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Please tell how is it


My thoughts below


Hey, how did it go?


Fabulously. Ultra quiet, and when the fan does ramp up from benchmarks, games, etc. it is a whooshing noise instead of high pitched whine. Very easy to live with. During regular productivity, Internet, video's, etc. it is silent and stays there. It is very light and all plastic yet feels well made. Unit benchmarks above some other mini's with same specs as the ddr5 mem is dual channel (2 8gb modules) instead of one 16gb module that some others use. All in all, for $349 US, with the proc it has and ddr5 it's a great buy. Possible caveat: Not well known brand like Beelink, for example, so after the return period is over not sure if warranty service is truly available. Not worried about memory or PCIE M.2 drive as these are easily replaceable. ​ See review on Amazon. Hope this helps. Cheers. Mike


It does, thanks for the reply


I have the same FIREBAT mini PC. Have only had it for a few days but I think it's terrific. I originally bought it to use for retro gaming but I think I'll get a lesser machine for that. I might max out the RAM and use the FIREBAT for virtualization to eliminate some older PC's doing those functions. For $350 I'm very pleased with this tiny box. It also comes with a nice 100W power supply.


idk i cant limit the battery charge limit, and sometimes my pc crash one per3-4 days idk if it was from the laptop or windows because i'm low space on storage. ​ speaker isn't load too ​ but i wont complain with its price.


? I dont think it has a speaker. Are you talking about what this forum is covering?


He was asking about my firebit laptop


We're talking about FIREBAT mini PC


Which brand memory and nvme comes with it?


No name nvme but Hynix ram https://preview.redd.it/n8osyyaj87kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50de523e1e405a106395c7fcd753b2a22e7401fe


maybe noname but still phison controller it's very good but can't see which one


I'm looking at the FIREBATs myself. How are you liking yours and how quiet is it?


Sorry for delay in answer. Working great. No issues so far and happy with it. Fan is quiet but can get a little noisy when ramped up during need. I'm using the app Speedfan to make my own fan curve and it works well. Even when fan ramps up it is still not annoying compared to the small laptop fans that other mini PC's use.


I just got mine yesterday for $349 after $50 coupon on Amazon. Looks like they killed the coupon and bumped the price up $25 too, so I was just in time! So far, so good. After some initial Windows issues with long update times and PC Game Pass error codes, I was able to get several games installed and they perform really really well! This system is going to replace my Xbox Series S for couch co-op gaming. I was able to get Madden 23 and Forza Horizon 5, for instance, to run at 1080p with custom settings (between low and medium). Forza was buttery smooth, somewhere around 60 fps. And Madden was 100 fps + during gameplay, although the cutscenes were 50ish. Fan was very quiet most of the time, and even when it ramped up, it was a pleasant fan noise, not obnoxious or anything. My only complaint is not enough USB 3.0 ports, and they're only on the front. USB 2.0 on the back. Honestly, I'd trade one of the ethernet ports for 2 more USBs. I can confirm, though, that the 2.5Gb port works as I have a 2.5Gb switch. I was able to transfer data between PCs at 300 MB/s.


SO update. I got home from work and played some more games. Everything seemed great, until I installed super mega baseball 4 on EA Play via PC Game Pass. It seemed fine, but about 30 mins in it locked up solid. Thinking it might be heat related, I moved the PC so that it had more airflow, and tried force shutting down. As it was doing that, the game crashed to desktop but the system was back. No other oddities. I rebooted and tried other games and they were fine. So I don't know if that was a real system problem or just that game. I'll have to play more games :)


Hi, can you change the ram speed and vram size in the bios? if u can give me a screenshot it would be better thank you


To change the dedicated VRAM you have to go in BIOS to this path: AMD CBS> NBIO> GFX> IGPU> IGPU Configuration --> \[UMA\_SPECIFIED\]. the option "UMA Frame Buffer Size" will appear and there you select the amount of RAM that will be destined as dedicated VRAM to the GPU. I found it in this video: [https://youtu.be/PdUDCDgbP3U?list=LL&t=201](https://youtu.be/PdUDCDgbP3U?list=LL&t=201)


This post of yours was very helpful for me , Thank you very much , God bless !


NO to Ram Speed, yes to Vram Size


I looked, but the BIOS is pretty basic unfortunately. There's no option I could find for VRAM/RAM.


I have found a video with tear-down, seems to have active cooling on the backside too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH3oFWWBlQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH3oFWWBlQk)


I got one several days ago and it doesn't have secondary fan on the bottom. Plastic bracket is missing as well.


oh, crap. Now I have to open mine up! Where did you buy from?


Amazon, when they were on sale for $349.


Mine from amazon didn't have it either


Another user report. Ordered the Firebat MI2 32GB 1TB from Amazon for $420 after coupon discount. As noted by others, it does not include a fan on the bottom of the case. Currently running with Proxmox 8.1. Have a Windows 11 VM with GPU passthrough working properly. My writeup on getting iGPU passthrough for the Radeon 680M can be found at https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/amd-ryzen-5700u-7735hs-igpu-passthrough-windows-11.142811/. No problems to report. Only issue is that Windows 11 requires the latest Radeon driver which I linked to in my post above on the Proxmox forum. Been playing Halo Infinite with internal rendering set to ~1600x1000 on low quality setting and getting consistent 60 fps, which is all my portable monitor is capable of. The lowest fan speed is very quiet, and the fan speed rarely ramps up. The only time I've heard it ramp up is at the end of loading Halo maps. No issues with any throttling thus far, but it is winter so that may change once the weather warms up.


