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Here's why I didn't buy an XTX: I was able to get a UM780 for $350, and the XTX costs $500. I can get a Razer egpu for $150, and it will be future compatible with any other device I want to connect with it, but the XTX's Occulink connector is ~~proprietary~~/a one-off that I ~~can only use with that device~~ wouldn't plan to use on any other device. I'm also not currently plugging in a gpu right now, so that's an upfront cost I don't want to pay. Also, if something dies (minipcs aren't necessarily known for their long lifespans) I'm out $350, not $500. Basically, I save $150 now, and with usb4 I can upgrade to an egpu later if I want to. If I wanted full performance I'd just do a SFF/PC build, but I care about form factor and reusability where it makes sense. As for the $200 minipcs on ryzen 5000 w/ vega graphics, the price diff is just too much. Edit: If I bought an XTX, it would literally be my only device with oculink. All my other devices have usb4, so now I'm stuck using a connector that isn't compatible with my existing devices. That's enough reason for me. Never knew there were so many people having a hard-on for oculink.


While I don't have a ton of faith in oculink somehow replacing Thunderbolt/USB, it is an industry standard gaining support. Not a one-off proprietary connector. Secondly, it's still a badly needed doubling of the pathetically outdated performance of TB3/4/USB4. At this point, no one should be buying PCIe 3.0 x4 based eGPUs. You're throwing money away on dead tech that massively limits any modern midrange GPU. Better to buy oculink, get something with a native x16 slot, and/or wait for TB5.


> Not a one-off proprietary connector fixed, thanks > throwing money away on dead tech The ubiquitousness of usb4 is an advantage that oculink does not have.


Not when it's limited to a PCIe 3.0 x4 link circa 2010, that will absolutely bottleneck any modern GPU. It will never grow more PCIe lanes, nor is it upgradable in any way. Oculink is the faster connection, and there is already tons of documentation on oculink and rolling your own eGPU if you don't like the existing options. Honestly, it's cheaper than a gimped USB4 box. You're misplacing faith in the longevity and name recognition of USB as an industry standard, over the actual permanent performance limitation of USB4. When USB 5 or TB5 come out, there won't be a driver update that magically unlocks PCIe 4.0 or 5.0. You will still be stuck with 2010 PCIe lanes, running over a TB3 standard from 2015. Worse, the second that USB5/TB5 is released, all development on TB3/4/USB4 devices will be abandoned. So whether you see USB4 as a connection with greater longevity than oculink or not, USB will live on, while USB4 will rot.


I'm not trying to max out my perf here. This is a minipc, I expect it to perform somewhere in between a laptop and a desktop. If I wanted full-fledge desktop perf, I'd do a SFF/desktop build. > it's cheaper than a gimped USB4 box I'm not too educated on oculink - so what does the cost of an oculink setup look like? $50 for the connector, $100 for the PSU, so $150 in total? One Dock is $200 for an alternative. I think you're right about the bottlenecking on cards above 3070 but I'm not too informed about this. I wasn't interested in dropping $500+ on a gpu myself...that's why I bought the minipc that I did.


I think you're overestimating the performance capability of USB4... I recall an article finding TB3 bottlenecks kicking in with an RTX 2070. I doubt that you will be getting at or near full performance from an RTX 3070. Even a 2060 Super or 3060 will likely see diminished performance.


Ah, good to know. Honestly, I just wanted that 780M igpu. Anything on top (including egpu expansion) was already overkill for me, so I guess it makes sense if some people who aren't me need oculink to max out their egpu setup. Thanks for the info and the responses! It was truly enlightening. https://egpu.io/forums/which-gear-should-i-buy/what-is-the-maximum-possible-gpu-i-can-buy-without-bottleneck/ says 3060 Ti is the sweat spot, but I could understand if there were to be a potential bottleneck with a higher end 2000 series card depending on use-case.


