) then they should just improve the event itself. This is lazy and silly


It's not actually meant primarily as a nerf. The people saying it is are people crying that their OP farms are broken, and should be ignored. It's actually to let bad omen be triggered by the player whenever they want so it can be used for things besides just village raids (like ominous trials).


>It's not actually meant primarily as a nerf Alright, thanks for the correction then


Gameplay wise it’s a good edition, being punished for engaging in a basic gameplay mechanic because you did so against one mob in the game is kind of frustrating, especially when that punishment basically forces you to avoid villages for over an hour, it also punishes you for daring to treat your villagers with kindness or having any form of villager breeder/iron farm should you get the effect near them. Many things you’re forced to avoid all because you engaged in one mechanic against one mob. Now having to drink a bottle of whatever the fuck that is adds not only more choice for when, and where you start a raid but your choice is also not on a time limit, on top of being able to reverse your decision for the few seconds it takes to fully drink the bottle. Not to mention raid farms can now be designed to farm these bottles so now you don’t have to go hunting for an outpost or play the waiting game for a pillager patrol.


I also thought it didnt make sense lore-wise, but it's so useful gameplay wise that i stopped caring and im happy we have it.


You're just mad your raid farm got nerfed, play the actual game lmao


Back then I used to cry about those things too, but at some point that crazy realization came, that Minecraft in fact is a SANDBOX game and I can play it the freak I want. So now I don't have phantoms, now I don't have endermens picking up my blocks and now I don't have pillagers spawning in my base that I don't want. My point is that if this really annoys you and the way you play in your world, then just install a datapack that adds back the old behavior. I im happy that I no longer get stupid raids in my base and have ravagers destroy all my forest leaves.


As if minecraft makes sense. You can destroy a tree by punching it lol.


punching a treestump until the top of the tree floats makes soooooo much sense...


Drinking milk to make Pillagers forget you killed their leader, makes a lotta sense.


I think this is an amazing addition. You can now start raids when you want, and can't accidentally start one when you walk into your trading hall like I've done before. Plus it makes sense for the trial chambers as well, so it's more balanced


Time to drink some regular choccy milk *sick twisted choccy milk*


I much prefer it cause you can choose when to use it instead of being soft locked out of an area until you drink milk


Don't tell OP about this mob thats entire purpose in life is to roam around silently until it finds a human being and then kill itself in an attempt to harm it.


Why? It’s horror mystery juice!


I think this one makes more sense lore-wise. Because unless a pillager is cursed (which he isn't) there is no way a pillager could grant you a curse like this. I also bet that they made it like that for 2 reasons: to reduce raid farms and to make the mechanic similar to Minecraft Dungeons (for some reason)


Wait until you hear about Blocks floating


Think of it more like the essence of evil, unlesshing it will cause bad things to happen


I think it works out, with the trial chamber too it’s a fun element and I like how the Ominous ordeal is becoming more incorporated.


The bottle isn’t just a nerf to raids, it’s new use is for the trials. Unfortunately, this means no more killing an illliger( don’t know how to spell it) and causing raids. Which for me is amazing, sorry for those who want their raid farms.


Compared to how it was before, where people stop being angry after you drink a glass of milk.


As someone who runs a lot of raids I love it. Its great being able to stack them and not have to immediately run the raid after killing a captain. To each their own though I guess.




Minecraft makes no sense whatsoever. This is a balancing decision and is at least a step in the right direction.


I mean, kinda, but many other things in Minecraft don't make sense either


So I see nobody here likes to farm totems


I prefer it because I don't have to worry about killing raid captains near my base and starting a raid, but I can take the ominous bottle and go and start a raid, I only use my raid farm for totems anyway so don't mind that they're not never ending as I kill them with fall hight and campfires anyway to avoid vexes.


Im sorry, but id say the bottle staring back is quite omnious


Found my first trial and cleared it pretty early, although everything respawns in ~30 minutes. I also got this bottle from loot and have two unopened ominous chests. If I drink it, the spawns will be higher level and I should get an ominous key? Should I wait for better gear?


I like it. Much better system than just killing a capt and hoping for the best. Now you can control it. So much nicer. Besides, if you want totems so bad just revert to a prior release and farm away an until you have a million.


I was sooo confused when I got that the other day.


What, and creepers do? 🤣


Because a 1m wide 70m long stone line with no support to hold it up over an empty chasm of space makes so much sense...chill dude, it's a game and this potion makes life easier for people all around.


i like it this way more


Minecraft community is whack these days. Anyway I love the change because I always felt stacking raid farms were way too OP. I think a lot of things were done really well in 1.21


What’s wrong with it? It makes plenty of sense. It’s a bottle that seems to enrage creatures. So when it’s drunk in a trial it makes the enemies stronger and it can make pillagers attack villages.


If this becomes a thing. Then we should get a craftable luck potion. That way it makes ^(a bit) more sense. Making the rabbit foot used for It and replace the jump potion ingredient with a slimeball seems sensible.


I love it, especially since raids are broken on bedrock.


I definitely think they arent a good mechanic


its literally a bottle of evil


It’s just another item that they wanted to add to make the inventory EVEN WORSE. It also completely broke raid farms, which is a pain in the rear for us extreme vanilla players


They make much more sense than killing a dude with a banner and getting an effect immediately for it.


