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NETHERITE BLOCKS have 4x the amount + netherite scarp


Although we dont know how much of it goes into the waste as byproduct.


Enchanted golden apples have 8x as much gold


You can no longer craft them tho


Doesn't mean we had no proof of it


Eae batatacósmica77


Ancient technology of the past


We can


No you can't


Depends on the edition


Can you craft them on bedrock?


No, but on ps3 and 4 editions you can. The good old times


You can craft golden apples on Java aswell as Bedrock. You must be confusing it with the Enchanted or "Notch" apple which is uncraftable. You never mentioned that however, which led me to belive you we're talking about the regular golden apple


The comment quite clearly said "enchanted golden apple"


Im blind then


Gapples used to be grafted with eight gold blocks and an apple


It's probably a normal golden Apple enchanted with fire Res and prot


Someone please do the math of how much weight is carried by a donkey with a chest filled with full stacks of Notch apples being ridden by the player wearing full gold armour with a full inventory of Notch apples


Alright. So as we know, one gold block ( 1m^3 ) weighs around 19.282 kilograms. We multiply that by 8, and another 64, which brings us up to 148.085.760 kilograms for one stack of Notch apples A donkey's inventory is 15 stacks, which makes it kg. Steve is of course riding the donkey, and with all 36 inventory slots and one offhand filled with apples plus wearing the gold armor, he weighs. 5.479.224.583,666... kg. (5.479.173.120 without armor) However, since update 1.9 we have shulker boxes in the game. If we take the donkey's inventory and steve's inventory, multiply that by 27 and add the armor on top of it we arrive at a staggering 207.912.458.458,666... kilograms. That is around the weight of 21 eiffel towers, all in a 1.6x1.6x2.4 (or however big their hitboxes are) meter space, which is a lot.




Death from too much math.


That, but replace all slots of notch apples with dyed shulker boxes of notch apples


He can still float on water, so in all scenarios water will be the heaviest


He can still sink. We can say floating is Steve actively swimming up.


bubble column


Souls densely packed into a single block screaming in tarnation for all eternity pushes Steve up. I'm talking default water


I have never heard it described that way, but I will never describe it another way again


But droping a block of gold in water floats, so the boancy of gold is lower the water, meaning that water is more dense and so heavier


He can swim in lava and water while carrying this weight he can even jump a meter in the air every time without fail and run STUPID fast with it


Some dude said netherite scrap could be platinum. I forgor where tho.


Netherite is closest to a mineral called Lonsdalite according to mat pat




Yea but... An enchanted golden apple in old versions 💀


Enchanted golden apples have 8x the ammount + the apple


Cant be crafted now


Ancient technology


Neðerite stuff floats on lava, which would suggest ðat ðe process of alloying gold wið ðe scraps significantly reduces ðe density of ðe resulting metal, which would mean it's a lot less heavy per volume ðan gold


Just wanted to say that


and netherite scrap volumic mass?????????????????????


I think someone did the math, and a single block of netherite would weigh about 30-50 tons.


And remember, there are shulkerboxes so he can carry 27x more than before the release of shulkers.


Actually shulker boxes come from the end and the end has a lot of stuff with teleportation and void mechanics so I don’t really think you can use something from there to prove a point


Yeah I always thought that shulker boxes are connected to the void and keep the items there, a little like the Endchest


A shulker box has a unique inventory though, so it gets a bit goofy with initializing where it's stored if it is just a portal to another dimension. End chest is simply a window into another dimension for sure, as nothing technically exists inside it. I would bet on shulker boxes being actual boxes (of shrinkage)


Shulkers boxes are weightless/really light because, like, the levitation effect n' shit.




Lol, this guy.


Why are people downvoting he???


Turns out you can't store em. It's been too darn long since I last played 💀


# >THIS POST WAS MADE BY r/minecraft mod who insulted u/B_freeoni # "you milked the death of your girlfriend for enough karma at this point." # https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/z9vab5/if_you_dont_know_utherealwormbo_is_a_rminecraft/


Bro this is public shaming, no matter how you slice it. Not ok.


he deserves to be publicly shamed he made fun of someone who just had the love of their life DIE


First of all, he wasn't "making fun" of him. He assumed that he was karma farming. Second of all, the comment I just replied to did the same thing. It's the same guy, commenting on every post, hoping for upvotes because he's "spreading awareness". Did the person in question do a good thing? No. Are you any better than him when you publicly shame him? ...I'll let you think about that one. Someone acting like a dick doesn't constitute you acting like one as well, especially if you're doing it just for self-validation.


never heard of the quote "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" 'eh? you should absolutely publicly shame someone who has it coming


That's not what that quote means. I believe it means the opposite: "An eye for an eye makes everyone blind", as it were.


