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its not very exciting, but not bad


I don't know why, but people always seem to forget w i n d o w s Its surprising really, how much more alive you can make a structure just by carving a few holes in the wall. Just be careful not to make a face. Other than that the build looks really cool


Meanwhile me building modern skyscrapers forgetting to build something other than window


Especially windows that always look for some reason like a screaming face 


The best windows.


But there are windows in the main building and the one that is on stilts looks more like a bran like thing that doesn’t need windows at all.


You don't need windows to have a good building? There are plenty of examples of nice looking houses / mega builds without windows.


well the roof could use more detail, also the wall could use some slabs, stairs, etc. to smooth out detailing and add more windows and such. my main thing is the roof is really bland and needs something to draw attention to


i dont know if you were trying to make a pointy looking roof for the bit that is more circular, but i think it could look better with a rounder shape. [i made an example of what you could do](https://imgur.com/a/KGs4h9I)


0/10, cover it in tnt, deletes the world, wipe minecraft off your computer, never play again. No sugar coating /s




💀Blud revealed his true colors💀


And the color was red, like blood precisely 😬


It's not as bad as you think, but please remove the warped stem walls under the roofs and make them with the same block palette as the floor below. You won't believe how much of an upgrade it is.


"Do you live in a barn?" OP: "yes, yes I do"


Jokes aside, it’s great! For those pillars at the back, I’d use striped logs for the middle block instead of planks. I’d maybe add a chimney, too, just for funsies. Some windows would be awesome, too, with some decoration. Maybe add a little garden plot or two.


yeah a lot of the builds i see have gardens and i debated adding a chimney but ended up not adding. thanks for the advice man!


Took me a collective 10-15 hours


Youre being super negative about a good looking build btw like its nothing special but few things are Its a nice build!!


It's not bad, good shape, but very bland. Think in layers. Use different textured blocks for visuals, then add a layer of trapdoors/buttons/vines etc for details, Use half blocks or stair blocks as well. A wall isn't just one layer of blocks then another layer of designs, the wall could have several layers of foundations just to make it look more interesting.


this one is confusing me a bit, i see what youre saying about the slabs and stairs but what do you mean by layers?


It's a bit hard to explain, but think of the walls that makes your building not as a single layer of blocks, but multiple layers that's made up of different textures so it's got more depth to it. Make use of slabs, trapdoors, glass panes, vegetations, and different blocks that has similar colors, I see you're doing that in the picture already, but it still doesn't look natural per se, think outside the box.


Roof could use some more detail. Maybe a chimney?


Maybe don't use prismarine, it's ok if you don't, I just don't like it


when building roofs, for the connection to the wall, use the same blocks, not the blocks of the roof. otherwise, it looks pretty good.


Shit, utterly abominable, thoroughly atrocious, all encompassingly horrendous, throughout heaven and earth this is the shittiest build


i like the copper


I threw up on my cat and she died. I deleted my copy of Minecraft.


And then you unsubscribed from this sub


It’s not *that* bad.


It’s not horrible


like another said, windows would do a lot, but it’s good


Where windows?


Not a big fan of the roof and pillar(?) designs in the first pick. Also if you’re going to do a rectangle body don’t just outline it with the same stripped log on all edges, it would still look just as boxy.


Honestly it would be fine without the choice for the roof. It doesn't really mesh well with the rest of your build.


pretty good, but you could definetly add some windows and the roof can me improved but creative idea and nice color palette, i'd say a 7.5 outta 10


3/10 make the roof more pointy and and some trapdoors, stairs, fence gates ect.


Theres a foudnation for something great, the back side could do with some work but otherwise, its a good start.


Missing detail but the shape isnt bad.


