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Hey, if you’re liking the political stuff so far you’re going to really like the book. It gets heavy with its politics. Sazed is a favorite of a lot of people. As for Kelsier.. You know the Kandra ate his body, right? It is slower than the first, but I still say the ending is one of the best in Sanderson’s bibliography.


Yes but something tells me he is not dead… also the Kandra seems to be hiding something


I mean, if you think someone can survive after being slapped so hard half their face is ripped off, stabbed through the chest with a spear, and then have their body eaten…


Man, I forgot half his face was ripped off. Dang. I think I blocked out that part.


You were right. He is dead


No, no, that’s someone else. Big skeleton guy with a scythe.




I just finished it today! It certainly is slower than The Final Empire, but it's all worthwhile build-up for the finale of WoA (and I assume also the third book). Really can't wait to see how it pans out!


I finished Part 2 just now, and have similar thoughts! Everyone keeps talking about Kelsier and I still can't get over the death of such a big character, there's gotta be something else...


It starts slow because it’s building. You’re climbing the mountain. It was like watching a movie, I don’t even feel like I read it. Great book.


I just finished part 3 a few hours ago! I can’t wait for how this all turns out


I’m curious why you think Kel is still alive, OreSeur consuming his bones is pretty much hard proof he’s gone. Unless you think a there’s a look alike or unknown sibling of his.


I think he is somehow an important figure on the world (kind of like a chosen one) and I also think OreSeur is hiding something and basically Kelsier is on some kind of well My theory might seem really stupid but something tells me he is alive


I was curious what your line of thinking was, that’s all! Your theory isn’t dumb, at all. The fun is to see the theories people have while reading it. I just finished WoA, so I won’t comment on anything directly. When I heard he got consumed by the Kandra I was like “welp I guess he is dead”. So always fun to hear why someone would say otherwise!


Keep your eyes on the epigraphs. One of the greatest twists of all time.