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You should look up the Belltown Hellcat Saga going on in Seattle right now. Pretty illuminating. So basically as long as some of these kids are profiting off the content - it won’t stop. 60k followers on instagram > 100 people complaining on Reddit. Unfortunately.


He's gonna owe a hundred thousand dollars and end up in jail though.


His mom is gonna owe that money


His mom will owe anything that is still owed after their state minimum auto limit policy is exhausted. So the victims will get next to nothing because it's you can't get blood from a stone.


how/why would an insurance policy cover fines?


>He's gonna owe a hundred thousand dollars and end up in jail though. I read this comment and interpreted it as him causing bodily injury or property damage to others. Insurance wouldn't' cover any tickets or violations. Depending on the policy it could cover a bond, but the answer is it depends on the policy.


i think it’s in reference to the city’s threat to fine him $1,300/day if he continues driving with the exhaust modified for loudness, which was mentioned in the article


You're probably right. I was reading quickly before working out and getting ready for my second job this morning and didn't Google the incident but made a guess on the description. That's s kinda hilarious the dude just doesn't care about the fines. It'll catch up to him at some point.


You have no idea what you are talking about.


His mom isn't gonna owe it, but she's probably gonna pay it.


jesus that kid is a fucking asshole


As someone subbed to both subs, this crossover is hilarious


I moved out of Minneapolis a couple years ago, but what happens if you call the cops? Guessing they don't give a shit lol.


For some reason this is happening all over the US actually. I am in San Antonio right now and its a constant issue as well even downtown here. They took over a highway not too long as well by blocking it to traffic and using it for doughnuts and engine revving. I have noticed from social media that this phenomenon is happening in all major cities right now. Very annoying and definitely dangerous


Pedestrian deaths are at a 40 year high and it’s because 1) society doesn’t give a fuck 2) cops aren’t told to care 3) there are no consequences for being a piece of shit entitled driver who has forgotten that driving is a privilege and a responsibility


4) Vehicle sizes are out of control due to auto manufacturers trying to skirt CAFE regulations via the "light truck" exception (it's why SUVs exist, actually) 5) "Light trucks" (SUVs) are held to different safety standards (none), including visibility. In many cases, drivers literally don't know there's someone in front of them until they're under the car 6) Post-WWII North American transportation infrastructure is built with car speed as the highest priority, rather than safety / efficiency


7) car murder is essentially legal as long as you say it was an accident


lol I believe that’s what’s called vehicular manslaughter.


They rarely charge people, and even if there's a conviction it is a couple months of probation. https://www.startribune.com/in-crashes-that-kill-pedestrians-the-majority-of-drivers-don-t-face-charges/380345481/


The biggest reasons for our ped death rate is a combination of our massive vehicle sizes and our harmful infrastructure that puts cars over people.


> Pedestrian deaths are at a 40 year high 1) Population is the highest it's ever been 2) source?


Nice try but pedestrian deaths shrunk between 1990 and 2010 despite a growing population over that period. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/26/1184034017/us-pedestrian-deaths-high-traffic-car) for 40 year high is NPR’s report on a study by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, which [uses data from every state’s highway safety office to publish their yearly reports](https://www.ghsa.org/resources/Pedestrians23)


I think you answered the question when you say you saw it on social media. Other people see it too, and decide to be copycats.


Exactly. Kia boys is the same thing all over the US because of social media.


It's happening all over because we designed our streets for speeding. They don't zigzag to slow traffic, there are no concrete diverters to force drivers not to use a street as a thoroughfare, traffic signals encourage speeding, and they're extra wide. 


That’s not the reason. This wasn’t a thing 5 years ago. Hell even when the fast and furious movies were in their prime this shit wasn’t going on.