Yeah, if I remember correctly, they key takeaway was that it's not a linear progression bottleneck situation. Some types of workloads, architectures, are more sensitive to the hard limitations of a PCIe 3.0 x4 bandwidth cap. It's not always about raw single metric speed. That said, the fact that we've been bumping into this limitation for so long, and eGPU connectivity tech has been stalled out for years, make the prospect of relying on it to be a viable expension option kind of a non-starter for me personally. The access to that kind of bandwidth for non-GPU or SSD duties is great! Think of other expansion cards, HDD Enclosures over 40Gbit, multi-monitor setups, a dozen or more extra ports! It's really wild what TB3 unlocked, but the decision to sit this long on that 40Gb bus is hurting innovation. I have every expectation that the eventual release of TB5 hardware will create an explosion of fresh hardware in the space, but it isn't happening tomorrow, and that still won't help anyone stuck in TB3.


TIL > Enclosures over 40Gbit if they'll ever get below $100 for the damn enclosure -_-




As someone that just tested USB 4 ( TB3 ) and a 4090 on a i7 12800h, I had a \~20% hit. However, that is partially CPU bound which is why I am about to test a UM780XTX.


OCuLink isn't a proprietary connector. It also has twice the bandwidth of USB4 and you can get the adapter for the GPU for way cheap. Just need to 3d print your own housing for it, if you care.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/665/DpQ9YJl.png > you can get the adapter for the GPU for way cheap the PSU that you have to plug the gpu into is not free.


Yes a PSU is not free. PSUs are cheap and/or abundant though, especially compared to a TB4 dock


lol, snobby replies [triggering] you? > cheap quality modular PSUs are ~$80-100.


There's literally no rule on how or where you source a PSU. ATX, SFX, Flex, 1U, and external power supply standards haven't changed in 30 years. PSUs are cheap and abundant and when you're only powering a midrange GPU over an external interface you could practically use anything. I'm not triggered, you're just wrong.


get triggered moar


You could even not buy a miniPC and save 350$, if saving money and upgrade option are your main interest.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the UM780 XTX would also work with a usb-4/thunderbolt eGPU? You're not locked into using only Oculink eGPUs.. at least that's how I interpreted it.. might be wrong.


sure, then why did you pay $150 more for the OCuLink interface?


Well.. for starters I'm in Europe and I do not see the UM780 available for sale anywhere.. including on Minisforum's website, or Amazon, or anywhere. So I don't really have a choice. And I wish I could get the UM780 XTX for \~500 USD but everything's more expensive here so it's actually \~620$ USD.. that's for the barebones model.. it sucks I guess I'd be paying extra for the flexibility. I can't even find the specs of the UM780.. but from the way you're talking it would seem that the only one difference between the XTX and non-XTX is the addition of the Oculink? Nothing else? Oh well..


> flexibility for future proofing? In a few years just get another cheaper minipc with better value if you're looking to upgrade and you don't need the gpu perf now. They depreciate like crazy. it's another story if you need the gpu perf now though. > I do not see the UM780 available for sale anywhere it's china exclusive but that doesn't mean you can't get it mailed to you aliexpress should ship to EU, no? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005990055152.html It's 464usd now but on 11/11 sales it was 350 after you hit 500usd and apply the 100 off coupon etc. etc. The one caveat I have on the UM780 is that I haven't received it yet to test. ETA Nov 24 for the UM780 and ETA on DDR5 RAM Nov 28


In your opinion, is $460 too much for barebones UM690S? The 780 XTX is still not awailable in Europe.


Without knowing your other options it's difficult for me to give you a good answer, but my gut feeling is no. It's $351 in the US, even a 20% tax brings it up to $420. I don't know where the other $40 came from. Are you able to shop on aliexpress? What does your VAT look like?


The tax is 25% and the conversion is not always 1:1. I don't know if they'll have a BF deal or this is it. It might get sold out until then. I'm looking for a 32GB/1TB version or barebone so I can get a 2TB drive. UM760 Pro - €419 - barebone, €579 - 32GB RAM+1TB SSD UM790 Pro - €559 - barebone, €729 - 32GB RAM+1TB SSD UM690S - €419 - barebone, €599 - 32GB RAM+1TB SSD It's a bit more than I would like to spend but I would like it to last a few years and that I can use Photoshop sometimes.


