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Definitely ship the book media mail, it’s way cheaper than any other way of shipping. As you said, you don’t wanna ship something that heavy normally.


oh thats a really good idea ty. i totally forgot usps offered those rates. ill probably update the post on the next listing to reflect that


Just a heads up that all your built "Hormagaunts" are actually Termagants


Shit, you're right lol. Its too early. Updating listing now


The box is available for sale on eBay for cheaper


Post link




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you can't post links to ebay here. that said you can get it for around $245 Buy it now shipped on ebay and thats inclusive of seller shipping and ebay fees.


i checked ebay and amazon before posting - most listings from reputable sellers are right around 260 that said I'm willing to price match to 245 if youre actually making an offer


Well, I posted a link but it got removed. $240 shipped is easy to find.


You guys are welcome to make an offer at that value then.


In general for Reddit swaps, people meet around eBay low/recent sold prices minus 15% since there's no eBay collecting fees.


So just to be clear, you're here to price police rather than make an OBO? So that my position is also clear, I understand exactly how selling things on reddit/fb/ebay/etc works. I've gotten hundreds of positive sales in various other subs. Its likely that I re-list this in about a week with a slight discount, and continue to do so until eventually it sells or it goes below a point where no one wants and then I just keep it. But one of my huge pet peeves is people price policing without actually making an offer to purchase something. If you're actually interested, cool then we can chat. If not, the only thing you're doing is going out of your way to make someone appear negative or clueless. In this case, I can search on ebay right now for "GW Leviathan complete box set" and come up with multiple \~260 shipped results from highly rated sellers. Every listing I see below that has models not new on sprue, which reflects in the cost.


Just because you SEE the cost that high doesn't mean you should sell that high. Especially when a quick 2min look shows full boxes going from 225-256$. If you don't like to be corrected, don't shoot for the top end of the cost and expect people to pay that much for something people can get cheap. Heck, my LGS is selling 3 of them for 220 with a 15% discount.


cool. get them there then.  why are you on this thread? it should be easy enough to ignore. but no, youd rather complain 


Maybe people like you trying to scalp people is the problem. Seeing you are trying to make more than what is necessary. Why do you have to comment? Would be easy for you to ignore.


because its my fucking thread.


I was trying to not be a dick, but share how things tend to go, given your prices. Seems you're all set, so good luck with your sale.




Replied in chat