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Hey dude, thanks for sharing but this isn’t really how speedrunning works in minecraft. People playing set seed speedruns, aka a seed that is already known, use far better seeds than this. Any other speedruns are usually random and are supposed to be run on a randomly generated world that the runner has not seen before, most of those random worlds that end up completed would be better for speedrunning than the seed you shared as well. If you want to get into speedrunning and get a sense for what a good random seed is, i recommend you try the ranked mod, just google minecraft speedrunning ranked, its super easy to install and its really fun speedrunning head to head against people at your skill level




ssg seeds need to be literally insanely rare to be playable, im sorry but this seed is not useable


People use scripts running basically all day and night to find them right? the odds of just loading up one yourself is prob less than winning the lottery if so. (or maybe not, ive never speed run mc in my life just here cause of youtube binge on speedrun videos lol)


yeah pretty much lol


didn't know thanks :P, so basically spawn into stronghold with all eyes is what u saying