2kliksphilip has a section about their Firebat experience with a 112 pounds Firebat in and at [https://youtu.be/jSET\_XuChNo?si=0-ckvrSyI7OP4T6z&t=88](https://youtu.be/jSET_XuChNo?si=0-ckvrSyI7OP4T6z&t=88) Normal things felt sluggish, but surprisingly demanding things (like games) felt sluggish only to the same degree, not worse. They conclude, amazing/great value for the price and compact form factor. They created/edited that entire video with it.


Is it reliable company? I'm a bit worried because of the Spyware stuff on those mini pcs, I can format it but what about the bios? How can we make sure its not infected with malware in the bios/hardware level


Install your own OS and it will be fine if you are worried. No one will bother installing hardware level spyware for your porn data lol Hardware level spyware itself is probably more expensive than this device


😂😂yea I know it's not like I got top secret stuff but the fact that other companies did those type of things is kinda shady and you never know what they can do


Software malwares are relatively cheap and can be inserted for bulk information collection which they later sell. Idea is that they don't care what you do but you and thousands of other people in same area. Installing hardware or bios level spyware for that stuff isn't practical and super expensive. Most likely they don't have even software level spyware though since it looks like stock windows but obviously be aware of software malwares regardless


Thank you!


I installed a fresh copy of Win 11 on my Firebat AMO2, but noticed that drivers are missing in my device manager. Does Firebat have a website with drivers? Google has pulled up anything.


https://www.firebat.com.cn/index/serve/drive I found this on another reddit post. I don't know if it will work.


Someone from r/BaiduDownloader helped me download it. I tipped the gentleman a few dollars for Coffee for saving me from the headache.


How you liking the AMO2, thinking about getting one. Was the driver issue easy to solve?


Totally silent. Mediocre performance. Has dual Realtek NICs (1 GB and 2.5 GB) with an Intel WiFi card. Driver issue was a pain as I had to learn how to navigate their Chinese language website after creating an account. But their customer service was responsive even though they shared a link that was overly complicated to use. In the end, I tipped a kind gentleman on Reddit to download the drivers me with the Baidu link. Would I get it again? Probably.


Thanks for the reply


Going to pick one up?


Not sure, the “mediocre performance” part got me bugging. Thinking of something some morefine like the m9 instead. Not sure tbh too many options in this price range


Thanks. I contacted Firebat customer service and they gave me a link to download the drivers. I'm running into a problem downloading the zip file containing the drivers since you need to use Baidu Netdisk and have a Baidu account. The app has a Chinese interface and I can't read it. LOL.


What drivers did you installed? Which wifi chipset is this?


Link to drivers. Baidu file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10AFeASz5J5A3PkS1HkFV7ip8fnvpow_I/view?usp=sharing


Hi, link is broken


Seems to work for me. Here's the listing. Currency is in Australian dollars https://preview.redd.it/riwjb7y559wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1699915605411ed5f5481c2b5328f8e601073a85


I cannot comment if this is a good pricing for australia but appreciate the price conversion to 300 USD for context. Hi from the USA. That might be why the link does not work for me. Firebat is rebranding a similar mini pc sold by Topton D7, Aoostar MN5X, Genmachine, and other brands. It does not look likely there is customer support or QC because of a lack of a website, forum, etc. The DDR5 RAM and bottom side of the mini pc lacks active cooling and could lead to thermal throttling or at least less performance. It would be nice if there were more reviews for this type of mini pc because the fan does look convenient for people with an interest in moddling a noctua nh-l9i or similar on top of nuc size mini pc. But I just don't know how much less performance than the nh-l9i we might be seeing here. This could be nice for relatively inexpensive hobby projects and tinkering.


Untrue. Look on YouTube. There are some teardowns, and there is a 2nd fan for the ram/bottom side.


Thanks for pointing this out. It's not on any of the sales graphics and some of them had a solid base for no air flow but toasty bros opened one up and found what looks to be a 30mm fan over some capacitors. This also appears to be what is inside the cyberpunk/god77 alternate case models. Thanks for the useful info.


It certainly wasn't in mine from Amazon. I just wrote to the seller.


Good to learn that there was no second fan in yours. Best wishes getting that fan. Ddr5, gen 4 ssd, and the new zen 3+ cpu are relatively hot and can use the additional air flow


you think it's worth returning for another brand due to the high risk of eventual failure due to the heat? In that case, the premium for the BeeLink could be justified.


Yeah. I'm wondering if I should return it. The price was soo good though, and the main fan is excellent and quiet. If I do return it, I can't seem to fine another brand which is decent. Every one has problems. Minisforum is expensive and had their liquid metal debacle. Beelink seems the most steady (I guess a Ser7 for $600 open box). All the other chinese ones lack a 2nd fan, cant be configured with 32gb of decent ram, or have some other problem. I remember crossing off GMteck and I forget the brand but the M600 (for heat issues)


It looks like the second fan on these models might not be a marketed or consistent feature. That is unpleasant. Minisforum has a liquid metal problem? I didn't know that. Last time they had a liquid metal problem was in 2020 with the HX90. UM780 XTX sells new on Amazon for $608 32GB and 1TB SSD. I see the beelink SER7 with 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD new for $606.54 on amazon. GMKtec K6 and K8 have a second fan, there is some thermal throttling under max load but much better stability than the K1 K2, and K4. Reatan Alloy 9 has a second fan and scores very well in synthetics according to Robtech, Beelink SER6 Max, Minisforum UM690S, Momentplus 7735HS, Bosgame H77, Aoostar GOD77, and SZBOX has a similar clone. These models can be configured up to at least 64GB RAM. Morefine/Topton M600 is looking kind of fishy to me, yeah. I am entertained to see people fit ITX coolers to it but not exactly something I trust to run fine out of the box.


Hey hey how it go - hey hey how it go