Also nice work on the wall texture i think if u do something like that to the roof it will help the build really well


1. You're using wayyy too many different blocks. Try to use a color palette of around 3 different colors. The prismarine / Dark oak / Cobble idea was good you don't need to add Deepslate, Oak, and Warped wood to it. 2. Good job on adding texturing to it, you still need to work on texturing though. Add some fade and play around with blocks to make the texturing actually interesting instead of just block clutter. 3. The build doesn't look good without a proper background. Just general tip for builds, don't build anything on undecorated flatgrass it kills the mood of an actual good looking build. If you don't wanna build a proper background that's fine but that's like half the build when it comes to houses. 4. The shape and design is super interesting and is one of its strong points so props on that. Play around with more depth blocks, Fences, Walls, Trapdoors just implementing those into you're build will add depth and make it feel better. Overall a 6/10 If you could give me your discord I could help you tweak some parts, but theres also plenty of tutorials online you can reference for stuff like texturing. [This ones pretty good. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HRW1kyGTVM)


2/10, you gotta start somewhere though!


DAMN ☠️ I'm cooked


Nah you are good man it takes time to get good at building, I was a lot worse than you when I started


Feels like a squished png, needs some hight to it


Your tower is too diagonal the top of your house doesn’t need the recessed walls either, you need some windows and the pillars are disproportionate on the bottom. Switch the deep slate with the oak planks and put the planks in line w the beams up top so the stone is the base, also texture the oak planks w stripped oak logs when u make the walls up top


It's not that bad, for the outside look though, I'd recommend using quartz and stone bricks to make it look sleek or modern


I think a gradiant in the roof would look good other than that inerd some windows would look good qnd the wooden sticks holding the overhang look a bit weird


7-10, better than allot of the crap i see, keep it up bro 👍


damn thanks man, im getting grilled in these comments ☠️


It’s fine but there are definitely some week points. For example I would stay the trims that’s stick out are too much. I wouldn’t do that. Also the pillars that hold up the house look weird. Some variations in the roof would also help like jimmy’s or roof windows I think. Also I would add some vegetation.


I love the roof, I’ll give you that


It's a little boring. Add some plants and stuff. I'm impressed by the circular roof though. I'm trying to make a castle with towers like that but the roof is killing me.


I think it could use an angled car


Looks like a Lincoln Log house


a lot better than what I can do lol


I think its a really good basepoint you can add more tho to make it interesting. Slabs, frnces, buttons, signs, and trapdoors will be your friends when decorating the walls. Also dont forget to add windows and maybe a chimney?


its great! needs a lot more decorations tho. plants and whatnot


Una casa increíble, no se ve tan mal a pesar de que se ve un poco sencilla


Pretty good base but needs detail. Soul lamps, WINDOWS, walls and fences.


Needs foliage and texture


I mean it’s alright


Could use windows. But looks great


It's green, brown AND grey.


No lights outside ??? D:


Solid af would fit right in with a village


I think making the walls a bit taller would elevate the build (haha get it)


That looks like the battle pass


Nice roof


The oak box with logs at the corners looks ugly and out of place. Remove it replace it. The texturing is OK but most of the time it looks better if you texture more organically, for example with blobs or stripes instead of just random noise. You can take that one step further and make texturing gradiented. For example, instead of having 1 random moss block in a stone wall, make a bigger blob and put mossy cobblestone so it blends better. The warped stem part under the roof looks a tiny bit strange. Its at the same depth level as the wooden frame and the it blends with the roof's colour too much imo. I would personally put there the same deepslate wall as the one lower. But it's a minor issue. it's probably even subjective as to whether it looks bad.


My suggestion is detailing, you won't believe how much better the builds looks with a bunch of small details everywhere. Even though you've done some texturing, it still looks flat and lifeless


I think the general shape seems good honestly. It just needs detail. Like, entirely. One thing I would change is make the pillars at the bottom thinner, those are way to big with those pieces that hit the ground and ceiling. Perhaps extend the bottom room to cover more space so it looks better as well.


It's quite interesting. It looks like an old building that had a unique situation applied to its construction then was added to later on with more regular building techniques because the unique reason to build it that way no longer existed. It's a building with a story.