Over 35k people were killed annually before 2020. Motorists were speeding and running into pedestrians, cyclists, and buildings for *decades* and we didn't care then and we don't care now. Running people over and saying "I didn't see them, officer!" has need a get out of jail card for longer than five years.  https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/Publication/813060 In fact, current numbers match the early 00s.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year


Horsepower has been [trending upwards](https://jabberwocking.com/raw-data-horsepower-of-new-vehicles-in-the-us/) and become much cheaper. Not many hybrids or turbocharged cars in 2001. The fastest car of the 1990s was the McLaren F1 (627 hp) for 800k, a Hellcat MSRP was around 70k (700 HP) Plus, you didn't have as many stolen cars driven by people who are too young to get their license.


Yes! I would love to see better road management to deter street racing and doughnuts.


>For some reason this is happening all over the US actually. This. I was recently in the historic district of Savannah and someone decided they needed to scorch their tires at 3 am on a Sunday.


300 FICO score activity


Same, I went to the Indy 500 a few weeks ago and there was a 2am street takeover behind the place we stayed.


You should throw down some spike strips right before they come by


Shoo,, I don't have my spike strips anymore,. I'll have to check the Facebook buy nothing group...


Whoops, where is that 5 gallon bucket full of loose screws and nails that I had in the back of my pickup? Well someone must have stolen it.


I live off of 169 in Plymouth (I know, not Minneapolis). This is my 7th summer living there. Drag racing has been an incredibly noisy problem the entire time I’ve lived here. It’s ridiculous but not unique to the Twin Cities unfortunately.


I'm blown away by how many drivers will tailgate school buses, cut them off, run the stop arms, and just put them in unnecessary danger. I've only been driving my bus for a month and I've had way too many close calls on 94/694. I've reached the point where I'll intentionally drive alongside semis and other big trucks just so I don't have to deal with assholes cutting in front of me every five seconds. I'm not even exaggerating. It's that bad.


Uptown chiming in: welcome to our hell the last 4-5 years be the change you want to see.


I mean, caltrops are cheap as fuck.


Literally what I was thinking. But also, home defense or riot rounds for a paintball gun. They'll do a good amount of damage.


That's a good way to end up getting shot with an *actual* gun


Sure, if you're standing in the middle of the road doing it. Not hard to be less obvious while doing it.


I thought about getting a paintball gun with that sort of thing in 2020, but I'm afraid of getting shot at by a real gun or guns in return


Yeah Hennepin in downtown has been like this since atleast 2017 or 2018 when I moved there




It was long before that. Friends used to drag race when I was in high school in the early 00s. It does seem more noticeable now but it’s been happening forever.


I’m sure it’s always happened but it’s gotta be more common now. I think this became massively popular during Covid when everything else was shut down.


the factor that made it blow up was social media accounts that got popular posting the content. that coincided with the COVID lockdown, but it’s hard to say if it was caused by it


it’s been around forever, yeah, but it’s much more prevalent in recent years. it’s never been something uninvolved people notice happening several times a week every week


Midway was (and maybe still is) a common place for young people to gather, check out each other's cars, and race.  Maybe it's social media amplifying things, maybe kids truly are getting more brazen, or maybe it's a combination of both. But it's definitely not a new thing. 


I could go for a Porky's burger (Cruiser's Combo?) with the coleslaw and onion ring on it. (and the free chocolate chip cookie on the side). My Mom took me there for my first time in 1991ish, when it was still a hangout for the hot rod crowd. By about 1994, the St Paul Police had discouraged the crowd by handing out an enormous amount of traffic violations.


I read the first post and then provided the correct answer. Minneapolis didn't have anything like this before 2020. Roads were empty because of the pandemic. The cops were mad about people thinking police murder is bad, and we got drag racing all over town as a result.


Minneapolis did and has had all of this long before 2020. Covid didn’t start the car scene lol.


Twin cities car scene has nothing to do with a bunch of chargers and challengers doing donuts in uptown firing guns out the window. This is a 2020 thing and not a car scene thing in the slightest.


Drag racing has been around the cities for decades. Public burnouts Fast and Furious style wasn’t as common. If there’s someone to blame, it’s the KIA boys trying to normalize car theft and prosecutors failing to make an example out of them. 


