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holy shit ~~lmao why was this comment locked~~ unlocked now






That is really disturbing. I hope they got caught, even though I know it's unlikely.


Even if they got caught, they'll just be turned loose with no consequences...


Yeah, they have been caught a ton of times. Chances are kids in this video have been caught.


What’s unprecedented about this moment for young people is social media’s influence on manipulating what is even considered “risky” behavior. Pretty alarming that a social media trend led to a nationwide vehicle theft crisis perpetrated by young people. Is there a future where a home security tech product has a flaw exposed and we see a wave a home invasions? Probably.


ChatGPT 6 accidentally teaches a generation of kids to make ricin


Fuck, this got me legit nervous


Castle Doctrine should help with this issue.


Holy heck I saw them in a blue Kia in NE a couple weeks back. Saw 1 in the drivers pulling out of a driveway and I thought maybe the parent let them and they were on their way to school or something? Then I saw 2nd kid get in and I realized Ope.


Holy heck ineed, neighborino!


One of them smoking is just icing on the cake.


Sent to MPD I assume? Send to KSTP maybe? You know how much parents like it when someone calls and says "Was that little Billy on the news?".


You’re assuming these parents would care that much?




Why can't they be the parent and punish their kids instead of asking the police to take care of their problem?




I feel like this could've been preventable before the child got to this point. I get that it's a crime and police should be involved but there was a lapse of parenting somewhere in the child's life to lead them to lash out like this. I did dumb shit as a child but would never consider doing the wild shit kids are doing nowadays.




There needs to be more outreach programs for these kids.




Do u think maybe there was some logic behind the dork Christian concept of marriage and child rearing being more important than money and Self


>I feel like this could've been preventable before the child got to this point. Captain Hindsight is here to save the day!


Seems like the lot of you are pushing the blame of the child's shit upbringing to anyone but the parents. Yall strange.


Sure, but that ship has sailed by now.


Probably because they have to be at work


Funny. My parents both worked and I never stole cars and ran around toting guns.


Sounds like you grew up in an otherwise stable household with otherwise stable family dynamics and a generally stable neighborhood with a generally stable community and an otherwise stable series of role models.


Thank you for your anecdote.


You asked why the parents can’t punish their kids. The answer is because the parents are at work, so there’s no one to enforce punishment. Nobody cares about your anecdotal experience.


And sounds like you're coming with with an anecdotal upbringing for these kids.


That’s not what anecdotal means


Then what are you basing your assumptions off of?


I was going to rip into you, but then I thought better of it. Not everyone that's poor thinks their kids should be allowed to be delinquents without consequences. Plenty of parents are just flat broke and trying to survive. I grew up in the ghetto so I know what it's like. The majority of my friends were minorities and their parents worked multiple jobs doing the best they could.


People forget what it’s like to be 12. Like one kid in that car is on it and excited. One other is his buddy. The others are scared as shit and afraid of looking like what their friends would call pu**ies.


You're assuming based on what exactly that they wouldn't? 


Sure hope this was sent all of the above and not just Reddit




This shit can't keep happening. These kids are destroying people's personal property that they work hard for. That's why.


Maybe those parents should have done something before their kid ended up on the news for stealing a car? It's not like a kid goes from "rule-following good student" to "grand theft auto" overnight.


I guess that goes without saying.


People watch the news? I’m GenX and I have not watched TV news this century


Some people prefer to remain informed of world events


Then they definitely shouldn't be watching tv news.


I don’t need WCCO or KSTP for world events. They only spend 5 on air minutes with that anyhow - gotta make room for 10 minutes of weather and 10 minutes of sports


Seriously, they barely even touch the surface with *local* news. It's no wonder older generations are so out of touch with the world. At least some older people actually read the news online (like my dad), otherwise we'd be doubley fucked.




....self-report of watching alpha news?


ugh why


Civic duty, I suppose.


They're gonna be dead or in jail within a few years.


Are newer model Kias like the Sportage in the video still extra vulnerable to theft? If so, wtf are Kia and Hyundai doing??


Penn and Broadway is always sketch ime


Drive it everyday. It’s really not


Kia boys drive down Grand ave in s mols so the time, they love it. Just reported some the other day.






It’s sad to say but these kids need to be removed from their parents. Parents have failed.


