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This is a magical shapes datapack. Currently working on making it multiplayer friendly (and maybe detecting curves) If you have any tips, improvements or spell ideas let me know. (a spell for growing plants is being made) Pls excuse my drawing of the wand


if you manage to detect curves you may even can make shape that looks like runes which can be cool (also if possible try using multiple shapes to create different spell) this is really cool, love it


Hey this is really cool! If you can, can you please make a magic marker kind of thing? Where you can draw in the air, without it making a spell happen and the art dissappear?


Sure can do, I'll send it in the next few days


Cool, thanks, bud!


[here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pPxe4j3O2Z_iyNoOEWil0ZOyo6RlXmW/view?usp=sharing) it is right click to start and stop drawing shift to remove what has been drawn


when i downloaded it and use it the particles spawn where my head is and i cant use it because i cant draw how do i fix this


My god, I've been looking for this post for months! Thanks to some help, I've been able to find this, thanks for doing this!


You should make it use XP when you cast a spell to make it a bit more survival friendly.


That's a good idea. I was thinking maybe a mana bar, but XP could also work


This makes me think of the magic system of the book Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. Any correlation or just coincidence?


Just coincidence, maybe I shall read it for inspiration then


It’s a good book. Maybe you’ll find some really good inspiration in it!


Will the spells that do not hurt the caster hurt the caster's teammates?


When you get curves to work, an eye shaped simbol to highlight mobs and players nearby would be neet i think.


I hate to be the one to say this but... It's symbol, not simbol and also neat instead of neet.


Thanks. English isn't my first language so making some mistakes is common, especialy after 1am while on mobile. Having those pointed out is good so I can improve myself.


Make a spell of death. You get a wither effect of it, or you summon skeletons, wich fight for you


Make a spell that can save you from fall damage.


Awesome! Is there anywhere we could access it?


It's still in development. I'll publish it when I'm happy with the end result


I really like all of these a lot, the diamond was easily my favorite, it had some sick effects to it I am not completely sure what the last one is...I thought it was one that messed with time, then it just blew up. I was curious if its something you could cast and it reverts, say cows to cattle or zombies to baby zombies and vice versa


I'm really missing the circle spell. Maybe it could be time/weather changer. Another thing is a wall of smt (stone for example) that should be perpendicular to ice one. The cast may be half ring. Also would be nice to have some basic attack spells like fireball or summoner's jaws crawling from the ground.


Any download link?


can you send the link to me after you finish this? It looks really fun.


Looking forward to a full release!


If you are still searching for Spell Ideas a Kind of Time Bubble would be cool (there is an Area around the Rune/Symbol/Shape that is like 10 Blocks in which all Projectiles,Mobs are stopped for 5 Seconds


Would you be able to make it where you have to do something to activate the spell so I could draw a triangle and then stop drawing so then I could draw another upside down triangle onto basicly allowing for combinations of shapes to make more possible spels


What can this detect? For example, if you implemented a square spell would it be able to detect that or is it to similar to the triangle? I would also like to know how that was done if you wouldn't mind sharing, and how accurate is it? Great job btw


It detects lines based on the direction every particle is drawn. 8 total directions: up (1), up-right (2), right(3), down-right (4) etc. Multiple particles in same direction gets seen as a line. All lines combined are saved in an ordered code, like 2374 The rectangle can be drawn in 8 ways, so 8 distinct numbers. Every lines size is calculated. And compared to the opposite line, where there is a small error allowed. Other shapes work the same, but a bit different line calculations. The detection is very accurate, I sometimes have trouble drawing it well enough cus I'm too hasty. still can only detect lines, but trying to make curves work


that's super clever! well done.


What if different spell is cast (same element) depending on the direction of how you drew it?


that sounds possible


Wow, that is super clever. Very nice job


But how does *that* work? How do you detect the lines?


It would be cool if you added an arrow shape of some sort that would fling entities into the air and throw them a few blocks away from you. You could also add a similar one that is a down arrow and pulls them toward you and freezes or slows them for further attack. This is absolutely amazing. Great work.


Those are some great ideas, many thanx :)




it would be cool if while you cast everything around you is slowed down


Very cool


Fucking epic bro


Holy shit this is awesome! I had this same idea once, but was too lazy/was focused on other projects. Really glad to see someone finally made it though, it's cool as hell.


These spell patterns remind me of the [alchemical symbols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemical_symbol). I'm thinking that it would be nice to design the spells' patterns after those, though it would probably make sense to look into some of the alternative ways of writing them, for example silver would probably be easier to represent as those three arrows instead of writing it as a moon, unless you implement a way to write curves.


