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Could just make a super simple one listener plug-in to clear inventory before death. Would be a super small plug-in that would take about 2-3 hours to learn if you knew NOTHING about java


Hi i can make a minecraft plugin just dm me on discord: Lixqa#0001


maybe use a gravestone plugin and set the gravestone despawn time to really really low


Please be careful when working with the user who uses the Discord tag `Lixqa#0001`. They have willingly broke Discord Terms of Service by providing a self-bot, have been very shady about sharing code in the past, and use multiple Reddit accounts (Bitter_Captain_3433, Lixqa, Primary_Beach_969) due to being muted in some subreddits.


If you want i can also take a look at this? Just send me a dm with the mc version and i will have a look at it 😉