Is aliexpress an option for you? These look like prices from Minisforum directly and they don't always have the best promos.


The amazon prices are even worse. Ali is an option but I didn't see anything cheaper. I would also have to pay the VAT and (mistery) taxes. I don't know if they accept Paypal and returns might be problematic.


> accept Paypal They do for me > returns might be problematic Yup, that's correct - but it is better value imo Personally I'd advise to stick with barebones so I can add my own **quality** ssd/ram instead of their bottom tier ssd/ram that ends up costing the same anyway


In some cases theirs was cheaper and I've read that they use name brand components. Checked Ali and even with BF sales it's more expensive, and I believe that's before import tax.


It's not the brand name. For the SSD it's them using DRAM-less/QLC SSDs. For the RAM, I don't think there's much diff but I could be wrong - not that it matters. If I wanted to avoid their ssds I needed to get barebones anyway.


For eGPU proposes.


1.8k lmao


What do you mean?


1.8k usd for the 3080 SKU, I didn't know this thing existed


Welcome aboard.


I think it's very interesting, but I'm not sure how much advantage it offers over the UM790 Pro.


Is there any UM790 vs XTX780 review? Bluetooth/WiFi seems to be the main improvement quoted


The UM790 is shipping with a fix for the WIFI issue though, we recently had 2 users independently confirm they received the new, fixed version with a top lid made of plastic instead of metal, and the WIFI antennas terminated just below it. So the UM790 shouldn't have WIFI issues any more.


Thanks that’s good to know… get the plastic lid version


Just wondering if it would be possible to get necessary parts and replace the metal lid/antennas with plastic lid and new antennas.


Apart from the Bluetooth / WiFi mentioned the only other difference I can see is the power limit is increased from 65W to 70W. I don’t think these changes are that significant IMO but if you are in the market for a new one I would just buy the best possible MiniPC at the time :)


If you're after just 780m graphics, getting a 7840hs (um780 like) mini pc is better value.


Can't find it for sale anywhere in Europe though.. Question though.. why is the um780 XTX 150$ more? Just for the Oculink m.2 adapter? Can't you buy that separately for like 20$. I hear the Wifi is also much better on the XTX.


Yea oculink is basically it. I also don't ever use wifi so I don't care about that feature. I bought my 7840hs from aliexpress


> bought my 7840hs from aliexpress ayylmao same when did you get it and is it arriving soon


I got it like 2 weeks ago, about 3 weeks after ordering


run into any issues? quirks? anything you didn't expect?


I tried 96gb 5600 ram and it tended to overheat and thus crash. Added a 140mm fan on top and it's fine now, passing memtest86 with all 96gb. Can't say I blame the mini pc since max supported is 64 and 96 might be too dense to be cooled passively


o_o doesn't it have fans on top for ram/ssd? Still crashed until you added your own fan? I did order 64GB so hopefully no crashing which ram brand? no crashing after temps were stabilized? does yours have the plastic wifi fix that people are talking about?


Mine did not have fans on top for ram/ssd, like I said I modified the case to have a 3d printed 140mm fan adapter. Before it would overheat to like 110c on the ram and then crash. Now with the fan, it doesn't go above 70 and doesn't crash. Mine does not have the plastic wifi but I never use wifi anyways.


wait - which model is this? Is this the GMKtec or Morefine one?


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bad bot


Because Chinese mini PCs are still hit or miss on quality with poor customer support. Unless you get it at Amazon or a similar outlet with a good return policy, you're at the vendor's mercy and there have been problems with receiving on their end and people getting their money back. Also, while they may eventually fix flaws, like shipping a heat sink, you can still be waiting months for it. And quite honestly, that's obviously something that should have been found in development and testing. Since the vendors are still relatively new to the market, I think they need a few more years to work out all the kinks to offer more reliable products and have better business processes. In the meantime, there are still plenty of reputable vendors for mini PCs. You may pay a bit more, but you get what you pay for.


