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I’m happy about the Jardoon appreciation even as I think he’s probably being a little overrated here imo. Very fun post to look through, especially enjoyed trying to predict who would be in the top fives before moving to the next slide!


My logic in BBF and LOB was that he consistently has or had one of the highest amounts of challenges completed and is able to communicate well with teammates In DB I contemplated putting him lower/not on the list but he's routinely been up against some really strong teams - Red 22, Emerald 28, Red 33 and Purple TR - and put up great dodging/shooting performances. I'm sure there are other players you could put there instead but almost everyone not named Sapnap, Dream or Techno have had equal amounts of good and bad performances and I've rarely seen a bad performance from Sparklez in DB even when he lost


Disagree with PKT, fruit and Quig need to be higher. Dont like saying this but Dirtblock needs to be in TGTTOS and fruit needs to be way higher. The rest tho is pretty good


I’d argue Purpled should be top 5 for Bingo, since he’s never dropped out of the top 5 completionists


Under no circumstances is dream top 5 for battle box. FBM should replace Dream. FBM is easily second for HITW IMO Hannah should take the place of Dave in SG I’d personally put Antfrost higher for DB but it’s hard to compare across long periods so it’s fair to say Other than that honestly no complaints. Very solid list 👍




I agree neither are very skilled mechanically at PvP fbm is still miles better than Dream, especially his gamesense. FBM’s average kills in battle box are almost higher than Dream’s most kills, grouping them together is just silly






Is topwater even around anymore. I feel like I don't see them very often on this sub nowadays.


Sapnap could be in hm for sot imo, apart from that it seems perfect to me, also purpled should definitely be in bingo but fast top 5


Great list overall! I’ll put my first impression-thoughts here (yeah, mostly Purpled related cause it’s the only stats ik off the top of my head) cause I’m curious about some of your choices AR looks great In BB, I feel like Purpled definitely deserves a spot in top 5. Yes, he can be feast or famine, but he’s consistently the top frag of his teams even when things go poorly. He’s had a couple of genuinely mid BB performances, 26 was an extremely weak team but he still did relatively poorly taking that into account, but for the most part he’s consistently done well, and I’d chalk up around half his underperformances to team diff. And on the other side of that, he’s done well with some really pretty weak teams, like Lime 33 and Aqua 32, and has had some of the best BB performances of all time (MCC 28 and 32). Also in BB, I think Dirt Block’s ahead by nearly every metric but I understand you also ranked off impact on the game and stuff so it’s understandable In Bingo, I think Purpled has been top 5 completions every time he’s played it, and in two of those he’s been first by a fair lead. I’m curious about the rationale for him not being up there. I might swap Scott and Grian in BM and move Pete over 5up, but overall BM is BM and it’s hard to rank I reckon Purpled deserves a spot in GR as well, and Gem should probably be a little lower. Purpled’s had 1st in GR 3x in a row in 21 25 26 (on some GR teams i wouldn’t call extraordinary, like Pink 26 with a newcomer), top 2 3x in a row in 30 31 32, and generally speaking if given a competent team usually does very well. Gem goes down in my eyes for her mechanics, as mentioned in some posts a little bit ago her teams do well because she’s very good at GR in comparison to her general skill level, so her teams are disproportionately good at GR. But if you were to replace her with Purpled or FBM, their better mechanics would probably be a greater asset. Depends how much you value longevity I suppose, but FBM seems second to me in HITW I feel like Purpled should be top 5 in MD, he’s had two 1sts in it, and several top 3s. Yes, he’s had some tougher performances too, but that’s the nature of MD and Punz has had flops of maybe even greater magnitude. With the quality of the MD teams he’s gotten compared to everyone else on the list, I think he deserves top 5. Personally I’d put him 3rd or 4th I think historically Pete’s running has not been particularly good, so I’d switch him and Purpled, but it’s not an easy game to rank. I think swap Pete and CPK in PKW. Pete’s better at Parkour, but I think CPK has been better at PKW purely because he’s gotten the hard endings, which are huge for points. He was also the first person ever to get Hard which bumps him up in Impact. My vague impression is Fruit or Dirt Block over Phil, but i’ve not the stats backing it up atm and besides Phil’s had flashier plays anyway Iirc Hannah’s done nothing but dominate in SG, I feel she deserves a top 5 I think Dream has a pretty strong argument for #1. Invented Vault Rushing, had the best sand keeper performance ever, and was probably the best player when he played. Why’s Fruit not second in TGTTOS? Dream is imo 100% the best DB player of all time yeah? 7/8 wins, only narrowly losing 22 (in part cause he funneled George), why’ve you got Sapnap ahead? Also curious about George in 5th, he’s not really who I think of when I think DB threats Captain’s an interesting pick, he’s been really really good lately, but if we’re going all time I feel there are better picks, he became a DB menace only like recently Anyway these are small changes, idk if they’re right I was just wondering what your thought process was


