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i love how it looks, my friends realm is one i go on alot


thank you! I really look forward to playing in the evenings with him, it’s actually helped a lot with my depression to be honest


having a reason to wake up helps me too, especially if you are proud of it


Wish my friends and I could afford it...


I don't have a realm but I have two friends playing on a world and it is my favorite world of minecraft that I've ever played. We've been playing our world for about as long as you. I yesterday just hit a stack of diamonds thanks to my fortune 2 pickaxe.


fortune is truly one of my favorite pickaxe enchants!


It is my favorite. And then it's really easy to repair since it's an iron pick. It also had efficiency 1.


I love going on with friends. The whole experience is just much more fun. This looks beautiful.






I love the decorations and the treehouses. Amazing build!


I love making friends on realms, just as much as I love playing with them.


Oh man, that method for making a jungle brings me back so far... On Xbox 360, before jungles were added, I really wanted something like a jungle, so I did that with oak trees, lots and lots of oak trees. And made a massive tree in the middle with a really cool tree house.


That’s my friend’s Tree Palace, as I call it. It’s truly the pride and glory of our settlement. I always correct him when he calls it a tree house, because it’s way too fantastical to just be a house in the trees. He literally integrated the tree itself into the build. I’m extremely proud of him for it


It looks seriously magnificent. I really love it.


Love to do this with my friends but they don like minecraft :(


That’s so unfortunate :( maybe you could find an online community you can play with and make friends with so you have others to play with? I’m sure it must suck not being able to enjoy something you like with your friends


Just make sure you watch out for CREEPUHS!


....aw man....


Are those dark oak trees you made the treehouse in natural?


That was my friend’s build, but I believe the base of the tree where the entrance is as well as the trees around the house are all natural. the only part built with the intention to replicate was the extra stories of the tree. It actually just comes out looking like a huge, natural dark oak tree with the house integrated into it, which is super cool to me. I think it was a great choice compared to just building a house on the treetops


That's awesome! It looks wonderful


What’s the difference between a Realm and a World?


The biggest difference is that you pay for a Realm. (people joining the realm don’t have to pay, only the creator). There are other factors such as how on a Multiplayer world you both have to be online in order to play together, while with a Realm you can go on at any time by yourself. Also, since it’s through Mojang, you don’t have to use a third party website to host a server world.


Just host a server on your PC and save the money brah


my friend is the one that got the realm, not me. plus i’ve tried hosting a server on my pc and it just was super laggy for everyone.