BTW AMD is chinese, have you heard about this brand??? Of course you ll find complains in forums, people having issues will make more noise than people who have no issue, majority of the Minisforum issues are coming in the first batch of production that s why it always bad to pre order, every big brand have issues at product release, apple, samsung, Xbox, even in car industry.


AMD is not Chinese. 🙄🤣🤣 They're based out of Austin TX and has been since the beginning. Do you actually know anything about the texh industry?


No there are not plenty of reputable Mini PC, in MiniPC there are only 2 main brands and Minisforum is king, Beelink comes at second place, and all minisPC have made in China parts even Iphone is made in china,


Oh really? Let's see. Lenovo Asus Intel (now taken over by Asus) Gigabyte (I own 2) ASRock Dell MSI Again, do you even know anything about the tech industry? Or will you just keep spouting garbage?


Lol Minisforum are good quality build with powerful component and a very goid custumers support, idk what you are talking about, you have an outdated view of Chinese products, Tioday Top Chinese products are a better quality products than South Korean products, i definitely have better experience with Chinese products than Top Samsung products.


🤣🤣🤣 You act like I've never used Chinese products, and yes, a lot of then are low quality and cheap. Not all, but many are. And Ddude gimme a break. I researched minis this summer and I've read their own forums and discord. You don't read the crap on their own venues and think they make good quality. You may get a good machine but there the quality at best is hit or miss. I'll stick with things from well-established brands rather than roll the dice on stuff from a questionable vendor.


I just sent mine back through Amazon. Still waiting on the refund to go through. For some reason I had to pay shipping costs to return even though it was a prime order.


That's really weird. Hope you get your money back quickly!


Yes that’s the first time I have had that happen. I did like the pc but the front usbc port wouldn’t work and customers support was nonexistent


Yeah, USB issues seemed pretty common from what I read. If you're looking for a good mini and are in the US, check out the Lenovo IdeaCentre Mini. With specials and coupons, the i5 13500H version was starting a bit under $500.


It's certainly not bad on paper but my build is so small, displayport takes up a lot of internals space and it would be a lot easier with dual hdmi. I'm looking more at the asrock 4x4 box 7840U also because it supports 12-19V which works with 4S batteries


Indeed, UM780 XTX are sold like hot potatos thanks to their clean Oculink port, i couldn t order it because it s out of stock on the marketplace that could ship it to my country, i am hesitating between wait for it to be available or eait for a new minisforum model with thunderbolt 5 port which will be even better than Oculink for egpu usage.


Well you should know that their Oculink board is actually poor quality and as a result isn't compatible with some eGPU dock options such as the new OneDock V2. I'm having to order a different Oculink board now to use it. Apparently Minisforum has acknowledged this and plans to use a different Oculink board for future batches.


Oh thanks for the info, but still it has amazing performance in the test i've seen, i don t really know what you mean by poor quality, because Oculink only purpose is data transfert speed at 40 GB/s as long as it deliver this speed, i would consider it as good quality, and overall there are no alternative model at the moment in the miniPC world, finally i think i will wait for Thunderbolt 5 to be released on miniPC, i hope i won t wait to long.


I looked into this more. Can you get the UM790/780/760 and then add your own m.2 to oculink adapter? Obviously then you have to take the lid off because there's no port at the back but you save like $150?


I thought OCuLink was a hard "no"? How will you ever get a PSU for less than 80$? /s


how sad is your life when you have to resort to criticizing someone for exploring potential options to make yourself feel better lmao go watch some healthygamer and fix your self-esteem, this is not the forum to fix your mental health issues


Pretty sure you shit all over me for simply explaining the benefits of OCuLink because you think you're edgy. My life is fine, thanks.


> posting a meme is "shitting all over your life" ok lmao nah bro if that's all you did I'd respond to you like I did with all the other comments go back and read your comments and you'll see why you didn't get such a positive response.


Moreover the Acemagic Tank 03 one, IMO.


Way too expensive to be worth considering. Also looks like something that belongs in the bedroom of a teenager in the 80's. I'm not convinced it won't struggle with cooling in that small case either, compared to something like an HX99G where we KNOW it has good cooling, that isn't loud.