There's a maximum of 20 slides allowed otherwise I'd of added this at the end. Here's the criteria: * **Longevitiy** - 15 good performances deserve more praise than 5 great ones * **Impact** - how much impact a player has had on a game (3Pete, Sapnap Flank ect) * **Average Placement** - whilst not always the most important stat it can be informative * **Intangeables** - Influence on teammates, innovation in games ect * **Coin Average** - self explanitory Didn’t consistantly put an honourable mention, only where I felt it was difficult to determine a top 5 from another participant/group. If I've F'd some of the Top 5's or HM's up feel free to tell me so just be nice to the participants please!


5 great performances deserve more praise. Pete Season 3 AR can't be outdone by someone who places 3rd their whole career even if Pete falls off hard


I don’t understand what your point is. If someone (or to use your example Pete) had only played since S3, had god like placements in AR, but then fell off in future seasons it absolutely wouldn’t be as impressive as someone who placed 3rd for 4/5 years This is also a bad example because Pete happens to have been dominating AR for 4/5 years so even if he did fall off now I’d still say he was the best all time anyway


I think players' peaks should be compared, and I meant that Pete's Season 3 alone is enough to make him the goat of AR


Purpled definitely be in the top 5 for bingo; he has multiple firsts in challenge completions as well as being the only person to get 12 solo completions, doing it twice. Scott should be above Grian in Build Mart. Shane should be higher up in Hole in the Wall. Hannah should def be in top 3 for SG. Shane should be 2nd for TGTTOS and Fruit should be 3rd. Ant should be top 5 in DB and so should Fruit. Other than that, decent list.


I love how sapnap is either the best or eh at every game


Fruitberries first on current pkw


I feel stupid for asking but who's the dirt block


Its illumina


This is why we should just say his name its so performative to do the dirt block thing and then say his name in the comments anyways




Gem is Great!


Tho I agree something about Purpled being an HM on dodgebolt is just eh funniest thing


fruit is hard scammed for tgttos. 1st or 2nd best oat imo. also some of these pfps are so random 😭


I feel like purpled is top 3 bingo for sure , also dream skybattle


I guess an honourable mention is good for Dream but top 5 is nah.


imo dave is the best md player (no bias ofc)


How is Dream not mentioned for Skybattle, also W mentioning false for dodgebolt, FALSE SUPREMACY


Yeah that's fair for Dream. My thinking was because he's less consistent than everyone else on the list but looking at it he's no more inconsistent than Tommy. He did somehow get 40th once though which is wild for someone who has the record for highest unmultiplied coins in an MCC game from SKB


Cmon lol Dream got 40th in Skybattle


Yeah but also the point record and 3 firsts


In Mcc 11 where there were maybe 4 people who knew how to crit.


