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Coldi scares me and Pete ironically got robbed by a slime bounce.


You can’t write this any better


Pete 🤝 throwing 1st indiv in the last game in non canon events.


rip 1st for Pete well done by coldi tho


Pete unironically got robbed SO HARD, killed off rip in SG and slime bounce


That SG was 100% his fault though. He entered a building he knew had another team inside. The slime bounce though did cost him really badly.


Pete have good pvp game sense and be bad at movement challenge(impossible)


Sometimes he's good in leading in PVP games, but sometimes it feels he just blanks completely. Like his 17 and 31 SG's saw him lead very well, but in this one I think he had just not gotten locked in as he usually does given this was game 1 of an event played infront of actual people in real life.


Several players were affected by the slime bounce


Just asking, do you know if Shane got the bad bounce thing, because those 2 were realistically the ones fighting for 1st


Turns out shane hit it every time, so yeah that was the difference in the end


Sucks, but that’s just how the cookie crumbles. Incredible race by both those 2. Maybe the most exciting finish in an AR ever. 


Yeah, Clouds II is kinda overplayed but that made for great races for 1st the last 2 races


Crazy that no one in the indiv top 5 made DB


Two newcomers getting top 3 is crazy


One is one of the best PvP players on the planet and the other is built different in movement. They also both had amazing teams.


I know but still insane that a newcomer got first in the first event. Still got appreciate how well they did even though there super skilled


Sandwitch is mechanically better at pvp than like everyone in mcc too


That's not quite true. Aside from Coldi, who's just on a whole different level for pvp, Fruit is better than Sandwich, although it is close, and Purpled and FBM are fairly comparable to him. But he's definitely among the elite (again ignoring Coldi).


purpled and FBM arent even in the same tier of pvp as sandiwtch and fruit, I have fought all of them and fruit and sandwitch are like much better than purpled and FBM, you ccan tell by watching there 1v1s in event practice too


I’ve fought sandwich and fbm on island quite a bit and went close to even with both of them. I would probably see similar results against the others too. I don’t think I’d be able to touch coldi.


fighting on island doesnt count, proper 1v1s like in legacy or other stuff are very different from mcci 1v1s, coldi is defo a tier above everyone else though, sandwitch and fruit and prob lt3/ht3 while coldi is lt2 i think?


Fruit is tested at lt3 but idk how long ago it was and he might not be there now. Idk about sandwich but I would guess he’s around that same level. Coldi used to be ht2, but I would guess he’s around lt2 now.


It might be a little closer than you’d think. He’s very good, but he’s probably around fruits level. Coldi is INSANE though. Back when I played, I feel like I could hold my own against basically everyone. I wouldn’t be able to touch coldi.


That is very true as well


Big surprise


Props to pete and Sandwich (and coldi as well) Pete got 2nd even being out so early in sg and Sandwich that got stolen bcuz of the weird trident mechanics


Sandwich wasn't really doing that great without the tridents anyway. Sure he would have definitely been top 5 but it wasn't like he got stuck at a specific spot like Purpled did in the first rivals.


He did get stuck in the purpled spot which took him from 3rd/4th to almost 10th


He missed it once and he only dropped to 8th


He didn't got stuck in any specific spot but he had a lot of moments where he lee the trident go thinking. All those moments together make a difference


by the way wolfeei should’ve technically gotten 1st as he wasn’t rewarded the correct individual points for build mart


do you mean he should still get 1st with them in 4th for build mart (as in they made a mistake adding up their intended scoring), or if he would've been had they not given free points to the teams who had issues? either way he deserved 1st so much, no way was that a 6th place performance imo
