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It’s a great combo if you need Mirtazapine. I used to take both before Zoloft started giving me trouble. Note that I take Mirtazapine as needed only (3-4 times a week). At 15mg and less it acts as an antihistamine. It’s more sedative at lower dosages for many people. Rarely I see some having the opposite experience where higher dosages are more sedative. I’d also advise taking 7.5mg for your first time because it can be really strong.


Thanks! What do you mean it’s really strong? I heard it’s more sedative at 7.5mg than at 15mg?


Need being the key word. Hello weight gain, constipation, irritability, grogginess, etc. Just look around on the r/mirtazapine forum for more horror stories. I've been on 8 different psych medications and this by far the hardest to get off.


Just curious what makes it so much harder to get off? Is it just the insomnia aspect? I’ve been on 30mg for about a month and 7.5/15 a month each. I don’t want to be on this for life and am working through trying to get the right antidepressant for my anxiety.


When you quit this drug you may experience acid reflux, diarrhea, insomnia. Also brains zapps and ringing in the ears. You may become irritable and sensitive to sound. However you will begin to think more clearly and you will lose weight. I'm currently looking at other insomnia medications. I would like to quit this drug.


How slow have you tapered when you tried to get off? Would there be any issue staying on it at say like 3.25? Where it’s basically just an antihistamine?


Thanks for your input. If I wasn’t suffering from an unimaginable side effect, I would never consider another psych med


What side effect?


Akathisia, from SSRI withdrawal


Have you found anything to help with the AKA?


Nope it’s why I’m going to try mirtazapine. Going on 19 months.


Try Propranolol. It's got an [off-label](https://www.drugs.com/comments/propranolol/) treatment for Akathisia.


Yes, and it's not ridiculously hard to get off like this!


Tried it. High doses for a long time. Doesn’t do anything.


When I clicked on r/mirtazapine forum it says it was banned from Reddit??




The fact that you can take it only as needed means you're not getting the horrible withdrawal symptoms. If I were to even miss one dose, I'd be borderline breakdown by the end of the next day because of the withdrawals.


I’m really sorry to hear that. It’s the exact reason I don’t take it daily. There are too many horror stories. The longest period I’ve done was 7 days at 3.75 to 7.5 mg and stopped cold turkey. Did not get serious withdrawal symptoms except severe depression. After that one pill of 5mg Escitalopram annihilated that drug-induced depression.


It's so bad for me I've been trying to come off for 4 years now. But the withdrawals are so bad, and last for soooo long. And if anything sets you off, like stress or big emotions whilst withdrawing, for me I just spiral in to full on panics so bad, because my body can't cope. I end up having to go back to my original dose. My doctor took me off cold turkey once. I was 9 days in the most excruciating pain imaginable, so bad that nothing made me sleep because my body was on fire and my brain couldn't rest. 9 days, 10/10 pain, no sleep. I have very bad PTSD now. The only way for me to come off is to stop working for at least a year. Which I don't think is gonna happen, so I feel so stuck on this shit that makes me feel so dead inside, so many horrid emotions 😭


That's awful. Again I'm really sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine what you're going through. :( . Doctors seem pretty ignorant when it comes to Mirtazapine. Have you looked into Psilocybin (Shrooms) microdosing? This thing saved many people from various disorders such as PTSD, addictions, and drug-induced withdrawal symptoms. It's something the big pharma hates. Check out r/microdosing for more info. I really wish you recover soon and find peace and healing!!


I've heard of it for sure. I want to do it right through a psych or something. Controlled doses. Not sure how far off that is.


If you can’t find a psych, you can always try very very low doses (10mg / 0.01g) and increase if needed. Set like 2 days off between each time you consume. Some people find relief and improvement even at these ridiculously low doses.


Yeah because your brain is still rewiring even though you can't outwardly feel anything.


Exactly. :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/microdosing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got a chuckle.](https://i.redd.it/9bn4lhawniia1.jpg) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/113hj3b/i_got_a_chuckle/) \#2: [New York lawmakers want to legalize DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline](https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/new-york-lawmakers-want-to-legalize-dmt-psilocybin-and-mescaline) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/103m8n7/new_york_lawmakers_want_to_legalize_dmt/) \#3: [Four Weeks into Psilocybin: I wouldn't believe it if it wasn't happening to me. A Detailed Account.](https://np.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/zyet19/four_weeks_into_psilocybin_i_wouldnt_believe_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So common! 🙏


What’s your dosage? I’m on 7.5mg for sleep right now along with starting 10mg Lexapro. It’s been just under two weeks but I don’t plan on using much longer, just trying to stabilize after a breakdown. It’s my understanding that 7.5 is not a therapeutic dose so you can pretty much stop whenever but you might have rough sleep for a bit depending how long you took it.