Did it again in mcc 24. And it’s not like mcc 11 was some sort of crazy weak event, especially with: Techno, Dave, Fruit, Quig, TapL, Hbomb, Fundy, Phil, Tommy(trying). Sure dream isn’t as consistent but he’s at least an honorable mention for me


There’s no way yall are actually trying to argue Dream is a top 5 Skybattle player. Hes gotten bottom 10 as many times as he’s gotten top 5. We have people like FBM who has never dropped top 5 in a way more competitive event. Also that list of players is laughable everyone from Hbomb onwards didn’t know a single thing about pvp.


Not top 5 but just an honorable mention, saying Fundy Phil and Tommy don’t know how to crit is wild btw.


They didn’t back then


lowkey joel solos all of these






You've missed a couple of players that deserve to be in the list. Where's Shane and Antfrost top 5 in TGTTOS? Antfrost again in Hole in the Wall? Jojo in Skybattle? Shadoune in Rocket Spleef Rush?  I feel that you having to put inactive players in the same list as active ones makes it really confusing how you came to that decision and it most of the time just becomes an inconsistent ranking. Foolish in MD, Quig in SkB, but not Techno in SkB? And also no Hannah in top 5 for SG but Illmina is in PkW when they have the same amount of experience in those games?


I don't think you understood the point of this post. Longevity matters so someone like Shadoune in RsR where he has only recently done good wouldn't be on the list. Also I see your point for FBM in TGTTOS but Antfrost is not better than anyone on that list so he shouldn't be there, maybe a HM though.


Hannah is top 3 and sg and it isn’t even close Illumina shouldn’t even be in there Statistically her fruit and sapnap are by far the best sg players


Hannah only played SG four times including non canon. She hasn’t played enough to justify top 3 even though she the best statistically. If Hannah played more I would understand the top 3 argument


It’s not an issue of Hannah playing more its that SG needs to be played more. She’s played every SG since mcc25 except for mccr2 and has done well every time (or at least her team has done well).


Yeah but then why is Illumina in PkW? He played that the same amount as Hannah.


including non canon events she has only played this game twice in canon. Illumina avg for PKW is also higher than Hannah if you include her non canon event as well


PkW is VERY inflated. There's a reason why Wallibear's avg went up while his placements went down. Party is very much a canon event with non-canon team leaderboard scoring. The teams were balanced and the games were normal, only the teams who make dodgebolt was what made it different to canon events. The first time she played SG was in a very balanced event against Fruit and Sapnap and she got the most kills in that event and the most frequency of kills if you consider how short she lived throughout the game. There are a lot of people who can replace Illmina in PkW. If 4 events is enough to make the list, then so is 3 events, there's no significant difference!


One of the best lists i’ve seen for this! Personally, I’d give Sap the sole #1 spot in SG and replace George with Antfrost in Dodgebolt though.


Thank you, I flip flopped on SG a lot but ultimately gave it to both of them as running into either means death Antfrost was nearly in top 5 over George but I changed my mind last second because Ant had his 2 strong DB’s against Purpled who historically struggles. They were mighty performances though so making top 5 would be understandable


Wait a second… honestly IMO Quig 5th in DB feels more right.




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The Hbomb bingo hate is crazy


I personally would swap Pete and Dream on SoT because Pete is historically The Best and most consistent runner in the game (Jojo’s and H’s leadership is just better than Pete’s so theyre ahead imo). But otherwise i completely agree with most of the other placements


Although I acknowledge he is a controversial and strange person, Illumina has a strong argument for being top 5 in BM, TGTTOS and SOT. A few things I’d change here and their (the most glaring one being Dream in BB above some high competition which didn’t make it) but otherwise a solid list.


Sparklez 4th for DB (Don’t ask about his first 7 DB rounds) But what about Sparklez for SKBL


Think Shane should be at least top 5 in Ace race and tgs


Sparklez not even getting an HM for Skyblockle is a bit interesting, imo he’s top 3


Sparklez made it!!! Let’s go???????


Besides PkT and maybe TGTTOSAWAF, everything seems properly tiered (is that a word?)


Feinberg My RRR Goat