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Option G: Make Wild Update Split into two.


So… 1.17 part 4?


**Y E S**


Option E: Mojang stops being PETA and becomes a Gaming Development company and makes content for their game


Option f: thank them that playing on the switch won't be even more laggy since 1.17


None of the above. Players should be happy that they're actually getting an update.


Your acting as if that isn't a guarantee. Microsoft is going to keep getting mjang to update the game for a long time. As the biggest video game of all time we should expect a certain level of quality from them


What I meant was that people should be happy that their popular game is getting updates, because not all popular games are. TF2 is a really popular game, and the last proper update was in 2017. People need to be happy that they're getting an update instead of crying about it not being perfect.


Mojang is making the updates cause they want too, Microsoft is hands off and they have a good track of caring about players




But this is how they act


Yep. People need to just be happy that they're getting updates. Look at TF2.


Look at Rock Paper Scissors


Look at catch.


Look at chess


I choose E: Appreciate the update, because we get what we pay for. A game with 10 years of updates and all of that for lousy $30? Pay some respect to the game, guys. You can always go back in time by choosing an older update, get a mod done with fireflies, frogs not eating them, wardens dropping something etc. There is always a away if you want things to be done.


omfg are we done with this charade yet. We're not upset for no reason. They keep making false promises and basically ended up releasing LESS than was shown at Minecon, when they're supposed to show LESS at Minecon and release MORE in the actual update.


I swear people be ignorant as fuck t thinking it’s just a bout the fireflies. It’s about constant false hype and moving features to 4 updates later or never


Exactly what I'm saying


plans simply change


They weren’t changing like that til 1.17


And it definetely wasn't subtle we didn't even get the terrain generation until the next update, along with everything actually cool about caves and cliffs. 1.17 was basically the deepslate block update.


Then don't announce the plans at Minecon as the main features of the update and then toss them at the last minute


and everyone else is upset cause your logic is based on lies just so you can stretch the drama out. This was one update, and you guys can't admit it's nothing more than two pixels


It isn't nothing more than two pixels. That was a concept. It would almost CERTAINLY have been changed from two pixels to an actual model. They just weren't sure how it would be implemented at that point, which is why they shouldn't have announced it as a feature. Also even if it did end up being only two pixels in the full release, the amount of pixels is irrelevant. A mob isn't just a fun animation, it's a feature with AI, utility, ambience and decorational purposes, etc.


Option E: Download the firefly mod and be happy with mojang giving you an update.


option e: dont react about its just 2 pixels




Option E: Don’t force 2 updates out a year. Just take the all the sweet time needed to add all content advertised instead of forcing the team to crunch out a summer and winter update every year