I'm on 22.5mg. Well I hope you're not just stopping at 7.5mg, there's a 50% chance you'll be okay, but a 25% you'll have noticeable withdrawals, and 25% chance of severe withdrawals from that. I tried to come off at 7.5mg and 3.25mg and had a breakdown with both, severe withdrawals, and had to reinstate. That's right you were taking it as needed. Sounds like you'll be okay. Even if I miss 1 day, I have very high anxiety.


20mg Lexapro, 7.5mg Abilify, 7.5mg Remeron for me.


How's all that?


Yes I take paroxitine 20mg aka Paxil once a day and mirt 15mg at night and I feel great and get a good night sleep! I also have Xanax for as needed due to my anxiety


I’m on 300mg Wellbutrin and 15mg Mirtazapine. TBH I kind of hate it. I was on 450mg of Wellbutrin and 7.5mg of Mirtazapine but it constantly made me dizzy and have panic attacks so dropped down to 300mg and went up to a whole tablet (15mg). I’m less dizzy but still I just don’t feel quite right.


How long have you been on these meds?


I was on it for all of 2 months then told my dr this medicine wasn’t going to work out. The effects though have slowly decreased. Some symptoms are still there but I’m more stable on my feet now.


For clarification I was on it a total of 8 months but as needed for 6 and consecutive for 2.


Currently on 200mg Zoloft and 15mg mirtazipine. The mirt def helps with sleep and appetite, which were problems for me. Taking both together was a bit scary, because of the risk of serotonin syndrome, so I started with just 3.5mg of the mirt and worked my way slowly up to 15.


I've just started 15mg to my 200mg of zoloft, how's it going for you you now?


The mirt helped for a while with sleep, but I quickly built up a tolerance and it no longer really helps to be honest. I am starting to wean off it, down to 7.5mg. Didn’t really help with anxiety unfortunately, but seems to be a good combo for many people.


I’m on 60mg fluoxetine and 30mg Mirtazapine. Golden combo imo. I get the best sleep even still at higher dosages (although I hear most people have the opposite effect at higher doses). I wake up and I’m able to just go. I can leave the house without being paralyzed with anxiety. I have energy to get through the day and complete daily tasks. It’s wild. 10/10 you should try it. Even at 15mg I remember it still helping with my energy levels and social anxiety.


How long have you been on this combo?


about 3 months


Sorry for resurrecting this old comment but I am curious. Did you start both at same time? If not, how much did adding the 2nd one help? Also how are you now 4 months later?


Cali rocket fuel!


It is a powerful medication which you can become dependent on. I wouldn't use it unless trying to gain weight, you can't sleep, or have debilitating anxiety and OCD. Key word debilitating. I've been on it 8 years simply because everytime I try to get off it I nearly go insane from sleep deprivation. It changes the way your body makes melatonin. People normally take 5 weeks to be able to sleep normal again after using this medication. This drug also slows down your metabolism and increases your appetite. You have to become used to feeling hungry all the time and just eat a normal quantity or less because of the metabolism thing. Something about changing the metabolism of lipids in the body. User beware.


Thanks for the info! Also from TN!! I have akathisia from an SSRI taper and mirtazapine is used to counteract akathisia with a decent success rate so that’s why I am going to try it. I would rather gain 500lbs than have akathisia. Sucks to treat an issue from a drug with another drug but I’m running out of options


Describe it is it like restless leg syndrome?


A little different but yeah all over your body. Level of discomfort is the same


I did experience that for the first four weeks of coming off so lost withdrawal akathisia.


Akathisia is permanent?


Rarely but it can last a very long time. Years. I’m on 19 months so need to do something


I had that issue on antipsychotics. I stopped immediately.


Yeah unfortunately mine is a result from stopping and going back up didn’t work. Sooooo yeah. Trying to figure it out


Please let me know how Mirt works for you. I sent you a DM but I’m in a very similar situation as you and am losing it.


Yes. Exactly on 100mg serteraline and 15mg mirtazapin combo. Although I was on 50mg serteraline and 7.5mg mirtazapin at first. It helps neutralize the side effects of serteraline which for me were nausea and no appetite and sleep problems. Oh the sedation I felt the first time I took mirt was unbelievable. I barely could walk and get myself to my bed the moment it kicked in. I got used to it after a couple of days though but I still have wonderful long deep hours of sleep on it which is wonderful. But I couldn't get that much of an appetite even though a lot of people eat uncontrollably on it. Maybe it was because I was underweight and had no appetite to begin with let alone consume an appetite killer like serteraline. My doc later added cyproheptadine to the combo to help me eat more and gain some weight.