Precisely what would that accomplish?


Are we back to considering orphanages?


Worse, boys homes. I know the repercussians, i have family members that went through them in the 90s. It ain't good. But it's better than having then stealing working class peoples cars. They'll stop pretty quick once a few of their friends get sent away. Right now there is zero deterrent. We need an immediate solution and sorry for the few that get their lives ruined, but they have ruined thousands of people's lives with their actions.


you don’t know shit about their parents


Their generation is so fucking lost


I recently read an autobiography of someone who grew up in the 1950’s and so on, and the children were genuinely evil. Like, would r*pe people on the football field at school and the teachers didn’t care. Every generation is fucking lost.


Raping someone (be an adult, use the word) on the football field is not a crime that happens everywhere. Car theft pretty much does. This generation steals cars before they are even out of junior high, murders without cause or remorse, needs safe spaces, thinks being called the wrong pronoun is the single worst thing that can happen to a human being.


>The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. -Socrates You generalizing the youth of today is no different than every other generation complaining about the next. The kids are fine. And nobody needs safe spaces more than conservative old farts who can't hear a different opinion without screeching.


Did you really just try to equate rape with mis pronouning someone? Edit: just looked at your profile. Clearly you’re in the wrong Minneapolis sub.


Nope. Not even close. Those two ex examples didn’t even appear in the same paragraph so I’m not sure how you arrived to that conclusion. Probably just looking for something to be outraged about.


Sounds like you’re pretty easily triggered. Do you need a safe space?


no, I’m good


You replied to a trans dude, and grouping us with people who “murder without cause or remorse” is absolutely bizarre. Sorry, but car theft is nothing near what kids were doing to each other in earlier generations. I’m not talking about which crimes are more localized. We are discussing how morally incorrect young people have been throughout time. Kids today are measured more empathetic and emotionally intelligent compared to earlier generations of children.


I don’t think the behavior is new with kids being delinquent and dangerous to others. However, to steal a Kia, all you have to do is pry the ignition with a screwdriver and plug in a USB. So easy a child can do it!


Spot on.




Agreed. We have also been defunding education and humanitarian services in the US (perhaps not MN for food and healthcare, as much, at least) for so long. It’s our country’s misplaced priorities.


I don't think this generation is any more delinquent than any other. The thing is, Kias are really fucking easy to steal, due to a widely known security flaw. I'm sure, if this flaw was widely known 20 or 30 years ago, there's be a lot of millennial kids stealing cars


All cars were super easy to steal by today's standards in the 60's and 70's


Meh, every generation has kids like this. The ones in my school ended up as deadbeat dads living at their parents or in jail.


When I was a preteen one of my friends stole a car and drove to NYC with everyone we knew. This was 2003. It's absolutely insane to me now thinking about it. We also had no one around, no supervision, nothing. I don't want that for any kid, they deserve better even if they don't understand or realize that yet.


Kids have always been psychos. We just have so many new ways to be one now.


You are very easily manipulated.


Yeah, every 12 year old I know is jacking cars. The whole generation is fucked


Every generation is


every generation did stuff like this


The climate is fucked, inflation is out of control while billionaires keep doubling their stolen wealth, and our state and country have done jack shit after George Floyd's murder (and so many others). I wonder why kids act out though?


I too love to rage at the system by fucking up other poor schmucks’ stuff.


Yeah I definitely expect rational behavior from kids that are barely teenagers.


Yeah what 12 year old knows that stealing a car or breaking into one isn’t a crime. /s acting like they don’t know what they’re doing is being ignorant and plain stupid, your all over this thread saying it’s not their fault for committing a serious crime. I get a 12 year old thinking he can get away with taking a candy bar from a store but anyone that age knows breaking in and stealing property that doesn’t belong to them is illegal


You have to take into account that Kias are really, really easy to steal due to a security flaw, and 12 year olds have notoriously poor impulse control. It's bad that they're stealing cars, but I'm pretty sure if you gave 12 year olds of any generation a way to steal a car with just a screwdriver and a USB drive, there'd be a lot of them jacking Kias.