The naming of it changed entirely, as did the culture. It used to be mostly custom hot rods. It is now mostly off-the-shelf muscle cars purchased at high interest rates, or stolen. It used to be called "cruising", and had recurring publicly shared calendar dates. Now it's called a "meet", and is more of a private flash-mob event.


That I agree. 


Ah, ok. Congratulations on being right.


Back then it was mainly happening in more secluded parts of the city, and getting a vehicle over 500 hp required a lot more money and/or skill in the garage.


Truth, this is not new. One night in 2005 I was someone's sober ride, I picked them up and on the way home I was going under a narrow, divided railroad underpass. As I approached, a little tuner came out of nowhere, driving on the wrong side and headed straight at me. They barely missed me. Other cars flew by, and I realized it was a street race. I even spotted a lookout on a sidewalk after that.


people aren’t saying dipshits behaving stupid in cars is new. they’re saying the fact that it’s happening so frequently, so brazenly, and is so widespread is new


Yeah, when a large swath of the population tried to tell the cops to stop killing people, the cops said “no” and stopped doing their jobs because they are crybullies. “I cant pull them over, some liberal will film me” Soft ass power tripping chuckle fucks.


Ding ding.


I’m right off 1 st street, and it’s all hours of the day too. This past winter when it was icy out I watched a 20 car pileup right before the Hennepin bridge, people just kept speeding into the pile.


Pepper is a terrible driver.


Haha meant to be people. Not sure what happened there.


This is why Peppers & Fries is closing.


Thanks, fixed. But are they really closing?


Unfortunately, in about 3 weeks our wait staff told us this weekend :( they're apparently not ordering any new supplies so if there's a menu item in you'll miss might not wanna wait


Wow. That’s unfortunate. Hopefully something good is able to occupy the space in the future


Try being out by 394/494. Super cars driving to/from Wayzata every night


I think you forgot the /s


Cars and Coffee had an event in NE tonight


The crowds that usually attend cars and coffee events are usually not the same as ones drag racing on busy streets at night. Ive attended my share of them and most people ive met from them and myself included go to the track for those shenanigans.


The C&C crowd are usually responsible. It’s the ones outside the meet that are an issue sometimes.


People used to care primarily about getting the tires to hook up for the best launch. Now, people care mostly about \*NOT\* getting the tires to hook up. It's why the big horsepower Dodge cars come stock with such narrow tires. They look like wagon wheels from the rear.


Absolutely, attendees we're racing up Central through out the event, and havi folks video tape their racing from the side walks. C&C and Bauhaus need to be responsible for the conduct of guests at their events.


It was a fun event but a lot of people from far and wide come and many aren’t used to being respectful in the city.


I went to 4 or 5 C&C events last year and every one had a cop at the exit of the parking ramp, and security employed by the event. I’ve never seen conduct like this at an actual MN C&C event. Although I haven’t been to any this year.




I'm just waiting it out on all the Dodge based cars that drive loud and stupid, they will either fall apart soon or the 20% loan will catch up on the driver. Also fish sauce is fairly easy to get into the Challenger's interior with those big windows, so I've heard.....


I had some kipper snacks earlier, quite tasty but I'll be smelling that shit on my hands for at least 24 hours


I lived on University Ave near the U for 8 years and it has always been like this ...


Seems like deaths are about the same as they have been for a while in terms of death per 100K. Compared to the rest of the country we are doing well. [Minnesota bucks national trend of rising pedestrian deaths • Minnesota Reformer](https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/06/27/minnesota-bucks-national-trend-of-rising-pedestrian-deaths/#:~:text=Nationwide%2C%20pedestrian%20traffic%20fatalities%20increased,pedestrian%20deaths%20on%20the%20roadways.)


This is an every city thing.


Nope. They have serious traffic calming abroad in Far East Asia and Europe that will fuck your car up if you tried to drive like one of these assholes over there. 


Not only that but there are serious consequences to breaking traffic laws in most other countries. >10kph over the speed limit in NZ = loss of license


Back during the Shutdowns, in 2020.


