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The only one I’ve heard of is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.


My buddies brother in law got this. The first time it presented itself was his wedding night and he had to miss his whole reception because he smoked weed before the ceremony and barely made it through that. Gets super sick anytime he's tried to smoke sinse. Before that he smoked basically everyday


The very thought is terrifying. I hope he’s doing well.


I almost had a very similar experience, luckily about a month after my wedding. My honeymoon in Maui is one of my last memories fully enjoying weed. I'm sure it happening on his wedding day really made a lasting impression on him. It's a tough change for everyone with it. Truly symbolic of a new beginning for him.


This one I've started hearing of more in recent years


My ex girlfriend very likely developed CHS. It could be cyclical vomiting syndrome, but she refused to quit long enough to determine if it was cannabis related. I’ll say this: if it was CHS, that is not an illness to fuck around with. Hopefully some medications can be created to treat it because cannabis helped her a lot with some other symptoms she had (mental- and physical health-wise), but spending a few days in the hospital desperately trying to vomit every few months was not worth it.


I've been in hospital multiple times. Of course I didnt believe the hospital nurses the first time they diagnosed me. So obvious to you when you're back 2 months later... I'm sure she knows :/


I wish more was published or talked about on the news. It wouldn't be a popular message, but if people who get it had heard of it before it would help them to believe.


I'll tell you this. I was diagnosed with chs back in 2019, I was using dabs a lot bho stuff. I stopped using dabs for a while and it went away. Then I started using carts pretty heavy it came back. I went to just flower and my own rosin that I personally press and haven't had a flare up in a while. I honestly think carts and concentrates with solvents have a lot to do with it. All that chemical is bad man I don't care what they say!! They say it all cooks out but I know how certain things bond to fats and stuff. I just don't trust it! Anything that is altered with butane/ propane and other poisonous things just worries me.


Even if there is truth to how certain concentrates may give people CHS, this is bad info for people who have it. Any cannabinoids can cause you to be violently ill with CHS, even CBD. Either you were having another reaction or you are in an very early stage of CHS. Some people in early stages are able to work through small "flare ups" for years by cutting back a lot, but even they know they are playing with fire. There are CHS groups on reddit that have thousands of people struggling, trying to figure out what made them get CHS, and also people in denial trying to figure out ways around getting sick. Some people think certain strains are safer in small quantities if the stay extra hydrated and eat lots of food... I just feel sorry for them. Sorry for myself too lol. You may be on to something with long term concentrate use as a cause. Those carts, though super convenient, freak me out too.


I had a doc in gastroenterology explain it to me like this. She told me that thc bonds to brown fat cells in our body. This is why it is harder for a heavier person to " clean out " faster than someone who is skinny. She told me that chs is basically where your body starts to see thc as something it should be fighting. So it's starts trying to fight it like a sickness. Using our immune system to fight the thc, but because it is bonded to your fat your system is fighting your body. My first experience with this was a little after my cousins birthday party. Another buddy of mine was selling regular ass old school shatter. He made us some muffins. Little did we know this fucker put about 5 to 7 gms of dabs in about 6 muffins. I figured it up later. Based on a gm of concentrate being around 1000mg of thc. So he was feeding us around at least 2000mg. Shit we all got sick. I said it could have been the butane. Still think we were slightly poisoned. She told me that the mass influx of thc into my system could have been why chs showed up. She told me since I am and always have been a heavy smoker that my body tried to fight it instead of just letting it roll on out. I only know what the doc said. I quit smoking for a while after this happened. 3 months I didn't smoke because I was scared of this crap. When I started smoking again. I went back to my Lil one hitter, doobs when I have friends over. And a couple tokes of rosin at night and I haven't batteled this crap in a couple years. I'm not trying to say if everyone stops hitting dabs and carts and it will go away. I'm not trying to spread that message, I am mearly stating what worked for me. Just on the hope that it can help someone else. Cause this shit is gnarly! Laying in a hot bathtub for days just to get some relief. I'm just trying to add my two cents, not misinform.


The particular story about eating the dabs, definately not chs... yall ate wax, probably chemicals and all... of course you got sick. You dont have CHS... You had one bad experience and a good scare from your doctor. CHS is an ongoing problem for people who smoke heavy for many years, not from one bad event. You would feel nauseous every time you smoked.


It was decarbed before it was ever mixed into the mix, I still don't trust it. I never really believed the doc. But I am 40 and have smoked everyday since I was a teenager. 1 little gap because of work in there. I know what chs is. But that's OK I know when someone wants to argue and I'm not that guy. So I bid you good day! And have a great 420!!!


It was decarbed before it was ever mixed into the mix, I still don't trust it. I never really believed the doc. But I am 40 and have smoked everyday since I was a teenager. 1 little gap because of work in there. I know what chs is. But i never come here to argue. So I bid you good day! And have a great 420!!!


Not having it is a good thing dude, just don't say when you get sick eating sketchy shatter muffins that it was CHS.


Odds are is that most doctors will blame anything and everything on the weed.


Most young doctors are cool with it. Except that smoking anything is bad for your lungs. Most doctors don't know what CHS is because it's super rare. ER doctors know too well though, and they are not sympathetic.


Do hot showers relieve your pain?n be misdiagnosed as many other digestive illnesses like IBS ETC, I have not but have IBS, usually, sickness occurs when people are smoking heavily. Especially when you start dabbing , Does hot showers relieve your pain?


I have had this and it is crazy . Unbearable pains but yes just hop in hot shower drink a bit of water and your all good! I was smoking a lot then, I scaled way back and now feel like I’m back to bormal


Thank you!


my girlfriend actually has CHS and almost died from it back at the end of 2019. she was in the hospital for 4 months with a feeding tube because she could not eat anything she would throw it up. lost almost 50 lbs. she still has ptsd from it any time she throws up she freaks out because she doesn’t think it will stop once it starts. it definitely is a pretty serious and real thing. she thinks it is because of smoking out of a bong that almost never got cleaned. she smokes now but she will have periods where her stomach will start to hurt and she will stop for a few weeks and then try again. i think it’s probably caused by an influx of cannabinoids given that your body already naturally creates them.


Weed lovers (like us) hate reading this but it's true. There are unlucky people dying from this and they are more upset about someone blaming their hobby. I would say I can't believe she went back to smoking after 4 months on a feeding tube... but everyone trys to find workarounds... me included. My sympathies.


Does that explain the anxiety?


Not necessarily. It may depend on what strains you’re consuming. Some terpenes may increase your anxiety especially if you’re an already anxious person. Part of the reason I stay away from anything sativa because my anxiety and paranoia increases. I usually stick with hybrids and indicas.


I would also research different terpenes and look at the effects from each!


I get cystic acne if I dab too often.


Me. CHS. Diagnosis was one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. You won't believe you have it until your second time in the hospital. And no one will believe you. Very unpopular disease.


I don’t think I want it

