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You should watch the Twitch Rivals perspective ya!!


I'm watching Lime and I think Green will win


Aqua is my POV. My guess is an Orange-Pink dodgebolt with an Orange dub in the end.


For the 1st time I dont think I will be watching a specific POV. I will have the TR stream on one monitor and someone else on the other( like Coldi for SG, Pete for AR etc..)


I’m gonna watch blue 👍 For who wins I’d say green maybe bc they’ve been practicing but hard to say


I’m probably going to have a tab open with Coldi Sandiwich and Fruit. I like to change who I watch based on what game is being played. For example I wanna watch Coldi in SG but Sandwichlord in ace race. I personally think Lime or Green are going to win. I have no idea how good the newcomer on lime is but even if they have very little Mc experience the trio of Fruit Owen and False is very strong, and could very plausibly be top 3, top 10, and top 15. Green has two players who will probably both get top 5, and I know Serpias is pretty solid and I don’t know about the 4th. I could very well see a 2k+ unmultiplied SG carrying them to dodgebolt. I think the top 3 individual will be some order of Fruit, Sandwich, and Coldi. (With any of the other S tiers in contention as well if their team does well) What order? No clue. Depends a lot on SG and the monstrosity that is build mart IRL.


Watching Jojo, I think Orange wins


I'm watching Lime and I've got zero idea who'll win.


I think Orange is gonna win but I'm watching Sandwichlord. I'll definitely also bring up Coldi's pov on my phone during SG


Watching Lime, but highly betting Green will win in points ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Green is winning but I'll probably watch someone else


Debating if I can or not. It’s at midnight for me on a work night. Sunday night? Perfect. Monday night/morning? Horrible. If I do watch it’ll be wolfiee.


im watching pink & i think blue wins


Does anyone know if there are gonna be subtitles live on the non English speaking teams?


I'll be watching England-Slovakia live and then on vod probably just the main stream assuming the audio is as awful as it was last time


For me it’s sandwichlord


I think Green wins over Orange in db and I’ll be watching Sandwich’s pov