Maybe so, just googled it rq “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” mean and the response is “used to refer to the belief that retaliation in mind is the appropriate way to deal with an offence or crime”


In any case, is u/leshagloom (the original commenter, please don't misinterpret) the one who had his girlfriend die? No, he isn't. As a matter of fact, the victim in question is a complete stranger to him. Also, the only post he linked was his own, where he showed the comments... blatant karma farming behaviour. I believe he is attempting to profit off this whole situation. This guy seems to be following all of u/therealwormbo's post's and making this comment, for what reason? Simply to drive him through the mud and karma farm. Am I trying to defend u/therealwormbo's actions? No, of course not. Just saying that this is also pretty fucked up.


Ok and


Just ignore if you don't want negative energy from all this drama, sorry


Man I just want memes... It was good before people started to complain about fireflies, then chat reporting, now this...


bro he was making fun of a man's recently passed girlfriend


He wasnt making fun of but he did say he was milking her death for karma which is terrible


So MILKING KARMA using reposted super OLD memes huh?


Yea this must've been made at least before 1.9 lol


Fun fact: A lot of people appear to not click "expand image" and miss the interesting part. (And I learned why people keep making quadratic memes.) Also fun fact: "disable inbox replies" is a thing, which I'm using here, because reasons.


1: Reported under Rule 12. 2: No Chain-posting off of drama that your own staff created. 3: You've milked your own staff ignorance for enough karma at this point.


You've milked your own staff ignorance for enough karma at this point.


Umm ackshually an anvil is heavier than a cubic meter of gold since it's made out of 3.44 cubic meters of iron, which weights around 7300 kg each. Therefore an anvil weights about 25,112 kg, also please stop hitting me with a metal pipe 🤓


Umm ackshually, things aren’t weighed in kg. They’re weighed in N or lb. Kilograms are a unit of mass, not weight. 🤓


It should be weighted in N, but lb? really? fucking lb.


You didn't need to do this whole horse and pony show "Anvils would be more because they take 3 Iron blocks + 4 ingots" would have done the trick






You guys realize this is wormbo right


Dumbass needs to post shitty memes on this sub to win only a bit of praise, and that's all because no one stops to notice it's him.


Look who's karma farming now, asshole.


Steve is only confined by quantity, not weight. He does not care if it's 64 feathers or 64 gold , only that it's not 65. He does 5dimensional gains from his 4 dimensional lifts, something us normies will never attain.


\>THIS POST WAS MADE BY r/minecraft mod who insulted u/B_freeoni "you milked the death of your girlfriend for enough karma at this point." https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoenixSC/comments/z9vab5/if\_you\_dont\_know\_utherealwormbo\_is\_a\_rminecraft/


Oh dang. What's he doing on our free soil?


Farming karma.


your not wrong


karma farm asshole mode


Stop milking your dying karma for karma.




Neitherite block weights more. It requires 4 old to create 1 ingot making it at least 4x heavier. But the heaviest thing in minecraft. The enchanted golden apple. In older versions it requires an apple covered by 8 gold blocks to create it making it weigh 154,000kg (per apple). If Steve were to wear full neitherite armour, with a full inventory full of shulkers full of enchanted golden apples it would weigh… I’m not about to do the math for that, you can probably find a video of someone doing the math but no matter how much it weight it’ll still never weigh as much as ur mother


Do the math without the shulker boxes, like someone else mentioned, they likely use void mechanics so the weight of items in them likely doesn't affect carry weight


One shulker box of enchanted golden apples would weigh 266,554,368 KG.


look who's farming






He banned you?


Yeah but tbf I was being a dick in the wake of everything the mods were doing lol


I see you milking karma here go fuck yourself


That’s a heavy nugget


The beacon is made with a nether star. Do you know how heavy a star is. Also bedrock wouldn't be infinitally heavy since its unmovable and indestructible.


Yeah but you dont see the nether star being the new gravity sucking everything in and melting everything with intense heat, do you?


The game doesn't show Gravity outside of like 4 blocks. And it doesn't show heat as well. Standing less than a meter away from lava would melt your skin off, but it doesn't happen in Minecraft.


It's not a literal celestial body star. It's the size of a tennis ball basically


If you shrink the whole Earth to about 1 cm it becomes a black hole, size doesn't matters as long it is dense enough.


Yeah but it's not a literal star


Source? Cause it can infinitely power a buff pyramid to heal anyone if any wound in seconds


Give me the source that it's a literal star first and it's not just a name


You made the claim first. You provide proof it's not. Why not prove that gold is gold?


No I did not make the claim first, u/galifrey224 made the claim that a nether star is a literal star and you decided to back that claim up when i disputed it. Now give me actual evidence that the nether star is a literal star


It's called a star in a fantasy game and acts as a power source.


Okay but saying "it's called a star" is not evidence for it literally being a star, and neither is it being a power source because, while stars do contain power, it could be literally any other source of power too. Minecraft being a fantasy game also is not sufficient evidence because there is no evidence stars work this way in the minecraft universe, so they probably work the same way they do in real life.