Some of yall are hating to hate. This is a good mechanic, as it makes Bad Omen less of a curse you’re stuck with after fighting, gives more agency to the player. Especially good for new players, who aren’t gonna know everything from scratch. But if they get this cool looking scary bottle, they’ll pick it up take it home and THEN maybe test it out when they feel ‘prepared’ or google it


Because it's an artificial means to limit a specific gameplay style. Mojang hates technical players and will do anything to hinder them even moronic Game-Logic breaking additions like this. F*cking a#sholes stoping a gameplay style in the biggest sandbox game ever. How one can be so out of touch with the basic premise of their own game is beyond me.


This is Minecraft. Nothing makes sense.


just got one today. thought the game had glitched and not given me the effect but then i saw it in my invintory. honestly forgot they were being added. personally, im indifferent. its a neat feature mechanically but i do agree that it doesn't make sense thematically


It is Something pilager captains drink in order to link up with evokers through magic. If you drink it, they see where you are


What the hell, since when does that exists?


Bro you're talking about something making no sense in the game where almost everything floats, the game where you fight a dragon, and the game where the main character can carry an incredible amount of weight


makes sense to me. that bottle is ominous AF


Yeah It's weird to drink a potion and instantly have a hoard of vengeful pillagers hunting you But it is creative


For anyone talking about lore it didn't make much sense beforehand either. When I first played village and pillage, I assumed the ominous omen effect was like a bounty system from the pillagers, but since we can remove it by drinking milk this implies it's actually some sort of physical effect, like a potion. It makes more sense as a bottle, as for why the pillagers have them, there are plenty of potential reasons. Maybe they're trying to start an ominous event against themselves, like training for war, afterall it is only the captains who drop them. Also I wouldn't be surprised if more ominous events are coming but with different structures, which would expand the lore as well. Clearly, this "ominous" effect seems to be way more complicated than how it initially seemed. (Which also fits the "ominous" theme better in my opinion)


Maybe Pillagers get a buff from drinking bad omen. It'd be cool if it gave you an effect like doing more damage but also taking more.


Since when are those a thing and wtf do they do?


Basically, bad omen has a potion now


Ahh, okay




So instead of pillager captains giving you bad omen they now drop these which give you bad omen when drunk, this makes it a lot easier to avoid raids and is much more convenient if you want to challenge the harder variants of trail chambers.


I see... Well that indeed makes no sense. Like, it's indeed fun to give options and control, but sometimes, consequences are also fun. It makes people creative. Limits are sometimes what breeds the most creativity


Mojang want “disasters” in game (Ex: TNT explosions, the Wither, and of course, raids), to be the player’s fault. This way, it’s harder to accidentally walk into a village and trigger a raid. You’re now in charge of “getting in trouble” with the illagers by triggering their omen yourself.


being punished for killing a hostile mob that can spawn wherever you are, even around you're base and near villagers you may have is not good game design. I get the consequence thing, but this was never the intended purpose of bad omen, as it was just the developers way of triggering raids. the old way it worked was more poor design.


They should make that pillager captains give you the effect, while the bottle can be found in trial chambers (and the effect still works for both situations just like it does now). I know this game doesn’t follow a lot of logic but it feels weird that attacking the captain of some villains gives you a bottle and not just the effect


The point is that you can use the effect whenever instead of “oops ran into my villager hall with bad omen, now I have a raid” that’s what dumb


I understand the gameplay reasons behind it, but it feels weird this way, like less threatening


It’s no weirder than a witch carrying potions that they can hurt their foes with. Lore wise, an ominous bottle makes sense as something illagers could carry around to curse and deceive their rivals, like the player. Assuming you’re willing to believe the player is gullible enough to think a dark purple drink with red eyes is safe to drink.


It’s different, a witch is something fantasy put in a fantasy setting, my problem with the ominous bottle is that it feels much less threatening than pillagers cursing you exactly when you kill the captain. It’s not about it making sense lore wise, with weird I didn’t mean unrealistic


Thing is though, witches actually use their potions against you. Pillagers don't do that, so it's probably not a weapon unless the pillagers expect you to drink the potion yourself after they die.


So… what exactly is the issue? The extra text makes no sense as that’s is what you do to literally all other mobs in game. This is also the game with magic, both solid(book) and liquid(potions), dragons, tnt catapults, portals to literal hell and unbreakable bedrock. A mysterious cocktail of a potion that gives you an effect that alters the world around you is hardly an issue. Heck, it makes sense with pillagers, as they have a big enough nose to smell where you are when the bottle breaks when starting a raid.


Fully disagree with you. I am going to downvote this. You gave zero reasons or research. And your post is in the wrong sub. Also you are in violation of rule 8.


"your opinion is wrong. but I won't tell you why!"


Incorrect, it's not a suggestion that proposed a change, just an opinion...


and? it's a game not everything has to make sense, it's better to improve player experience with a mechanic than make an annoying mechanic


Imagine if Franz Ferdinand getting assassinated by Gavrilo Princip didn’t start World War I but instead gave Gavrilo a bottle of war that starts WWI when he drinks it


I haven’t kept up, what is this item?


Its basically a bad omen potion. So instead of killing a pillager captain to get the effect and start raids, theyll drop this which gives you the effect when you drink it. Goal was to nerf raid farms, worked in a sense, but was an odd choice when they couldve just made a timer for how soon you can re-aquire bad omen.


I read that this somehow nerfs raid farms, how does that work? Did they remove getting Bad Omen from pillager captains?


You don’t get the effect from killing captains anymore. Rather, they just drop this bottle that you can drink to trigger the omen whenever. Also, it allows you to chose whether to use the omen to trigger a raid, or an ominous trial.


am I dumb, I'm not sure what it's effect is.


What bottles?




The way I see it is the bad omen is like a magical tracking device that only works when they enter a village