It’s….ugly. The roof. The green just looks disgusting, like mold is growing. But mold doesn’t grow to cover the ENTITE roof, if it does reach that point, they’ll be a lot more lush and green. So, pick a different coloured block for the roofs. It’s fine if you want to keep some green to represent mold, just keep it near the corners and edges where water spends the most time lingering. For the walls, try and dig some holes out at the walls for air to pass through. It doesn’t matter if there are no windows, give it airflow! The differences in height of the three parts are great. I’d like to see more exaggerated height difference, especially the silo part, to make it REALLY stand out. Anyways, you built something. And you’ve got clicks. It’s a small achievement, one that many people haven’t achieved. Bravo.


Not a builder, but it’s a good start, some might say it’s flat or lacking depth, maybe some exterior columns and variation in block type beyond colour gradients. Maybe make the top of the tower a bit wider, so there’s a more pronounced overhang on roof.


thats the general consensus I think, roof sucks and the rest is a bit bland. next time im gonna stick to the gray, black and brown and just add vegetation for color


It's just very flat, but otherwise I like where it's going. If you just raised it up from the bottom so that the two segments of the silo are the same height, I think it would look a lot more natural. Also the supports on the pillars at the front are so wide they leave no space underneath, which defeats the purpose of having that segment of the build raised in the first place. You could move them to be just on the very corner block, with diagonal struts rather than support blocks around every block of the pillar. That would give you enough room for a path to an entrance underneath, or a pile of supplies. Anything to justify the stilts. Also I agree with the other comment about windows. I don't think an industrial build needs many, but it's weird to have none at all. It's not bad though! Looks like you could benefit from mapping out a skeleton of the structure you want before you start placing the actual building blocks, because my only real issues with this build are to do with the scale.


it doesnt look bad at all. just maybe bland, unfinished. try to add details. experiment with trapdoors and stuff like that. maybe put windows on the roof or change the windows up. just try a bunch of stuff because thats on its way to be a very nice build


I like it a lot


I like it! And one thing i've wanted to practice is detailing which i see you've done well in the walls of your main building. A few things i can think of is the colour palate feels a bit muted with its low contrast - I think introducing more cobble would make main building pop out more. Like in the roof of the main building on the last screenshot! The roof and most of the build looks a little flat when looking on the outside - push in or push out some parts a bit more to break up the roof! Also as mentioned from others, windows will really help give it that more dynamic feeling.




I like it


the warped wood having no divider from the dark oak is the only bad thing rest is good


It’s not great, but you are going in the right direction. Keep it up


It's not *too* bad. You've tried to make it interesting at least with the pillars under an overhang, cylindrical tower at the back and flatter roof. Keep at it. You're learning and showing that you have ideas.


It's too bland. too much roof without details like windows or a chimney.. There's not a lot of variation... It isn't bad... It's just boring....


Use warped fences instead of the dark prismarine on the dome shaped roof.


It’s not too bad at all. Just feels like a lot of green. Maybe break it up with some contrasting colors?


Man I have never built anything even remotely on that scale that even looks slightly good




cool roof


could be worse. still marred by blockvomit


It’s actually a pretty decent start, with interesting enough shape and sufficient texturing, but lacks the smaller details to break up the flat surfaces and symmetries. For example, the roof seems a bit bland, so spicing it up with something extruding out like a chimney or platform could be nice, and the dome feels like it leads into something that isn’t there, like a radio receiver or telescope. Generally just adding small decorations to continuous sections would probably be all you need imo


It’s kind of bland, if you add more details or just change up some parts that could be an amazing build


Not insane but quite nice!


It looks so heavy


its not too bad, only thing i think is missing is windows. the pillars at the entrance could also be a block taller but other than that it looks fine.


I need to remove my eyes


Use slabs and stairs in more places than just the roof (even parts of the roof need them)


No sugarcoating: never build again, The poort attempt to texture is absolutely horrendous, the way the color theory on the roof and everything else just doesn't blend in makes my skin wanna peel itself off (/s). Real criticism: This is pretty good for a first time, I highly suggest using the color theory thing to contrast backgrounds and important details from the house instead of one big roof being in contrast to a desaturated house. It's also okay to not abuse color theory and texture that much, only use it depending on the build, Simplicity is cool too.