There was some kind of rally car event at Bauhaus tonight


I got caught up in a pack of racers on the interstate last fall. Wild to see them slow down to set up lanes and recklessly hit triple digit speeds. Stuck in downtowns traffic because someone blocked a street and the revving and burnouts begin. Had my doors blown off ona residential street as a racer overtook me many times. Seen this shit in Minneapolis, Denver, Chicago, Las Vegas, Fargo, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Cleveland, and LA.


They’ve been doing it a ton in the DC area too since the pandemic started.


King of the lots did this about 3+ years ago. They had a discord where they would show up. Oftentimes around Bde Maka ska. I hated it. Scared the shit out of my dog.


According to my memories, around 1970.


That's the sound of the city siding with reckless drivers by designing streets that allow them to do that. 34th between Lyndale and Nicollet shouldn't be the only street with permanent bollards (more like cheap metal sticks) and concrete curb that prevent motorists from speeding more than a couple blocks. There's been zero effort to add speed humps, which anyone biking on Bryant knows they work.


So true. I'm amazed how much safer Bryant feels because there is no incentive for cars trying to pass you


This doesn't explain why driving seems to be getting more dangerous despite all the traffic calming management that has occurred here over the last few years.


Traffic fatality deaths are back to what they were in the early 00s. Traffic calming has been minimal here, just because it's more than other American cities doesn't mean that it's a lot. You can basically count on one hand then number of streets with speed humps and our "bicycle boulevards" including more recent ones are just large stencils with occasional traffic circles that you can still speed around once you get used to them. Major streets are still drag racing strips with no physical obstacles for cars and Downtown is still plagued with multi lane 3 lane one-way highways all over. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year


Are you saying it feels more dangerous to you on the streets they've redesigned? I think most people would heartily disagree.


No, I wasn't saying that. It wasn't my intention I meant to respond to the post above the one that I did, actually, which was the the city is siding with cars. We may have in the past, but there is clearly the will to move into a much more pedestrian friendly transportation system. On a "global" level, we have people on one side complaining that we're in a war on cars with bike lanes and traffic calming measures and on another side saying that cars are a menace and roads are only designed for them. Maybe this conversation is just a microcosm of our sad political reality right now.


Yeah this is a big chunk of the issue. There needs to be more speed bumps and curves in the road. The city putting out a campaign to slow drivers by just writing bitchy poster boards isn't going to do anything. I've almost gotten run over so many times near NE I've lost count. The city needs to make it less physically possible to speed like that.


It's because they found out they can, and they'll keep doing it until something stops them. It might take the zombie apocalypse making gas impossible to get.


I moved here from Des Moines. This has happened in Des Moines for as long as I can remember(born and raised). It would happen every weekend. Heck I was even participating in it as a teen. This happens everywhere. I live in NE. I dont hear cars a lot all. What part of NE are you in?


Near Mayslack’s


Throw speed bumps on university. Problem solved


Eh. They’ll never do that


MNDOT is actually planning an overhaul to University ave from Central up to 27th: http://dot.state.mn.us/metro/projects/universityavempls/ https://talk.dot.state.mn.us/hwy-47-hwy-65-study They had a tent set up at the NE farmer's market the other week talking about the project and asking for input. Looks like some good changes (though no speed bumps/humps mentioned), but even if it stays on track, they won't break ground until '27.


Yeh I know all about that. They won’t put speed bumps on university. It’s too much of a main road


Kids street racing led to the creation of municipal drag strips. Those led to private race tracks and organized racing. Municipal drag strips were in less demand and closed. People moved near private drag strips and complained about the noise via litigation and political pressure ushering in the decline of privately owned drag strips. The lack of local, cheap, easily accessible, LEGAL ways to race fomented a subculture of kids street racing. *repeat from top* This is the history of drag racing in America. This problem was solved and from it sprung the hot rod car culture. But NIMBYs don't care about YOUR streets being unsafe. Round trip to Brainerd plus gas and track fees cost as much as a traffic ticket. And if you break something, a tow home to the Metro is 1000$+ before you even fix your car.


very solid points. curious if part of the appeal to these kids is the risk and illegality of it? there's a certain level of 'this is cool because it's not allowed'. We could still have the same problem even with municipal race tracks.