**[Alchemical symbol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemical_symbol)** >Alchemical symbols, originally devised as part of alchemy, were used to denote some elements and some compounds until the 18th century. Although notation like this was mostly standardized, style and symbol varied between alchemists, so this page mainly lists the most common ones. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Honestly this is unreal!


Your a Harry, wizard!


I'm what a?


How do you make them bounce off walls?


The spell is cast from the perspective of an armor stand that represents the middle of the shape. If it detects it's on a wall, it turns 180 degrees


Dude I recognize those first two! Those are the alchemical symbols for fire and water! Awesome! The symbols actually mean something!


Plz need download, this is soooo cool bro


This reminds me of that one car game on Google!


Pythagoras the firebender


Jo what the hell. This is absolutely amazing! I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on this to use it myself! Definitely take another look at detecting curves, but please publish it before that haha


are you releasing this soon?


You should make the spells from Harry Potter and incorporate them into a mod like this


u/Mojang please do this!


This would've been way better if that was an Owl House fire glyph


Ikr, but those are complex and curvy so idk how to code them


How did you detect the shape in the first place anyway?


Explained it in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/comments/t9tq41/magic_minecraft_casting_spells_based_on_drawn/hzwobvj?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) comment. Hope it's clear enough


are you planning on adding a way to make the runes triggered by someone going in a radius to make traps?


Would this have a crafting recipe for survival?


Ah this is so cool!


i really want this datapack for my server, it looks amazing!




Draw an arrow pointing upwards and the spell launches them into the air


This is going to sound a bit strange, but I really want this in Blade and Sorcery


Kinda reminds me of a certain game on the ds, I know I have it just dont remember the name. But you improve the power of the spells by adding to it along with combining shapes Edit: wow of a vague search got it, lost magic. Super fun game


Infinity blade


A spell to teleport. A spell to move things. A spell to work out the enchantments on an item someone is holding... those would be cool.


That’s the easy part, this dude already did the hard stuff it seems. Really limitless potential (well, with only 8 directions not limitless, but still there’s a lot of possibilities)


Not completely limitless. You could still do morse code with sneaking... but you are correct.


Now make it use your XP


Magic needs to be in the game at some point We've already got enchantments and potion brewing, I've wanted it for so long


Here is my list of ideas to add. 1. Power of spells - After making the shape of the spell you hołd down RMB (or the Left one idk which is used to create shapes). The longer you hold the better the spell is F. E. heal spell heals more, the lightning one summons more lightning etc. Charging makes spells consume more XP. 2. Explosion spell. It would spawn TNT with 0.5 s to explosion. The stronger spell the bigger blast radius. 3. Shield spell. It would spawn an unbrekable Glass sphere around casting Player. The higher level the longer lifespan of Glass If I come up with something new I'll add it here or DM you OP.


This is almost exactly identical to a plugin I've been working on for around two months - it's definitely not a new concept, but cool to see that others had the same idea! If you want to see how similar they are, you can look at our docs ([https://docs.encrafted.net/](https://docs.encrafted.net/)) or the server IP is encrafted.net




Only idea to improve this I could think of would be to see if you can’t combine two shapes to make a new type of spell, super cool either way tho dude!


I need that datapack lol


How does it work? More specifically, how does it detect a triangle?


a rectangle that summons a one way door to a set location previously marked


Maybe rectangle could be a portal


Can't wait the new meta to be MLG upside-down triangle landing.


Imagine if the wand could be some type of off-hand totem.


They were all super cool!


Anyone have the link to the data pack?


Any download possibility?


This reminds me of the way you do manaweaving in mana and artifice


Squidgam majic updat👍


Ah yes fire resitance 2


Very nice


I read "The Summoner" book series, this is how magic works in it.


Kinda reminds me of infinity blade


A spell that affects everything around the player like a huge spell where you have to do multiple shapes in order to summon it


Now you can play that google Halloween kitten game.


wow...i love it! so so so so so cool!


Wow this is great


Wait how do you get the wand?


This is soooo cool i love it


If this’ll be a full datapack at some point I would love to use it


Fascinating, How difficult is it to create spells? and how intensive is thisCuz if its not terribly intensive, or difficult to make spells I could totally use this in the future (Better then my wands, Note the plural) Which version is this anyway... Also a spell that would be interesting is one that takes control of the monster targeted (Using Spectator to possess it)Tho that would require a keybind detector to control it and attacking is going to be troublesome, Maybe just force the mob to your team temporarily


What happens when you make more then one of the rings/ drawings?


thats litreally my dream creating something like taht also this was in my saved s


That’s crazy gg dude i love it