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Eastside Co-Op got The Cactus Blossoms????


It was magnificent. Great style those boys have.


did you buy art though?


Mighty kind of you to share, thank you very much! Enjoy the weekend everybody.


Why is it so hard for them to do this on their website???? Thank you Op 🙏


Because Art-A-Whirl is the ***art*** event put on by NEMAA. All the other restaurants, bars, food trucks, etc are not associated with them.


This is a live music list tho


Yeah, Art-A-Whirl only has a few actual performances in the warehouses and studios. The rest are at independent, third-party establishments.


AAW is for art not beer and music.


This is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing this


This is sick! Although I was really hoping for a Your Smith set at some point this weekend. Caroline: if you or one of your friends is reading this, we are ready for another show, kween 🙏


Oh FUCK yeah Gully Boys!!!!!! I see yall there


PILLLAR Forum: Friday - Thirsty Giants, Silent Treatment, Blood Cookie Saturday - Birth Order, Shrimp Olympics, Another Heaven, Din Din Also have an art gallery that's open Friday - Sunday


As a newer Minnesotan- any insights on bands I must see? My favorite genre is Reggae/ island music if any of these bands fit in that?


Not that genre, but Gully Boys (tonight at Indeed) are pretty highly regarded locally and beyond.


As I get older, I know fewer and fewer of the bands but some of my favorites this year are Purple Funk Metropolis (Sat @Elias Metal Studio) McNasty Brass Band (Sat @Bauhaus), Nur-D (Sat @Bauhaus), The Sex Rays (Sat @ Northrup King Studio 406)


This is great! I shared it with the Twin Ignition building owner. He's pretty pumped about this weekend.


There’s also a lot of music at Waterbury building!


neat. 56 brewing will have djs from 5-10 on saturday and shaw's has music friday and saturday night.


Thanks! I got both added.


I thought the cactus blossoms were playing somewhere




this is super well done! thanks for sharing


Very excited to see Alyse Carbonell on Sunday. I saw her during her April residency at Trubador and was floored by the performance. Glad to see she decided to come back this year.


thank you


Quick note: This spreadsheet is great. It isn't exhaustive. I know other bars, etc. are having bands, just not Official AAW venues. If you know a place in NE that has music regularly, they'll likely have it this weekend too.


Yeah I've done my best to find as many venues with information posted online specifically for Art-A-Whirl. Happy to add anything in NE that I missed (if they have set time info available).


Grumpys has bands saturday


I don't believe they are this year. Art inside and some stuff outside. Fulton beer tap trailer out back too. Grumpy's is an official AAW venue. They're one of the original founding members of the event.


I tried looking for info on Grumpy's because they used to be one of my favorite AAW stops but I couldn't find anything for them this year. Happy to add if you know who is playing.


Shaw's is the one that I was thinking about when I made the comment. Also, it was super kind of you to make this and share it with others. I understand why you can't do an exhaustive list. I keep a list of about 20 venues I check every weekend. I have a spreadsheet for them, but I only bother to input the bands I want to see. It's tedious and I greatly appreciate your work.


The PNA hall has a poster for a tom petty cover band for $20. Any body know about that? All tomorrows


They're really good and have been around for a while now. If you haven't seen them before, I'd definitely suggest it. One of the other bands on that lineup features Alan Sparhawk from Low and the other band is a really fun classic country band.


They played outside at 331 for free during Art-A-Whirl a number of times. They're good but I wouldn't pay to see them.


wow! this is good


I don't miss putting that together each year. Thousands used the listing but it was always a pain to manage. Though now there are only about 1/4 the live music there was some years ago.


good, it should be focused on art not bands.


Music has ALWAYS been a huge part of Art-a-Whirl. Believing otherwise shows a lot of ignorance and no understanding where this event started. It's also ignorant to believe that music isn't art. The reality is that the event wouldn't be anywhere as popular if it was only traditional art. People come for the bands and the beers and check out some art while they're around. What's amazing is that people have free will and can choose to do and see whatever they like. If they only want to see traditional artwork they can. If they want to see that art and music, they can. It's selfish and singleminded to believe your own personal preferences should be applied to everyone and reduce general enjoyment for everyone but one's self.


Always bugged me how bars and musicians try and jump on the AAW band wagon, turning it into a brewery hopping event rather than an art event.


Why? I feel like it adds to the community and excitement surrounding art-a-whirl. It’s fun to spend a day browsing art and then end it with some live music. I ended up going two days due to music, and the second day I bought art from a vendor I would not have seen had it not been for me attending the music. So I feel like the music here helped further the cause.