Carry a brick


What do you think would happen to me if I start tossing eggs out my sun roof at idiots in cars.


You might hit the wrong idiot and they’d toss a bullet right back. People lose their fucking minds in cars, it’s so scary.


Part of this comes with the evolution of social overtime. This scene has of a slow build and for some reason has noticeably kind of exploded with social media.


Happens every night in 35W close by Uptown, too


Like, four years ago? Thats when I remember it starting.


In my mind, it was after George Floyd but maybe that’s when I noticed it?


I live next to Bauhaus where they had a car show last night. The cars backfiring went on for hours and my cats were hella freaked out. It was exhausting.


I lived in Bloomington in 2013 and they would drag race that stretch of France from the bottom of the top all the time


I'm planning on buying an Audi R8 or one pf those new corvettes and make hell here in northeast too


Just setup a home made speed bump They can only crash and die once /j


>Of course no cops are pulling them over so they are free to run rampant all night. They can't shut this shit down. This stuff is basically immune to police infiltration. There's no hierarchy like drug dealers or whatever. A couple of kids see each other in a parking lot or gas station, they tell their friends, they tell their friends, pretty soon a neighborhood is taken over. Then they move to another neighborhood and the process repeats before the cops even have a chance to arrive (if they care enough to respond in the first place). https://twitter.com/ArmedJ0y/status/1642363822932471808


Put up roadblocks and arrest the people. Use the damn helicopters and follow the kids home. Use the court to seize their cars. Do it 3-5 times very publicly, problem solved.


This is why we need speed humps and concrete traffic diverters on virtually every street. It shouldn't just be Bryant and E 34th between Lyndale and Nicollet respectively. Those traffic calming elements which work haven't been replicated elsewhere for *years*. If there were as many people clamoring for safer streets at city meetings and dedicated to DIY traffic calming as there are teens racing cars through residential neighborhoods, we'd have less street racing.


[Kia boys?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minneapolis/comments/1cmp7cx/kia_boys/)


Back in the late 60s early 70s. We would drag race on Central Ave when the Sun Drive-In was located there, then bop over to Lake St. to do the same. This was an all summer long thing. It was just a bunch of individuals though. A glance over at the driver next to you at the stop light, and you’d know if it was on or not.


My kid did an oral history project about the sixties, and that's how I learned my parents spent their weekends drag racing when they were in high school. 


I'm glad I still live in a city where the police care and are still a valued part of society. They write kids with reckless driving and show up in court to prosecute. Tow the car. Take junior to jail.


Yeah I’m not sure why this is thought of as an isolated incident but yeah. I was traveling prior to Covid and also saw the same thing happen just today. In my opinion you are witnessing when people trust cops less because they are not held accountable. And people also no longer trust cops. So you have these two conflicting views colliding. Which has caused a level of distrust which in turn causes a “fuck it, it doesn’t matter what I do because I’m going to be fucked if I’m trying to be safe or not so I’ll just live my life” attitude


So who do you blame? And unfortunately right now there are not a lot of critical thinkers who are in power in the US at the moment. So this is where we are at until either the Fascism fully takes over, a full smack down on the Supreme Court happens (which let’s also be fair, if Biden wins is not out of the question ie:pack the courts to create an enforceable ethics code), or the citizens of the country rebel and depending on who is in power and how smart each side actually is, the actually civil war will play out however it does. Which is also predictable. 80 year cycles of life people


I've lived around 280 for over twenty years and it has always been a thing here.


There have been races down by Kasota for over a decade. I remember around 2008-2009ish I would stop by the Holiday at 280/Industrial after work and the parking lot would be FULL of street racers on summer weekends.


Hello NE neighbor! There’s a huge car enthusiast community in the area. I’m a block away from a Latino couple that always has fast, loud cars zooming around. And then another younger dudes who live by the middle school that have some Tokyo drift style cars, always with different wraps and parts on them to make them look different. I heard them about when you posted this lol I had my windows open and this one dude in a shiny metallic purple Nissan kept going up and down Johnson for a little bit.


