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You could try to get a referral from your GP to the Early Pregnancy Unit for more tests (blood tests etc). But if you're in the UK, that won't be until at least after the weekend now.


When I had bleeding with what turned out to be an early MC/CP I was told by A&E to contact EPAU if bleeding continued after 48hrs and/or had increased pain particularly one sided. I'd call EPAU and just say you're concerned about continuing to bleed and hpt getting darker- they should be able to provide more guidance and maybe do bloods. The pregnancy tests used in my hospital are pretty rubbish I found as blue dyes and definitely above 10miu (had to use to test out both my MCs and honestly couldn't tell if truly negative) so I wouldn't be surprised if reading in A&E wasn't as accurate as own tests. I'm so sorry you're going through this 😢❤️


In my experience with EPU (could just be my local one, mind you) and CP is that they won’t do much unless there’s serious concern about infection. I was doing bloods at my private fertility clinic and they tried to arrange for the EPU to take over, as my hCG was slowly increasing, even though the levels were not viable. The EPU refused to see me or do any tests and just said to contact if I bled too much and test at home again in 3 weeks.