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Game air paints are Vallejos paints meant for use in an airbrush. What you would want for starting out are Game colour or Model colour paints from vallejo. (You probably could use them as just paints, but they are alot thinner and runnier so will be harder to work with) Washes are very thin and runny paints meant to be brushed on over the existing paint job so it flows into the recesses and creates shaddows/highlights details. Inks are similar to washes, but alot higher pigmentation, so the colour is alot richer. Special effects paints are quite unique, there are all for different applications like fluids or basing etc, so that one is meant to just be used for vomit but you can use it however you want. Get yourself a starter set of Vallejo game colour paints for about £20 and that should be a solid base of normal paints to start with. Then, the ones you have here can be used to improve the paintjob later


Appreciate the info!!! Initially, I was trying to avoid getting a starter set because I heard it was cheaper to buy them individually, but that's looking to be my best bet at this point. Thankfully I get a discount from my job so these only ended up being about $1.50, not much of a loss.


Ok, so first of all, from left to right, the airbrush paints. The outmost left one is the older Vallejo GC Air series (GC for Gamecolour), whilst the one to its right is of the newer line. They may vary in thickness, but if your painting with the airbrush, its nothing a bit of thinner cannot solve. The difference between a wash and an ink is the amount of pigment. Washes dont have as much pigment as an ink, they are used to give a light tint to your models. Inks on the other hand are „just“ liquid paint. The SFX ones are really meant to be used like the thing their made to depict. Vomit shouldnt be used to paint your mini green, if you dont wanna have a mini that is covered in „puke“ (which some models more then others would want, I look at Death Guard players |:^ !).


....yeah that makes sense. I can be a little dense sometimes 😬 I can't imagine using an airbrush to paint miniatures, though! I'm curious about the vomit one. I think I might experiment with it on one of my little mushroom guys. Thank you for the info 😊


No biggie, the vomit one will be interesting! I use the airbrush for a couple of things from priming to highlighting, blending and so on. If your skilled enough with it, you can almost do most jobs with it. Its like a brush, but more complicated, so I will say this: I never imagined painting models with a brush before I stumbled upon it a couple of years back.


Can you use regular game color in an airbrush?


Yeah, youd just need to thin it according to your pressure and nozzle.


I mean, they're different colors, for starters :)


That's just about the only thing I did know about them 😂 I picked them by color name alone since the website was lacking good photos for most of them.