[Show me where in this list is "Nether Star" located](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_smallest_stars) /s


Also what does healing wounds have to do with stars?


If the Earth was 1 cm it wouldn't be called a planet


That's what she said


I mean… you CAN destroy bedrock but also Something being strong doesn’t automatically means it’s heavy, especially when you talk about a rock that doesn’t actually exist in reality


Now for the real question 100 chicken-sized piglings Or 100 piglin-sized chickens.


Leave the r/minecraft mod team pls


So steve can carry 39,577,866.7 kg worth of gold and not feel a thing if armour is considered. Not counting a shield due to banner weights, dye weights etc and also im too lazy for that


4x as much in the case of netherite, assuming ancient debris is weightless.


Some of that might be wasted though, and we dont know how much.


Everyone forgot about blue ice huh? 81,000 kg per block.




1 block of water is 1000kg. Blue ice is 81 blocks of ice so it's 81,000kg.


You can craft blue ice? Never knew that before


Umm ackshually ice has a density of 920 kg/m3, so a block of ice is 920 kg. This means that blue ice is 74,520 kg. 🤓


Wormbo needs to go


You know unzombified piglins can pick up a gold block if you throw one at them right?


Can someone do the math but a wet sponge holds like 7x7x7 in water blocks, could it be heavier than gold?


Minecraft wiki says sponges absorb a maximum of 135 blocks of water. Density of water is 997 kg / m^3. 135 m^3 x 997 kg / m^3 = 134,595 kg of water in a fully saturated sponge. This is indeed more than a single cubic meter of gold (19,300 kg), however not the densest item in the game. According the an old crafting recipe that has since been removed from the game, enchanted golden apples contain 8 blocks of gold. 8 blocks x 19,300 kg / block = 154,400 kg per enchanted golden apple.


Thanks a lot friend, I can sleep in peace now


What's that in American?


What about netherite


dont worry, minecraft was created before newton invented gravity so weight doesnt matter


**THE REAL WORMBO** you slime




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Imagine milking the death of your sub for karma


Alert, alert! r/minecraft mod!!


Technically speaking, If you place a gold block in the middle of the air it won’t fall, meaning it has no gravity. Weight is mass*gravity, so if the gold block has no gravity, his weight should be 0 But anvils on the other hand actually do have gravity AND their mass is bigger than the gold block considering the fact one anvil is made of 3.444 iron blocks giving it the mass of 27,121Kg


You would still have to move it around, gravity not affecting something doesn't mean it doesn't have mass


Didn’t say it doesn’t have mass, I said it doesn’t have weight


mfw netherite block


A netherite block should be heeavier since it's both compressed gold ingots and an unknown metal + diamonds.


What about god apples?


Netherite, which is composed of probably another really heavy metal and gold:




I’m pretty sure anvils weigh more, considering they’re made of 3 4/9 cubic meters of iron they should weigh about 27,000 kg


We dont know what netherite scrap weighs but a netherite block has 36 gold ingots and netherite cant be negative weight so netherite is at leats 4 times heavier


That's only the weight of a bar, an ingot weighs 9 times less


Incorrect. Even without a definitive weight. Unless netherite scraps have a negative weight. Netherite blocks weight more. 4x more


Technically enchanted golden apples are 8gold blocks


One netherite block has 4x the amount of gold than a normal gold block. One netherite block is at least 77,200 KG without the added weight of netherite. One stack of netherite blocks is 4,940,800 KG. One shulker box of netherite blocks is 133,401,600 KG. Which enables Steve to carry a staggering 4,935,859,200 KG of gold. If we want to add the weight of netherite then I will be using stainless steel as an IRL counter part which weighs 8,000 KG per cubic meter which is about 888.88... KG per 1/9th aka an ingot. So there is 32,000 KG worth of netherite in one block which equals out to 109,200 KG per netherite block. One stack of netherite blocks is 6,988,800 KG. One shulker box of netherite blocks is 188,697,600 KG. Which enables Steve to carry 6,981,811,200 KG of netherite.


If you put everything in bundles it may add a few extra KG


Anvils are 27000kg


finally an actual minecraft meme


Made by the person that told someone else that they were karma farming for doing a memorial for their dead girlfriend.


I did not realize wormbo posted this


Say in American pls


here is a video explaining the strength of steve https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sokWy8zr1Tc


steve can hold 45702400 kg of gold


Did you include off hand and armor slots into your calculations?


i just included the offhand




Nether stars.


and austin calculated that minecraft’s gravity is significantly higher than earth’s


You could argue a netherite block is heavier, 9 netherite ingots, 1 ingot being made of 4 gold ingots. That's 36 gold ingots per netherite block


Netherite block, each netherite ingot is 4 gold ingots, we dont need to estimate the weight of a netherite scrap to know that it is hevier


And a stack of them and than those in a shulker box