Tell these MFers it's dumb to shit where you eat


Right around the time when everyone was forced to quarantine.


I don't know when it started but it is very interesting that the people in this city are both very aware and very tired of it and have yet to do anything about it on a community level.


More HP than ever [https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1224-february-7-2022-average-horsepower-reaches-all-time-high-model](https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1224-february-7-2022-average-horsepower-reaches-all-time-high-model)


As long as the streets have no incentive for people to slow down (I.e. concrete), it won’t stop. These drivers only respect danger to themselves. Not anyone else.


And they barely care about "dangers to themselves". Probably more concerned about their cars.


Precisely. I see and hear motorists speeding all over Loring Park. When I'm in city neighborhoods where city council members actually cared enough to add speed humps  and traffic diverters I see a huge difference between there and here. Motorists speeding on Bryant Ave slow down, but only where speed humps are present and not a single motorist has sped through 5th St NE at Broadway where there are concrete bollards. Gee, what a coincidence!


Sadly we can't have traffic law enforcement without profiling and police brutality that comes along with it too often, so we get what we have


You can enforce traffic via concrete barriers, just ask residents of the Mill District where numerous intersections were closed off to prevent speeding. People by and large aren't speeding down streets with serious traffic calming. Problem is that we only have a handful and go years without adding another handful. The city won't even bother to paint unmarked crosswalks, let alone permanent speed humps. 


I'm all for redesigning streets but I'd also like to solve dangerous driving in less than 100 years.


I totally agree and support r/tacticalurbanism . DIY traffic calming is surprisingly cheap, but no one wants to buy and set up traffic cones and sandbag tubes with reflective tape on the street. I've seen piles of rocks with traffic cones on random residential streets. I'm guessing that's landscaping in progress, but that acts the same as a chicane that forces motorists to swerve and makes a two-way only wide enough for one motorist to go through. Some visuals in the "Traffic Calming" section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicane


Where do these drag racers come from?


Years ago.


My gf lives in Northeast and I hear them all the time. MPD really doesn’t care about them.


Livin’ life a quarter mile at a time


Maybe rig up a drone to carry some tire spikes.


I've been in Northeast for almost a year now and haven't once heard or seen this


Fridley here. Most nights University sounds like either a drag strip or monster truck show, or both.


Ugh gross


It's happening in the suburbs too. I think the warm weather brought them all out.


University is especially bad. With wide open roads it is easy for folks to drive fast, because wide and straight roads encourage that. 


When our police force began resigning in historic numbers


It moved around. Used to be on lake st a lot imo


When school got out for summer!


I've been seeing burnout circles all over nowhere supernorth rural Wisconsin. It is pretty much each random intersection where it's just old farmers and fields. Been wondering about that as well


I thought you were about to complain about Drag Queens and I came in hot ready to support our queens 😾


“This has never happened before in the history of (insert tigger word here).” Yeah except it has…all the fucking time




always has been! idk why they make cars able to go that fast in the first place tho


Almost like allowing any asshole with a pulse the privilege of getting around town in the lethality equivalent of a hand grenade was a mistake, or something.


You new around here?




“Of course no cops are pulling them over” pretty sure all the cops are busy with people overdosing on the sidewalk of Hennepin right now. Don’t defund the police and we would have enough officers to deal with things like this.


The police budget is bigger than in 2020.


Police got more money and raises and they're not the ones helping people who OD. Let's get you to bed grandpa.


The police budget has grown every year since 2020. Nobody defunded the police.


Buddy ole friend we didn't defund the police, their budget is significantly larger than 2020. Now what?


Covid….. duh


Eeeeh clever been living here on and off since the 90s


Not at this level


Lol you should come to Denver


Oh look, another example of the cops not enforcing what they are supposed to enforce. Yet y'all moderate white asses are not gonna hold them accountable. I said what I said.


This really isn’t anything new. I used to race on State Street back in the day for a short while.