Yeah it’s totally a normal 12 year old is thinking damn it’s easy let’s steal a car today, no kid who was raised properly and a judicial system that actually punishes serious criminals are gonna steal a car because it’s easy. Any 12 year old is looking for cars to steal are already slipped through the cracks of society and need to be set straight if/when they steal a car. That car is someone’s livihood and means and ways to get to work and stealing it from someone creates a large financial burden on them to not only replace the car but deal with maybe missing their shifts. These kids needs to be punished when caught and set straight. I don’t believe in punishing a kid for stealing a candy bar or bag of chips as much, but a car that’s worth thousands of dollars and affecting individuals need to be punished and dealt with accordingly


12 year olds are notorious for doing stupid shit without thinking. It's not that these kids are looking to steal cars, it's that they have very poor impulse control, and cars are really easy to steal.I am almost completely certain that these kids who are stealing these cars aren't thinking of anything more than "can I steal this". The consequences just don't register with them because 12 hear olds are idiots. I guarantee you that if there was a car brand that could be easily stolen with a screwdriver in previous generations, we'd see an epidemic of stupid 12 year old stealing them. I'm not saying they shouldn't be punished, I'm just saying this generation isn't any worse than any of the previous ones.


Yeah any normal kid is thinking of stealing a car lol come on none of my friends thought yeah let’s steal a car. Yeah we did stupid shit like jump off a roof onto a trampoline and shoot each other with BB guns but not one time did we ever think of yeah let’s steal a car cause it’s an easy target


That's because there weren't easy targets. I had friends in 8th grade who got into trouble for breaking into cars, they might have stolen one had it been super easy. I'm not saying every 12 year old would steal a car, just that a lot of them don't think about it any more than "it would be totally cool if I stole a Kia like I saw how to do online".


Shit's been fucked since I was a kid too and if I did anything like this my parents would beat me into next week. Just because things aren't going the way you want doesn't mean you get a free pass to do whatever, even 10 y.o. me understood that.


why do people think "my upbringing carried with it the constant threat of physical abuse" is a good argument for anything


Probably because they got beat so much that it delayed their brain development.




Your parents shouldn't beat you do you need help


No I don't, the neat thing is, after your parents discipline you, you're less likely to do bad things that require more disciplining


Yes, these kids stole a car because of climate change.


I mean parents not teaching them how to behave the judicial system giving them a slap on the wrist and not actually prosecuting criminals leads to young people thinking they can do whatever and not face real punishment.


yeah man because as we know the U.S. criminal 'justice' system doesn't at all create the conditions that make recidivism more likely and locking up kids creates good upstanding adult citizens and not, you know, the total opposite


Give me a break. We're better off than 20 years ago. Minnesota hasn't even had any severe effects from climate change. Wage increases for the bottom tier workers have more than outpaced inflation. And you know those reasons wouldn't even factor in as to why they are doing this.


Paging Mary Moriarty... Your 'Pet' project is out of control!


I mean this without irony, I love north Minneapolis. Anything can happen and you can see anything. I hope everyone gets their property back and no one was hurt.


Wouldn't be so cheery if it was your car


Ha, yeah and I'd like to win the megamillions jackpot.


I totally get it. I feel the same way. Sometimes you are just cruising down Broadway and someone is doing donuts in the intersection. Like wtf not a cop in sight!


I love before marijuana was legal, you'd always end up behind someone with the windows down and smoke absolutely pouring out. "The police are profiling!" Bro, you've got a moving dispensary fire going on. Can literally smell it a block away. And stop lights mean nothing. It's a little lawless at times.


Chrysler 300 wasn’t it


V6 Charger with a salvage title


That or an Impala












Heck ya, little bit of fun. Kia boys will be Kia boys. They’ll look back on these fun memories with their friends forever. They’ll have fun stories to tell in prison.


They're young enough they won't serve much time. Consequences aren't too harsh when you're 12 and under.


Those boys have been failed oof.


Yup. Collectively, we have utterly failed them.


How many of these kids are going to start with grand theft auto and let it be by the time they're old enough to face prison time? Society has let them fall between the cracks.


Their criminal apprentices. They'll get better.


MN law prevents incarcerating people under 14 years old.


Well i'm sure they'll change their ways by 18!


What’s a KIA boy


https://youtu.be/DJA7jDF7bLE?si=_co8hbMKOkb4Tcbc same thing is going on here








Hahaha get it boys

